The county record. [volume] (Kingstree, S.C.) 1885-1975, November 08, 1900, Image 5

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Ilfs Easy 1 Arrested on Suspicion. Wednesday morning a suspici-j ous looking negro was seen at Sailers and arrested by Postmaster! j J. G. Lil'ragc, who thought that !:oi might be the escaped rapist, I Macon Lesesne. A description of hesesne was telegraphed for, but To Take! | 9 ^ Thin, pale, anaemic girls * " % need a fatty food to enrich $ ? their blood, give color to | g their cheeks and restore their $ g health and strength. It is $ ? safe to say that they nearly $ t,\ j ^ g all reject fat with their food. * COD LIVER OIL WITH NYPOPHOSPH/TES orUHES SODA k I | is exactly what they require; | j it not only gives them the im- $ % portant element (cod-liver oil) $ | in a palatable and easily di-1 gestcd form, but also the hypo-1 $ phosphites which are so valua- J $ ble in nervous disorders that $ | usually accompany anaemia. | ? SCOTT'S EMULSION is a S | fatty food that is more easily | * digested than any other form J ? of fat A certain amount of f a flesh is necessary for health. 8 | You can get it in this way. | ? We. have known per-1 $ sons to gam a pounu a w 2 day while taking it. A $<*:. and $t.oo, all druggists. tt ? SCOTT & BOWSE, Chemists, New York. Vv vvvvv Additional Locals. Miss Tinv Bostiek, of Tii'ton, Oa , is visitin?x the family of Mr. B. (i. Myers. Mr. Emile Arrowsmith,. now of Gcorceiown. is in town for a few (lavs (liis week. LXr. W. IJ. Chapman, of ,)ohn/s?tnville,was autographed al Burr's hotel Tuesday. The wires were kept hot Tuesday night with the associated press reports ot election returns. A ciowd. gathered at Bart's Hotel and-much enthusiasm was shown when reports favorable to Bryan were read. Mr. R K. Wallace has bought the stock, fixtures and good will at' Mr. R. K. Watts and will go into the jewelry and watch re pairing business at this place. Mr. Wat is has returned to his former home at Goldsboro, X. C. Mr. P. D. Snowden was in town Wednesday from Indiantown. lie called to see us and renewed his subscription to Tiie Record. Mr. Snowden planted tobacco this year and is well pleased with proceeds of the sale of his crop. A protracted meeting will commence at the Kingstree Baptist church next Sunday morning to continue all the week. The pastor, Rev. G. T. Gresham.will be assisted by Rev. J. D. Huggins, of l'acolet, S. 0. The public is cordially invited to attend the services, as they arc intended for a union meeting. Following are the election returns from this voting precinct as tabulated by the managers Tuesday: Federal?Bryan 10S, Mclunley 51; Congress, Gst district, Scarborough 30, Stewart 2; Congress, 1st district, Elliott 70, k Beeket 41. For State officers 97 I votes were cast. Constitutional amendments,.Yes 21, No 1. (VL & This oijpatrr* is or. every bos of tbo ceaaine Laxative Bromo?Quinine Tablets thp remedy that, cures a coM In ?nc day I it iailed to tally witii tlie negro ; arrested and he was released. This is the description of Le| sesne given by Sheriff Daniel: i UA small dark-brown negro aged 15 or 1G years, weight about 100 ' pounds, height 5j feet. When j last seen he had on a black, well worn cui-away coai. Uuclaimed Letters Will he sent to dead letter office, unless called for within SO days. women's letter. Miss Mary Fulton Mrs ET Holland (2) MissFaney Jackson Mrs Nettie Melvin Miss Hester Scott Miss Etlie Wood berry Miss lie! t ie Wood berry 'Men's letters. J W lluskey Walter Williams Rev. K Barntf. |LOUIS JACOBS, Uostmaster. Kingstree. S. 0. No? 1 1000. Ynu Know What you are Taking. AY lion you toko Grove's Tasteless | Chill Tonic because the formula is ; plainly printed on every bottle I showing that it is simply Iron and I Quinine in a tasteless form. No i cure, 110 pay. 50c. Miss Alcott's "ittle Men" in a play. ElizubetliLinroln Gouldhas resnsoitated Miss Alcott's "Little Men." j and, with their old teacher anil his! good wife, has pat Jthem in a drama which she calls "The 'Little Men'; Play." All the good Plumbfiehl | folks who hava entertained thons-J ands of boys and girls arc brought | hack in the flesh and live their schooldays over again. The play! | will be published in the December t j Ladies* Home Journal. What the public wants is a bi-j !cycle built for two?dollars. When you want prompt acting little I pil!