Tlpe Ctfimij) %tjersrjd 1""UY 1 Hl'vSD4Y. AT j C. W. WOLFE^ EDT1V%K AND PKC?R:$T?S. ? TERMS. SUBSCRIPTION RATES: One copy, one year, - - - $1.00. One copy, six months, - - - .50. One copy, tlitee months, - - .-5. Subscriptions payable in advance. ADVERTISING RATES: One inch, tirst insertion, $1.00: each si;i)?('qrtent Insertion, 50 cents. Obitu-! aricsamf Tributes of Respect over 15); words charged for as tegular advertisements. Liberal reduction on advertising made for three, six and twelve months' contracts. * "A/iA.^noniiul k Comwn)iic<<>[ l?v the mil name ami address of the j w l iter in order to receive attention. Xo j communication of a personal nature | will be pubilshsd except as an adver-, tisement. Address all. letters and make all drafts payable tyl C. W. WOLFH, Kingstree, S.O. THURSDAY. NOVEMBER s, 1900. I AN UNFORTUNATE AFFAIR. The escape of Macon Lesesne turns loose upen us, fresh iiorc his crime, the perpetrator of a deed the most revolting in the category j a! crjtae. We are by no means' an advoctate of lynching or mob violence and have invariably, when the occasion demanded, deprecated this particular kind of! law breaking. When the would ; bp ravishar, Hamilnton McGill.l wps captured, there was a healthy [ * sentiment that the law be given a, chance; and, as w$$ expected,! his conviction and punishment j (puicklv fojlowpd. The, course of! action pursued was a departure , from the usual method of dealing] * w;lh criminals of this type and' ttie law,resnecting people of the county. hoped that the day ol lynching bees was past. The escape of Macon Lesesoe Monday night under the circum-, stances was, to put it mildly, most unfoitunate. Men w'k wary most j anxious that the law be respected ; now openly express regret that: the negro had not been ^iven a j sport shrift at a rope's end, and i if he should be captured it is ex- ; tvemely likely that such will be his fate. We can sympathize with aud appreciate the feeling ll^at our people have been poorly rewarded for tuejr forbearance. It now looks as. if the prisoner had finally escaped. Search for him oritside of the authorities has been abandoned.. We do not .knew what the sheriff is doiug, but we hope and believe that hp. will use every means in his power to effect a recapture. In comic opera parlance, <;We? have met the enepiy anil we are theirs,-' so far as yesterday's presi4eutial election is concerned* Prosperity and '-the full dinner! pail" proved a tliicker set man' I than the average rank and file of! voters could withstand, an$ tlie | peerless Bryan again goes dnvn in defeat. Mr. Bryan made a grand struggle, and he deserved, success if ever a man did. Like; Henry Clay, his genius shines un-i dimmed in deteat, and like that epinvnt Kentuckian it can be said ot William Jennings Bryan: j Nothing mean, low or grovelling ever entered his head or heart.,J A REVOLTING CRIME. Cantinued from lxt page. immediate prospect of his recapture. Till. PRISONER ESCAPES. Monday, at night ;ud, Sh^riiT Itaniel, ac'ing under orders telegraphed Vv Governor Mcisw coney, took the prisoner from the jail to the railroad, there to await the coming of the 0 o'clock train, with the intention of conveying him to the penitentiary for protection. There was no attempt to lynch the negro, and none would have been made. Still, the sheriff was but obeying orders from the chief magistrate of the State when he attempted to "spirit away" the prisoner. The sheriff had Lesesne handcuffed and apprehended no attempt at escape. But escape he did, and in a very simple way. The two were walking along tlie railroad track towards the depot when the negro suddenly dodged back out of reach of the sheriff ami nv?i!p n ilash for tlie river swamp. Sheriff Daniel quickly got together a posse and scoured the surrounding country. Parties were out searching all night and telegrams sent to neighboring railroad points. Several men went to Lanes to intercept iiim there should he attempt to take the train at that place. But all efforts weie vain, and the prisoner is still skulking in the swamp or has made good his escape. Public feeling runs high, and should Lesesne be caught it is pretty certain that he will not cause any more trouble. The negro freely confessed his crime so that there is no doubt as Ki? mult Wp can onlv hoDe that ihe efforts being made lor his recapture will uot fail and that the authorities will not rest until he has been recaptured. At 1 o'clock a. in. Tuesday the sheriff wired to Florence lor bloodhounds. but the reply came that they had none to send. This is a matter that concerns every citizen of the county\and we hope that every one will feel duty bound to lend his aid in keeping a IaaL* Ant I'nr tl\ti nornpIraf(>T aiicu |# iuua-vyt jwi uiv |/v?