The county record. [volume] (Kingstree, S.C.) 1885-1975, December 20, 1900, Image 5

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M "iii?"in |T jTWCOHgH] I ? { You have used all ?| "I I sorts of cough. reme-1 j ; I dies but it does not! I yield; it is too deepf! I seated. It may wear f i I itself out in time, but ]; fit is more liable to11 | produce ia grippe, jj 1 pneumortia or a seri-1j I ous thioat affection. j I You need something { | that will give ycu| [strength and build} i up the body. ! SCOTT'S }j 1 FMIII <UAN i| ELIYI^L.\/I)VI 1 j; f wiil do this when everything j l else fails. There is no doubt { j about it. It nourishes, j \ strengthens, builds up and i v | mak^s the body strong and j 2. healthy, not only to throw * J off this hard cough; but to | | fortify the system againstj > further attacks. If you are I J run down or emaciated you | 1 should certainly take this j i | nourishing food medicine, j 3 VX. ind $i.?o, all druggists. i. 2 SCOTT & UOWNE, Chemists. New York. , Ill DIED IN GEORGIA. " ' r ' " u is 1?, 1 ? t-KCTCn OT lv?r. r>. n. rNimuaii, a u. mer Citizen of This County. Editor CoanJv ilecord:. Please allow toe space- in your ^ etoltimns io announce I he-deat h ol 1^ u neli known and highly rcspecled cdtizeii ol litis count\vllun. Kollin U. Kimbail,. who died at his home al GarfielJ, Ga'.r on December 18, al a stioke of paralysis,, superinduced by an attack of typhoid fe-' *?cr through! which.he had recently j passed. Mr. Kimball came to this couji-i t-y from Illinois about andj was 79" years- old at the time oh bis death. He married a daughter of ihe renowned humorist and practical j<;ker, Gen. Wj11 ian. Wood berry, of Britton's Neck, about 1857. who si ill survives him. For several years before the v ar he conducted a mercantile1 business and a farm at Pine Bluff, j in. Georgetown county. Wiien j ihe war came on,, although i Northerner, he zealously espoused the cause of% the South and-enlisted as a private in Co. A, JOtlh S..O. V".,serving faithfully through the whole four years of strife. At different limes in service he filled difficult positions with credit to himself, his record as a soldier being above reproach?although' several of his near relatives fought j a:i the Union side. After the war Mr. Kimball,.! with iiis threadbare tent-cloth and . annv overcoat, began business i again at his old home at Pine! loluft, where lor several years he ! conducted a large and lucrative; mercantile business. Later on he' i sold 1ns interest and moved to | |^_ Johnsonville, where he engaged r in a similar business. In ISSo Mr.Kimball was elected to the State legislature by a hand-! some vote, where he served as a J valuable and uselul member ofj Tdiat body. He was a practical: and level-headed business niao, exceptionally intelligent and well i read. He provided veil lor his family and was always ho-piiablt at his home in the imertainment it *:is friends, lie v. . ' i iiaj't's*. l.<\ .rnili ir. : county eonnccted himspil with i: nc.^.il>nri>.o VU.lilindwt <?hm< n which hr ? - } - irberally supported with hi.? means. lie was 01 a kindly and affectionate disposition, beinj especially fond ol children. Since the sad death ot his brother, Mr. J. W. Kimball.. ot JohnsonvilleThe and his wife have kind Iv cared for the five children ol the latter and educated them Mr. Kimball leaves a devoted wife, an affectionate son and daughter, and a host ol sympathizing friends to mourn his loss. AN iXTIMATK FRIKNP. Lake City, S. C., Dec. IS, 1000. Uuclaimed Letters Will he sent to dead letter office., unless called for within SC days. WOJIEX'S LETTER. Miss Majiret Vest en Adams, Mrs. Sophia Hampton, Mrs. Mammie Mack. Miss Inetf Thomas, Mrs. Eddy Waits, m-eys ?,kt?