' J"V ' V() 1 X VL KINGSTREE^ sT cT, THURSDAY, DEC EM BER 20, im SO. .53 Positively No New Display Advertisements Will be Received, or Old Ones Changed, Later Than Tuesday 3Korsmig. , , m mj?m?,^?a?,???? ja_mj__l^j_u_jk_1jij_imm??mi?i ira? ? ???i? r^mn rr ? ' tocii nnjvlira.] AFFAIRS CAUGHT BY OUR .LOCAL; REPORTER AND NOTED. Writtenin Condensed Form and Printed in Like Manner for the Sake of Our Bucv Readers. < All tho new countv officials will ?t;?ke ehnr?je?by January 1. Wave you parid-yonr taxes? Only: ;a lew days of "race remain. i Since the recent cold snap the price of wood has been a burning question. There will be a Christmas ^W-anopy'Yor the Methodist Sunday ecltool at tire -church on Wednesday night, Dec. 36, 1900. We give final notice that all delinquent subscribers will be cut ?Ji* by January 1, 1001. Read; ;and heed. 'The young men of Indiantown: -will have a tournament near in diantown church on Christmas,\ their names with Mr. M. K. Levin,: town clerk and treasurer, prior to the election. The outlook for the festive Yuletide is promising. Invitations are out for a dance at the Coleman House on the 2olh inst., and;* masnuerade ball on the^Sth, At. X f the same place the Masons will give a banquet to oelebraie St. John's Day on December 2.7. - 1 While in town Tuesday iftrs.! J.W. Keiley, who lives a few miles in the country, received the sad: 'tidings ol the sudden death of her nine-year-old son. The little: fellow had been unwell for some a-I renin have the sympathy of the; whole community. Hymeneal" On December, 12, at tiie home! of Mr. W. L. Graham, by liev. \\ . Smiih Martin, Mr. Sain MeR lira ham was marriedt to Miss Oc'uvle Burrows,ail of \V llliamsbur-coir - i t\ S. G. ? WEDDED AT DOCK. Mr. B. B Steele Wins tto Fair Miss Lizzie Nesmith. 'On the alleri.oon of Wednesriot? HQAom hnr 10 of hnmp Vj (A J ) X-/ Vy-V/Iij UV^I L ? ) ui. i ? v ol'the bride's .?not her. Mrs. L.J. Xesmitk, t-he writer had the pleasure of attending the nuptial ceremony which made one Miss Liz'Zie Slesmith, one of Lock's most charming and popular young ladies. and Mr. B. B. Steele, formerly of this place. Promptly at ilie appointed hour, to the accompaniment ot Mendelssohn's wedding march skilluly rendered upon the organ by Miss ?thel Kesmi'h, the bride and groom, without any attendants, took their places 'before the officiating clergyman, .Rev. W, H. Wardlaw, and the -beaut Jul and impressive marriage service was spoken, which united two young lives-"till death them do part." The parloi, prettily and tastefully decorated with ferns and evergreens, made an artistic -setting lor the inspiring scene. The bride was becomingly attired in a handsome costume of dark grey, and the groom looked radiantly happy as he stood smiling beside his blushing bride. Prolnse and heartfelt congratulations followed the 'Ceremony, atter which khe-happy couple took their departure for < hai'lestou and other points before going to their home il Sotnmerville. May the dark'clouds of sorrow never glide acrfvss their horizon, and ii,?ir u-odiL-wi lifp lip Inn?/ and happy, crowned with the joy and sunshine of mutual love. Me. Steele is k -son of ibe late Dr. Tom Steeln, and was born and reared an this community. For the past ten years he has lived in Summerviile, where heris engaged in I lie mill and lumber business.; Mrs. Steele is the eldest daughter oj Mrs. L. J. Nesmith, of Dock, and is quite a favorite among ttie youeg people, to whom her departure will be a source ot much regret; though in departing she bears the kindest wishes of all. The groom has our felicitations in winning so fair a bride. WlIIPPOOHWILL. Thanks! The C. W. Wolfe Publishing Co. has applied lor a charter. It is to-do a .general ,iob printing and newspaper -business at Georgetown and Jvingstree. -Editor C. W. Wolfe, of Kingstree, and P. A. Wilcox,.Esq , of Florence, are the corporators, and the capital is to be -$0,000, Success to the new enterprise! Congratulations to Georgetown! Scrantnn .News. Mortuary. Died, near Cades, S.C.,on Tuesday, Dec. 17, l!)0'J, the in Car. I dau.irljter ol" Mr. and Mrs. Jo!m T. MeKlveen. ():i Friday, Dec. 14, died at L'*d;:r Swamp, Florence, the tu?yewr-;; 1 daughter of ^Ii*. an.l .Mr? Mile- 1!. "ijjuiu. il",voi* want