r Defeated. Hp?Sorry (o hear your engagement Mth young I?e Rocks is off. She?Yes: lie ran away and enlisted to tight in China, the coward!?Chicago News. A (tollable Almunac. A good Almanac is an important factor in (very house. A poor one is worse tbaa none at all. If our readers would have the best, *Ha?9 will ?>At nn? in whioh iht* SliTUS Of ttttf zodiac, moon's pba?-es, tune of sunriso and Bunset, days lengths, etc., aro correctly calculated and not guessed at. Our experience has been, and many others agree likewise, (that Ramon's Weather Almanac is the most accurate and reliable ono published. The weather (ore-casts in this almanac have proton themselves wonderfully correct In foretelling storms, cold waves and sudden changes of the weather, even as much so as the signal service reportt. The astrouomsr who makes the calculations belongs to a Juicily who have made it th?ir profession for a eeninr* and the records at his dlsyosnl nro such as to make his predictions almost perfect. Our readers can get a oof y free at acy Drug Store or by addressing the Browu MnnulacturiDg Co., GreeueviUe. Tenu. Those who prater an almanac in ou.t4dur form, showing moon's phases, weather predictions, etc.. can gst one of the Ramon's Brownie Calendurs, Illustrated in colors, for 10 ceu'.s. from the same company Senat-irs audt'ongross are now using Goose Grease for sore throa . hoarseness ani colds Itcures \vh?*n all else fail. The wise use Goose Urease tor man or beast,every bottle guarant'd When a woman drops a remark it is natural that her speech should be broken. To Cure a Cold In One May. Take Laxative BkoXO Quinine Tables. All druggists refund the money if it fails to cure. E. W. Ubove's signature on each box. 25a At Christmas even the humblest may have a family tree. Tno satisfaction. Alonroo Drug Co., Unionvillc. Mo. Sold by all druggists. A wedding mom should have no mourning. Scratch-*, -addle gal!-'. - >rc shoulders, sweeney. cuts, biu ses aud lameness of ov- r kiud,curcuat> iu- by ?.oosciirca-e Lin:meat. The iceman's profits must sur lv be cold ca-b. So. 1Makes Hair i urow ? Perhaps your mother had j thin hair, but that is no reason whv vou must go through iife with half-starved hair. If you want long, thick hair, feed it. r eed it with Aver s Hair \ igor, the onlv genuine hair food you can buy. Your hair will grow thick and long, and will be soft and glossy. Ayer's Hair Vigor always i restores color to gray hair; it j keeps the scalp clean and healthy, and stops tailing of ! the hair. One dollar a bottle. If your druggist cannot supply vcu, send us fii and we will express a bottle to you, all charges prepaid. Be sure and give us your nearest express office. J. C. Ayex Co., Lowell, Mass. Send for our beautiful illustrated book on The Hair. Free. III ?. Safest. surest cure for Hr KilEK Sail throat and lung l/l w troubles. People praise /"? t P I. (w./.?Arervr*C/>ril\iatf Lougn ^yrup Ouick. sure results, ieiuse substitutes. Get Dr. bull's Cough Svrut*. W3 r* i supply at i enough PotWk\-l?M> WS i ] a a y?nr W\ I profits will be J^Q>X * i||jj large; without 3* Potash your croP will be "scrubby." Our book.- falling about composition of fertilizer* tKiCudapted for all crops, are free to all farmers. JL.' GERMAN KALI WORKSw C00000G03003C00SCCOCaOC00t: I FARM TOPICS I o a OOOOOOGOOCOCOOOOOGCOOOCCCO How to Fatten Chicken*. Younir chickens. say. from two to three montlis' old. will not take on fat ........in.r nt 1nr?ro mul nrc there fore not in prime condition for tho table. They will, of course, be thrifty and grow fast, but their tiesli does not liavo that tender and juicy flavor that a week's special care in conlinensent will give. A creat many people do incalculable Injury to the fowls by shooting anions them, or by letting a dog chase the one they want to kill. This is all wrong. and may lie avoided l?j bavins a slat coop larso euoush to comfortably hold half a dozen chickens. Catch them at nisht after they have sone to roost, and quietly put them in the