\erh? % Robert Babson, K. D. Burrow?,. Convers Bunress, Benymon Fulton, John Ferrell, B. B. Fullon, David Gamble, Louzia George,. Isaac Kinder,. G. J.\ Pander^rass,, Tea. Williams. LULli> rosimasier. Kings! ree. i>. C. Dec 1 >900. .? ? p Among the tens of thin-timls wlir have u^*d C?ambcrJaiu!* Cough Remedy for colds and la grippe durlnji the past fctv year*, to our knowledge, not a single ease has resulted in pneu> monia. Titos. Whitefleld Ax Co., 241 'Vabasli avenue. Chit-ago, one of the mo>t porininent retail druggst imthat city, in -peaking of this. says-,. "Wc recomiui-Fiil Chamberlain's Cough Remedy tor la grippe iti. many cases, a" it not only gives prompt and rompleU recovery, but also couateracts anj teudeacv of la grippe to result in penu uioui;u'' For,sale by I)r, Dj.C..Seott~ So:re men a^e so miserly thai they won't even pay another i compliment. When you need :? soothing and healing antiseptic application for any pur po*e. use the original DeWitt's W' Hazel Salve, a well known cure foi piles and skin disease?. It heal* i-ore: without leaving a scar. Hewnrc ol eonnterfeits. Wallace & Johnson. 'Hie up-to-date chemical blonde now has her tresses Klondiked. DeW'ttV- Lilt'c Early Riser* an dainty little pills, but tliev never fai U> cleanse the liver, ceiuovc obstruc tions and invigorate tte system. Wal lace & Johnson. Whenever a doctor dies, an nn dertaker buries his best friend. HOW TO CURE CROUP: Mr. R. Clary, who lives near Amenta Dutchess county, N. Y.,says: "Cliara U'rlain's Cough Remedy is the h?si medicine 1 have ever used. Is is i rompHv fVip rruiii aiif and never fail* to cure." When giv?M as soon as the child becomes horse 01 even after the eroupy cough * has do Teloped, it. will prevent the attack This should be borne in mind a rid I hotjtle of cough remedy kept at banc ready for instant use a> soon as thes< symptoms appear. For sale by Dr. D C. Scott. Among the illustrations in the excellent work, the Horse llook. writ ten by Judge Biggie, is Genera! George Washington's stable at Mt Vernon. The chapter on stable contains many helpful hints, and ha* the plans and elevation of an attractive village stable. The price is 5( cents, by mail; address the publishers Wilmcr. Atkinson Co.i Philadelphia ft V MfMsh , , i fe&&? mmi| !p^ ^Ib^uestiorisNJ^ pUr for V/osr;cn \| . I Arc you nervous? yj/ ! Vj Arc you completely exhausted? $ ' ; jg Do you suffer every month? ? 1 B U you answer ""yes." to any of 3 ' | these questions, ycu have ilk which 8 1 i S Wine of Canfui- cures. Do you 5 1 1 M appreciate what perfect health would ? K be to you? After taking Wine of g R Cardui, thousands like you hare real- " I ? ized it. Nervous strain, lass of sleep, ft I cold or indigestion starts mcirrrua! t E disorders that are net noticeable at |r n first, but day by day steadily grow ft h into troublesome complications, wine ^ ! E cf Cardui, used fust before the men- k K strual period, will keep the female & fi systrm in perfect condition. This b l E medicine iss taken quietly at heme, a ! ffl There is nothing liice it to help R women enjoy good health. It costs pi only Si to test this remedy, which is w >; endorsed by I,OX,000 cured women, g Airs. Lent T. Fricburg, East St. Louis, R J ill., says: "I am physically a- new E woman, by reason of my use of Wine af J Cardui and Thcdford's Black Draught." I , In enses rnco!r!n^ (ipactnl Cirecllonv "1 rtrra?.BlTlr.