The county record. [volume] (Kingstree, S.C.) 1885-1975, December 13, 1900, Image 4

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k Th? Car lp ^tresnl ? ? t T li v at ' * . lir w. W. WOLFE. Editor and Proprietor. TERMS. SUBSCRIPTION. RATES.: One copy, one year, - - - $1.00. One copy, six months, - - - .*><?. One copy, thiec months, - - .25. Snbseriprions payable in advance. advertising rates: One inch, first insertion, Si.00; each 'subsequent insertion, 00 cents. Obituaries and Tributes of Respect over 15) words charged for n?iegulur advertiseuients. Liberal reduction on advertising made for three, six and twelve months' contracts. CoiHmiiHt'rations must he accompanied j ... by the real name ami aumw ui mvavritcr in order to receive attention. No tmnmunicntiou of a personal nature ?v ill be publislisd except as a a. advertisement. Address all letter?and make all drafts pavabiC tol C. W. Wolfe, KinaseiH*e. S.<\ THURSDAY. DECEMBER i3, ISCO. THE CORNER-STONE LAID. Tuesday was an epoch in the history of South Carolina's metropolis,., the grand eli City by the Sea. With military pomp, Masonic ceremony and patriotic edoquence the corner-stone of the Hxpositioo textile building was laid in the* presence of several thousand people, among whom " ,L- ?? I tlin were me puciuui ui unci many other distinguished visitors. The occasion was one fraught with interest to South Carolina, and indeed to the whole South. Charleston's enthusiasm \ in pushing thp enterprise is well sustained, and the favor it is meeting without side the State bodes well for its success There is every reason to believe that Congress will aid the Exposition by a liberal appropriation, which, with the amount already subscribed, will put it on a firm finaneial footing. It is a great undertaking, out that the business men . at the head ot it, backed up by the rest of the Slate, will rise to the occasion,.we have no doubt; it is no looker a question as to whether the Exposition will be held or not, but how great a success it can be made, its suc? cess will be shared by every county in the State, then it is but just and proper that the whole State should lend it? willing aid. Moore's X Roads, ' ? r a /I !_ ? Mr. ana 3m. .j. a. vook spent Sunday at Mr. Ralston Smith's, near Beulah. Rev. J. E. Rushtou preached his last sermon before Conference at Pergamus Sunday to a large audience. A large crowd of "Gypsy" horse traders are camping near here. They seem to be doing but little business so lar. Miss Ella Morns closed her school at this place on Thanksgiving Dav. Hymen's torch has been burning brightiy in this community during the past week. On Sunday jft-t Miss Lula Thomas and Mr. Norman Young were married at tile residence of Mr. Pat McKen sie, Rev. W. O. Wilson officiating. 1 I - ? V' OC *f. ... uu \> sunesuav^uv. .uus Martha Thigpen, of Clarendon cpunty, and Mr. Rhett Floyd, ol this section, were united in inarriace by Rev. J. M. Weaver. Mr. Alex Stuckev and family, of Darlington county, have recently moved to this neighborhood. We cordially welcome them i ... . r r?!iioi??r ms. ATr. <] Mrs. *..m 'Find ;!, ol > ..-r ire visii ?!' ' . i tl) t J- ? J .ll i >. ! ' ' ??