\ . ? r . us "SB?iE UNSIGHTLY CONDITION OF THE WILLIAMSSU3G CEMETERY. A Practical Suggestion Looking to th? Permanent Improvement of our "City of the Dead". Kditor County Iie> or?i:? * * ? - II . i - A I t_ i wish 10 can uucnuou mrougn the columns of your paper to the present condition ot the cemetery, - located j:ist outside of the town of Kiegstree. It is all grown up in weeds, grass and bu-hes, and of course showssignsofgreat neglect. This condition might be altered for the lime being bv calling on the peoo'e in the community to turn out and clean off the grounds, but such a cleaning would only prove momentary in effect, ami in a short while, things wonM be in as bad order as before. Von can never keep a burial ground in proper order by such a system. This grave yard is used bv the general public; (although it is known as "The Old Presbyterian Oeinetery,'*) but since the church lias been moved to town, and the cemetery itself enlarged and inclosed, we have no doubt that the Presbyterian church 4 III'o # a eou if ne/wrarK' L-Aflt 11 f\ % piy vvi I| nvj-1 and would be glad to have some plan adopted which would secure this end, not for a few weeks, but for the entire year. The manner in which we keep the spot where sleep our dead, is a coo.I evidence of our type ol civilization,if not of our piety. It is true, it is only based on sentiment, but if a sentiment elevates a pen pie, then it should be not only entertained but held sacred. We would like to see some step taken and some plan adopted which would result in the keepin* of the entire cemetery in proper order every day in the year. Why not call the people together, au 1 with the consent of the nroner authorities form au I I asocial ion, and let every one who tmries here .join sanl association? Let the association adopt a suitable constitution and ever alter regulate and govern matters acta) rdinglv. Kequire all who bury here, where ever they live, to pay an annual lee in order to create a lurid for the purpose of keeping the cemetery in perpetual order. Let the association have a president, a secretary and a treasurer At the beginning of each year, let them contract with some party or parties to keep the ground* in proper order /or the year. ll thin were done, the present Blood. VV e live bv our blood, and on . it. Wc th rive or starve, as fc our blood is rich or poor. There is nothing else to live B on or by. When strength is full and spirits high, we are being refreshed, bone muscle and brain, in body and rnind, with con tinual flow of rich blood. 'im *1 1.1 j nis is neaun. When weak, in low spirits, < no cheer, no spring, when rest is not rest and sleep is not sleep, we are starved; our blood is poor; there is little nutriment in it. back of the blood, is food, to keep the blood rich. When it fails, take Scott's Emulsion a^Pod Liver Oil. It sets the body going again?man woman and child. If yon liave not tried it. send for free sample, it* ayrccybie taste will surprise >\>u. isCOTT & BOWNH, Chemist* ^0^-415 Pearl Street, New York. 50c. and Ji.oo; til drugjiftj. I I I neglected condition of the cerae! tery would soon cease. I We know a cemetery located j in Darlington county, known far ; and near for its neatness and beautv. It is conducted cn about ! * 11lie plan we have suggested. ; We would be glad to see some ! i.?M ,,-nn.i. a 1 i j>I<1 (I auuu?iw i . . i i result in the keeping of (he old: | Presbyterian Cemetery in a like j ! m-inner. Let some one in author- I ! ity take steps accordingly. Air. I Editor, what say you? W. .Smith Martin. The American Flag, i J BRYANT I). II INN A NT, bl'TTOXS, 6. C.] | I A flag may be considered an| j emblem of the character andj | power of a nation, or it is an ensign ofeolors adopted as a standard by which one nation is distinguished from another. The flags! of the world are many and have j ; varied significance according to j the circumstances winch caused; I ther.i to be adopted. The United Colonies, struggling ! for ireeduin against oppression.! j selected appropriate colors and symbols to represent them on ? ~r ivi.;11,11/1^. tiunv, i I lie emblem of purity, represents their character; red, typifies the; blood these patriotic fathers shed for their country; and the square of blue, the semblance ot the heavens, in