^v of this dastardly deed. Laid to Rest. The remains ot Mrs. Virginia Lee, whose death was chronicled last week, were laid to rest at the W i 11 i a tr s b u rg ce m e t ery 1 as t Th u rsday afternoon at 4 o'clock. The funeral services were conducted by Iiev. G. T. Gresham at the cemetery. All the stores in town were closed and business suspended from 3 o'clock until 5 p. m., j and the whole town attended the i funeral. Thus was shown by an ! act more forcible than words the | love that was borne toward this noble Christian woman. l * Both maker* and clrculatorsof counterfeits bonimit fraud. Honest mer will not deceive you into buying worthless counterfeits of DeVVitt'i Witch Hazel Salve. The original infallible for curing piles, sores, eczenu ] and all skin diseases.. Wallace A John! son. [* I CITATION NOTICE. STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA, WKMAMSBUIUi COCNTV. By E.M.Smith. Esq., i'ao bate Jcdqk Whereas. Lou A. (Jrimsley made suit *r? hip to iTiint. tier letters of adniinis i tratrix of the estate of and effects of ; J. R. Grimsley, those are therefore to cite and a?lraonish all and singular the kindred and creditors of the -aid J. R. Grinisley, deceased, that they be and appear before me, in the Court of -Proliare. to be held at Kingstree on the 17th of November next, after publication thereof, at II o'clock in the forenoon, to show cause, if any they have, why the said administration should not he granted. ' Given under my hand, this 7th day of November, Anno Domini, 19(?0. E. M. SMITH, Nov. 7 3t Judge l'robate. The Good People of \ TT1IT1 > in wluiirijv Should know that we are anxious to do business with them on a ' basis 01 GOOD TREATMENT, GOOD VALUES, and ENTIRE SATISFACTION AT ALL TIMES, ; The Best of SUITS ANI) OVERCOATS I I For Men and Boys ?re in our Stock I to lit ali sizes and proportions. [ Reliable Ciathes at Moaerate Prises await yrur inspection.1 8E1ISCUNFR 8 Corner King and Hasell Streets, CHARLESTON, S. 0. IT If not convenient to see us in I j person, send us your mail orders. i TAX NOTICE. Trkasi'kes'S OFPTCK, i W'jluam*buk?j County. Kinpstree, s. elow for the collection of the said tax: Hebron, Oct. 15 Greeleyville. " 10 (Goiirdins, i4 17 Suttons, 1 Cedar Swamp, 14 23 Bloomingvale 4t 24 f Morrisrille. 44 * 25 s Kennedy's Store i4 26 King-tree. Uet. 29 to Nov, 7, inclusive! Poston's Store, Nov. 12 j A It mans '4 131 A rds Cross Roads " 14 Lambert, " lft i Rome, " Hi Iudiantown '' IT; Kingstree u 111 Harpers " 20 Trio. " 21 i Kingstrl*e, u 22 , Lake Ciry ' 23 and 24 Scran ton i; 2H Kingstrve,Nov.2T to Dec. 31, inclusive, Saturdays excepted. R I). ROLLINS, County Treasurer. Notice of Discharge. Notice is hereby given that on the 3d day of December. 1900, I will apply to tile Judge of Prob ite of Williains1 burg Countv for :i final discharge as [ 1' Guardian of Elim Kpps. ;J J..S, JfiVAJIIS. Nor, 3, 1000. 4t, Guardian. ! To the Creditors of the Estate of Needam T. Pitman, Deceased. Please take notice that pursuant to art or^erof tlie court of Common Plea.", made in the case of Thomas M.Gilland, as Erecutor of the last >vill and' testament pf Needhain T. Pitman, deceased, a^airis', Emraa B. Pitman, et jaJ.? and; i dated October 36th 1900, you, the cred- \ I itors of the said estate an: required to | ": come in and establish your claims be- j fore me. George Galletly, referee, apr | pointed in said*order, at a reference to; be held at the otfioe of .Messrs. Gilland ! & Kirk, in Kingstree, S. C.,on Tuesday, j the 4th day of December 1900; or he! debarred from tiie benefits of the de-' cree in tbe said ca of us than elsewhere. Iiard earned lUd.'ars, as we sell it does not cmue uj> to <>ur repr< - famous ltOCK If ILL and OARlly selling at cyrh?i** f>ri?-?*s*. AI o horse AUJU'RN WAiiO.NS. mage in the past, and promise re. Hu will treat you riifht., - s. Williamsburg County e d Warehouse, ning1, *" ik.ifv/vnmm rlfiritTr f fin II I I 17T" 1 < 11 |MU uu. / iiro at the* old stand ready for ?er patronage during the coming ce and highest market prices for dim an extended visit to all the the service of a {rood eo?ps of et a lively market. Therefore, to the Maiming market. Tlve grading; ? LL TREAT YOU RIGHT. , M. MASON, Mgr. * ON E I : )ld Stock. .ow > COMPLETEy New Thing a/#. and Save Money, FED You. Ha^e to. Selr;. LKINS. Jn tils. ind tilled :fc fall of fine, attractive diaev Boots and Shoes COMPLETE ASSORTMENT. Department e are prepared to please any one. EHIES OF FINEST QUALITY. V*ii Unliiinn U0515 TUU MULiiiny. ou Money. E, HORSE GOODS, IKERY, FISHING TACKLE, JNS, REVOLVERS,. ,INS, ACCORDEONS, LADIES' GOODS, BRIU'A-BRAC, rT? ri T Y7/ 1 VAi i U7 \ VT . JLIlimjl J>\JU II ;uu, epresented or Money M Led. " rER & CO.s, s. c. The .Hs?r .Brisk Stat..