The county record. [volume] (Kingstree, S.C.) 1885-1975, September 13, 1900, Image 8

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* -" / i> -ryr-. . i w *? v. -n ! ??? P:TV nrnpDTlar^T li.wl- v: I t 0L1 iiiii;.iLti> t I : c'lar^c vi' W. L. 11 ASS, K.i J. i\ i'liili; ;i! Sumlay in Florence with i:i?- -i.-tor. J. 15. MetI'.iclit n i- i:o\v ln:yin?r ee'.lon ;u ami .MeCoIis. i:vspent Sunday at honi:. Woduoswe y torn < > at the Star v\:.iv:i 'i; ,'.*i-oa^!it ? > < !a{ > J' JHUlIld, Hon. James Norton <peut Tluir? hay !:: and around town. Mr-. i.ncas. of Florence, b -pending some time with the i. v of v\ . 1.. bass, Fstj. ('. Flowers wont olfon a living visit in l!:o Juhnsolivulc section lnsi week. lie returned to his nl the Mar \\ arehouse Friday. H. (jr. Askins, JFsq., came homo ii'uin Georgetown last week wirn lever. lie is still unwell, but wo iiojto no will bo himself again smmi, lie will nol return to Georgetown, jiavnijr givoh up bis position witn 11:0 A. c. Lumber l o, Mr. Matthews, of the Gorman \\ l ight Co., pays frequent visits to Lake city. His company is a noavy exporter of tobacco, anu is making a *41 kxI <iv :ti <?i enori xo secui U gueus nun iiii> market, as the touueco handled here is not-only of great juantitv, but also of excellent 40:114 KJ L L Caldwell returned home from .New 1 ork last .Friday, W hen lie gels in the splendid stock he purchased lie says his competitors will become possessedof tin* greeu-eyeu monster, ana Ins customers wih be thick its the leaves in Yailani/ Oi'OSii. Mrs. Anna Seals, whose going away we noticed some time ago. iias, we uuuer.-tanu, sliakeu tne oust <d Lake City from her n et lor good. Our informant sg\s .-lie has gone to h. 11 rope, where she will taae ..1 the fans exposition. Dudley 1 lodgers, the little son of 7~. -M. imagers, had his hand badly cui at A. 11. W liliams <x Co, s mill A it*\v tlays ago. Dudley, iiae inoni ooys, saw no danger in playing about, running nuiciunery umn be .?! it :;ic ag >uy o; cue nc^n aau i<un -mew.-. Another striking evi.Ioncc of the i.oj?onancc oi this jaaee ?.< a tobacco market i- given lii iiie ile.-}?ei\stc i-tfofts til.ti cci'taia \\\uvaiM->v-aici. oi a lowa Mot nay auics ui-i.mi aic. laaKiag 10 i:rjarc iik- rtie >ia: v. i'.u iivia.-ic. i'.n-e ivj?ort>.-, tiihifi'* liuuUeu ineiliOvi.-, etc, lut?o Uci a U'hM. '1 tic last move j-> threat.-. itic .strail of those poor IMC-t oc Indeed pitiable. jealousy is a Teariui nam-ier, aiiU utile. > coinn# ;n sense is .-iro?t? ;t wjll in* oveiwnciiucvl, as happened in tin.ra.-i . a i' wish these poor ieilowciuiij 'lu a little i>usiue-s, hut they must lirst learn that their puny en'orts to pull l <ul;c City down wnl not rtuilu them up. James Wilson, a tobacco man ot Danville, \'a., was in town a few nays ago looking after tiie ieaf. Tins constant stream of solicitors evidence tlu* fact that the large tobacco houses appreciate tin- importance of this market. These men, who travel all over the tobacco producing country anil who nave no interest in any special market should know the situation and their unbiased word is emit! < U io more than ordinary credit. Jt is their testinuny tJjat bake City i> attracting more attention than any other .small market in South Carolina, and tiiat in the ^reat markets of Virginia the reparation of this place stands higher that of any other in the .State on quality and grade of goods. <)a Wednesday the mourner's h.-neii in his honors propaganda was held down by his most august majesty, the grand mogul of the unwasned. 1* roni the expression of t i:e front of his head and the abysmal gorges that the tears had worn Hi rough ti?e decritis of his cheeks it was confidently believed that he had committed tne sin that his so eio v punishes with death, that of wasmiig his fac Hut, behold! ho luut done nothing?only stolen a pistol! Jlis honor wanted to sentence him to (to# pounds of tut pentine soap, 2is pounds of ashes, buek dust ami Hlack river sand, diluted with ">,000 gallons of Cades water administered by "Hig Wheel" in large and invigorating doses. Hut alas! alas! our laws forbid corporal punishment and death by such cruel means. Therefore, after making a deposit of $10 he was permitted to go in peace, but si ill unwashed. It i* sincerely hoped that his days will not be circumscribed by the law of three score and ten, for it is devoutly wished that the dews and the rains, the soot and the frosts may succeed iu removing that unfathomable accumulation and in revealing t > a wondering world one time at leist the real features of pot en 1 ate of -oaj -hat? rs, riclali. $ \ ^ t f ; CO THE DISPENSARY RAIDED. j ; Over SIOO Worth of Liquor Stolen Saturday or Sunday 'Night, ? 