which is set the stars of hope. How typical are these colors' j and symbols of the circumstances j j which gave the American flag its j birth! The honor ol designing and I making this dag belongs to a woman, who lived in the time ol Washington, and to him it was presented, lie c rried it before 11lie Second Continental Congress, I>y whom ?t was adopted in 1777. It will this year celebrate its one ! hundred and twenty third birtlijday. On its firs? birthday, ii i consisted of seven red, and six ; white stripes. In the square of blue were placed thirteen stars to represent the 01 initial thirteen States. The folds of this flag then float -: ed over a narrow stnp of land alone the Atlantic seaboard; Iflit 1 it has enlarged its domain both by purchase and by conquest. 1 Now this victorous banner waves from the Atlantic to the Pacific; and from the snowy blasts of Canada on the north, to the sunny ' climes of Mexico. The 6tripcs ' still remain ihe same; but,year by year as a new sister state came to 1 join the original thirteen,the nam^ ber has increased to forty-fire ' ?itars. Not alone upon this continent ha6 the American llug secured a foothold; it now floats over some islands of both the Pacific and the Atlantic oceans. It can be said of this flag what the glorious kingdom of England claims of its dominion; "Darkness never falls upon its banner*/' The American flag has never known defeat; if has inspired soldiers to win such signal victories as the gallant Decatur's in the Mediterranean; the heroic Jackson's at New Or ! leans; and of recent times, Dewey's victory at Manila; and Sampson's sinking of the Spanish squadron. This victorious flag has made, many a dying soldier, "Smi!? to sec its banners fly. In triumph over bis-closing eye.'' ; The American flag is the standard of the greatest republic on j earth; and it represents the most patriotic people living. It commands the highest respect from; all the nations under heaven. It , is to be hoped that this llag will j continue to protect honest, indus j trioiiis, liberl-ylovnijr andGod-feariniC people.atid that foul deeds and atrocious crimes of bigotry and heathenism will never stain its , briehl-hned and unsullied (bids. 1 he girl who chooses her husband because ot his rocks has a marble henit. CnA.l ! I I. n> . .<1 t.j4 ! -* \r no ! C|?r?i\ Jti?; uj cum;tiiru ouniw^, the adder is in a class all by himself. Wood's Seeds. Every Farmer j; Bhould have a copy of I Wood's Autumn Catalogue of | SEEDS AND For Fall planting. It tells all about GRASS & CLOVER SEEDS, 1 Hairy, or Winter Vetch, | Crimson Clover, I Seed Wheat,; | Oats, etc.' | ti .ier. ?*tm descriptions. t*BtTnethoda ; I of culture and much special ana vaiua- m H ble Information about all crops that I K can be sown to advantage in the Pall H and earlv Winter. Catalogue mailed B I free. Write for It and prices of any B i B Seeds or Seed Grain required. \r. S T. W. WOOD & SONS, SEEDSMEN, I Richmond, w 71 f l| Youi\g Women j The entry info womanhood is a \ critical time for a girl. Little* men- j: strual disorders started at that time soon I ; grow into fatal complications. That tema'e troubles arc filling graveyards 1 proves this. Wine of Carcui estab- i lishes a painless and natural menstrual i ! flow. When once this important fuocItion fs started right, a healthy life will usually follow. Many women, young and old, owe their lives to Wine ot Cardui. There is nothing like it to j srive women freedom from oaia and to i , Tit young women for every duty of life. $1.00 bottles at druggists. Miss Delia M. Strayer, Tully, Kan.i "1 have suffered untold pain at menstrua! periods for a long time, was nervous,, had no appetite, and lost interest i.t everything, | in fact was miserable. I Ivave taken four ( bottles of Wine of Cardui, with Thedford's Black-Draught, when needed, and to-day I am entirely cured. I cannot express the thanks 1 feel for what you have done ... I for me. i Kor advice In ease* requiring special dlree- i Hon*. aOUrrca, giving *jriup|oni?. :he I^OIm' Advisory Iiepartnipnt, The Ch?u?n"Oga Medicine Company, Chattanooga, 'loan. The honor of carrying off a prize at the Stale Fair far out- j weighs its intrinsic value. The best method of cleansing the ] liver is the use of the famous little pills j