Tlpe Count? ficcnrd FUBL1SUED EVKHY Tlll'USDAY AI K1XCSTRKK, S. C. " " ' TVIT*? ?- ? C. W. WOLFE, EDITOR AND EnoptuirroR. TEIU1S. SV." H3C7IIPTIOX RAThS: < mo cony, one year, - - - Jf'l.UO. < !!? ? <:] y, siv moi'lii-. - .50. < Hie eoi?y, tlnoe month*. >nhsiTi|?tions payable im.Jvantr. VOVKKTJSIXC RATKS: < ?:? iiu li, Hrsi iiisci'i ion, S1.00: each insert ion. At) eotit*. ii iiu mi vert Nine made for three, fix and twelve e??ntraei>. < >;i.inniiratinns must he t:*.' *oj;:j?:sij}? ? a i>e"..v>t;al nature will !>e piibIi>Wil except a^ an adver iiS'MIK'llt. Addr?\s? all letters and riiakc all drafts 1-ayubie tol C. Yv". "Wolfk, Kiiif.-tn-e. THURSDAY. SEPTEMBER i3. 1900. THE DEFEATED CANDIDATE. The election is over and the many candidate?, who seemed to own the earth, are .still like the ear tlx, being ilaltened at the nolle, fothefew who rcachedlhe winning post, we tender our hearty greet-, iugs, while to those who fell ov ' i A l . 1 ; . the wayside we oirer wnai ua.m is left in our medicine chest. In behalf ot our defeated brethren and on our own part we thank those who honored us by voting for us, and we freely forgive tlio.-e who promised to vote for us and didn't do it. We accept our defeat cheerfully, with the feeling uppermost that we are more likely to err. in thinking ourself adapted to the olilce we offered for. than a majoritv ol the voters V who didn't see it that way. After all, the conte>t was but ajnendlv one and the van:unshed , has a better opportunity ol ui-playing true manhood, than the victor. It is easy for the be magnanimous; but the defeated candidate who grasps his successful competitor by the hand in friendly greeting has gained a victory over himself mora to be commended, in the language of . the wisest cf m?.n, "than lie who i- * ' * t^kelli a city." 80 we say, brethren in defeat, let us all got together and say hurrah tor the Democratic ticket? national. State and count\* ? : THE DISPENSARY ROBBERY. me dispensary ;u una piacc is a sort oi' Jonah. Every dispenser ' operating it since its establishment (except the incumbent) has come to grief,and regularly once or r twice a "ear it is the victim of the uurglar's gentle art. ft. Strange it. is that more burglarj? tous assaults are committed on jhat one building in the course oi a year than upon ail tlie othei business houses in town combined, and yet such is the case. Whether to attribute this to the insecurity of the building containing the county stock oi liouoi or lo the mighty third that prevails hereabouts, is a matter ol speculation. This is the second robbery that has occurred within the past six months, the losse; aggregating about $136. At all events, it is a seriGus question which conlronts the' board ol control and every one connected with the dispensary, i Leaving out the question as toj ,; the right or wrong oi operating it.1 ; so long as the dispensary is a i county institution it is the Jnlvi * jot'every law-abiding citizen to, j protect it and to help put a stop to depredations that are becoming too common. I j Surejy some means can be devised to protect the property, and we ' hope to see the remedy applied, j j I'niess somebody is punished lor these repeated robberies, by the end of the year there will be very t little in the way of dispensary protits to be applied to the school iii ' j land, j. In politics, as in some other ji 1 things, our esteemed diurnal con- i ' t j temporaries, the Nev.s and Courier j and the State, seem to enjoy tak-;1 ing oppsite sides. Two years ago) the former was hurrahing lor l eat h erst one, the prohibition can' jdidate, while the latter was boost- , I ing up Kllerbe, the exponent of; J tlie dispensary. But now i4a 1 * ! j change has come over the spirit of ; their dreams/' and each is rs!. strong the other way as though; ; they had converted each other dur , i * i jmg last campaign. All of which ' . Teachers live In dormitories w : (j, Mechanical department under 7. It.