a i'lano or O.can wnte 1m 11. O. Crist ow, DurJingou, & Grand Sale of m a i 9 m i ?ATCUT PF Beginning this week we have anni Sale, and will continue it till December annual stock taking, and want to hav possible. W'e wish to say to our Williamsbu rare bargains' in store for th'em. Special Reduttio and yp And we-can suit yot: from our large sthc tosh ('ape Coals at unheard of prices. We have the praise of selling the country, and to sustain this we must 1 Hamilton Brown. Battle Axe and Juli teed lines, warranted by the manufact Ladies, we are still showing pretty and our prices are cut oh these goods 1 FEEE! We have a Beautiful Doll on erfhil to some lucky person. We issue tickel chase of toys we give each customer i chance at the Doll, so you can't lose ar stand a good showing at the present. ; Santa Cluus has always made oureto a bettor line of daiistm.su Tllis season fhan cyt-r before. I'resent for the larger children.: presents for th for your be^t girl; presents foh your fri Remember we keep all kinds of go Christmas cakes out of. Nifts, Raisins DoriU forget if you buy your toys from Yours Tar fair dealing, i THE OLD RE S. A. R | Manning It shows wonderWl self-*cinlrolwhen a man never -mistakes his good luck f-?r ability, r : ai DENTISTRY! ? g imw inoo. I The undersigned, after a success ful practice of Dentistry for thirty- j ^ four years, is now located at Kings- j $] tree, at the Droekinton house,-1 where he is prepared to do any-: jn thing.in the Dents' line at cut rate ; prices. Xive and let ?live, is his ? motto. No shoddy work shall pass ! the portals of his cfflce. Satisfac-' tion guaranteed. A trial is solicited' Hospectfully, 'j w A M. SNIDE It, : , Dental surgeon, $L The I Jy X into ready ir \ factory tit is \ the seams :ii /I i \ \ generr i nut* I I \ ' accustomed 1 | / / L' V \ *10 ur011KS( / V V \ dressing up: la | that carries V*? | 4 I i* j securely as t h \ ^' - at half the i \ 1)m Apollosof hi \ / If* ing is made i \ "7 H take chance? \l 1 I h concerns wi 11 \ I I money in. 11 1 I u THm Adler m\Yc ?re oftei it 11 shapes, u lined unders These twos} next thirty ( \ i?i Rochester. i'lmkin-s 1 MAKERS OF wr J _ A(.V? 1/JM ail orders j 0 a*. ^JSrfflr v. # I RICES. minced our Mid-Winter Clearance 24, after which time we begin our eji?st as smdil stock <*n hand as rg customers that we ha-ve nirtn'y ns co Oiothmg loes. k to select Overcoats'and Mackin Rest Shoes in "this part of the keep the be?t "brands of shoe*, ki Marlowe Shoes are o'tii gunranurers. , things in Dress Goods end-Silks. foo. 1 FS3EE1 >ition that we are griing to give b?, and with every ten ^ent puri ticket which entitles him to si jything -by this chance and yoli ? * re his headquarters, and we have 3 GrOCd-S ;s for the little children ; presents e father and fnother, and presents ends, i od tliing-s to eatand to make yonr , (Jitron, Mince Meat, etc. us you have a chance at the DotlLIABi/E, IGBY. - - - - s.c. 'OurTlub Offers. The Count vltecoi-d and the Home id Farm one year,$1.23. , The County Record and Thrice-a^eek (New York) Worhl one year, .65. . % The County Record and Twice-h7eek News and Courier one year, .75. . ' The County Record iVnd the At,nta CodSiltiition one year, $1.75. The County Record and Senii7eekly Columbia State,-*2.25. A clever girl is one .that"knows hat ? man meatus when he says intra he don't mean. 'at Man's Fear. ut men dread to take the plunge o de clothing. They say a- satisimpossible; they're suspicious of # id button-holes; the trimming anil eup are not what they have been to. Theirexperienie has been with >rt of clothing, that's all. We are stout men right along in clothing the above label as neatly and as heir tailors ever dressed them,and expense. We tit the- man who is feet "> as well as we fit the very intimity. "Rochester Atller" clothto fit. .Its manufacturers do busiimmwth scale and can atford to ; on all sonts-of odh*izes that small tuld never dare to tie up tlnMr ' make suit ami overcoat fit) to $2". Alt hut in ?nd sf)ft hats. '* V "* -----t Jjil.oO, and an all-wool,-fieM* liirt ami drawers, pO eentseuoh (( end offers are irootl onlv for the lays. Mo Bwra9^ IE CLOUS HOUSE, t. Opposite Academy of Music Charleston, S. C promptly am \ ded to. /