<r,Hyrs I-aCiei'adv:?- 5j < ry t)f|Nirtui*nt.'' 1 bw Cunttanoo.a j cIdo Co., Chultaiioos*. Tvnn. a Lawyers break more laws than | any other c!a.>* of people, and they get paid Inr doing it. Tb*a Best Prescription tor Malaria. Chills and Fever is a bottle of I Groves Tasteless Chill Tonic. It is | simply iron and quinie in a taste lets | form. .No cure?no pay. Pticv &0c. 1 * / ? ot? vi/in nlhi muu i'i i'4'j. i i\ v jvv/. I? is useless lo bejrin an argument wilft the milkman unless you are willini: to fake water. If you would have a:i apr-etite like j a bear and h relish fcr your meals take IChamberlain's Stomach and Liver i Tablets. They correct disorders-of ' j the stomach and regulate the liven and 1 j bowels. Price, *2.> cents. Samples free, (I )it I)t I>. C. Scott's C*vu? Store. , 1 \Lin. U' 1)1)1 little hprp llP low, and- wor.ian si ill less if it's ui I lie shape of a man. L)r. Cady'o Condition Powders. [Are j list what a horse needs when in .! bad condition. Tonic, blood purifier and vermifuge. They .are not food but racHlieiuc and.the best in use to put ;t [ horse, in prime.condition. Price 2f? cts. ( per package. For sale by I>. C. Scott. Von can't blame the hotel guest ! for kicking when he has to pay out good dollars for poor quarters ' Don't use any of tin* counterfeits of I I)eWitt's Witch Ha/ 1 Salve Most, of ' I them .ire worthies* or liable to cause ' i injury. The original DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve is a certain cure for [tiles, eczema, cuts scalds, burns sor.-s and skin diseases. Wallace & Johns>n. A man is never contented with ; his lot until he qecuhies one in 1 the cemetery. .' You Know What you are Taking. When you take Grove's Tasteless ! Chill Tonic because the formula is j plainly printed on every bottle > showing that it is simply Iron and I (r>iin 4i t!iutolo? fiirni Vn ! cure, no jjay. 50c. What the average farmer needs is a tonic that will eradicate the ' goid brick mania from his system. ; The tnost effective little liver plils made uee DeWitt's Little Early Risers. . They never gripe. Wallace-& Johnson, i ?ome men are so sympathetic | that they are willing to share your ' last dollar with vou. I Till: IiEST PLASrkn. ! A piece of flannel dampened with ! Chamberlain's Pain Balm and hound : to the affected part* is superior to any plaster. When troubled with lame back or pains in the side or chest, give it a trial and you are certain to be i more than pleased with the prompt j relief which it affords. Pain Balm alI so cures rheumatism. One application i! gives relief. For sale by Dr. D. C. . 'jjcott. .. V , % We are Still Leaders in FIRE DRESS ' :2 TPX/I2IIN--S T( SILKS, LACKS, 1UBB0NS, VI ! Mr A Full Lir.e of Pine j^illlnex3 Still Headquarters for Toys and ChrisfmE FhII Stock of Reynold's $2, $2 50 and $ : County. rlease eHll'and got prices, We will aav Stackley's Cat \ HGBSi f BUGGI HARNi L!1 IV?. F HEL Siilj.zigfstrse, - jf. yoa want a good Horse. Mule; Buggy me. Select stosk always oq hand. Will sell Hawe on hand- a house full of CO! BUGGIES, and within thirty days will receiv Everything sold at rock bottom-prices an Tnlmppit PIph TbI ..UiiuiiuU lliuij. luL ' _ _ m i-? _ j ^ r~i i j beo. i. Durneue, ri PRACTICAL TIN. COPPEK AND SIJ Manufacturer of Ma Dealer in I Tin and Hardware, Cooking i Leuve your Tobacco Fluei order- w : Scott's drop Store. GEO. T. BTTBHE i Sepl S tr F ?? rrnmmm~??? A political dark hor*e is a sort Ibe I pi mVMmare to