The county record. [volume] (Kingstree, S.C.) 1885-1975, January 24, 1901, Image 5

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Getting is all rigl , if ycu are too fat; mnd ad wrong, if too thin already. Fat, enough for your habit, is healthy; a little more, or less, is no great .harm. Too fat, consult a doctor; too thin, persistently -to nnffrrwhat cause, take ' -pi'iz Emulsion of Cod Liver There ere many causes of getting too thin; they all come under these two heads: overwork and under-di^estion. w Stop over-work, if you can; but, whether you can or not, take Scott's Emulsion of Cod Liver Oil, to balance yourself with your work. You can't live on it?true?but, by it, you can. There's a limit, however; you'll pay for it. > r??i ! rr i t : ocoiz s mnuision ui luu Oil is the readiest cure for "can't cat," unless it comes of your doing: no work?you can't long be well and strong, without some sort of activity. The genuine has ^ * this picture on It, vftA take no other. If you have not tried it, send for free sample, Its agre&able tasto will ^rWTv|l surprise you. IB SCOTT & BOWNE -Si J IL Chemists, 409 Pearl Street, ?agL_ il New York. 50c. and $1.00; alt drugglst3. UUUUur j. [Southern Christian Advocate.] Daisy Kennedy sons* Impossible. And yet they say she is. Horn :i? the family homestead- in, Williamsburg county Janutyv 29, i ].s?5 joined the church while I was in rharge of the Kingsiree circuit in 1888, was converted the next! year,studied at home under a gov- ! (Pness, attended Columbia Female] College a while during Dr. S. B. Jones1 administration, completed her musical education and took one year's post-graduate work while 1 was iu charge; died in the parsonage home of her ?ister at Gaflhey October 6, 1900. This! is in btiel the story of her life in its outer circumstances. That s'ory in its inner relati ~s to God and man canuol be written in any laiiirumre at our command. She was quiet, timid, unobtrusi\e. patient, self-denying, tender and fervent in spirit, trustful almost to a fault, constant and deep in her friendships, clinging to those she loved with abiding devotion, and moving about as the embodiment of that ''sweetness and light," which is the expression of Christian character. , c , ? lin SUCH l[U4lltlC3 ui Wil'.iu aim heart, it is not neccessarv to say much of her influence in the church and the college. We could always rely upon her loyalty She never gave a teacher a moment's trouble in any way. tier "^influence was always to be countiki on for the right. Aud lli't inMuetice reached every girl that M.-np\v her. Though her bodv sleeps in the cemetery at Kingatree beside her devoled sister. Mrs. Clarkson, her spirit sleeps nowhere, for it still lives and speaks in the souls of those who knew her and will heuceforth) forever be buisy taking in the raptures of glory and giving out in w'ds of ever-increasing melody n? d power the song of Moses and the Lamb! Jpiix A. Kick, i Doings at Dock. Kditor County Record: As 1 have not ?een anything from ''Whippoorwill1' for <otne! time, I have cone ! ? co. ! ' sic?* '!? - ' j .?> v. ? . *j . . e ?ou j u lev. a . . ? piac ? Mr. v Ne?nnth, of .'cop- j J ? ft ...* I ers, vis ea relatives nere o<?iu*? day and Sunday. Mr. Jesse Tallevast, came up, from Georgetown last week to | upend pone time at his lormer.; Miss Ethel Nesmith, left Tues-i da.