'V."~ TI|c (County lie rani PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY AT KISUSTRKE, S. C. C. W. WOLFE, Editor and Proprietor. terms. bubscriitiox rates : One copy, one year, - - - .$1.00. One eoj y, six mouths, - - - .BO. One cony, thiew months, - - .1'."). Siihsri'iptions payable in advance. advertising rates: One inch, first insertion, .00: each hub-eqiientInsertion, bo rents. Obi;t?-1 nries andTriblPes of Resjiect over 15J words charged f?*r as tegular advertise-, > u:en?s. Literal reducT ion on advertis- j In); made for three, six and twelve j mouths' contracts. C-imi?uvi'fiiti'iii.* must be accompanied j 6v the real name and address <.f the I ' writer in order to receive attention. No | communication of a jxTsonal nature i * 111 liw tuihlishsd excent as all adver- I tisoiuent. Address all letters unci make all drafts payable to| C. TV. TVOLFK, King-tree. S.C. THURSDAY. OCTOBER 25, 1900. Among the Churches. On account of having to conduct j the funeral services of a member of his congregation in Florapfce, Kev. R. TV. Barnwell failed to meet his appointment at the Episcopal chape) here Friday morning and evening ot Is. t w ek. Kev. J. E. Bunlop preached at the Presbyterian church Sundav afternoon to an attentive and appreciative congregation. Mr. Dunlop has been spending souie time in the up-country for Ins health, and iiis parishioners are glad to welcome him back, especially as his health seems to be much better. As was announced last week.; Kev. TV. II. Hodges preached in the Methodist church Sunday .* morning and evening. Mr. Hodges was formerly pastor of this charge 1 I.-.. ......... iVioiwl.- Iiavo lOitli MIIU Ji?5 llltlluo iiviv. liis sermons were forcible and irnpressiye and were attentively li>jened to by his hearers. I EMTOIi'S AWKl'L PLIGHT. KM lliggms, K.litor Seneca (Ills.,: } New?, wasatllirted for years with pile j that no doctor or remedy helped uutil; he tried Bucklen's Arnica Salve, the Ivest in the world. Ho writes, two boxes wholly cured hiui. Infallible for piles. Cure guaranteed. Only 23c. Sold by Wallace A Johnson druggists. When patronizing a Boston hotel don't forget that "culinary symposium" on the bill of fare! means hash. DENTISTRY! j jm><; : Thp nmlersiirnetL after a success- ! ful practice of Dentistry for thirty-! four years, is now* located at Kingstree, at the Brock in ton house, ! where lie is prepared to do any- i thing in the Dental line at cut rate | prices. Live and let live, is hisj motto. No shoddy w^rk- shall pass j the portals of his ofliee. Sat'isfac-! fion guaranteed. A trial is solicited Respectfully, A M. SNIDER, Dental surgeon. Notice of Discharge. Notice is hereby given thai on tlie 3!st day of Octolwi . 1900. I will apply to the judge of I'rohato of Williamsburg Ounity for a rinal discharge as Administrator of the Estate oi'K. M. Eeagtn. It. A!. WEBSTER O.'f 1 1?W? V dlnili i1 KN DM I: NTS TO -STATK CONSTITUTION. ^TATE OF SUUTII CAROLINA, ) COl'NTV OK WllXIAMSlilTtu' J Notice is hereby given that an elecy;on will 1m* held at the several precinets established by law in Williamsburg county ?'i TUESDAY, NOVEMBER tl, 1000 For the. following officers, to wit: Governor, Lieuterunt-Governor, Secretary of Suite, Attorney General, Comptrollertfciieral, Adjutaut and Inspector General, State Treasurer. State. Stiperiutcndent of Education, one Railroad Commissioner, one Circuit Solicitor. three Rc jresentatices in the G<*nAssembly, Supervisor, Sheriff, ! , .i . i. r f rv,iViiintr Su V ICJ K Ol ''Hill, V."l "in I , , ? < >,. .. .. perinteudent of Education, Probate .1 udge. an i Solicitor. Pur-mint to the Constitution of Soiitli Carolina. and tin: terms of Joint iieso]uti71]. an elect ion ' will n!-o bo held at tin .- tine time and j place lot amendments to the Cor.-tituition ot South (Carolina, a.- follows: Amend Section 7. <-f Article VIII. ; of the ('(institution ot South Carolina.! |a- follow-: Add at the end thereof the) i following words: "Provided, that the ! limitation imposed by this Section and J ! by Section *?. Article 1 V. o* this Con-j stitution shall not apply to bonded in-1 Idebtediie-s incurred by the. cities of; Columbia. Iioek Hill, Charleston an I j Florence, where the proceeds of said I bonds are applied solely for the pur- i j ehase, establishment, maintenance or ! increase of water work.