The county record. [volume] (Kingstree, S.C.) 1885-1975, January 10, 1901, Image 1

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_____ _ ' I ? _ vol- XML KING STREETSTC., THURSDAY, JANUARY 10Mi)01. NO. 2 Positively No New Display Advertisements Will be Received, or Old Ones Changed, Later Than Tuesday Morning. .ill?Of IIS!. wb AFFAIRS CAUGHT BY OUR LOCAL I V' ' REPORTER AND NOTED. , Written in Condensed horm and Printed in Like Manner for the Sake of Our Busy Reader*. i F. L. Wilcox. Esq., came over k fr- m Georgetown Monday on legal diusines*. I Mr. M. .1. Cullen. of Charleston lias assumed cliarse of the uik j 'town telegraph office. i 11. J. Kirk, K-q., was in Columbia several days last w'rek in at- ( tendance on the supreme court. ^cltuliz Bros., of Darlington. , liaveopened up an auction cloth- | ing house oh Academy Stiect, in . the Stmt's butIding. , .Mr.'Geo S Bafrr has tented the i two store houses just Uelo.v his I 'hotel 1'roin Sir. C J Lesesne and < will use Item as sample rooms. Miss. H. B. MdCullough, of Wal- i halla, 8. 0. came in last week on ' 'her way to Cooper postofhce to I take charge of the school at that. t j) I ace. ' The recent rains hare swollen J Black river until the water almost | leaches the bridge. On Monday 'the gauge registered abea* eleven < I'eet. I Mr. and Mrs. F, L. Willcox, <of 1 Georgetown, stopped over Msir- i day in town for a few hours, on I their way from Florence to ifcerr ? 4io:ne in Georgetown^ 1 Congressman William El-lwt't 1 has recently rcomm^nded to the |' ^ 'department tb * establishment ol a postoffiee in tViliiamsburg conn- : <ty to be trained rineland. < I\ev. W. H. xlodges filled the ( pulpit of the Methodist Church last Sunday norning, and Ke*\ >0 ' i?. Dnnlop preached in the IVes* bvterian church m fhe evening. Air. Lonis Loryea, who has bepn: merchandising here lor the pest; year, will soon remote to Trio. Mr. Lorvea has made many Wends in Kingstree, who regret h?s de- ' parture. Mr. M. F. Heller returned iVcm-* the St. irotKsJNatioMri Stock Yards last Weefc, bringing wiWi him sixty head of horses and mates, They ( are all work animals, carefully se- . leeiedto suit -the trade. Now is { I he time to call and take your } pick. They are going cheap. I A preliminary hearing was held here Monday before Magistrate , W. D. Snowden in the case ot the , ItState vs Nat Chandler, Arthur , Chandler and Alex McKnight. ( charged with burglary and'larcenv ( The defense was represented by Leltoy Lee, Esq,, and the prose- , cutww by Messrs. Gillaad A* Kirk. Tim r?-.iriies vr#?r#> -hound over to the next term of court. \ Great Barffwa Sale. The South Carolina Bargain House has opened at Stuffs Store, ' opposite Heller's Stables, with t full Imexsf Okafttfiijs, Capfrs, Skirts ^koes, Hitrs and'Oapa, which thevi, will sell at 50c ?? the dollar. Itememler we are k?ete for ten days only. 'Sootib UaroJirri 15 rpain House, ' Jui*< tree, S. C. Il We are having delightful weather now. Several business change?, have taken place, with the begining ot the year. It is remarked that more strangers visited Kingstree during the 4 I ii#m nenul ThlC llTUdll 1JWJ Jlict^Y IU(U1 UOUdli A. it iu is a good sign. Mr. J. J\ IluJnall, of Manning, has rented one of the Kellehan pottages on West Main Street, and will make his future residence winning us. At a meeting ot the town counL*il held on Monday night, Mr. 13 fl Myers was elected town marshal!.Mr.Myers will do his duty.and his presence on the streets will go i long ways towards preserving ;>rder and creating a feeling of ....a ..nnnrifir /lilt" Sill IMilCI IU11 ttllU ^cvumi ..... lives and property are being look;d after. [n the magistrate's court on Monday the case of the State vs. [?eo. Carroll, indicted tor carbreafcin^ was heard before Magistrate Matthews and dismissed. Jar roll was represented by Lei toy Lee. K?q., and the railroad company by Mr. R. J. Kirk. Mr. W. W. Graysou, our former derk ol court> has concluded to try his fortune, in the commercial n-ftHd-. and will in a few days open i stock el general merchandise, at he corner of Main and Academy streets, lie will no doubt speak o his many friends throughout he county 'in