-? ! ... A donkey party will be jriven at Mr.Bartow Smith's next Friday i % night, December 7. It will be lor the bem ilt ot the school taught by Miss Elida Suteliffe, and tinder her direction. There has been considerable sickness in this section*, but, we ! are glad to sav, few cases are noted at present. A cjuiet marriage was solemnized last lire residence ot |Rev. K. E. Smith, between Miss ! Maude McRmgh-t and Mr. Eddie Coker. The ceremony was performed by Key. Mr. Sinitb, assisted by Rev. W. O. Wilson, in the presence of a few friends, who at the close of the service warmly congratulated the newly-wed j j young couple. Tite bridal party land their Iriends then repaired to the hospitable horn2 of the groom's father* where a bountiful and de lieious supper was served. Anions: (bequests present were, Mr. and 1 Mrs. J. A. Cook;. Mr. Bennie Cook, with Miss Kva Matthews;. Mr. Judson Moore, with Miss Laura Moore; Mr. Charlie Stuckev, with Miss j Ella Moore; Mr. At>bie Fitch, with j Miss Mattie Moore; Mr. McRoy I Matthews, with Miss Annie Stuck-; ey; Mr. Lonme McKnight, with ; Miss Daisy Stuckev, Rev. W. O. j Wilson, Mr. W. W. Kennedy and | o'hers. After doing amplejustice ; to the refreshment provided sevl eral hours were spent in social conj verse,after which the guests dej parted in the happiness ol a well i spent evening. Axon. Notice. All parties holding claims I against Williamsburg county will ' present the same lor payment on | or helore tlie 31st of December, 11900. 11. B. Chandler. County Supervisor. Wanted. i 10,000 cords of yo?>d hickory t.o be J delivered at Kowcsville and Denniaak, S, C. For particulars, address JOHN F. SIMMONS,. Dec.,6. ihno. Rowesville, S. C~ Foi Rent My Store at Cooper Postoffice Applv WILLIAM COOPER, Nov. 19. 4t Cooper, Sv C. . Notice. All person? holding claims against the estate of Mary J. MeCutchen will ' present the same duly attested, and all {indebted to said estate will make payment to HUGH McCUTCHEN. Qualified Adminstrator. Cades, S. C. 3t. I Notice. All parties holding: claims against the estate ol S.C. McCutchen will prej sent tin- same, duly attested, to me at ' Lake Citv. .T. B*. McClTClIEN. j 13 4t | SHERIFF'S SALE. STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA, Williamsburg County. D. E. Mixon, et a!.. vs. JPrbcik E. Sauls, et al. J Pursuant to an order of the Court of ; Common l'leas made in the above cause 23th September, 1899, and to me ; directed, ! will offer for sale at public > auction in front of the court liou-c in 1 Kingstree. s.C'., on the 7th day of January, 1901. within the legal hours of sale: ; All that certain piece, parcel, or tract of land, situate, lying and lieing in the County of Williamsburg, State of South Carolina, containing one 1 - ~ O..I.AO mnvfl hundred una si.\iv-?u-u .n iV.-? M>r less, and bounded :is follows: north by lands of G M Smith and K iv Coli lins. east by land of the estate of i Samuel Kir by and Louis Jones, south i by land of T L McCl.un and west by i land of G M Smith. ? Term*: one-thir-d ca?h, balance in one ajul two years. The credit, port,on | of the purchase money to be secured | by? bond of the purchaser and a mortgage of the premises bearing in. terest fiom day of sale and providing for payment of attorney's fee in case an attorney be employed to collect same, rurschaser to pay for title and stamp. J. D DANIEL. S. W. c. m ii M ii i. i " -X y uli il -f 3 t: yj is a I -i Stock of D3Y GOODS, 1 PDnrcDicQ UllUULillLV, HATS, SHOES, and NOTIONS Is open for your inspection at the1 {store lormerly occupied by \V. JR. Funk. Every article is fresh audi new, and selected with great care. 5 an* after your custom?the ' early buyer gets the choice. Don't delay, hut call at once. I offer yon goods you want, and the prices are right. W. A. WEAVER, | KING ST REE, S. C. i - | Bankruptcy Sale. IN THE DISTRICT COURT QY THK VXTE1) STATES-FOR THE EASTERN t)LSTKICT OF SOI TIL I I Carolina. IN THE MATTER OF MARY M. JiCCUTCll EX It A N K Rl'I'T. Under and by virtue of an order of I this court dated 27th day of October I tflOO. 