- plant, sewer-! j age system, ga- and electric light, plants, where the entire revenue aris-' mg from the opei it ion of such plants j or system-, shall be devoted solely and I exclusively to the maintenance and j operation of the same, and where the ! question of incurring such indebted-! ness is submitted to the freeholders j ! and qualified voters of such municipal-! ity. as provided in the Constitution.} upon the question of other bonded in- j debtednos." Amend tac Constirution of South Carolina by adding thereto the. follnwJowing to lv known as "Article I of Amendments to the Constitution:" "The General Assembly sliall provide by law for the condemnation, through p-oper official channels. of all lands, necessary for the propei drainage of the swanip and low lands of this State: and shall also provide for the equitable assessment of all lands so drained, tor the purpose of paying the expenses! of such condemnation and drainage." The said Amendments shall be sul>mitled in sneli manner that the electors qualified to vote, for member* ,?f the House of Representatives shall vote for or against each of such amendments separately. Amendments should Ik* on separate tickets. Ballots in favor of the adoption of an amendment should contain the amendment voted upon in full. followed by the word "Yes;'' ballots opposed to*the adoption of an amendment shdbld contain the ainemhnent voted upon, followed by the word "No." Polls at each voting place will he opened at 7 o'clock a. in. and close at 4 o'lock p. in. The following named persons have been a)?pointed MANAGERS OF ELECTION for State and Connty officers and for i Amendments Lo State Constitution. K i lists tree?.) T Nelson, .1 A Scott,! W T Wilkin.*. Greel?yvilie- ? W C Tatlo, Jesse: Clary, (Jabe Gist, Gotirdins?A M Gamble, James Rruuson, A 15 M''Donald. Suttons?S 1' Cooper. I'< Kichardson,? S 1; Walters. Trio?T II Cooper, 11 I! Morris, L E Biirkett. Karies- W M HasoMen, A M Haselden. ,f T Wboeler. S liters- WSSliaw, J III. Chandler A Spivey. Cedai Swamp?J 15 Chandler. .Jr., Win Met n Hough, llenry Baylor. .Muddy Creek? John B Davis, M V j Cox. William J Eddy. Black .Mingo?John S Graham, 15 Fj Brockin' on, .Jr., C D Cook, Sr, lndiantown?J C Nelson, it J j Brown. 1* D Snowden, Altinan's Store? .) 11 Cox, 1) W Airman, W C Handy. Prospect Church?S P. l'oston. .J M Eaddv, W M Melton. - ?r i.* t '...t-.i-H r. V l?.,v \\* V Mixon. Lake City?.T .1 Matthews, J L| Stuckcy. r E Severance. Me Allister.-* Mill? A W ltodgers I H II Laid win. W A Webber Hebron Church? \V L Burgess, .1 C Christmas, \V K Mil Suit Cades?.I N Sauls, .r J Epps. Wii!iatn Tomlinsou. On day of election the manager*! mn*r organize by the election of a! chairman and a clerk. The oonstittitional oath mu^t be taken by each i manager be ore he can act, and also i by tile ? lerk. The Chairni:i!i elected i j is empowered to administer oaths. ; The Managers have the power to till a v nancy, ami if none of the .Managers! attend, the cili/.cns can appoint I rem among the qualified voters the Man-] tigers, who. after being sworn, can ] conduct t he election. At the close of the election, tlie* j j Managers and Clerk must praceed pub ? - ? 1 J licly to opeii lilt' n.uiOL noxo aim count ilie ballots therein, and continue: without adjotiruiuent until the same i> completed and make a statement <>f the result for each nWce and djjn the sanie. Within three days there: iter, the ; Chairman of the Hoard, or sonic one I designated In the Hoard. must deliver I to the Commissioners, of Election the ! poll lists, the boxes containing the I ballots and written statements of the I - -.1. - f . i l . .1 ; J'OUil l?i uir l in.iiwn. ! 0:si: of t> e above name*! Managers at I each preeinet must call upon the i'.oar?! j of t onmiis-uoners at Kingst.ree on SutI unlay. November .'rd. 11)00. to receive ! ballot boxes. poll li>ts and insti uetions, ami to be qualified. K. 11. LKSESNK. W. E I'UuK, Commissioners of State Election. Notice. The County Supervisor of William-*| burg will meet with the Superviit r of j (leorgetown county on Tbursday. No~ veuiber 8. at in o'clock a. in., at I'oiato Ferry Bridge to iet out contract for repairing said bridge. We reserve the right to reject an* and ail bids. B. It. 01IA NDLEH. Count v Supervisor.. Cel. IS, 3t, a I II M II I IMt IIWIIIIIIIIiBIBII I Mill TAX NOTICE. | j [ 'J'jiKAafKEi's OFFICE, ) I Wiu.iam>?uk?'? County. - ! Kitlgstree, S. C., Oct. 1900. \ j j The rax levy for the fiscal year 1900 1 i :s as Fr?