< that never gripe use I )e Witt % j r.if tip Tvi ! ) v Risers. Wallace. .Y Jnllll hm Some ot the most successl'.il j tnon trust in the Lord and work tor the devil. i Stops the Cough and Works off the Cold. Laxative Bromo-Quitiine Tablets cure a cold in one day. No cure, no pay. Price 25 cents. Few mothers are htakhy, because 11 their duties art so exacting. The anxkty of pregnancy, the shock of childbirth, j Brnd the care of young children, are j 1 severt trials on any woman. But with | Wine of Cardui within her grasp, every | mother?every woman in the land?can pay the debt of personal health she owcj her loved ones. Do you want robust health with all its privileges and pleasures? Wine of Cardui will give it to vou. mm\ | strengthens the female organs and invig- , orates weakened functions. For every i female HI or weakness it is the best > medicine made. Ask your druggist for i $1.00 bottle Wine of Cardui, and take no I1 substitute under any circumstances. Mrs. Edwin Craas, Conner, Mich.i 'Xheu 11 I commenced Vine of Cardui J was hardly abU I j to walk across the house. Two weeks after I walked B H I half a nuie id picked atrawberries. J'brn my |> S other child vu borr. I suffered with labor pema 24 B I boors. and had to raise him on a bottle because I had fl I I 11 (his time, 1 grv: birth its/ month to a baby to A. id I j n w* in Ubor only tw o hours, wrifh but lime pain, n and I hrre plenty of milk. For thisgreat imcrore- fl ! ment in my health 1 thank Cod and Wine of Gurdui." I 1 j fl For advics incases requiring special directions. fl I H address. pvtng symptoms, "The Ladies' Adrisory fl I , . Department," The Chan fl ) ' | 3 ffi\ "nocgo Medicine Co., I g I Chattsnooji, Tcna I] ^1 Wood's g r . s"fc I I . A4< I every rat um | should have a copy of % I Wood's Autumn Catalogue of I I SEEDS AND GRAIN I If For Fall planting. It tells all aboat I I GRASS & CLOVER SEEDS, I Hairy, or Winter Vetch, | Crimson Clever,/ I I Seed Wheat, fM* I ; Oats, tics | I It aleo j?ives descriptions, best methods I of culture and much special and yalua I ble information abont all crops that I I can be sown to advantage in the Fall and earlv Winter. Catalogue mailed I ' free. Write for It and price* of any Seeds or Seed Qrmlo required. IT. W. ^ 00D & SONS, SEBDSMEN, 1 Richniond,^^^^^^^ Many a man loves his enemy because it comes in his pocKel tins k. PcWitt's Witch Hazel Salve will quickly heal the worst burns and scalds md not leave a sear. It can lv; aj. plied to cuts and raw surfaces with prompt and soothing effect. I'se it lor piles and skin disease-. Beware of worthless count.rteits. Wallace & Johnson. The drone in a bee-liive is synonymous with the woman on aj tanueni. If you have ever sen a child in the agony of croup you can rea izc how grateful mothers are for One Minuu\Congh Cure which gives relief i.s soon as it is administered. It quickly cures coughs colds and all throat and lung troubles. Wallace & Johnson. The present generation might be justly termed a bicycle race. The Best Prescription tor Malar,a. Chills and Fever is a bottle of <troves Tasteless Chill Tonic. It is simply iron and quiuie in a tasteie; s form. No cure?no pay. Price otic, cure no pay. rice ">Uc. Gas triisls may not make the world any better, but they make it a little brighter. Maiyc people worry because they believe they have heart disease. The chances that their hearts are all right but their srcnnuiches are unable to digest food. Kodol Dyspepsia Cure digests what you eat and prevents the format ion of gas which makes the stomach pre*} against the heart. It will cure every form of idigestion. Wallace & Johnson. USED BY B1UT1S1I SOLDIERS I> AFRICA. Capt. C. (5. Dennison is well known all over Africa as commander of the forces that captured the famous reliel Cialishe. Under dat? of Nov. 4. lt<97. front Vryburg, Bechuanaland, he writes: "Before starting on the last campaign I bought a quantity ofChainl>erlain*s Colic Cholera and* Diarrhoea Remedy, which 1 used myself when troubled with bowel complaint, and had given to my men, and in every case it proved most beneficial." For sale by I)r. I). C. .Scott. Jf every body thought alike? but they never will, so what's the use to think about it? Dr. Cady's Condition Powdars. Are just what a horse needs when in bad condition. Tonic, blood purifier and vermifuge. They are not food but medicine and the be<t in use to put a horse in prime condition. Price 2-r era. per package. For sale by I). C. Scott. A Adam's faatprint is the first race