- past, success a guarantee I session. S. Hoys under, military discipline 0. Low rates; board $7.-30 per mui ing use of instrument, $ '!. | rur i 1(11 I'll lUKUW^v^V imvii \ . . y "VVEL-Sll NECK HIGH SCIK J. W. G. CARLISLE FIT' j Of WofTon | BAMBERG. SO i A IlrSII SCHOOL FOil BOYS AND . r; (.'illLS. i! ? ! i $5,fo)Q Endowment, the gilt of Gen.) I ! F. M. Bamberg. $200 Loan Fun;l. ; Offers thorough course in English, History, Mathematics, Latin. Creek. ' French, Instrumental > T.'**1," * ..r ..... ... The early bird that sets thej worm is wise?it is the early j worm that's foolish. j a .......i^. .1 r\ .fin!.' often nuts! Milkier mujj ui it... nations to thinking. Silence is gold. speech is silver, ^ and broken promises brass plated with silver. 1 lie man with the least religion ' * j i.-. tiie quickest to quarrel over it.; | r _ t CITATIONSTATK OK SOl'TIi CAIIOI.IXA. j Corrvo? \VliT.LIA.VSi:ri:o. t>v E. M. Smith Ksouikk. ( I'rohalu Judge I j Whereas.-I. It. MeCiitelien madej ant to in . to vr:iI,: him I.etters nfji A'Ii?iiiii.-t ration of th< K>t:ttc of ami j * il'eci - of s. r M<('uieheti. i hese are therefore to cite ami admonish a?!a <1 -ingulN" tlie kindred j :iii?' creditors of t In* said S. ('. >!< 1 uiehen d; eased, that they !>< and j:ipj?ear hel'oi'e IMC ill 1 he Court 01 I'Pt j 0-Hi. tfi lii- held ;tr Kinrstrce Oil tlie , ' 22 of September next. after publication thereof, at 11 oYinek in the fojenonn, :<> show eai'se. if any they have. \\ hy I lie s.tiii administration should not l>e ' granted. tiiven under :ny hand, this the 30) lav of August. A.mto I'oiuini. tooo. i. E. M, SMITH. 2t. P.J. W.C. I I NO TBESPASS. |. All persons are hereby notified ri(>t j 1 o enter noon any of the lands in M il- } ianishurg county, South Carolina, i s lurehnsed l>y the undersigned from;* di's. Laura A. Itln ni. I.) 1). Jthcniaudj. Jthem or either of them. | ] Ati.antic Coast Lumker Co. ; t August 22,1900* 4t. < 1S01?1900 M SOUTH GAHQLINA COLLEGE. COLUMBIA, S. C. A. R, It. S.. A. M.. LL. Ii.. L. I.j. 'ottrsivi. Spring courses free for teach-j" us. Fourteen professors: 33.000 v..g, line.- in library: exeelleiit laboratn-j ies. cla-s rtx'ins. gymnasium, infirm-. irv. athletic grounds. Tuition if-to. ' itiiev fees .Sis. :t session; tuition re- I nitted to needy students. Expenses) 10.*? to $l7o a seS-iou. Certified )m j>i rom fortv-tive accredited schools en-1 r its Fre.-hmnn Cla-s without exami- j tat ion. i' --1 ?- ? -1-1.W.V- 1 Entram-c aim uonmu mnui.n.. (initiations held a' every county-seat. j Friday. July 2<), lbou, by county super-! ntendfats- ! *" Next session opens Sept. 28. l'JOO. For atulogue address !, F. C. WOODWAUD. Tresident. j1 VSFOFFORB COLLEGE, i JAMES H. CAR I.ISLE, LL. D., r President. Eight departments under eijxlit pro- ! . e-sors. Two course- leading to the! V. 15. and A. M. degrees. Library, \thletie (Grounds. C.ymuasiuni, Lec-' ure ("ourse. I 1 Terms as reasonable a-at any first la-s college. Session begins Sept. 28.1 The expenses at Woftord Fitting School :nve been redncei! troiu -^141 to 107 for , l.e year.