seom EMULSION OF COb-LIYER OIL WITH! HYPOPHOSPHITES should always be kept in; the house for the follovying reasons: FIRST- Because, if any member of the family has a hard cold, it will cure it. SECOND Because, if the children are delicate and sickly, it will make them strong and well. THtRO? Because, if the father or mother is losing flesh and becom-1 ing thin and emaciated, it will build them up and give them flesh and strength. FOURTH Because it is the I standard remedy in ail throat and lung affections. No household should be without it. It can be taken in summer as well as in winter. toe. ami Si.oo, attdrukrcrUi. SCOTT h SGWNE, Cherm.sU, N*w York. STATE SUMMER SCHOOL. A Williamsburg Teacher's Inscription of the Recent Session. On June 14 the beautiful and commodious WintUrop opened her doors. Teachers came flocking lrom every comer of our little Stale. All sorts and conditions of teachers, "grave and gay. young and old,'" froiu the university, the college, the graded school, the high school and the one bare room were there to learn the things they did not know, and to digest those things that they "half way" knew. The whole of the 14th our supemitendent sat at his desk receiving and aiding each student teacher to select those branches Jhal would be most helpful to them in their special work. When we recneeinber that there twenty-J Flive dilTerent courses to be se-j leclei from and about lour hundred claimants on Mr. McMuhati's attention, and that each one wanted to enter several classes, then we might begin to appreciate his executive ability. Pres. 1>. li. Johnson was there in his place to conduct devotional exercises, where the voices of the gay were subdued and raised with the graver folks in praise to theKuIer and Giver of all perfect gifts. Mr Johnson was there, too to see that the machiuerv ol that institution worked properly and at the proper time. There to remind those whose gayety caused them to be thoughtless,ot the "golden rule". Hells and fronts regulated our lire*, and hells and gongs were never better obeyed. .No shirking wa* possible. Kvery absence had to be accounted for and if for any unavoidable calamity you were late to a fecial ion. a written excuse was required. Vroia the lesson taught by one kindly professor to that by another, the happy, busy day sped on, till night dropped her eurtain aud the electric lights shed a soft gleam across the bioad beautiful campus. At this hour professor Cupid appears withoutiuriatiou to take charge of the "Campus Course". "Xhis "Campus Course''' leads 'ii'o such swe?t heights of knowlodge Ijhpf ia^fc and surely it has grown 'l]h^favorite cotifse. i#i, College AH newap-iy.ajsr-dadior lass-r. Prof. Cupid gets.them, And not a studenkifl.hjsclass But lores the task he sets them. Ikoujrb no. class-joofn. iu the school I* offered for his uses Frof. Cupid alert and cool, Kesorts to drivers ruses tye meets his classes on the stair? In quiet n.op)t.s ana corners? At tea?at'teunis?anywhere And thus eludes his scorners. Prof.Cupid had no period set apart, for recitations, as did lJie other professors and even when the retiring hell forced him at 11: SO to disperse his classes, he fol lowed his poor pupils into dream-] laud putting such questions as these to the laddies, -'How multiply a dimple?'' ''Subtracta heart and what remains?" "Translate a sigh." "Sky glances." "Sudden blushes", Neither did his labors cense here. He walked boldly in-j to every recitation room, and in spite oi grave professors would draw the attention of some lad and fix it uponsoiue lair lassie. Thus each day passed until the last, but two. which were set apart for examination. You ask, "did they examine you?" "Yes." We answer. "yes," and dismiss the dread subject. Al'er examinations came parting on Wednesday. We separated for our various homes and left witli regret the pleasant home that was ours for a season. Long