the rest of the bit ion i candidates. I'down Now. i^tJio tiiiie when croup and^' lunj* trouelcs pro\e rapidly fatal. The \< ^ j'oniy harmless remedy that produces J t iinmediaisc irsul-cs is Ore Minute 1 *rB ' Couch Cure- It is veiv pte%saut to, ^ take. and can be relied uppo to quickly c r cure couch#, colds and all lung dis-j Airs euM-s. IX will prevent consump-1 on| ju, tion. Wallace & Johnson. ' " |of the 1 l\>sitiftu often a tied s one's j j]e'p j sleep?especially <r position on the! son's life police force. couch or .? | a uj No our can reasonable hop" for go'*>! <qjni,.c health unless his bowels move once! . . coucc.s.' each (lav. When this is not attended ,, , . . i creup. 1] to. disorders (X the stomach arise. u-.- .11 . . throat r biliousness, headach*. dvsneo-ua and;, , i - ,, . , I JUIKI.H" 1 j)iu?.;ooii follow. If you wish loarohl ? theseailments keep your bowels re-! gt Jar by tnkin^r Chamberlain's Stomach ! ami Liver Tablets when recjuirs'tl. They j a < easy to take ami mild and gentle j mm iU'Clit.-'-X. For sub: liy. Dr. D. C. Scott's j A Drug Store. &n The campaign manager issues J mJLm. the (ledgers, and the candidate! *" dodges the issuer ; Wlmn the tomadi is tired out It: ^ ^ must have a re.-*, but we can't live without food Kodol Dyspepsia Cure j calnVo ' digests all what you eat." so that you ; ^5^ can eat all the good foo I you want' while it is restoring the digestive orgar s to health . It is the only prepar- n yr~rir,' w? III i 1< h Tmnitvtf ri;nr#.<tw 2111 L'lrul* ??f* fiwul. I Hammaic % " w I TK1U AI> Wallace & Johnson. i tuwh, v. ? I to It. It The political party worker is) SoBETTI ilie one who is most successful in ! $ <V . working Ihe pari v. ! | NOT TO C Many persons have had theexpei-! f. ha: icnce of Mr. lVter Sherman, of North i tfl Stanford, X. 11., who say.*. "Frf ?ears j I suffered fortue from ruronic rinMge--: tion. but Kodol Dyspepsia Cure made ' ij J a well man of me.'' It digests what you I eat and is a certain cure for dyspepsia :FOT and everr form of stomach trouble. It I j give* reliet at once even in thu wor*t! ciuos. and can't help but do you good. } Walla.*&& Johnson. .. J , . * ' ' " ' * GOODS, ) MATCH.. ? 110X8 ETC.. 7*' Q- ocds. t is Presents. ! Shoes?I he best in 'hee youmoney... ih Store? ILV WAGONS, . . ESS, ETC, iY ft SPECIALTY,, 1 .LfcH, - - s. cr. * , Wagon or Ilarneis, call on > for cash or approved paper. . >UMBIA and HACKNEY * * forty more, id guaranteed iiST orence, S. C 7 v> * IEET IRON WORKER. ccs Floes, anil Heatinj; Staves. Ih M. L. Allen iW Dr. D. C"> ITTE, LOKENOE, S O: liei^l'l ol some men's s to pull some oilier tnaiy? r x // /Cyrzriri^' n ?7ory box of tli* tenulu?-" 'tT'9-Ql'if "fcblota vt a a e^O. ir <imf hip inrcrHms so'far have. en able to produce flightsimagination < needed at ome when a per ? i= in danger A negleetau co'd ma j soon become serious iM be stopped at once. <>?.e Cough Cure quickly cure* colds and the worst rises of injnchitis. grippe and otfce.* u;d lung 11 otjble Wallace oc iaIJon of PURS LUJSEED OIL mixed with a gallonof iOfmar* tainfc aliens cf the VERY BEST 1 lae WOiU.D for ' ^JffacfTSr*. lintbil! I* par more ntttajir-e Than per- > had and ts absobrtely NOT ;?JWOM)tV P.UXT Is niurie of the HKST Of' RslXT v<> ^ -ftueb ft3 all coed winters use. and fojusrvt ' *" jay thick No trouble to rolx, any boy ct *? Is til3 COMMON HENSK Of HofSE PAIJY point can bo mode at ANY cost, and ts a /jP? ammw&yzw > iuck. liLifiTvu, Peel or Chtp. JJUIAK PA IXC CO., St. juoais, if Hit, KTLB3, - J. 4 '? <*