The county record. [volume] (Kingstree, S.C.) 1885-1975, October 25, 1900, Image 1

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VOL.X VI. KINGSTIiKE, SOUTH CAROLINA, THURSDAY. OCTOBER 25,1900. SNO. 42 ty?? ? ! ?WWWW *?< laa????B??P???? ? wow?gr*ii wBXMa?BMBWHTW Oii.i JBBI n ?? BrtmnHa^rrBitMwivjiiwiiiHiLurtawnJi'iii -X??????? Positively No New Display Advertisements Will be Received, or Old Ones Changed, Later Than Tuesday Morning. > LOU HSJf ilffil.l AFFAIRS CAUGHT BY OJR LOCAL REPORTER AND NOTED. Written in Condensed Kor"i and Printed in Like Manner for the Sake of Our Weary Readers. W. W. Grayson, E-q, went to Charleston Tuesday. Mr. W. E. Cook came over from Seranton Tuesday on business, Leo is the name of a postoffice recently established in the Prospect section. Some of 1 lie young people enjoyed a dance at the Coleman llouse Thursday night. Mr. iioper Pendergrass is able to be out alter a four weeks' illness of typhoid tever. Hoxie G. Askins, Esq., came over Saturday night from Lake < 'it v. spending Sunday with friends in town. The dispensary is pretty full. Something like $2,000 worth of , liquor has been addtd to its stock since <)clober 1. Anion*; the visitors to town Saturday wa> our good friend, Mr. , W. Register, of Trio. Mr. Keg- ( ister is one ot our best citizens. W. L. Kass, Esq., was 111 town Saturday on profes-ioral business. , Mr. Bass is a frequent attendant | fct Squire Matthews" court. Maj. Theodore Dehon, traveling ( agent of the News and Courier, was i:i town Friday looking after the interests ot that newspaper. ( We return thanks to our honor- ; able council-men lor promptly re j, pairing lliesidewalk in front ot this j otliee in response to our request , last week. I Mi. G. 1\ Nelson has been <[iiite < -Kick al his home lor more than a ; "week. His continued illness is the source ot much solicitude to j his many friends. I Miss .Jennie McCutchcn, of { Kingstree, is spending the day at | the home of Capt. J. P. Kussell. { She leaves to night for the Colum- | bia Female College.? Florence , Daily Times, Oct. 19. j Mr. J. W. Griswold, wlio has > been under medical treatment at ' Baltimore tor several months, ! passed through town Thursday ' returning to his home at Smith's < Mills. Messrs. "Gagg, Oliver & Co.'u brick store on Academy street is i nb?ut completed. With its large i . . I ,? 1 1 piaie glass winuows unu ucinu j soinely finished interior this build*- j ing makes quite a brave show in that part of town. By this sign X in blue pencil ] after your name you are informed j that you are a year or more in ar- f rears for the paper, and that we would thank yon for the money owing us. In the total amount of taxable of the State by counties Williams burg ranks twenty-sixth with the 4 following: ? Railroad, $734,885; \ real estate, $1,282,748, personal, $713,512; total, $2,731,145. What Kingstree needs badly ( anions other things is a town hall, , or, in fact any kind of hall that would be available for public use. Besides the convenience of it, a hall properly equipped for public meetings and entertainments would be a cood-payin^ niece of I property. Xow is the unio when you can aiTord to insure your dwelling or place of business. Call at this ollice and get a policy in the Equi-; table Fire Insurance and yoM will be protected against los:^?' in a single night the property have acq yj rod by years of "|^rd work. tf^ k Mr. Marion Alien, o( Florence, lias accepted a position in I)r. D. 0. Scott's drug store. Rev. II. W. Darn well will preach Friday morning and night at the Episcopal chapel. Mr. Emile Arrovrsmilh hos gone [ to Georgetown to take charge ol < M. F. Heller's branch livery and fec-d stable. I tii flio ni9rl.