'j'liu dispensary has a^ain i?een 1 laurir.'arizeJ, the iintior stolen! I 1 i A * t I O O therelrom amounting <o : j The robbery took place Sat unlay , or Sunday night, it is not definite-j iy known which, in the absence; oi the dispenser. Since the ia>t raid was committed, March 'I!,, year, the dispenser lias been -loeiainil iii the rear of the !>uiiding. but g.?e$ out to his home several miles from town Saturday j nights, remaining until Monday, I morning. The thief or thieves1 were evidently aware ol this ens-} ; torn and took advantage of his; I . .. . j absence to accomplish their pur-j pose. Entrance was made into t he j j building through a rear window, | which was prized open, letting! I the thief into the dispenser's bed. | room. The door from this room j in!o I lie front building was locked,; but it required no great effort to j break it open. Most of thei cheaper grades of liquor were sold , out and the most expensive stuff j was siolen. As soon as Mr. Player arrived i Monday morning he took slock land found the loss to be $114.SS. ; On the night of March 31 a similar, j burglary was committed, the loss ! then being about $21. I On both occasions the iron I safe was opened, but no money j I was found, as the dispenser de-i I posits moneys taken in elsewhere 1 for safe keeping. i Up to this time there is abso-! ' lutclv ho clue to the thieves. vY. P. Hawkins was busy sever-j . a! days last week hauling wagons | from the depot. These* must be' ; sold regardless of price. One horse, two horse, narrow or broad tire?any kind of wagon you want j he can accommodote you. Call' and look over his stock <?! buegies ; and harness?all new. Go where vok can ?r* I more goods aiui better I' goods lor the least money. On Tuesday of la.-1 week two I small coons, Asbeiry Mouzon and J Frier son Fulton were brought up j j before the mayor's court for fight-J ling. They plead guilty and were, titled $1.00. with the option of 10 Id:i\son tiie chain-gang or twenty-j (live lashes. Fulton paid the tine. : but Mouzon's mother preferred; : taking is out of iiis hide and ad1 ministered on the spot a sound i I 4 ! thrashing. ^ ? mm TO THE DEAF. A rich lady eurod of deafae-s and ! noises in the head by I>r. Nicholson's Aniilcial Kit Drums, gave Slo.OOO t<> his Institute >?? that deaf i>c<?]?!e tin; able to procure the Ear Drums may j have theru free. Address No 11 :*(!:{, I ! the Nicholson Institute. 780 Eighth' Avenue, New York, I" S. A. The only tales that dead men j tell are ghost stones. ; EN PITIED DEATH'* AGONIES. ! Only a roaring tire enabled I >1 (Jar-1 ! reti-ou. of San Antonio, Tex., to lie : ] down when attacked by u.-thma, from | whieli hesnffered for years. He write-1 ; his misery was often sf? great that i: j seemed he endured the agonies <f: death: but Dr. King's New Discovery 'for consumption wholly cured liitn. j j This marvelous medicine is the only1 j known cure tor ast hma as well as con- 1 ' sumption, coughs and colds and a'i , throat, chest and lung troubles, Price j .*>0c anil ( uarauiiH'U' in;ti im?i tie free at Wallace & .Johnson's dm;; i st on-. The little green apple is always iipe enough lor mischief. FOR SALF.?One 70-saw Gin ' and Press in good order. Terms: j reasonable. Also, one 40-saw Gin,! three Grist Mills and Shading.) Address, Box W, Ca les, S. C. ? BPiQEUBMnKAopi u J wrw^f*Mamer-~r**mmKm4m 0. T. HALL. O "V A O I o i AH 1 "T" A r* irwrri or.Va matettOLtaj m Zs ZT C"v GOOD BUILDINGS. WJ GOOD YAJID co: It is to Your Ad van NO MAKKKT IS SOUTH CA LAKE CITY. GIVE I Sin has many tools, but a lie isj a handle to tit them all. ... _ TflE BllAVEKYOF WOMAN' j Was grandly shown l?y Mrs. John; Bowing of Butter, i*a., in a three years' struggle with a malignant* stomach trouble that eaused distress-1 in*; attacks of nausea and indigestion. 