* j * or catalogue .id?ln? J. A. liAMKWELL. j S 12 Spartanburg, s. ('. i k High School;' r the following reasons: n v. at or on campus, er competent instructors.. urate for h >ys and girls, costing rht during school hours, ith pupils. - '. ...f Io.df1V.iAT? wUIIiJH.'lVUl liou uv,ivi. for the future, lOS boarders last nii: Tuition .$1 to-ft: imwc. includ-! 30 L, IiAM'SYILLE, c. A INKS, 1>. S., M. M. P.; Principal. ! mo SCHOOL, j :! College. ITU CAKOI.INA. One hundred d< liars a year for I ward and tuition. Well selected library, t wo up-to-date society iialls. cymnasiuin, graduate and experienced teachers, two boarding departments. Opens September So, 1900. Postal for Catalogue. W. K. WILLIS, Head Master. " " Money Found at < IF Vol* WANT IT, CO First,I>y purehasinp; your Ilorso.^ llu^i* Scent.d, in (loinjr that you huv cIiimj?* r< rhird, you yet hotter value.-for your li nothing but what wo makc^nod if i sentatinn. Wo have jn-t received a car load of the >1.1 N.V j;r<;<;i KS, which we are rapid 1 carload of t!ie renowned one and 'wo wo thank vou foryaur liberal patro: roll i;ood treatment in future business. See Ilawkins on Court House Sp.iar Th.omas cz IE icixcsTUKi:. Fo Tobacco Growers of \ People's Tobaccc of" Wishes to extend many thanks for vou a-t season, and announces that they a )u>!ness and will appreciate your furtln season, promising the very best seme four tobacco. Having just returned fro Northern markets, we have secured ntyers with large orders, and we ex pee lon't hesitate to bring your tobacco People's are prepared for ordering and j COME AND SEE US?\\ c WII C. BARGAINS! 1 have just received one of the large Dry Goods, Furnil and Groc hat was ever brought to town, and no\ >e suited for the fall ami winter. I make a specialty of Ladies' Fine Minos, and a general lino of everything itoro. Prices too numerous to mention >o convinced. .furnii I am prepared to olTor yon the vorv toads, Mattresses, Springs Pots, Sofas, pants and Young' mor., I am offering bargains ind examine before Lujving elsewhere. grocer: \ I ways fresh and ov.r took is complete, latent Flour. Come and see us; wo wil Lot room for hitching'your liofse.s fi Yours to please, W. T. Wl I >-> ^ . *? t I* H I PAN Jh Doctor fAGc Preseri . * lor ma: && Jf-A *, ' 'jffen for five cents, at Pnicjdrti Saloons, News-Stand*, (lencra ' fc" -- Q op*. They banish pain, indue : One Rive* relief! No matter wb 1 do you Rood. Ten samples a '' monials sent by maii to any add / ? ? \ by the Rijans Chemical Co., tCSj t S' 1.1 I I . Our Stables. mi-: AXI> (ii'T n\ S Wagons sinrl ! I a rue.-- from u-. ^ tf n- than elsewhere. ^L/ lit r',l earned dollars, si.- we sell t dot's not conic U[i to o-ir rej ivfamous liOf'K H iLL and t'A UIv -elline at cvelotit' pri'-os. .\i ^ e siiul highest market price* f<-r in an extended visit to 11M tIj;s the service of a good eo,-ps of i a lively market. Therefore, lo the Manning market? The grading. -L TREAT YOl" RlCH'JV H. MASON, Mgr. 1 1 1 1 1 1 BARGAINS' stand most/co:nj>ler?? /;m-.? r,i ture, Hardware, series v is the time to come ainl he Dress (Hoods, Iioy.>' Dlothinjr,. that is to he fount! in a first -class . 1 only ask you to conca sunt '17-817 . UA'.i/ lowest prices in Chair-*, I->.'"1?* Wa-hstands and Uureaes. ^^ i HATS 1 ii> tine Pants and llats. ( air? IBS Try a barrel of our Pvi.i'bov 1 tivair yoitri^b-v ee. S TABtJIES I tgCJV-r ' * ? a s find f sod. o*j I ption j nbind R j l. f.rocfrs, Reitannnfs, * il Store# and Barber# , :e #lr?p, and prolong R at's the matter, one will nd ore 'houaand testi- J jt re*i iai rrceip* of pri.-e, * iruceSt.,Ne?\orlcCity. ,, '! j . , *e J ie'j _ li? T, ? '