The county record. [volume] (Kingstree, S.C.) 1885-1975, February 07, 1901, Image 4

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Tlpe (Emitrig licroril; published every thursday at ejngstkke, s. c. C. W. WOLFE, Editor and Proprietor. GEO Sw B RR, Associate EIOTOR. i'KKMS. 6TBscan?Tio?: raves. One vi'iiv. ?? )< > r, ? ? $l.Ca.' On? c <f \. siv month*. - - - ,r?y. One cony, thice months. - - < 8uhs?'i*iptioiis payable in advance. advertisin : nAtjjss: One inch, first insertion. $1.00: each J subsequent insertion. 50 cents. Obitl'-j arics and Tributes of Respect over 103; words charged for as tejjular advertise- , uiHitrt. Liberal reduction on advertis-j ojade for three, six and twelve j months' contract". ?v.f sivfimnni!iod ' t>v the real name and address of ths v riter in order to receive attention. No I vouiinunicntiou of a personal nature; <\ ill be published except as an adver- j tiisetnent. Address nil letters and make all drafts j payab.e lo| C. W. Wolfe, Kinjjstree. S.C. I !* J J 1 11 THURSDAY. FEBUARY 7, 1901. AUDITOR H. Z, HANNA. Iu quick succession some of our, besl-aud most useful citizens are passing away. Only a few days ygo v,e announced the death ol Itfr. l>yrd. To-day it is our rael- j ancholv duty to chronicle the! death ot Mr. H. Z, Ilanna, auditor of this county, a citizen and pub-! lie official held hi the highest es-' teem by every one who knew bis character and worth, tie died at bis home January 31,1901, at t he j age ol 02 years. Ilis death was I very sudden and unexpected. He! was in bis office on Monday previous to his deajh,.aud as was his ; wont,he was bright, cheerful and aeeommodalinjutf the ! " .^-\i>ifr*KJTi oj^ hart '(ffice. Not of sickness or disease was discernible in Ins counteuance 01 bis well-knii lonn wben he bale bis; Irieadsgood bye here for tlje last; time. T.uesdav ho went to Charleston and returned Wednesday even->j ing, and was apparently. well upi i-k tup fimp hp wis atlacked bv*! the laial stroke,, wiiichi ended his | existence in twenty minutes. lie- j tween the hpurs of 1,2.and l-o'clock i 'ihursdav night he auoKe and i complained ti/si of his head, hnrf-j ing him,and. a.tew minutes after-! wards of a naif) at his heart, item-.; cdies were applied bj'bis family qs q^iick ns possible, but,.without j iiis. saying another. >vordv the; breath of life p:u?sed> front hfr?j j forever. S My. Ilanua, native of ibis county and lived here all his lije.! hew citizens, if anys ever lived a more upright life and one that! elicited more of public confidence and esteem. Hfe loved, his country and lis history and traditions,) and was even ready ta.uphpld and; defend its good uafiie against all; foes. He was a man of liberal educa-i tion,. inlei'i&eiit and weli intorin kJ, with, a superb capacity lor transacting business which re-! quired the usa Ql ihe pen or the' use of figures. This capacity was recognized by his. fellow-citizens,and by their voles 1iq. was elected to.the office of county auditor successively lor eighteen years, for the two last terms without opposition. No public officer lhat Williamsburg county has ever had was better qualified, and none lias1 given more unjyjersal satisfaction, j Uis work was. always neat and. correct, and lie enjoyed lhe confidence and approval of his superior J in office in the depart ment of, government to which he belouged.: His place wi! 1. be hard to fill. Mr. Hanna was a Confederate soldier, fU\?.served. his country bravely, % I land well during the war between ! the States. 1 Socially, he was modest and rej tiring inftis intercourse with the people, but kind and sympathetic ; io all .in distress or want. A man jot'pleasant personality, oJ stern j and inflexible integrity, courteous I a * d true in his friendships lie attracted around him Tbe^t elef ! I- 1 > men! o< society, which nevei failed Jo approeinie. Mr. li'mma married vll^ Mary J*i., oniv daughjterotlhe Jale Robert .YicFuddeu, of this county. She and ten children, six sons and lour daughters, survive him, all but one being grown uj>. He was a member of i he Indiantown Presbyterian 'church and also a member of the Masonic order. Ills death is lamented by the people of the whole comity, with whom we profoundly and sorrowfully joir our sympathy lor t!je loss of this good, noble, true and useful man and public servant. Hon. Geojge D. Tillman, adectionatilv known over the State by his admirers a? '"Lucie George," died last Saturday at his home, Clark's Hill, in Edgefield county, at the advanced age of seventy two years. Throughout