I VOL. XVII. I^INGSTREE, S. C., THURSDAY, JANUARY 31, 1901. NO.7 , , , ?? Positively Ho Jisxr Display Advertisements Will be Deceived, or Old Ones Changed, Later Than Tuesday Morning. iffl IM Of ISM. f AFFAIRS CAUGHT BY OJR LOCAL REPORTER AND NOTED. Vvrttenin Condensed Form and Printed in Like Manner for the Sake of Our Busy Readers. The weather is line acain. 1 1 limKAc i llf (JCIDtllHl mi iiwriiiiip hv/.i.^ . in Kinjr?treevis increasing Mr. W N. Ja cobs is on a vist to friends in Georgetown. Quantities ot fertilizers are beit?ir used this season. Mr. T. E. Arrowsmith returned to Georgetown Monday. The early gaidencr is gathering hi* tools and is about ready to go to work. Capt. J no. A. Kellev has been called to Charleston on professional business. Kuaene M. Ilirsch was in town last week. He is traveling for IJ. Nachtitdii. Bacon and all kind of provisions ate gradually going up in puce every day. The names from which the next jury will be drawn were placed in Hie jury box last Monday. Cotton went on a boom last Monday, running tip in New Vork as high as 12A cents per pound. Mr. Ii. W. Fitch, af'cr spending f two wteks in this county returned last week to bis home at Caesar, ilis*. Oi? Monday quite u crowd caunto town considering it was an oil Monday, ? o public sales or any "wilingof that kind. Mr. Louis Srhullz. who is doing business on Wall Street opposite the dispensary, has rented a hou*e and will at an early date move his family to town. Our legislators do not seem to be making much racket this session, but perhaps they are putting in their work now on the quiet and effective order. Small pox is prevalent in severt al sections of the State, and it is * the duty of our city fathers to watch closely and see that this awful disease is not brought into our town. A traveling man, friend of ours, says he has traveled pretty well over this country, and he has to come to Kings! ree to see two dudes walking the streets with hats that remind him ol (J. JL). caps on musket guns. \\\ it. Lo?r.m. Eso . represent ins r- 1 ? W. Drake & Son, of Charleston, is spending a lew ilay^ at honu wit It his parent v. Mr. Lo?:ai: is one of the hest salesmen on the load, and his house without liiin ^wonld he like a horse with one lore jioot cut oil. It. \Y l* Hawkins wishes to say ? * - I *' l I. t l?u I *t u'A n-ir Ill) III? Illt'IlU? uc ll?-j i ...? i. ii ( loads of line horses and mules tc arrive Fr'dav, mid they have j^ol lobe sold regardless of cost. Come and get lirst choice-, Horses anc mules will be sold at reasonable lutes and on favorable terms. II yon want a Ciano or Oicat wi jie t<> B:iito\v, Darling Ion, 8. C.\.j ^ ?< ... r LcRov LeeK-q ."pent hist Saturday in Charleston. i tinpimr t}io i.n.t wppk 3t>ilrum f ? J mers registered at Hai r's Hotel. { Some ol our exchanges think the jiresent legislature too conserv ' ative. Miss Annie Chandler, of Benson, lis spending some time with her j aunt, Mrs. Darr. It is proposed to tax nil dogs, and to have them killed when the tb\ is not paid. Good law. There was preaching in the Presbyterian church by Kev. .las. McDowell last Sunday. I Mr. II. B. Lee, father of our i townsman LeKov Lee Esq.,spent I i' v.? :.. , i 1 j 11 unvii. We hope yet to see the day when there will not be a drop 01 liquor sold in Ivingstrec. On Monday we were pleased to .oeet upon our Streets our good friend Col. A. Barron Holmes, o! Che! leston. Our torn marshal is doing his duty. Ihe citizens of Kingstree are to be congratulated upon haying such a good officer. Mr. J. W. Coward, who has been elected dispenser, thinks he will open the dispensary about Thurs | day. : Mr. H. L. Uinson, ajront for Ih?} New York Lite Insurance Company is in town. Mr. liioson i? ar. expert insurance mati. Df ?).T*Scr?;t and Mr. M. F ' Heller, have returned from their : Western trip, and both seem well j pleased with their journey' Mr. J. '/. Hum pi.rips, ol AllanI ta, Gu., spent Saturday in town ' 11 : . .. ? .I.,,,,,,., ?..,l I [It 15 d lllM t i *53 ^rm iLlJiuii auu j it always affords us pleasure to see | him on our St re?'ts. O-te tiling can be said ? f M. J. Hirsch, Km] . while lie hardly ever leaves town, and newspaper people scarcely ever jret a chance tc give him apeisona!, yet this much we can say lor him, he is generally at his ollice and always ready tc serve his clients, 'l ire Northwestern Yeast Co., of Chicago, 111., are out again this year distributing free samples ol their now famous Magic Yeast There is hardly a man, woman or child in the Inked States not familiar with the good qualities jot this favorite bread raiser. You make iio mistake when you buy Ma^ic Yeast at 5e a package. a.ul ! refuse to rake imitations. $o,000 worth of Drv Goods [Clothing, Shoes, Ladies Cnpesjanc Skirts, mens and ladies hats was -c /.ed by the sheriff of Wayne !? unty lror.i if C Baysmorc Co , which will be so'd at 60o on the ' dollar at the South Carolina Bar i j gain House in Kmgstree. Calico; . j worth G and 7c going at 4c; yart I ?: i i.i 1.: ?? i. c., ..? i,. I will*! IMtilCIIIIlii III -r. icheck homespun worth Sc coinj ; at -So: la 'ies shoes worth $1 50 go' ing at 75r; ladies hats worth $2 5t ,' going at $1.25. Remember the sai< (begins Monday, Jan. 27, and onlj 11 lasts ten days. Come everybody Respect iluih\ ''South Carolina Bargain House 1 Kings!ree, S. C. Notice. i I will be in my office even .Monday. W. E. H\xx.