coop. Feed them all they will eat of table scraps, cooked potatoes, rice. milk. etc. Vegetable scraps and grass should also be given. Ill a week or ten days' time they will be fat. and so far superior to one taken YV/im thu flniL- ot lor"., tli.ol villi could tell the difference even when blindfolded.?National Provisioned Shredding or Tim-shins Corn. T have handled the corn crop In the dry state in nearly every way possible. Running it through the old threshing machine has these objections: You can do but a small amount at one time, as there is no practical way of getting the fodder from the machine without treading it more or less, and this will start the whole bulk heating at once. The cob is lost in the mow. which we now grind up with the corn. A large percentage of the grain is cracked, which in a moist time soon begins to mold. Willi tl.rt cm-ill luislror with .-i fchrod der nn o K ^ I ' y A POST PULLING DEVICE. tile aim lorce tne suarp steel point into the post and pull down on the lover, which will raise the post out of the ground. I lind it one of the handiest tools on the farm. One man can pick it up and carry it anywhere 011 his shoulder, and it takes hut an instant to put it into positiou for use.?New England Homestead. Gambling Debts in China. Gambling debts are pre-eminently debts of honor in China, and they are more willingly and speedily paid than any others. To pay them a Chinaman will pawn oil his property, and even soil liis children. For doing this he is regarded by the public as worthy of all praise, and the relatives who allow themselves to be sold are treated as models of filial i.ovot;on. Meanwhile a tradesman to whom a debt is due may starve or go bankrupt. Best For the Bowels. No matter what als you, headache to a cancer, you will n?vur cat well until your ! bowels are put right. CiscABaTs help nature, cure you without a gripe or pain, | produce easy natural movements, cost you | just 10 cents to etart getting your health I back. CAsciarrs Candy Cathartic, the j genuine, put up lu raetul boxes, every tubi let has C.C.C. stamped oq It. Beware oI I Imitations. The man who is bis own best friend has few others. Tlif Bf?t Prcarrlptlon For < h I lie ] nud I'ever Is a bottle of Grove's Tasteless i Chill Tonic. It is simple iron aud quinine in a tasteless form. Nocure.no pay. Price25c. The sold yield of Cripple Creek for the year is expected to amount to fLJ7.000.000 r- ? ? THE DISCO Lydia E. Pinkbam's The Great Woman*s Re, j "????????? No other medicine in the wo ; and unqualified endorsement. No other medicine has such a I or such hosts of grateful friends. Do not be persuaded that a:i j Any dealer who asks you to buy < ; his store purposely to buy Lydia E. ; has no interest in your case. He thing on which he can make a la i whether you get well or not, so lo; ; money out of your sickness. If without hesitation hand you the mi ' knows is the best woman's mccHcin Follow the record of this me thousands of cures of women who in this piper were not brought ab LytfJa Em Psnkham's V The Great Woman's Ron Those women who refuse to a a hundred thousand times, for the : Moral ? Stick to the medicine that When a medicine has be to health more than a mi I well say without trying it, help me." If you are ill, do tie of Lydia E. Pinkham's once, and write Mrs. Pin i cnprial nHvire. It U free ; Notes and Comments. French census figi res for 1899 report births as S47.627. wl ich is 10.000 le.