- State "> mills j For County 4 ruiIN } For SVIiool :> mills i 30 mills on value (if all stock in Stifj tons. Anderson ami part of Penn ; Townships. j 3 mills on all property in school dist ricts Nos. M ami 10. 1 mill on all property in school district No. 1H. 2 mills on all property in school district No. if. !; A capitation tax id' one dollar on all males between the aires of 21 and Oil yea is, nidcs- costit ntionallv exempted. I will heat, the following places on ' tin* days mentioned below for the col-j < lection of the said tax: i Hebron. . Oct. 1." j (Jreeleyville. " 16 , (jourihns, " 17 Sot tons. " IS Sailers, " 1!) Cades, " 2U Cedar Swamp, 2a Kloomiugvaie " 24 " Morrisville. " 2;"? " Kennedy"-* Store ' 20 Kin^stree. <)?t. 29 to Nov, 7, ioehisive i Boston's Store,' Nov. 12 All mans " 13 [ A' Is Cross Roads ' 14 I I abort, " l-"? Koine, l* 10 < Indiantown *' 17 Kin^strec " 19 Ha'pets. ,l 2eiore me court oonsc| Kiijjslree, S. C.,the following diseribec Ja:nls27J? acres of lan;inifl, west by land" of N T Pitt ni:ur j J. D. DANIKL. ! 1M-23-1 S. W. C.! Foreclosure Sale- |. V*. I > ran ford l-'rost, under the name and style (if E H. Frost Co., against Stephen Jones. Pursuant to a dww of foreclosure and sale made in the aln>ve entitled cause on the 24th day of May. 1W0. I vv ill offer for sale at public auction in front of the court house in Kingitree i on Motid iv. the .*>th day of November > : novt vvifiiin rii(. lecal hours of sale the :: following described premises: All j? ' that "certain piece, puree) or tract of I land in the county of Williamsburg, j I State afore said .and containing seventy ! five acres more or less; bounded on the ; I north by lands of Eliza Yarbor and , j 1 (arr.il Jordon. cast by hinds of Wil- | liam McCIam, south by lands of I Yi Maul in, and west by lands of Calvin ! ; Jones; Terms cash. Purchaser to; pav for stamps and papeis. .i. d jjaxiel, ; 18-25-1. Sheriff \V. C.i ' | Improved Cott )n Seed ; 1 have on hand 1?X) bushels of Kusscl 11 r.........,.?.i u;? IJnll Cdftnn NJpeil whicli J I;I l >1 \J \ X-II I'l^ m/11 w , : I will sell for Fifty Cents a bushel, or! ! exchange at the rate of one bushel for ! ' two of the ordinary kind. A. W. FLAtrLXll. | Cade*, S. C. 13-25-1 j j Notice to Creditors. ! | All Persons having claims against! 1 the estate of Frank Fleming will pre-! sent tiie same, duly attested, and per-: j sons indebted thereto will make payment to J, J. M. GRAHAM, Jr., J Qualified Executor J ^ Cades, S, C. 13-25-1 j * ^pa?-S! JSpr5" je&c, IK YOU WANT IT, CO First,by purchasing your I Torses, Iiujjgu Second, in doing that you bur cheaper? Third, you tret better values for your It nothing but what we make good if i sentation. We have just received a car load of the DUN A MftiGlES, which we are rapid i carload of the renowned one and two we thank vou for vaur liberal pati o: you good treatment in future business. Wee Hawkins on Court House Squar Tlo.oijn.a,s <5s E KIXGSTREE, ro Tobacco Growers of V Tlxc People's Tobacec of 2v?a,n: Wishes to extend ninny thanks for you ast season, and announces that they a business and will appreciate your flirth< . Mechanical department under co - *' f( i. its past 0 per mpntl ing us? of instrument, $3. For illustrated catalogue addresa, WELSH NECK HIGH SCHOC JL W. GAl ' J ) ME AM) (JET l'l\ f, \V?!?ons and Harness from u.-. )f us than elsewhere. ard earned dollars, as we sell t does not come up to our repre* famous ROCK HILL and OA RIv selling at evclone prices.- A14<> lior.se AUM'itN WAGONS. ?aj*o in tin? past, and promise e. He will treat you ri?c>it. 3xad.lisiian., S. 0. /'llliaKIsburg, County ) Warehouse, a.ingr, r liberal patronage during the re at the old stand ready for er patronage during the .coining o anil highest market prices fur in an extended visit to ull the tlie service of a srood co-ps of t a lively market. Therefore, to the Planning market. The , grading. ,L TREAT VOl" RIGHT. M. MASON, Mgr. > 3NE! Id Stock. ^An,vTiT nmn . UUiViJfJLiJli'i JCi? ^ v New Thing tnt. nd Save Money 'ED You Have to Sell. LKINS. fail to visit Ell & CO. irjre stock a line line of Loes, Clothing, Etc. iroceries. o quote price. ouse don't fail to investigate the ints, something new, cheap and illy, AGG, OLIVER & CO. . TI^l. L ni^n ouiiuui he following reasons: >vater on campus. competent instructors. ate for hoys and girls, costing / : during school hours, i pupils. mpotent instructor. ir the future, 108 boarders last Tuition 11 tofiitausic^ includ )L, IIARTSVILLE, S. C. / >TE*,B. ti., M. M. P.,. Principal* - ' - V / r.?