\ for Ked Springs, N. C., where j she will attend school. Sirs. Augusta Fanning, alter spending some lime with relatives at this place, has returned to her home in Aiken county. Mi>s Jeddie Nesmith, left Wed-( nesday for Summerville to spend j a while with her sister. Mrss. B Bj S'eele. Mr. W II Steele, one of Dock's] young dudes, visited the '-city on j Black river" last Saturday. Several shooting matches have taken place around her recently. Mr. Louie E Nesmith seems to be the most successful contestant. I Mr. B F Brockinton, one of our best citizens has moved to Florence county. We regret the departure of Mr. Brockinton lor he will be greatly missed in the church and neighborhood but we hope that our loss will his gain and that his future life may be crowned with success and happiness in his adopted home. Aurora Borealis. Indiantown Inklings. Mis* MauC UrocRinton, 01 ims place has returned to her school at Manning. Mrs. Sally Rose and Miss Pattie Prince, of Charleston. are visiting in this section. Mr. P A Alsbrook, has gone into the saw mill business. Success to Pink. Mr. Mack owen* is clerking for Cooper l?ros. Mr. Laurence McCullough has recently moved to Georgetown county. Mr. Lonnie Flakier, who ha3 recently been cmplovek ai '''apt. W H Kennedy's store here has accepted a position with Mr. Munnerlyn of Georgetown. Much success to you Mr, Editor more anon. Bluk Bikd. Wood's Seeds I are prown and selected with special reference to their adaptability to the soil aad climate of the South. On our seed farms, aud in our trial proumls, thousands of dollars are expended in tentinp and jrrowiny the very Iwst seeds that it is possi ble to grow. JSy our experiments we ?re enabled to save our customers much expense and loss from planting varieties not adapted to our .Southern soil and climate. Wood's Seed Book for 1901 is fully up to date, nnd tells nH about'the best Seeds for the South. It surpasses all other publications of its kind in helpful and useful information for Qardenera, Truckers and Farmers. Mailed free. Write for it. T. W. WOOD & SONS, Seed 6rowers & Merchants, RICHMOND, VA. LARGEST SEED HOUSE IN THE SOUTH, j Wo love to expert, and when 'expectation is eather! ed or gratified we want to be again i I expecting. The moft soothing, healing and antiseptic application ever devised i* lh* ; Witt's Witch Hazel Salve. It relieve* i i at cnce and cures piles, sores, eczema ! i I and skin di'-aesrs. llewareof imitations.' Wallace A Johxscu. Stops the Cough and Works off the Cold. Laxative Hronio-Quiniue Tablets curea cold in one day. No cure, uo pay. Price 2o cents. Quality and not quantity makes He Witt's Little Early Kiscrs such valua-j ble little hver pills. Wallace & John-! son.. ' % I I hM hrnnifht permanent r?licf to a mil* lioa ?u?f?>rinf woman who were on their , way lo premature wmvea. Mre. Mitchell *n feet declining la health, when Wieo of cardul performed a "wonderful cure" in her caae. bhe anfiored with the agor.ietof falling of the w omb, leucorrbcca aad profuaa inenatroatron. The weekly appearance of the tnenacsfor two month* tapped her vitality until ah* *m a physical wreck. Her nerroua avntcm auve Thoa came the trial of Wine of Cardui and the en re, Mitchell*! i exp#rictic# ought to command Wine of Cardul to uttering cornea in trordj of burning cloquenca. WINE?fCAEDUI la within the reach of all. Women who try it are aelleved. Aakyour draggiat R for aft bottle of Wine of Cardul. aud do H ac4 take a eubetitute if tendered you. ff; Mr*. Willi* Mlfbelt.lkmth finatnn, N. C.: I "Wiae Of fSrdul and Thedfnrd'a Black- B tOwoahthvre Pr-rformeda inlraonhma curs B la re J e??e. I ha-1 been a arrest ruffercr B wtth falUt'C of tha wumb and lauoorrbeaa, B and n r Bierwa cure erarr Waek for two BJ raenth* aud were very painful. Mr hna- M band Induoed nm to try Wit* of Cardat M and B' ckDrntkbi. and now the laaenr- n rhtwa hi?