1 will sell to the highest bidder I f??r ca ll at Lake City. S.C.. on the 15ih I of December 1900 at eleveu o'clock t m. | all notes, bonds, accounts, mortgages' chattle mortgages and other securities and evidences of debt of the bankrupt e-tateof Mary M .McCutclmn. including mortgage <>f London Braveboy, dated January 31st. 1891. covering titty 50\ acres of laud in Williamsburg county and securing a debt of *150.00. I Mortgage of W. 11. McElveen to J. j B. McC'ntehen. Agent. covering tract of laud in Williamsburg county, containing tliree hundred and twenty-two (5122) acres,, and securing a debt of Sl.75.oo. said mortgage bearing date the ,10th day ot Februany. 1897. Mortgage of, W. E?. Nettles to J. It. .Met'utelien, Agent, covering taact of land iu, Williamsburg county, containing one hundred ( iOO) ceres,. and securing a debt of $300.00 and bearing date March 11 til. 1897. tiir. Oiiknvii ir described real [ taining.twenty (20) acres more or less, | and bounded as follows, 10-wit: north by Thomas M. Feagin; south by ,SteJ pi:en Kodgers; east by land of the J children oi \V. R. Feagin; and west by ! 1). Wallace Jones. i Also, all that >.ertain piece, parcel or I j tract of land lying, being and situated i ; n the County of Florence, State ofj j .'south Caroiina, containing Niuetyj eight and three-quaricr (9b?4) acres, I ' and hounded as follows: north by lands or W. J, Nettles and J. A. Nettles; I south by land of (ieor. N. Parker: east j by land of Mrs. M. K. McCall; and ; west by land of W. J. Floyd I Terms of sale as- to persona property, I notes, mortgages, etc, cash. As to i real estate, one-third ('3) cash, hair new in two equal, annual instalments.) Credit portion of the purchase money i to be secured by bond of the purchaser! and mortgage of the premises, pirn iding for the payment of Attorney's fees, in ease the service of an attorney be j employed for c?lleclting same, drawing interest iroin the date of sale: witn J I privilege to the purchaser of paying j all cash. (Signed) W. B. WILSON, Nov. 17th 1900. 4i. , Trustee. | | ,? . . V, v..~ . ? ; estate : All that piece, paced or lot. of'i , land situated ?>u Main Street, in the I J town of Lake City. Williamsburg] | county, and State of South Carolina. ! containing one (1; acre, measuring on j the front one hundred ami rive feet. I running hack penpenoici.las from Main Street to iine of (jhas. >f. Kelly, but| ting and bounding, nortft by land of IChas. M. Kelly: south by Main street; j ea*t by lands of C. E. Bass; and West by I land formerly of Byron ('. Truiuek* I Alsc.all that lot or parcel of land lying,1 J being and situated in the town <>t Lake City, Williainsbnrg county and Suite of South Carolina, containing one (1) acr*. bounded as follows; to-wit:.north by lands of Cbus. M. KelLvp east by lot of said Mar.y M. McCutchen; south, bv. lands of Chas. M>.. Kelly and the public mad; ami west by lauds of ( has. ; Si. Kelly, lx'injsj the same land that was j conveyed to said M. M.. McCutcben by B. C* Truluck, by deid bearing date the 7th day of April, 1894. Also, all that piece, parcel or lot of laud situated in the town of Lake City, county of Williamsburg and State of j South Carolina, containing three and one-half (8 Wf). acres, with High School Building thereon located, and aJl furniture tlu-rein, said land being bounded a- follows, to-wir: north by 1 .nd of O, E Singletary south and east Uy land of Daniel e handler: ana west by pu!