\, Probate J udg< t * it .-V J Mr. llu | of* the sad and untimely death of ' Mrs waiter Da Hose, who is a sts-j * | ter of Blanding Lemon of this; town. She either jumped or ac-: 51 cidentally fell in the well at her! 1; home in the Bethel community J ?' Monday night and was dead before : | assistance reached her. |J Mr. M F Heller has just return !ed from the Western market?, . | where lie bought 3 carloads of tine I horses ami miller, .just, arrived,and * j he wants his friends to come and look at them. They have got to be sold. This is perhaps the ; finest lot oi horses and mules ever brought to town, and they will be ? sold at reasonable rates. * I SEA ^BBaaesssag rarams In order to reduce our stock before ire determined to give the people sonic o your advantage to come and see us 1 _ .1 it _ _ . i / A? al ... : L . ... ,our uoiiar go uiucii larun'r man ?i evi An absolute guarantee goes with t" old just as represented. We haven't 1 hink this will he interesting to you. 11-4 California Blankets, former ] 11-4 California Bankets, former p ll-4Ali-Wool Blankets, former j Sateen Comforts, elegant quality, Sateen Comforts, former price 3.' Sateen Comforts, former price 2.C Wliite Bedspreads, former price: White Bedspreads, former price ! White bedspreads, formor price i 50c and 00c Silks reduced to 2l)c, Any of our Outings, former price You can have 14 yards "Fruit oft 4-4 Bleach that Swld at 7c, now 5c Kid Gloves, all shades, $1 quality at 80 rhere never was a better time to buy DRESS G tVe think ths following prices will coir The$1.25 kind at 89c The 75c kind at Wc The 35c kind at 25c, and i rOWELS?A household necessity?C 12^. pair, atT'^c ; Linen Towels. Towels, large, formerly 50c and G LADIES SHOES?Fine quality, made $2.50 and $3, now J? 1 90; Easy and aud $1.75; now $1.35. \ word to our gentlemen friends abou laving hare of 50 t<> in ? per eenc. We t .old at $3.50, 4, 5 aud 6: your choice $3. Our line of latest Stiff and Soft llats they last $ We could quote further, hut the above ? ' * iMivnao K?? rr/*J?irr tn tin riivr iiiuucj uj lv Isear's Clear; Georgetow Remember this is :?>r h limited tim No goods on approval. No goodsi Queen Victoria's Mineral will; ake place on Saturday, Feb. 2. an t will be the largest Mineral pro- 1 TV ession ever known in the civilized vorld. . . iw lion. Geo. D. Tillman i> serious- ** y iil ht his home in Kdgefield. Ih Spartanburg county had hill \v our clerks ot court during the ,, ( V rineteenih century. g I ~-Tl Goods <&. All of our #IY Slit! J F v \ mar,kei * IH** I As we doi P* \ V E?TK? Sweeping YVJr u | 1 Tne m 11 ! / B The Us \ II S\vo-1-Or \\ J H Duchess ' jj I 0 for boys > *"?? . cUsM. - -' Muil rdt-rs taking our annual inventory we f exceptional valued. .It will bit xjfore buying, as we can make ur lias. eery purchase and every article iad any cold Weather vet, so wo 1 % price $7.50 at $5.75 rice 5.00 at 3 98 ; >ricc 4.1H) at 3.25 , former prico 5.00 at 3.75 , >0 at 2.85 >0 at 1.G0 ') 2.00 at 1.1)5 1 I.Wat 9s cents* *1.25 at 98c, nil shades. 8c and 10c, at 5c he Loom" at $1 ; 4-4 Brown that sold at 7c,now oC ; c. No lady can afford so miss this. 100DS. cince yout The II kind at 79c The We kind at S9e nil the 10c and 12^c kind at 8c otton Towels, formerly 10c and formerly 25c pair, at lUc; Linen 0c pair, at 45c? to wear and dressy, former price I *1 VI L VUIlllUi lAUIC) PUlliri 2'iiv.vj vi.v* t trousers. There is a positive iave about 200 pairs trousers that that sold at $2 and $2.50, while 150. will give you an idea of how you 4 ance Sale, n, S. C. e only. tharged during this sale. , * Our Club Offers . The County Record and the Home id Farm one year,$1.25. The County Record and Thrice-ft eeK^ew lorKj worm oilv war, .6 r>. The County Record and Twicc-rieek News and Courier one year, .7o. The County Record and the Atnta Constitution one year, $1.7 The County Record and Semieeklv Colum hia State, $? 2a. The Record and The Commoner Cilliam Jenning Bryan's paper;, I. To. Must go Regardless of i Cost. i il km\i ) DOWN 20 i'Pn? GKNT BKLOW IV MAXn-'AC'lTREUS COST, n't wish to carry any over to ne.xt season. Reduction in all our Winter U ndenvea . Irand Shirts marked down to She. CUE IV EDi Spring Shape, tag Ha!, t -f:{ union made hat in this city. Agents for Hamilton Carharrt, r Overalls, $l/>0 per suit, and Trousers. >:e< of Black Cat Brand Stockings ind girls, 2"? cents per pair. Mo Birowffs ITE CLOTHING HOUSE, it. Opposite Academy of Music Charleston, S. (! promptly alii ? dcd to. i ' I v