* dt*ai?|K-ared, and 1 aaa Tailored tj H parfect health." k. la raare reorirlnc aea-tal ?? .. 1 direct!or*, aodma, yitiaA g MHgau 1 rrniptotua. "Tiia ljullei' >iC I V9 Bar / r'*^rr Ix-parIiwnt.- Tha X? w llwttarvxwu Vwilclue to., 7 aR y ChsttanouCa. Taua. g w %" Poor folks have their vanity as fwell as the rich If troubled with a weak ^lig-^tion, belching) sour stomach, or if you feel dull after eating, try Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablet". Price, 2.100011. Sampler free at l)r. 1). L. Scott's drugstore. Only the home can found a Slate. Th? Best Prescription tor Malaria. Chills and Fever is a bottle of droves Tasteless Chill Tonic. It is simply iron ami quinie in a tastelef s forin. No cure?no pay. Price 50c. cure nopay. rice 50c. You can't puncture a good pneumatic tire by pi tilling your laithto it j This sea-on there i* a large death rate among cnuurea irom viuii\> ?iiu lung trouble*. Prompt actiou will save the little ones froua these terrible diseases. We know of nothing so certain to give Instant relief as One 1 Minute C^ugh Cure. It can also be relied upon in grippe ana all threat and lung troubles of adults. Pleasant to take. Wallace & Johnson, Probably the good die you' g because early ^iety makes Ikem prematurely gray. You Know What you are Taking. When "you take Grove'* Tasteless Chill Tonic because the formula is plainly printed on every bottle showing that it is simply Iron and Quinine in a tasteless form. >"o cure, no pay. 50c. What heavenly bonnets the leathers irom angel's wings would make. I'epsiti preparations often fail to re licve indigestion because they can digest only KlbununoB> foods. There Is one preparation that digests all classes of food, and ttiat Is Kodol Dyspepsia Cure. Jt cures the worst case> of indigestion and give-* Instant roller, for it digests what you eat* Wallace & Johnson. It is useless lo tit a cow* with I corsets in order to make her give condensed milk. To Cure a Cold in One Day, Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. AH druggists refund the ! money if it fails to cure. E. W. Grove's signature is on each Ik>x.2oc. 1 When threatened with pneumonia or 1 any other lung trouble, prompt relief is , necessary, as it is dangerous to delay, i We would suggest that One Minute ] Cough Cure be taKon an won as inaies- | tions <>f having taken cold are noticed. < It cures quickly and Ita early u>e ]?re- ] voutu consumption. Wallace & John- j son. It is better to be up with the r I lark than down with the measles. Cut this out and take It u> Dr. I), 0. Scott's drug store ond get a free sauiEle 01 Chamberlain's Stomach and ivcr Tablets, tlie best physic. They also cure disorders of the ctomach, biliousness and headache.. We are Still Leaders in FINE DRES AND TRIMMINGS - - \LSO -JlLKS, LACFS. Is A Full Line of X^lrte ^illiELS Still Headquarters for Toys and Christ Full Stock of Reynold's $2, $2.50 ati County riease call and get prices, We wil Stachley's C m Bl HI u M. F. HE KZing-stxee, if von want a good Horse. Mule, B me. Select stock always on hand. Will Hare ou hand a house fnll of BUGGIES, and within thirty days will r Everything sold at rock bottom pric Tiliffl Flits. 1 Geo. T. Burnette, PRACTICAL TIN, COPPER ANI Manufacturer of 1 Dealer i Tin and Bardu/ara flnnlrii mi aim RoiawaiB, uvurii Leave your Tobacco Flues order Scott's drug Store. GEO. T. BUR Sept 8 tf - . All great art is the expression J of man's delight in God's work, nei not his own. . T A 1 Persons who suffer from indgestion can not expect to live long, because I1 they cannot eat food required to nour- Piv l?h the body and the products of ti e . in undigested foods they do rat poisons' Kei the blood It is important to cure in-! scvi digestion a* soon as possible, and the ene best method of doing this 1- to u*e the ! dlff preparation known as Kodol Dyspepsia I gro Lure. It digests what you eat and , my restores all ine aigesuve org^n* w perfect* Wallace & Johnson. I f?' " " reli A Prince wants onlv the plea?