The county record. [volume] (Kingstree, S.C.) 1885-1975, December 27, 1900, Image 1

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Ty'i% . A'Ob. XVI. KIXOSTREE, 8. C , THURSDAY, I> EC EMBER 27, im NO. 52 > Positively No New Display Advertisements Will be Received, or Old Ones Changed, Later Than Tuesday Horning. in Msjf interesi.! AFFAIRS CAUGHT BY OUR 4-OCAdJ REPORTER AND NOTED. Written in Condensed Form and Printed J in Like Manner for the Sake of 1 Our Bosv Readers. Mr. Emile Arrowsmitk, -of^ X*eor?;etoii'it, w in town for * few days. jj ? Cadet -T. W. Hawkins, of tire llf 1-1- NT _l_ O-l I l,nm? 1 Wt'lCIl ^t'CR ilil^W OCUUUI, iiviuv j i'or I he holiday*. Mr. and Mrs. R. J, Kirk are visitins relatives in Charleston -dnrins: the holidays. Miss Annie Chandler, of Ben- ( ~feon, is vi^unp Mr. and Mrs. L. J. -Barr, at BaiVs Hotel. Mr. A M. MeCaflleft Saturday flight for Florence to spend Christ-J inns at home. J< Mr. James Jlenry Hawkins, of^ Charleston, is in town for a short i . i ^period ol rest and enjoyment. Miss Annabel Williams, ort Charleston, is visiting the family'] x>( Mr. W. T. Wifkins. * f ' ? The tooting of tin horns and the ^detonating firecracker keep over.VM . 'one reminded that Christmas isj, t:pon us. ' The disptisary did a rushing * isiness Saturday and Monday J1 On Tuesday I he portals were;* i 'closed. | * j|^^Iessrs. Julian and Lorn* J*; Jrv are home from Charles- 1 ton on a few days' visit to their / parents. I Miss Alma Kelley, one ol our fair representaiives at Converse College, is at home for the holiday vacation. \1 4 Dr, A. Deems Epps is enjoying a few days of recreation at home j1 from the Charleston Medical Col- j lege. , Among the college girls who] are copying the Christmas holi-i days at korue is Miss Marie Thorn, who is attending St. Mary's; 1 College at Raieigii, N. C. a * I Messrs. .f. F. Rodgers, K. P. and? T ! Rob Ervin, now of Newport, Flu., are spending the holidays with friends in this county, at their lormer homes. ( Mr. Thos. E. Johnson, of Hopkinsville* Ky., stopped over several days in town this week, greetJ.?.p fpiaivL in luc ucii<>l ir^ninl *"? ,,to 14* ? ? j 1 manner. So many visitors have been: conunj; and goin;; durini* the past ! week that we have perhaps over-' looked soma of them. It such be j the case the omission has bean j unintentional, as we have eat'ea-1 vored to luarn the names of them all. Miss L-nisa Gilland, who has j been on an extended visit to tbej <jp-countiy. returned home las! j ^jek accompanied by her friend, ; Emm.' Men-, of Latirens. j Mr. Nexvn Sirin-fellow, of the iS. 1 College, and Mr* El.vurd Spar ktmu, Jry of Ohai-.e^lon, are tlie quests ' 'rS. ~ _ _ _ J I. of Mr. LuiisCtill jnJ,\vho isspen'J' ' in^r liie Christmas holiday? at ' lionie. 6, - I'roL. C. W. StoTl was autographed at Barr's Hotel Monday. Dr. and Mrs, W. S. Lynch came over Monday frem Cowards to visit the fa? iiy of Mr. Louis Ja cobs. Christmas day passed ofFquietly, with only the Yluxftingof fireworks ani Ilie open stores to suggest that 4t was not Sunday. Miss Roberta Gewinna, of Macon, Ga., is visiting the family of Mr. Louis Jacobs; also Mrs. Bernard Jacobs ami daughter,Miss R gina, formerly ot Kingstree, but now of Beaufort. The Ohristmas trade in town has perhaps exceeded any previous year. The people of the conn ly are waking up to tke fact that Kingstte?e is m towch with tlie times. Solicitor Jolm S. Wilson, accompanied by his son Ingram, takeover from Manning Monday aw the way to visit his mother,! *rs. Marv J. Dnrant. who is auile sick ?.t her howe near Rome. Mrs. W-urant has a larpe iamily tonneclion and an estcusive cir-( ble of friends,who wtll learn with 1 I regret of her ilines*. JCr. John Arthur Brockinton.i vfao lived in this county for a ft inn her of years, is on a visit to relatives in town. Mr. Brock into* i* the youngest son of the late Dr. J. F. Brockiflton, and has numerous Tr ends in town and throughout the county. For several years past he has li^en in I business at Saucier*, Miss. Miss Etta