along and use ful carper he excited an influence! that will live after him. A true son of his beloved State, he served her with zeal and devotion at home and m national affairs. In George 1) Tillman South Carolina loses one ol its most valued and patriotic citizens, whose death is universally deplored. \ We are glad that the legislature has fc^Jit to double the appro priation for t lie old Vetera lis. Tiiev are last passing awav. The The scythe of time is more deadly than Yankee bullets and their ranks are rapidly thinning out. It is raeet and proper that those who survive should be to some extent cared lor by the 8tate in; whose service they fought for four long years. Legislative Matters. A bill passed Tuesday to increase the pension fund Irom $100, 000 to $?00.000. A bdl to re neat the income to tax law was ktf led, last week. The bill to elect connfy dispense rs by the people kas been in-. Family BVi Sough Honey. ~ Kidney * Backache CURE, ft! AAtJ nrirl I innr oiyuu dim LivGi Remedy and Nerve Tonic: great Blood Cleansing Remedy for Spring, aeadaciies, Constipation."Tired," Nervous. Dyspepsia Cure n a # eoiden hoiio? St.Vitus* Dance 1 Ask your druggist for Almanac for 1901 co: Certificates of tfie most reuarkabl< For Sale by Dr. W. V. BKOC ! definitely posponed* Hon. T, B. Gourdin, ol this countv, has two bills pending in I -- l A .- ~ ? U ilie nouse;* m prwumn uic holding of two offices, and another .... | to make ineligible to the office of representative a member of a corporation or an attorney lor a cor; poraiioti. A bill 'o repeal the ami lYee pas: law has been introduced both in t' e house a i *! senate. The t.iil to exempt si-ninate^ ( of '.lie S L' Medical college jiixseri the senate 'I m sda.v right. it Ik s ; now passed both houses. Election of Dispenser. Notice is hereby given that the ! County Board of Control will meet on j Monday. F*bruarv II, ro elect a dis! pen?er for the Kii.gstiee di?i>ensary. I All applicants must be prepared tu ! pi ve t>ond. It. A MI'ltPIl V. S M. McCLARY. County Board ol Control. * Teachers Examination. By order of the State Board of Education. the next tegular examination |ot applicant" for 'teachers' certificates ! will 1)0 held at King*tree, S\ C., on IT 1QAI l.nt ti'ui. r* t )|^ BmiPJ /\f I rnrilrtij l" '"-"..Winn,, L.V : 10 a* in., and 5 p. m. Trustees and applicants for schools ! will please regard the law relating to | the employment of teachers related i either l?y blood or marriage to one or i more of the trustees. I Certificate* from other counties arc i not valid in rhi? county until accepted ! by the Count> Board, j ! will be in my oflice Saturdays and first Mondays "f each month. WILLIAM COOPER 7-14, Co. Supt. of Education. . Wanted. 10.000 cords of pood hickory to he delivered at Rowesville and Denmark, S, C. For particulars, address JOHN F. SIMMONS, Dec. 0, 3 mo. Rowesvlll". S. C. Notice. The County Boa id of Pensions will hold their final meeting on the 11th day of February. A. I>. 1901. All parties iate.e Ved will please take notice. II II. KINDER. Clerk of Hoard. Jan. 2S. 1901. 2t. Notice of Discharge, i Notice i, hereby given that I will ?pply t<> the Judge of Prolwte for Wil-1 liamshurg eounty on Monday tlie 4th day of March I!H)1 for letters of Dual discharge as Guardian of Addie A. Huggin^. K. E. IIUGGINS. Guardian. it, .Jan. 31, Feb. 7-14-21. Notice. AH persons holding claims against the Estate of James M McC ar-y. deceased. will present the same to undersigned, and :i!l persons indebted to said estate will make pavn ent to Mks. S. E. McCLARY. Feb 7 4t Qu.-ilitied Executrix. Notice. The Comity Commissioners ot Wfl- j liamsbur^ arid Florence counties will meet Mt Nrantou on Tuesday. February 26 at 11 n. m. to determine the boundaries of exempted portions of tile i above mentioned counties. B..?. (.'HANDLER, j County Supervisor. iedicines. For Coughs, Colds, Grip, or "Cold" in ANY PART of body. ' Mich.. Sept. 27. 1000. J For a whole year J could do no work and j walked only by holding on to a chair. I doc- i tored with four dUTereut physicians butro- I coined no relief. The use of two bottles of , ??_ r. tti onra i XJl. xcimei a aiuudji o-uu . gave mo a perfect cure. J. M. McKiNNKr. ; Geneva, Crawford Co.. Pa.. J uuc 18, 1900. Three years ago I had a aovoro attack of ; Erysipe las and blond u>iBt>a, breaking out on i my head and face. My physician attended i me for several moatbs without result. 