ftre columns of The lilSCORO. Last Saturday afternoon a nerro ?irl seven years old, the laugliie^of Ike Gamble, who lives )ii Gap!. G. R Nel son's place neat he ratlroaa, was burned so scri tliof cliu <tit?it sfvpral hnir*? ater of injuries received* The same old slorv of parental care essiiess in leaving small children done in a house to play with fire. All ot the members of the house rom Williamsburg were in their ulaces at the roll-call on Tuesday, for speaker of ttie house tire deleration voted *olid lor Hon* W. F. Stevenson, the successfni candilate. Dr. A. II. Williams, we jnderstand, is still too mnwell to ake his place >n the senate just it present. He is rapidly recov;rin?. however, and will soon be ibhe to attend to the duties of his position. In response to numerous inter-; rogatories we have obtained the! ollowing figures, showing the imount ot money and liquor itolen Irom the dispensary during ihe past year: Aprii 1, 2000, liquor stolen, *21.50. Sept. S, liquor stolen, $127.57. Dec. 27, cash, *2030.42, Total $2179.49. These figures were obtained from Mr. A. F. H. Dukes,a member of the State board. For Sale. I have on hand for sale six head af Jersey Cows and Heifers, Ap ? ? L' 1/: < - ? ? c pijj .CiUWlH JVIII^SUCC, vj. u * ? . . ___. If you want a I'lano or Orcan write to li. 0. Bristow, U.irlington, S. C. \ Hon. Joel E. lirunson, now of Sumter, is in town. Mr. E. Carroll Hurjress, who has been employed as-salesman by W. T. Wilkins during: the fall months, returned Monday to his home at Mouzons. Mr. Burgess is a young man ol fine promise. It is with feelings of profound sorrow that we note the death of ; Hon. R. Dozier, which sad event occurred Monday in Sumter. Mr. Dozier was native ot this county jnd practised law here lor a number* of years. He accumulated quite a competency, and some ten years since retired from the active duties of his pro-| Ifession. Later ou he moved from Georgetown, his adopted homo, to Sumter, where lie passed away Monday at the ripe old age of seventy-nine years. Mfs. J. M. Johnson, Jr., nee } Barnwell, of Charleston, is spending some time in town with her husband. Mr, Johnson is a native ot Marion and is associated with Messrs. Matthews and I3ansinier in their great survey of all the lands belonging to the A. C. Lumber Co, in tlii.-> end adjoining conniies. When completed, this will be*, in its way, one ot the bigI gest undertaking* ever accomplishled in the State. It is proposed to make a map showing tlie location J , of every piece and parcel ot land owned fry this company in South | Carolina, Mr. H. Frank Wilson, .Mrs. (veorge Anderson, Misses Mty Wilson and Mamie Anderson were the occtipants of a carriage boun 1 for Cndiantown-, via Kingstree. on Wednesday. While pursuing the tj iir i 'even tenor of ihwr way. >*r. iviison, acting as.fehiu they Came lo grief in Mack river swaino, the carriage being very neariy overturned and it-s occupants escaping with a wetting of the pedal extre-, mities. It was Mrs. Anderson's first visit to Williamsburg after an absence of 31 years in California, her present home. She lelt ? ?a nere a young marncu jruv, <mu returned accompanied "by a grown daughter. Our older set. such as Col. Geo. S. Barr, remember Mrs. Anuersoti v\^e11, he being middle aged when she left and she a young matrotu The whole party changed vehicles, after enjoying the proverbial hospitality of mine host Barn, and pursued their whv j to Indiantown rejoicing that the accident was no worse. Hrmeneat. On Wednesday, December 20, 1900;at 6 o'clock p. m.. were married by Clerk of Court W, VV\ (I vonn Mice \1 jrv A lif?P Jpr?'i?r? I an lo Mr\ Jero Ragin, all of Williamsburg county. On Sunday afternoon, Decem1 ber SO, by Rev. W. Smith Martin, I were married Miss ? Lewis to Mr. W. V. Nexsen, all of Williamsburg county. If it wasn't lor the weather, there are lots of men who would never look toward heaven. The good old deacon gels down on his knees and his son gets down on his upperlip. > w . GREAT CLEA ISE/i . WBBBSBMHUM Mill I Tm f/-v nlif l\nfi\r arc-determined to give the people son to your advantage to come and set1 u> your dollar go much farther than'it e An absolute guarantee goes \Vith cold Just as represented. We haVehM think'this w-iH he interesting to you. 11-} California Blankets, forirtei California Bankets, former 11-4 All-Wool Blankets, former Sateen Comforts, elegairt vjualit Hateen Comforts, formet price J . Sateen Comforts, former price i White Bedspreads, formet pric< White Bedspreads, formet price Whife bedspreads, former price Srte and 6:)c Silks reduced to 2f>c Auy of our Oft tings, former priC You can have 14 yards "Fruit ol 4-4 Bleach that sold atCe, no\^.