-f>f rriftrm I ' quoted :it. 9 cents lor middling, ii:id s*?ed at $1S a ton. lie v. F, II. Ward la w and Mr. IIu*li MeCutehen came up Iron) iridiantown Tuesday on their way T *o Florence to attend the Presbyterian general synod now in session. Mr. K. II. liudgins. of Foreston, ' visited Mr. W. T. Wilkins last j week. Although over 70 years old Mr. Hudgins'is as cheerful and vigorous as a young man o 1 hall; ( his years. ! j Mr. Louis Jacobs acknowledges | jj the following additional contri- i butions to the Galveston relief | lund: .Mrs S. 0. Snider $100; t Sunbeam Society (through Miss j Pearl Roger.) $4.00. ^ i We have it on good authority I that work will soon he commenced 1< dii a telephone line from Kin^s- c tree to Indiantown Church. This I will mean, of course, a telephone 1 system in town?**a consuming- t tion devoutly to be hoped." a Messrs. W. 1). Bryan, It. J. Ne- ' smith, \V. .f. Brockinton, A. Jt. jJ Moselev, J. 0. Carraway and Le-j Roy Lee, tlie special committee) if the jrrand jury, met Monday I 0 and continued their investigation | if' the books and records of court ;(l loose officials, comDieting their I' Aork Tuesday morning. Every- j1 hing was found to be in good!' condition and will be so reported t1 it the next term of court. Ie Clarence D. Rollins, son of It. f). Ilollins of Lake City, who has jeen in the employ ot Hut ledge ' ?> . *?? ?i.: > IV ithi i3ciss or >> Hsjim^iuii, i/. v/., las veil up Iris position and enered the Baltimore Medical Col- 1 ege. This is one of the leading b nedical eolle^es of tire United S States. Clarence's many liiends h n this county are delighted to S ;no\v that he is enjoying such v >uperior advantages, and wish A lim ahundent success in his h Trosen profession. C ? V Mar-vied. j On Sunday afternoon, October \ 21, at the residence of Mrs. J. A. a toward, Mr. W. E. Coward of ^ teranton, to Miss Minnie Mat- < hews, of Kingstree. ()n Sunday, October. 21, at Ceiar Grove Baptist Church, Miss j. Winnie Pope to Mr. James Brad- ^ ihiiti' Row X .1 MeOonneil oer > - X - I orming the ceremony. ^ Deaths. 551 Died?On Tuesday, October 23, ^ 1900, Stella Elizabeth, aged seven ^ rears, daughter of Mr. aud Mrs. ^ I. E. Keardon. Funeral took olace * it the Williamsburg cemetery on '* Wednesday afternoon. * Died?On Tuesday, October 10, ' tt his home near Mouzon post- / )tDce, Mr. Jefi Calder, aged 4^ x rears. 1 r * This fiijrnftture Ib ol every box of the genuine j Laxative Uromo?=Quinine i*bieu i the remedy that, oitrss a eo!U In one iVs} j v M. F. IlfcHer has returned from i j Western markets, where l\e b,tu: bought a large stock ci fco;*eaapd 1 raules, which will begin to arrive ma t->w days. lie has on hand a , largo t^uautrty of UOtiCHKs ami ( Wa?ok?, which it will pay i'00 l,a | call at his at a hies and examine. i He will have something to say 1 uext week as to styles and prices. < ; .. . a IN THE FLUSH OF MANHOOD, j Miles H Pipkin is Stricken Down Suddenly at Bloomingvale. Suddenly stricken down in the flush of young m.mhood, with the promise of a long and useful career, Miles Hunter Pipkin, at f Itron f\ f' f\r*!.' Vin ml at' 'ittnvr./.on \/ V u\.i\ k.UIIUHJ Ml IV. I J J W I / i I ? fc-ll a victni to that learf'ul scourge ;)f tiie lo.v country, hemorrhagic lever. Oa Friday preceding lie < was taken sick and in the short , space of t liree days the disease did its deadly work. The funeral | services were lichl at Bloomingvale Baptist church Monday vfternoon at 3:30 o'clock. Miles 1/ipkin was the eldest sen if the late Daniel J. l'ipkin. All . )f his short life was spent at liloomingvale, where alter the leath ol his lather he was engaged i r.i t??Mi it.? II/. if rv hi a m I iai> /11 ? ii idiiiiiii^. 