1 All remedies failed t<> relieve liar im-, \ til -he tried Elect riet Bitters. After! taking it two inontlis. >1k: wrote: "I : am now wholly-cured and can eat any-1 J thing. It is a truly grand tonic for J the whole system as I gained in^u eight , and feci much stronger since usingit." : It aids digestion. eure> dyspepsia, iin-1 proves appetite, gives new life. Only I oOc. Guaranteed, at Wallaee & .lohn-J son's drug store. Truth is a jewel which shines} brightest in the midsr of darkest 1 ignorance. nimii? < WVI-'IT. PLW; IJT. ! KM Higiriiis. Editor Scncca fills., 1 : News. wij-iirtlictt'd t'<?r years \\ii!i pile ;li;it int doctor or r nicdv helped until In* f ri. ! IhiclJen's .\rni(':i Salve, the !ti<f in the world. He writes, two t Ix-xts w!i Ily CM red him. I nfallible for pill--. < iirc guaranteed. Only 0">e. :"old by Wallace Johri-on druggists. j There is said to he :t tvphoidl fever epidemic raging in Fans. A POWI>Eli MILL EXPLOSION ; Remove-everything in sight: so do drastic mineral-pills, but both an* * lAghty dangerous. No need to dvua mite your heciy w Ii'mi F>r Ivin;;'* .Now Life 1'ilK do tin* work so easily and ^ perfectly. Cure* headache: constipation Only e.~? cents :it Wallace ei: ; .Johnson's store. S. ('. MOllIUS S. c. M. A. I'riticipa!. * Next Session begins Sept. ITth. itjmary, intermediate, | and uroji school grades. p Prepares for college or active life:; competeiit t'teiilfy: reasonable term-: I _ healthful coitimiinity: pure artesian ; I \ : hoard in private families at low rates. Write to the Principal. W. L. BASS, j Attorney at Law. LAKE CITY, S. C. Practices in State and Federal Courts. I ? J. G. McCULLOUGH, j Surveyor. Work solicited in "Williamsbur;* and , . n adjoining comities. Lines carefully j ^ run and pl;/t- made. Address or cai on me ai lfcnsori. s. L. BICYCLES REPAIRED. .Shop in rear of Coleman Hotel Stlcjc'os Repaired on f-liorl i 11 Sotlee. I IIK YCf.EN TO R E.YI. Terms Reasonable. K. J. AOS TEX. k I ifcA?a *mrr*t M J *? *r? *rr i/VAREHI h ^ 3? si a tS 5M cr . - r J] najTJ ( ?aa Btlt m; JI v.A3: siea C- L?s ug I lEBsaci^r aTC:: HE liriBi i is Es ;ll lighted. AND STAPLES, s VEX IE N TL V AI III A X( i E D. EXPERIENCED WAKEIIO GOOD C tage to Help Bu lid up lROLIXA CAN OFFER IJEiTi: US A TRIAL AND WE WILL HALL & CLE COi?PBl Ve rise above competition on dorses and Mul< Buggies, OURLIVERY DEP Is Complete with New Turnouts J. L STUCK Lake City, Jo To OT A m/1 rvo o O I MVjr\LL 1 O V-/ For Bargains in DRY AND PAI 3iv?illli2.sr37 MOTIONS ami WHITE GOODS, J. El)( Shoes, Hats and G Good ieinembor wo buy and sell for cash,and A lull lino of i1 IT" I ' } )?T\ i m ^ nz~r, oiira^J cjjrn Please call and be convinced. Stackley's C DON'T FORGET! When you come to Kingstree don't GAGG, OLIV kS we are daily adding to our already I: ? ' -r-r_x_ 0"U Dress Ciooas, nais, ou Co also carry a complete line of First Class C Space and time will not permit us t< When you get ready to paint your In ;erits of our Standard Cold Water Paj urable. Walk in and look around. Yours Respectfi Gi Charily begins at home, and i niess it is of a robust type it ends' lure. w Affectation is crying to make ?? >m$-: pass for to'd. 1 n i en T T*' y ? -r-y 11-1 vrryg*- ? ?:* '.v * E- CLEMEN? Til jep<&?-< <>4S?$ u.23 3 k ;"? <"*> rocs m /C2 ^T\ ewxj a jiff \tm ill U uliUiJUif, i use men. oki's buyers. a Home Market. :u advantages than convince you, ME NT, j Proprietors. 7ZTXO 2>T 3S, , Harness, etc, ARTiViFNT i and Unexcelled Service. EY & C0? S C ? i O. w. ASH STORE ?CY SOODS, f " GrOCd.3, 'ACES, ;L\"(iS, RJBf.OXS and SILKS. en.ts Furnishing swill save you money on all goods rWlJCAW Q?u ORB BtlZBDil Vxs'*) V??I K> CD \qc/i ' C4. K 1 S / ?- V/ M ^ J fail to vi?-it Kit & CO. irgc stock a tin*? line of .oes, Clothing, Etc. iroceries. [) (junto price. don't fail to investigate th<? nts, something new, cheap awl ^ X' \GG, OLIVER & CO. DR. R J. McCABE, DE1TTIST, ill be at Kingscree, S. C, all the ar 1900, except the first two week; January, March May, July, Sep i.ber and November^