^ Kid Gloves, all shades, $1 quality at ? There hover was a better time to buy DRESS( \Vc think ths following1 prices will cm Tho$i.?-, kihd atWlc The 75c kind at 63c The tac kind at 5Se, and TOWKLS-^A household necessity-^ 12lt pair, at $ Linen Towel: Towels, large, formerty .y>c and LAIML8 S HOI'S-*-1'ine'quality, mad # > rji .aurl i-1! r1,1 it/ .% I WP Krt'iV Hf) and $1.7"*, now Jl.fcfi. A wArd To (rttr gentlemen friends abo savinghefe of oO to 101 per CeAt. We sold at 4.'} md 6; yortr choice $3 Oar line of latest Stitr and Soft Hat they last We.could quote further, but the aboV< can save money by going to Isear's Cleai Georgetow Remember this is for a limited tii Nogdodson approval. No go Why spend $f)0 or $00 to pal , lightning rods on your house when 1 a for $1 to $1.60 a hundred dollars : A per annum you cfto buy a policy . % in the Equitable F?re Insurancej Co.-, t?f Charleston, which <vV!' in- j sure vojV dwelling against ' ning as tireII as fire withortt e&ni charge? I y an ? The ] tMost sh into ready i fiu-tory tit i . tue seams n \ general ma ] accustomed ' the wrnng> dressing u|i that carrie? s curdy as at half the A polios of I iUK is made lies* on a ir take chanei concerns x moiiev in. The Adle We are offi \\ n all shapes \\ I I lined undei i 1 ft Thes?e t'vm )J I a next thit iy <mjL> Effi > Rochester.' 224 kin^ i Jv- -? i N.i* ail order? I I RAISESALE R*S. 4 ? a e taking our annual inventory Wft TO ? Vl'MI it il III li I V'!llt)p<4. "It will he .' rt. ( before buying, as we can make J ver has. every purchase and every article ' 1 had any cold weather vet, so we ptice $7.50 at $5.75 price 5.6f) at 398 jtfiee 4.00 at 3.25 y, former prico G.00 at 8.75 1.50 at 2.85 !.00 at 1.00 *2.00 at 1.85 ' ^ ' 1.56 at 98 cents. $1.25 at 98c. , all shades. e 8c and 10c, at 5c rthe jiOoni" at $1 6; 4-4 Brown that sold at 7c,now 56 JDc. No ladyoan afford so miss this. 100D8. ivince yon: The $1 kind at 79f The 50c kind at 39c< ' 1 all^helOc and 12'i'e kind lit 86 Cotton Towels, formerly 10e an? formerly 25c pail\ at 19c; Linen (iOe pair, at 45c, e to wear and d,.ssy. former price id Comfortable, former price f! "e ut trouset*. There is a posit v * have about pairs trousers that a that sold ?t and f'J.-Vt, while g wiK give you fin (deu of how yoti ance Sale, VIA 4\nlt7 "v j v r ods charged during this sale. " =a Our Club Offers . "the County Record and the Horns ,nd Farm one year,$1.25. The County Record and ThrlCcf-aYeek(New York) World one year, 1 The County Record and Twlee-a^ \ eek News and Courier one year, 1.75. I \ t,j. County Record and the At" .Constitution one year^ $1.75. l'he County Record ,awl SeraiVeokly Columbia State, 12.25. M Man's Fear. i>ut men dread to take the plunge nacleClothing. They sfcy u xati** iniptofedhle; they're suspicious of tnd button-holes; the trimming and keup are not what they have been I A.i- *'*-?5 .??%< 'a Kolj iwiAH itrifVt I nr. 1 lll'll c.\[)vliruic nun 1/vcii nival :ort of clothi*??, that* \Vfc art > stout men right along in Clothing i the above laY>el as neatly and a* their tailors ever uresKed them,and expense. V> fit the man who in I feet o as well as we tit the very kumanlty. "Rochester Adler"elothto tit. Its manufacturers do busilamnioth scale and can afford to *s on all sorts of <ald sixes that small rould never,dare to tie up their r make suit and overcoat $10 to $?". rinjr a $.'1 hat in stiff and soft hats, at #1.30, and an all-wool, flcec<? shirt and drawers, .r?0 cents each, special offers are good only for the days. ' Mo BrownsHIE CLOTHING HOUSE, St. Opposite Academy of Muste Charleston, S. (J j promptly^tn i dod toi | / ' *>. V * 0. * ? i* ? . 'K* *? t*> *?. * J