>- i lie road. Also, all that lot and building In the I I town ot Lake City, County of Wii! liainsburg and State of South Carolina, I containing onc-haif ('.j) acre, bounded I north by land of O. E. Singletary; i east by Academy Street; south by Jot i of James C. Fulmore; and west by j Atlantic Coast Line Railroad right of i way. Also, one-lialf uiterestin a catton.sced I warehouse located on the right of way of the Atlantic Coast Line Railroad | Company, it. Lake City, Williamsburg | County. South Carolina. Also, all that certain piece, parcel or j | tract of land situated in Williamsburg j I "onnrv. State of South Carolina, con- j IF YOU WANT IT, C( First,by purchasing your Horses, Iiugg Secor.d, in doing that you buy cheaper Third, you get better values for your nothing hat whiA we make good if spni-Jtinn. We have just received a car load of the 0LINA UUtiOlES, which we are rapi a carload of the renowned one and ' w< we thank vou for yaur liberal patn you good treatment in future business, See Hawkins on Court House Squa Tliomas 3 KINGSTKKK, All G Brockinton C and n -MY STOCK I! With Almost An you w Drots in. seS Pricss \ " WAN" Any Country Produce LOR ROOM FREE TO ALL Yours to please, Is SIB - - Wc hare moved into our new store i Merchau OUll LIXE OF . Dff Goods, Clothing, IS THE LARGEST AND MOST Our Grocery! Ilus-been enlarged1 and'-.-extended, and ? LOW PRICED GOO0& AXDGRCC Drop in and See Us. May Save Y HARDWARE. TINWAR FA EM IM PLEM FVTS. CROC AMMUNITION, G1 GUITARS, MANDOI GENTS FURNISHINGS* TOYS, IN FACT, ALMOST AN! All Goods Must be as R ReTunc GAGG, OLO KINUSTRE The h M. Siors. THE NEW YORK WORLD Thrice-a-Wsek Edition. ALMOST A DAILY AT THE PRICE OF A WEEKLY. | t?.p nrp-idcntial canipaijrn is over. but tlic World goes on just the same j ami it N full of news. To learn tliis news, just as it is?promptly aand impart ially?all that you have to do is to j look in the columr^of The Thriee-a- > Week Edition of The New York World ! which comes to the sub-cribeis 156 j times a year. The Trice-n-Week World's diligence j I as a publisher of tirst news has given j it circulation w hereto it the English j language is spoken?and you want it 1 The Thrice-a-Week World's regular subscription price is only Sl.ou per yiar. IVeofl'er this um>qualed newspaper and Tua County Kkcoud together one V ear for $1.65. 'J he reguiar subscription price of the two papers is $2 No one ever heard a married h man coai his wife to sing for him, v )ME ANI) GET IT. * k'x?Wjijjoimand Harness from n?. of ih tintti elsewhere, hard earned dotfar-^ as- we s< I5< It doe? not come i*)? tv?n*r repret famou* ROCK IT-ILK and CAKdl.v selling at cyclon** pri'-es. A Do t# horse AUBURN \v AGuNS. r?Hge in the past. and promise re. II? will treat you- ri^ht. 3xad.lxa.zxi, S. ft J ONE! v i i r>x I_ na ononis,. .CW 5 COMPLETE-. y New Thing ant. and Savs Money. FED You- Have to GelL * is rjt B ILMrMO. Ji! Eii and filled it full of fine, attractive* disc. i Boots and Snoss co.m i'lete assout11 h_\ 1. Department >e are prepared to please any one.. eh1r5 cffinest quality.. Costs You Nothing, ou IVSoney. e, horse goods, ;kery, fishing tackle, un's, revolver.^ hns, accordeons, ladies' goods). * bric-a-brac, n'hing you want. ^presented, or Money led. 7ER & CO. E, S. C. Til fa Iritis Eton, i *?|.J\U. o L 1=1 *\5$22s*gl ^sallB 8 -.rt- '-j J -2 r c <? m ?f? ill Mw?ir| 3 ?'P5?| Eki fe?g 2 Edii r\ e?3?s| IU*?S$9K^Rv ~3 Sw c^<M8 iSikmc ^ s2-s feppiNV i Si # K^jfyy^ -f iso matter in what part ot the louse a man leaves thing-*, his rife is sure to move thfctH,.