11c ? in (i iiiuiuuri wi iieBaptist church and was a Mason ie was twenty-six years old. and i wile and three children of ender years are lelt bereaved by ' lis death. An unostentatious levotion to duty and an uprijrliI ( nanJiness of character were the narked attributes ol his nature, n boy-hood and man-hood we tnewhini well, and a more generals, honorable, sincere and biglearted person would be hard to ind. Both in phvsiciul and men- I a I endowments his stature was bove the ordinary. In his comnunitv, in his church, and, above > II, in his family his place cannot ie filled. In his death the writer eeJs a deep personal loss of one 1 his best and truest friends. With a realization of the futility f words we oflfcr to the sorrowing ainily our sincerest sympathy, ennndinj; them that in croa^inil he portals ot the mystic beyond he stin^ of death is forever heaid by the divine hand of the luster. Jury List VI! ST WELL". S J Timmons, W 0 Baddy, S J 'aylor, Maxie .McMillan, ,J W t Jooper, L G Flower?, W L Bur- |i ess, il B Smith. W M Obrien. H s \ Godwin, B (J Whitehead. I P ( itone, II W Melson, P B Thorne, c. V il Walters, Ii II Fulton, T A lcCrea, S J Hu^^fns, W li Cant &y, W O Cox, D W Cantey, G A a Jooper, C L Smith, J M Pope, t V E Hutson, S S Montgomery, < " umes Bryant, Henry Collins, C 1 Richburg. T I' Fullmore> Richrd Moulds, R K Gamble. Ceal Ldkissen, J M Hanna. D K Mc- v lutchen, A W Gaskins. SECOND WEEK. Waiter Carter, J S briggers-, ~ 5 1, Gist, A D Hemittingway, B ] ) Brockinton, J D Singletary, E ' \ Hamer, W L Altaian, S S 5lakely-s W D McCIary, .1 M Nexen, L A Faddy, J S Haselden, i P Cooper, W B Ilaselden, Sr.. v A Cunningham, Mama S. Buff ( in, W J R Canty, J W Ilanna, \ i E Hanna, A Q Ilutchinson, * olin Kradham, G G Gist, S A )ouglas?, J K. Smith, J L Cautey, t. B Hemingway, G D flanna, s T Rollins, W M Funk,F K Eort. E Huggins, T E Blakelv, .1 H ! Jurges6, F M ^esniilh, J C Gra-j' latn. |! Ur. Cnctv's Condition Pewocvs. Vrv just what a ho,rs$. "hen U\ -'v...):*!. n?irirtr?r finH ' Kill Hlinuuuiij jyvn , ronoifuyc. Thwy ar^. not food but: u^heim tiio best in list* to put a, ip^ine, condition. l'rio$25 cti. i V' V*r,c'Via^' ^Vr by I\. L\ Scett. I Feeitajj? of s^ftyy pmadc the hviiscmld that uses One Mluutu Cvugh Dure, the only harmless remedy that i [ loduros Immediate results. UU Infallible for coughs, colds, croup and all Lhrout and lung troubles. It will pre- ' rent consumption. Wallace^ J oh uson RSGBY'S J3! It wsii Pay You To Remember During the next few week^ when mere good goods cannot cann< 2Sig-"to37-'s 3 offers you always good reliable goods ;i carry the largest and fieshest stock of We ask you to examine qualities and i that if you do this your trade is ours. SEE IX DRESS GOODS Black Crepous, Plaids for Skirts, Fini. Brilliaiitines, Serges, Xibiliues and Cosi nul Fancy Goods, Silks and Velvets, D Sho63 for Ladies, Mi Tne famous BATTLE AXE and JI varranted, and beat the county for styl Still another lot of that Solid shoe fo Gentlemen, our Hamilton Brown shoes ai Our Heady-ma ai We have always been lirm believers j department is stronger this season thai (iood Men's Suits from $4.