track recorn, You can't afford to ri-k your life by a I lowing a cough or a cold to develop into nnenmnnia or enusumntior . One .Minute Cough Ciue will cure throat und lung troubles quicker than any Dther preparation known. Many doctors u^e it as a spec tic for grippe. It ian infallible remedy f<?r eroup.Children like it and mothers endorse it. Wallace^ .Johnson... ' We are Offering r a -r\ rr^n T T i riir> LAJDlttS JttA 1 ?; SILKS UIHBONS VELVETS FINE DRES ... ^"CTE53JTI Please call when you are in money \a.t stackley's C ? _ B il n L M. R HE S^ixigrstxee, jf you want a good Ilorse; Mule, F me. Select stock always on hand. Wil Have on baud a house full of BUGGIES, and within thirty days will Everything sold at rock bottom-pric Tin Fines, i Geo. T. Burnette, PRACTICAL TIN, COPPER AN Manufacturer of Dealer i Tin and Hardware, Gooki Leave vonr Tobacco Flues ordei Scott's drug Store. GEO. T. BUI Sept 8 tf The hand that used to rock the cradle now grips the handle bar. [on There is no pleasure in life if you J ?lread going to the table to eat and can't! res' at night on account of Indigestion, j Henry Williams, of Booivville, Ind . I says that he suffered for years, till he ij* commenced the use of JCodoI Dy.spep sia Cure, and adds: "Now I can cat fu anything I like and all I want and r sleep soundly every night," Kodo1 j Dyspepsia Cure will digest what von i eat. Wallace & Johnson. ^ Satan might justly claim to be pr the only original scorcher. ,n< ! th CHAMREKLAIX'S PAIN* Ii.M.M ; tit ci* r. es on i e its. \v11 v not y(h\ j Mv wife has been usifig Charnber- j Iain's Pain Palm, with good results.; ? for a lame shoulder that has pained i her continually for nine j'ears. We! have tried all kinds of medicines and j j doctors without receiving any benefit I from any of them. One dav we saw an j advertisement of thi> medicine and I thought of trying it,. which we did I with the best ot satisfaction. She has; used only one bottle and her shoulder ^ i? almost well. Adolph L Millett. j Manchester, II. For sale by Dr. I>. j C. fceott. ' The grindstone trust is a grind- J ing wheel monopoly. 1 I De>Vitt'i? Little Early liisers are the | 'j best liver pips ever made. Easy to take and never gripe. Wallace & .lonnson.' w * 1 i H TS Bupid's bow is now used is a! tandem handle bar. ' I J It will not be a surprise to any one ! ft who is at all fatnilar with the good w qualities of Chamberlain's Cou^h Item-; 1 edy. to know that people everywhere i in relating their experience in the use of that Plendid medicine and in tell- i ing of the b*.?ri?-fit they hare received from it, of had colds it has cured, of! tl reatened attacks of pneumonia it "CI lias averted and of the children it litis saved fiom attacksof croup aud wooopin# cough. It is a grand, pood nu.didiuc. J'or Sale by Dr. D.C. Scott. j ; Bargains, in. s goods; trunks; shoes notions' TTTIESB. We buy for yaslland will save * Zash Store, i ORSES AND MOLES,. IICGIES. WAGONS, ARE ETC, IVERY A SPECIALT!,: ELLER, - s. c. luggy, Wagon or Harness, call ou.-1 sell for cash or approved paper. . COLUMBIA and- HACKNBV * receive forty more. Xrs and guaranteed*.1 lair Florence, C I> SHEET IRON WORKER, *'* Tobacco. Flues;. iiv inf and Heating Stove:. r< with M. L. Allen at Dr. D. C tNETTE, LT I lUL'\T/,r ' L! 1 riiunruivfj, o ? . . * ?~ A boy never gets much e??:ril*o *i it of h-is first cigar, but lie geis : s of experience. DENTISTRY! K? ..... . . . 19 DO. The under signed, after ? success- I practice of Dentistry for thirty- ur years, is now located at Kings* ie, at the It rock Fait on- house,, tiere lie is prepared to do allying in the Dental line at cut rate ices. Live and let live, is his-; otto. No shoddy work shall pass . o portals of his office. Satisfacm guaranteed. A trial is solicited ; Respectfully, A M. SNIDER, Dental surgeon. A Gallon of PURE LINSEED OIL . with a gaUoa ot~. 27" (tOmcaT* at M JLO0V^/25 mkw > (rtllooi of the VERY BEST AUT In Uhj WuHi.D for CJO, OtWmJT^SS>*. ^CVVZSab&CiZb~ TOtirp*lnt bill Is far more DrRABBEtbMJ *m?y o wtk u.'.n and la ahroli'TELY not poipon""- '. A.mmak Paint Is made of tho bept ok paint ? * fBrilU_.naK... all.MwI nalptnM nrA r?H IT trr. f tf.ft f tint, very Tiu?c No trouble to culx. any ko> :*r ? It. It IS the common 8knke ok HotVE P.k'.VX ) iietter paint can be made at ANY cost, and a t to Crack. blister. Perl or Chip. f. HAMttAR PALNT CO., St. Loul*, Mo? Mr i:. 'OWL'SR, 8. C ^ ^ jvr ??*&. I3J1 f _ j * I I