1 then I took 3 buttles of Dr. Fenner's Blood and Liver Remedy and Nerve Tonic and scoured | aciuupletocure. Frank Hark man. MidducBoro. ley., Sept. 7. I'JCO. My, wife has suffered long with dyspepsia, j l-tried all of the pepsin preparations and all j of my own prescriptions wmiout aviin. 1 flually proscribed Dr. Fenner's Dyspepsia Cure and tho use of It effected a cure. Many ; other similar oases that have come under my observation have been cured by his I?ys- j popsia Cure. Dr. ?. J. Lehanoood. ] My Doar Dr. Fcnrun.-Frudoaia, N? V. I have used Dr. Fenner's Golden Relief for many years for tho diseases and accidents | for which It Is advertised and havo found it i fully (siuul to all you claim for It. J. BOYD ESPY, Presiding Elder M. E. Church. Used for Cuts, Bruises, Burns, Old Sores. Sprains, Colds, Grip, Sore Throat, Colic, Dysentery, Bowel Troubles, it is unfailing, i Airon, Ohio, Jar. 1,1900 . M. KB.VNER, ? donia. X Y. o hare *old mas* Serena of your St. Vita** Duniv ific and every ca.>-. aaa bwn. cured hy It. It has proved aaiog here." alle>'-fxark pruo CO. a tain lug descriptions of the Remedies and ) cores ev?r achieved by medicine.. KINGTON, Kingstrcc, ir V 'T" V'WT IT. < Vir>t,b.v purchasing your IIomm, i>ug <? d, in uoin^r r at you be v :benp? I Third, you tret bette. vuiuesubr your nothing but what we make good sent ?tiou. ! We have just received a car load of th | OLINA HFtiClES, which we arerai I a carload of the renowned one and ' v we thank vou for yaur liberal pat | you good treatment in future busiaes rtce Hawkins on Court House Squ Thomas <2z I KINGSTREK, I j We enter the new year with feelii and in order to make room Spring and Sui We will nel! for, the next thirty SHOES. HA Afen's eind E At extremely low ] We also have a few COMFORTS and Hardware ar We are prepared to nfler yon bett than eewr before, and our.stock ofgnx Co toe and be convinced that we s cle sold, for they must come up to our ? * j i Always yours 10 piease, W. T. W GREAT BAR ?OF nv^RniiATS i E u Sw ^ CLOSING OUT CUKEN'fJHE OVERC< To Make Room fc Prices Marked Down $2 to Don't Let this < Julia Marlowe Shoes. KVKKV I'AIU Gl Shoes of Every Our 1.00 Ladies Sh ALL LEATHERGAGG, OLIV Dealers in Genen KINGSTRI n - i o a i/O YOU own ft jj'jioc. turn jjtrt q Biggie Horn' Book. Price, 50 cents.; Wilnier Atkinson Co.. publishers, 1 Philadelphia, Pa j ? - Biggie 1 forse Book contains more j ^ ' horse sense" than many* volsracs-C ten times its size. It tells all about breeds, about feeding and watering, t about stables and road management.!' of whims and vices, of harness, of ; diseases nail remedies, of breeding; t\f {' icolt education, of shoeing, and in-Js | deed it covers the whole subject io ajC concise, pruelial and intt resting man- j- * nor. It uoutavi* 128 pages, u pro- " fusely a-tid beautifully illustrated, j. and handsomely bound in cloth. t? I Every man or woman who drives- a ' horse should have a copy. The p'iceisoO cents, by wail; address j, the publishers, Wilmer Atkinson Co., Philadelphia.. t 1 :>mr: am) (*i:t it. \V Ml.,- ..(J ?*. r of u.s tliao -where. hnI'd earned drli.-.i's a* we s?*! 1 ,f it does not t . ' up to our rcpre- ' le famous HOCK MILL and ("A It>I<!Iy sell in r at cyclone price*. ALo vo horse AUBURN WAGONS, roauge in the past, and promise A, are. lie will treat you right. Braaiiam, s. c ucerK3.e3n.tigs of graiitude to our customers, i for our large stock of nmer Goods, days our immense st-oek of TS, CAPS, Soys' Pants, prices for cash. RLAXKET8 to close out Grocaries. or bargains in farm implements erics is always fresh nnd complete, turn! squarely behind every nrtircpresentation in every reaped. ILKINS. GAIN SALE 3BBSBBSBBT LINE OF CLOTHING AND y ir Spring Goods $4?-Regardless of Co .t Chance go by. Battle Axe Shoes. ' I I) l MTL'L' F1 ViV?Ul I liiiU* Description. oe is Guaranteed -LOOK AT IT. ER & CO., al Mprrh^nrlici^ ^ 1 I ? W I I W* 1 I w V/ | EE, S. C, 'mm 8 Seslsrn fig. PASSENGER DEPART.MEXT. 'ime table lu effect January 1, 1001. WESTWARD. Daily Ex. Daily. Sunday. rcorgctown 4.00pm. m ,ane? ?8 00am .V21pm F 'harlwion l.Ooam b.vOpm. J u inter .....9 40am ^ lolumbia ll.OOaiu "Imvnce 9.30am 7.33pm '(irfdlli f? I.'TIIH Id'&im eWwakd. (eorgetown JO 30am 8.20pi?: ,a ties 8.40a m 7.00. ra 'haflfslou 7.00am 4 13pm muter f?.8*pin oijtmbia 4.13pm. 'lorence 3. OOain 'or folk O.OOnni 2.3Cpm Connections made at Lanes w ith Atintir ('oast trains amKatGeorgeivii with all steamers on i'eo Dee. Hack ami Waecamaw rivers, ineluilifcjiervice between Georgetown and m. celebrated summer resort, Pawlej '* stand. ' A. Il.;jB.JIARRIS. Acting Supt. , \f R. Goo. Pass, Age tL. * 9