known s> IK'Witt'* Little Risers. Easy to take. Never gripe. Wallace & Johnson. ] It is betler to have tailed in a ( great undertaking than never to qave made the attempt. Torturing skin eruptions, burns and ' sores are soothed at once and promptly , healed by applying DeWiit's Witch j Hazel Salve, the best known cure for , ! piles. Beware of worthless counter- j ieits. Wallace & Jonnson. Nearly one hundred thousand copies of tie Biggie Books have been sold * No. 1 is about horses. No. 2 treats of ucrnes oi an kiuiis. i>o > is a poultry book?a tfem. No, 4 tells all about ? cows and dairying, while No, 5 is the most < ompri'h>-nr. I). C. Scott. Some houses have wings btil I hey don't fly. "1 wish to t-xpips" my thank* to the manufacturers of Chamberlain's folic, L'holera aud Diarrhoea Keinedy. f??r havlnp put on the market sueli a win!derful medicine," says W. W. MassinIfill, of Heauiuont. Tvxa*. There are many thousands of mothers whose children have been saved from attacks of dysentery and cholera infantum who must also feel thankful. It is for sale by Dr. I). C. SeOtt. Otie pood action is worth more ihun a hundred pood intentions. Dr. Cady's Condition Powders. Are Just what a horse needs when in bad condition. Tonic, blood purifier and vermifuge. They are not food but medicine end the best in use to put a horse in prime condition. Price 25 ets. per package. For sale by I). C. Scott. The boy who is afraid he will never amount to anything seldom dom does. I Ft is well to know that IMVitt'* Witch Hazel Salve will heal a burn ind etop the pain at once. It will cure vzcu.a and skin diseases and ugly; rounds and sore*. It is a certain cure for pile>. Counterfeits may be offered roll. See that von get tli* original L>c Witt's Witch Hazel Salve. Wallace Johnson. , I Through the medium, of the, Stale Fair all branches of iadnwlry ncludir.jj live slock, have been ; ;reatly improved. X Mdlicr pills can equal D.-.WittVi .ittle Kaaly Risers for promptness, ertairrtv and efficiency. Wallace & frhosou, , - ' ^1 )g Bargains in. *5pij i * SS GOODS. TRUNKS SHOES NOTIONS 11. We buy for cash-ami will .savf Cash Store, How to-encourage and keep the boys on the-farm? Take them lothe b'tate Pair for siirht-seein-r, and an object lesson will be taught I them to renew tlreir efforts in their various avocation". Feelings of safety perv.*de the house: nold that uses One Minute. Cough" I Cure, the only harmless remedy that ' produces immediate result*. Hr* itifnJliWe for coughs, colds, croup arid nil throat and lung troubles. It will prcj vent consumption. Wallace & Johuson. The baggagemaster doesn't stop a trunk when he checks it. t. v mi *- . ? lv? . 1 ton* r> \j\j i ri?" luiu i>i m iou*# mr\#; S. A. Donahue, pastor M_ E. chtuvlw Suiuh, Pt. Pleasant, W. Ta.r contracted a severe cold which was attended from the betfinnin?j by violent euuh imr. lie says: "After resorting to a number of weal led 'specifics,' usually kept in the house, to no purpose, I purchased a Untie of Chamberlain's ; Cough Remedy, which acted like' a I charm. 1 most cheerfully recomend it. j to the public." For sale-by- Dr. D. C! Scott. I < A nake 1 fact should he clothed in appropriate luniruajre. Dr. W II. Lewis. Lawrenceville. V?. 1 wrires, "I am nsinjj Dodo) Dj>pep-?i a | Cure in my praetiee auioihr sever* ! case* ?f indirection and find ir an au eat. sm t; < I : allows you to eat all the good IkkI yo i | need, providing you do not overload J your stomach. Gives instant lelief an-.l a permanent cure, Wallace & Johnson. DENTISTRY!. l*?tt IffMThe umlersitftied, after a success? | fnl practice of Dentistry for thirty? I four years, Is uow* located at Kings? tree, at the Brockinton house*. . I 1 ! %\ m;rt? ik* in |iri*|iiuni m uw nutvj tiling in the Dental line at cut rate; prices. Live and let live, is hi* uiotto. Xo shoddy work shall pas*< the portals of his ottiee. .Satisfaction guaranteed. A trial is solicited lies pec t fully, A M. SNIDER, Dental surgc'cj. i A GaUou of PURE LTNSKED OIL mlXSd.with a aailon o* m*kf*?trai)oasof the VZRT BEST ' KAlh'T in the WORLD for *2.30, B FCVI ' No 1JETTEU paint can bo marie at ANY cost, &ad life' I'luawtifz&fSywmnot to Crack. Blister, Peel or Chtp. F. HAM.HAK I\UN*T CO., St. LotUa, Mo? ftp a. FOWLEE, P i " l*r . 'r ??t?t>. i?i f