Wilder, who has been' - t C A I A t t. _ iC " in cnarge ?i me leiegrapn omee , at Hart's Hotel frir the past three months* took her departure last Sunday tor her home at St. Stephen?. lJer winning manner and charming personality gained Miss Wilder many Iriends in town, to whom her departure causes a distinct sense ot k?ss. The friends of Rev. J. E. Duntap are pained to learn of the accident that befell him at Georgeloan last week. As he was coming out of Ins gate on the street, a negro riding a wheel rat* into him, knocking him down and inflicting severe injuries about the back. Although painfully hurt, Col. Dunlop is able to walk about with the aid oi a cane. The dance at the Coleman House Tuesday night was a brilliant success. Anions the dancers were included a number of visitois. many of whom were here especially lor this occasion. The dancing was kept up utile! a lale hour, and ihe spirit of' the joyous X msti ie seemed to pervade the hearts of all. Next on hand is t he masquerade ball Friday uijrht, which i> to he the event of the week in it social way. Only one man in a thousand is a leader of men; the oilier O'Jd aie followers of women. If you want a J'lano or Organ write to IS. O. Bristow, Darling on, fc>. 0. A great many men reason in a circle; that's why there is no end to their arguments. j i * A IS j PRCACFHNG AT IND1ANTC1WN. 1 j Rev. Khoshafc* Shimmon a Persian Theolognc, t? Fill the Pulpit. There will be preaching next" Sabbath 11:30 a. m., December30, at Indiantown church, bv Rev. Khoshaba Skimmon of the Theological Seminary, Columbia, S. C. Mr, Shimmon is a native of Per-, sia nrert has been in this country a little over three years. His ai*n is to reiurti to his native land and engage in mission work among his! countrymen. lire purpose in coining to this country is a double 1 one; to kt himself l?y a more complete education for better work, and to become naturalized so that' he may labor under the protection: of one of the great nations. The Mohammedans, among whom lie: will labor, are exceedingly treach-, erous and the lite ot a native /ii ; _i ,1 i/unsutiii is mwiivs in uuuuei, um they stand in awe of the great nations and are slow to lay hands on one who has a right (o claim; their protection* Mr. Sbimmon! has been heard to remark: ul! wish ( had been born tu your; coantry; voa k*ve the greatestj country iu the world." He will have been separated oearlv sixi I years froiu kis wife in4 child! | when he returns to Persia. 0? Monday night, llec. 31, at 7 o'clock, Mr. Shinmon will deliver kis lecture on "Persia, its Camions and E very-day Life.1': This will be given in Indianiovvn church also, and all are cordially invited to both services. There I will be no charge for admission. J The speaker will appear in Perisiau costume, sins in lour dilFerenl t 7 languages, and exhibit specimens i of the handiwork of his people. Whose Horse is This? Editor County Kecord:? On la^t Monday night, December 17, a young black negro brought to the house of one ot our tenants, Tony Scott, one niediamsized, bay rr.are. This tenant accused the stranger of faUifying j in his statements concerning his travels To his surprise thei stranger Jelt some time during lliei j night, leaving the horse, which] shows it must have been stole n] jOCUtl is anxious iu ijiiu i iic umiivi and will care lor the horse until ! the owner calls for it, payins J'or ! feed and for your advertisement. Yours truly, V. Kiikm ct* SONS. Khems, S. C. Notice. i lit n II ! rv 1 1001 j v. ?/ iuimiiii v . . jthe A. C.L. 11. It. Co. will charge j storage on all goods remaining ir. | warehouse or cars after fort .