-1?) to iC'Infli Oi-prfnut ?t. \ ICE LINE OF KEGS AXI) M AT ROCK BOT'I GROCERY DI The best an J purest stock of Gro town of Mai Buy your Goods where fair de Where you get the host assort! THE OLI) RE S. A. R Scanning- You Know What you are Taking. When you take Grove's Tasteless w 'hill Tonic because the formula is i n ilainlv printed on every l>ottle! hpwing that it is simply Iron and iuinine in u tasteless form. Noj ure, no pay. 50c. , j For Sale. I have on hand for sale Four Mules nd Two Log Cart*, all in good ennui- ' $ j ion. Parties wishing to purchase!' an see theru at Trio. C. H. B. MO Kit IS, i V Trio, S. C., Oct, 18. tf j*] If you want a Tiano or Orcan ^ rrite to 1J. O. Bestow, Darling;-} on, S. C. V ' i Fall Styles In Men 8MB?CM There are some new departures 1 chich we shall be {dad to post you as 'hunt tailor effects are faithfully ant eady-to-wenr garments made by I,. J C. V., and which we alone nave on sa hem, for they well illustrate the folly Oxford and Cambridge will be as eason. Many neat effects are shown wits. The Covert Cloth Overcoat can \Ve reeognlsce that there is a great vai rfoint to cater to all. li} t\\\s "wr am g nent of fabrics agd patterns produced Careful dressers are urged to ins] ready-made,_ and ;?? see for themselves se the in .satisfaction at an expense of or custom made clothing. If you wis >rder 1 will u\ake same from $10 to * ">( ^ uri fo *5 ee 224 King St. Opposite Acnd< Sole agent for the Ilamilton-Carh made. The tirm rhat is making unioi NCall orders promptly ai\n ded to.. L*' ~ : -. A '' G_ STORE. liandise is offered at j?rices at which ic be purchased, that 3igT Store it the lowest possible prices. We t' dry goods of any house in Manning, compare prices. We are satisfied OUR DEPARTMENT shed and Pebble Cheviots, Mohairs, tnme Goods, Granite Cloth, Xovelty 'ress Trimmings, etc. sses and Children, LIA MARLOWE Shoes are full? e. r ladies, worth 51.22, at 99e. re u- very best, from $1,50 to $3.50. de Suits id Overcoats. in stylish dress. But our Clothing i ever before. $14.99. A1TIXGS FOR TIIK FLOOR T)M PRICKS. iPARTMBNT. ceries and Canned Goods in tin* lining. aling prevails; ment, all popular priced. K3BY, * S. C. ' Matrimonial bonds are not a!ays a sale and protitajle investlent. , Our Club offers. The County Record and the Home d Farm one yft&r,$1.2Ti. The County Record and Thrice-a/ Vnrl^ Wnrtil nn<? v<?:ir. Lii-iT * ' ~~ The CiMtnty Record and Twiee-a'?Jk News and Courier o^e year, 1.75. The County Record and the Atmta Constitution one year, $1.75. The County Record and Semiweekly Columbia State, {2.25. ;'s Clothing. am In both suit# and overcoats, on fully as desired. The swell merl completely reproduced in the idler, Bros, & Co., of Rochester le. It would do you good to set? of paying merchant tailor p-ices. popular this >u!l as they were last in stripes. checks and plaids for atinuys to be a strong favorite, rioty of tastes:, and we make it a reatly holpod by the large assortI by the *'Ad'.er" house, net our showing of high class ? how it is possible for us to prom half what they have b >en paying ' 1 _ i. . h m suit or an overcoat mane i? v ) each, and guarantee a fit,. lmwu9E> HUE CLUING USE, ' ?my of Music Charleston,S. C, art Overalls, $1.50 per suit, union 1 made goods popular in this city., f N f, i >4