- jv r ureof provate lite to complete his and happiness. 0,lt For Ur.Cady's Condition Powders. Are Just what a horse needs when in^ bud condition. Tonic, blood purifier and } ^ 1 vermifuge. They are not food but I shi medicine and the best in nse to put a hor*c in prime condition. Price 23 ets. 1 per package. For sale by D. C. Scott. ( The imaginations of men are in; a great measure under the control, enri of their opinions. ''?"i 1 COIIi BEAT OUT OF AN* INCREASE OF for HIS PENSION. : le:is ' for A Mexican war veteran and prom in-: . cut editor writes: "Seeing the adver- !ou tisenicnt of Chamberlain's Folic. Choi- J U1 era and Diarrhoea Iteniedv. I am re-! * minded that as a soldier in Mexico in j j '47 and '48, I contracted Mexican | iiarrlioea and this remedy lias kept j vai me from petting an iui'ren?e In my; pension for on every renewal a dose of: it restores mo." It is unequalled as a l"^ur juick cure for diarrhoea and and is;(l1 '3 plea-ant and safe to lake. For sale by llea Dr. D. C. Seott. |1:101 To know how to dissemble is the 1 knowledge of Kings. ing Tble ?fj7.n.iitire is en every bo* of tbo genuine j 1 LaxaS ve Bromo-Quinine T*bi?u | be t tbo remedy that cum a teM la oae da/ >Val # ? * .'I a \ S GOODS, 1 TO MATCH. VELVETS fOTIONS ETC. 3x37- <3- ood.3. mas Presents. cl $3 Shoes?the best in the 1 save you money. :ash Score, 1RSES M MULES, JGGIES, IK IRKESS. ETC. YERYII SPECIALTY. ELLER. uggv, Wagon or Harness, call oa sell for cash or approved paper. COLUMBIA and HACKHXY votive forty wore, ts and guaranteed. 'in Fli. Florence, S. C. ) SHEET IRON WORKER. fojiacco Floes. 11 ng and Healing Stoves. s with M. L. Allen at Dr. D. 0 NETTE, FJUUKJfiNCfi, 8. U. He calm in arguing; lor fierce;s makes error a fault and truth 'ROMINEN T CHICAGO WOMAS SPEAKS, rot. Roxa Tyler. of Chicago, Vicesident Illinois Woman's Alllanoe, speaking of Chamberlain'} Cough nedy, says: "I *uflfcred with * r?ro r?nlH 1 hit ninfur vhii'h f hr??U (! to run iuto pneunsania. I triedi prcnt remedies but I seemed to w worse and the ni'jicine upset, stomach. A friend a> ised me to Chamberlain's Cough Remedy aacf und it was pleasant to take and it evod me at once. I am now eritircetoviT.d, saved a doctor's bill, time I suffering. and I will never bewlththis splendid medicine again.11 sale by I>r. I). C Scott* iVhen one associates with vice s but one step lrom companionp to slavery. DUE MOTHER'S FAVORITE, hambcrlain's Cough Remedy H tbe hcr's fovorlte- It is pleasant and for children to take and alwajrt rs. It is intended especially forghs, colds, croup and whooping gh, and is the bet. medicine mad* these diseases. There is not the t danger in giving it to children it contains no opiutn or other injurs 'drugand may be given a* eonjitly to a babe a- an adult. For sale Dr. D. C. S?ott. n delay we waste our lights in 11 like lamps by day, ich little pills as DeWitt's Little lv Risers are very easily taken, and ,* are wonderfully effective in rising the liver and bowels. WaN & Johnson. loll is as ubiquitous as condem-. conscience, he merited reputation for curiug a, sores and idiseases acquire !, lowitt's Witch Hazel Salve, has led naking of worthless counterfeits, mre to get only DeWitt's Salvv ' [lace <Jfc Johnson, 4