-eight i i * i hours, L. 0. Dove,Agent, j I Men who atv considered well to- lo are sometimes haul lo do. I represent I'trited States Mutual and Fidelity Co., of Callimore, Md., and will be glad to write bonds lor county officials nee ling them. My company is one of the staunches! in the world ?ud the rates as low as any reliable indemnity bond company. C W WOLFE. . Grand Sale of -ATr*i IT DC wu i i a ??i i beginning this week WC have anno Sale, ami will continue it fift December! annual *tock taking, and want to have possible. We wis#i to say to our Willi awr'tenr rare bargains in aWte for them. Special Reductior and Sh And we can suit you from our large stocV tosh (.'ape Coats at unheard of prices. We have the praise of selling the country and tosustaih this we must k Hamilton Brown* Batth? Axe and Julia teecl lines, warranted *hy the mknufactu Ladle*, we are still shewing pretty 1 and our prices are cut on these^goods tc _tr'-LJ 1 We have a Beautiful Doll on exWbl to some lucky pet.son. We issue ticket* cirasu of toys we-give each customer a chance at the Bolt, soy oh caiit lose an] stand a food showing at the present. Santa Class has always made our stfcr a better Kne-ftf This season than ever bef?*e. Presents for tke larger children*: presents for the for your )tat girl; j^esents for yohr frie Rertk'iftber we keep all kinds of goo Christmas cakes oat of. Nuts, Raisins, Don't Vorget if you Iwy your toys from i Yours for fair dealing, THE OLD REL S. A. Rl l^Caiiairig - c..n,u mnn cnond F thplf! UUIJIO lia^ll rj'\ IIV4 ?!?! ? .. H lime making promises, and the' a other hall" Irving to make excuse?. 1 an* DENTISTRY> J !??? ...... .. . I JM)0. *].< The undersigned, after a success- ^ ful practice of Dentistry for thirtyfour years, is now 4ocated at Kings- / trees the Drockinton house, >j where he is prepared to do any-1 jan thing in the Dental line at eut rate j ^ nri.-fs T/ive and let live, is his ' motto. No shoddy work shall pass J the portals of his offtce. Sutisfae-, lion guaranteed. A trial is solicited j ' llespectfully, I n"t A M. SNIDER,' Dental surgeon. |'? ft? ^ uicustomeflti / / * V \ 1 tlie wrong sor / V r,' W 1 dressing up >1 l*3f I*-'. ? |w* j that carries 11 Xfe11 ) j securely as th y \l?'llosoV lill! Miu-s on :i nut: take chances < concerns wui money in. The Adler 1 We are offeri nil shapes, at lined utulersh These two six next thirty ch m Rochester.' 224 kin- st. %, fUJCBSOf ojf ^ 1 ( ciAaV& - J Mail orders p TOES. onccd WT MiA-WinterCreaTance 24, after * hich time we begin oul Just as smalt stock *n hand a> gcirstotaers that we haXe many is on Clothing oes. c to setect^tvnecatst.rrd Mackln.9 ' Best Sho?s in this part of tht? eep the best brands of shoes* i Marlowe Shoes are cm gtmranrers. things in Dtess *(jr60cls a*d Silks, E^EEE! tfon that we are gixng to give i, ard with evety hen Vent pur ticKet fofiicn ennwes nun to a 'thing "by tttis chance and you e his headquarters, and we have i G-ood.s for the little children; presents father and mother, and presents nds. d things to eat and to make your (Jitron, Mince Meat, etc, is yon have a chance at the Doll. IABLfc. GBY, - - S.O Our Club Offers. ^eCYiunty Iteetrrd and the Home .1 Farm one year,$1.33. 'he County "Record and Thrice-aH'k (New York) World one year, io. *. 'he County Record and Twioe-n^ek News jttHt Oiarier one year, 'he Connty Refotd and tlie Attn Constitution one year, ''he County ItecoVd and Semi tfkiy Columbia State, $2.20. ^ ~ hrtf A?A h/lt'On L ? U 111 t" HI I IJCI1' lias \;nc I|i|> aut1 over moneys people don't try borrow it from you. at Man's Fear, t men dread to take the plunge, ide clothing. They say a satisinpossitde; they're suspicious of 1 but'on-holes; the trimming ami up are not what tiley have been >. 'J'heir expsrieni e has been with t of clothing, that's all. We artout men riirht along in clothing lie above label as neatly and as eir tailors ever dressed thetn.and Lpense. V e fit the man who is et "> as well as we tit the very nanity. "Rochester Adler"cloth> tit. Its manufacturers do bu>ioinoth scale and can afford to >n all sorts of mid sizes that small i:Id never dare to tie up their nake suit and overcoat $10 to $-"? njr a $3 hat in stiff and soft hats, jf'l.";'), and an all-wool, fleece*irt and drawers, i>0 cents eaeh? eial offers are jrood only for the ly*. Mo Brown's E CLOTHING HOUSE, . Opposite Academy of Mustt ^ . f [HiurJeston, H. (1 rorpptly .alii i <leil to%