-s ' than the avcraee for the past decade. | The excess of births ever deaths was but SI.394. \I. Bertillon, in an essay ! on these figures, ss.ys grimly that i France is in the position of a man dying under ;he influence of chloroform. Germany now has 55.000.090 inhabitants and France but 38 000,000. Milliners in the Northern States, who operate on a large scale, are complain- i ing of their inability to secure bright ! and capable young women with the . nece siry taste to do their work, even ; htough they are willing to pay goo 1 j wages. They say that for less money the girls prefer to work in the big dry ; goods shops or to try to become sten- ' ographers, even though the market is ! overstocked with both. A resolution was adopted recently by the Indiana Federation of Labor, asking that a law be passed prohibiting the employment by street railway companies of conductors and motormen who arc addicted to the use of intoxicants. i l)?afnMi Cannot Be Cured by local applications*, as they cannot reach the diseased portion of the ear. There is only one , way to cure deafness, and that is by constitutional remedies. D-afnessis caused by an nflamed condition of the mucous liningof the I Eustachian Tube. When this tube is in- ' flnmed you have a rumbling sound or imperfect hearing, and when it is entirely closed Deafness i> the result, and unless the inflammation can be taken out and tliis tube restored to its normal condition, hearing will be destroy* d forever. Nine cases out of ten are caused by catarrh, which is nothing but an inflamed i ondition of the mucous surfncec. We will give One Handled Dollars for any case of Deafnes- (causAl by catarrh) that cannot be cured by Uall's t.aturrh ture. Send for circulars free. F. J. I.'hrnet A Co.. Toledo. O. Fold by Druggists, 75c. Hall's Family Pills are the beet. Don t forget all Dams relieved at once by Goose Grease. NocUke, no Pay. Piso's Cnre Is the best medicine we ever nsed for all afTei-tlins of throat and lnncs. Wsi, O. Endsley. Vanburen. Ind.. Feb. 10. 1900. . I VERER OF Vegetable Compound mcdy for Woman's Ills. rid has received such widespread record of cures of female troubles i y other medicine is just as good, something else when you go into Pinkham's Vegetable Compound, is merely trying to sell you some- i rger profit. He does not care j ng as he can make a little more j j| he wished you well he would , t edicinc you a.->k for, and which he i e in the world. J idicine, and remember that these ? t se letters are constantly printed out by " something else," but by 1 egatabSe Compound, tody for Woman's //Is. ccept anything else are rewarded :y get what they want ? a cure, you know is Best, jen successful in restoring " a liion women, you caunuL " I do not believe it will not hesitate to get a bot; Vegetable Compound at / kham, Lynn, Mess., for ,v and helpful. 16 Plates of Soup, 10c. | ? imiWMLLUJjii "ft I A 10-ct. cao .i Libby's Premier ? SOUP makes plates of the best | A soup you eve/ tasted. If then was a way to make soup | | better *e would learn it ? but 3 1 there isn t. Oxtail Mullagatawny p, [ Turtic Mock Turtle ? i * Chicken Chicken Gumbo |J Tomato Vegetable G | Ready-Made Soups. One can will make you a convert. B I Liliby, McNeill & Liifcy, Chicago | i I Write a postal for onr free book, "How to 9 Make Good Things to Eat." M j i _ a niit?e. COSTS ""'" AIMOST NCTKi.'iG com pared rtth moat all other treatments. ler-* nkm ail oih.-r cl*a> rle brlli, appIUrcr. sad rcmi-illet fall. QUICK OL'fic Tor ooro thaniOiil:ni-".t*. O.'iLVSl'ItEClllE lor all nervous ' van*, wrakne-oes r.id disorders. Kor eon-pleto > ali' 11 onlWen: ill catalogue. rilthU.dont ar.d auitt ua. !EARS, ROEBUCK & CO.. Chicago. airlllTrrj i AUKNTS FOR TIXK JtfAHTED .OLIVER TYPEWRITER. a Uso your inflience ond earn a machine or yourself or make a nice profit by selling few machines am<>"K your li ien s. et oll a installments and t UrlfCt . lanUPurr Utoaicc fee-l toeKtt* olwj i?ir ratlca.nj; uiiic.i tualtU auve lor lirccUtUic everyllil?i< ro? I 1 ^uuitc for prouiauic I'outiry ralaL I II1K. HOOK rtlil.l.ltliNU O. 1 J 1 l.oouui-J Mivui. Sew Yer*. [1r. w. w. pugh, U FKHALi; NPKI'I ALIST .rid Chronic Sore Llmbi, Adrcan 'inn I prcHcut al J.IM'EK. TKXAS. 's'.ik SS55'32 ppil CP of ecerytlofo-Tiption. Satr ? Rrgd?. o>j3LLo l^factica GiiMr*ni<*eil. ' a vSSL- t Write for prim. JUSSti MAKDKN ai'i'-aiy*) pv s CliarUa ht..U*Lr:MOKE,MD. f TTEIVTIOV is facilitated if ron mention I this paper when wri ting advei tiscrs. So. 1, ise certain slirejs ^ AOCVJ,EW PISOOVtRTiriri, J jfx O B <:u clc ?n