live the Summer School at dear old Winthrop! We can but hope that the Summer School is a permauaut institution uud that each year the teachers may continue to have the privilege of 4 ^1.4 t. ? L. - r 1 4 ? ueing taugui uy shcii a tacuiiy as that of the State Summer School of 1900. Is not this school a good thing, if it only carries soiue joy, some new, bright thought into every nook and corner of our State? It ?urely will do that. * A Williamsburg Teacher. THE OFFICIAL COUNT. Of the First Primary Eioctian in Stats and County. The official result of I he first primary has Oeen declared. The result stands: IIU Tillman 73,079, McSweeney 39.097, lioyt 33,833, Gary 12,950 1'atterson 0,052, Whitman 491, Sloan 10,097. lllease 9,550, Winkler 10,005, Livingston 14-713, Jas. 11 Tillman 35, 389, Timmerman 44,757, Jennings 40,444. Derham 09,099, Brooker 21,792, McMahan 55,331, Capers 30,480, G D Bellinger 78,036, M it Cooper SC,930, Kloyil 70,634, House 14,230, W D Kvans21,914, Wharton 10,501, H B Evans 14, 010, May lie Id 1 ;%457? Pettigrew 5;014, Berry 11,240, Etheredge 5. 912. By order of the party Me8we> ney and Iloyt run over lor Governor, James II Til'niau and John T Sloan make the race for Lieutenant Governor, ami W D Evans and Wharton run over for railroad commissioner. All other State contests were decided as first outlined,, and Scarborough and Norton run over Jor Congress, ana all oilier congressional and solicitors' contests were decided on the first primary.. The votes for Congness m the G th district give Scarborough 5. 951, Norton, 5;315.and> JtJlerbe 2, 4SS. The total vote of the State* based on the vote for Governor, was 9*429. Congress, 1st district: W Kliott, 903. ' Cougress, Gth district: James Morton, 422. It B Scarborough, J K Ellerbe, 23S. Solicitor; J S \Vi!sonv 190ft. Iljoikse of repxeseutative; VX W Ifcwtedy, 3?.3, J, It BrPQkiftton, 3#)* PS.Wail, '$84. W M Kpels, 957? .1' H: MJWLAII 0/17 '! li.Gpurdin, 673* W SGrayson, 111. J G McGullough, 664. J, J ^.Montgomery, Slier ill: .J G Graham, 007. W II Campbell. 372. IIO Kritton, 738. Edwin Harper, 00. Clerk of court: H C Whitehead 530. \17 \L' I i>?.. ?.. OOd if f? uiaj null) -?/?/. J D Dauie!, (508. It J Nesmith, 337. Hugh McCutchen. 186. J E McElveen, 105. Su pel visor: II V Baldwin, 420. B B Chandler, 440. M S Montgomery, 232. 1* M Brockinton, 102. J W Coward, 170. W I) Fitch, 132. S M Bradshaw, 284. A B Burrows. 17. B S Smith, ISO. It M Thomas, 72. Superintendent of Education: G S Barr, 209. C W Wolle, 302. N D Lesesne, 048. Wm Cooper, S40. Treasurer: K 1) Kollins, 1320. W D Owens, 73$. Auditor: 11 X llanna, 2044. I'robate judge: E M Smith, 731. W B Mc"ants, 401. W E Banna, 580.. J J Steele, 316. Supervisor of lie^istratuwn J JEaddy, 1384. W F Kennedy, 782. (i K Mitchum, 1134. V D Cocktield, 531. J V McCii!!, 1271. E F l'rosser, S34. Coroner: ll M Burrows, 1140i J N Hnmmett, 378. 11 K Gamble; 513, County CoinmisioueBs: A M Cook, K A Murphy, 1742. S M McClary, 1742. 2 SG McDonald, 1742. CANDIDATES CARDS. 1IOKSE OK KEl'KIMENTATIVES.. Thanking mj friends for the verj nattering vmo given inc at hip recent primary. I l>eg to announce that I am a candidate tor the Legislature at the second primary election, and solicit the support of; thy voters of the county. I*. S. WALL. I hereby anpo'tpv-'* >>" candidacy for election to the Hoivfc of Representatives, ani pt^^e to .abide by the decision of the tyemporat^r, primary. Wv M. KEELS. I hereby arinouncf i^y cap, dp lacy for the House of Representatives*. subject to the rules of the IhfUioetatiyprjmary, and promising to *bld?. by ttie rules governing the same. T. B. GPURnjN. 1 hereby announce myself a candk .I .L. ?t ;iie Tor >*iiruuii w me jiwtsc ui i?:|r reseetatires and promise to abide thy decision oi" the Democratic primary. J. (i. McCULLOUGR. EOlt COUNTY SIPKKINTEXDKNT OF EDUCATION. Promising to abide by the decision of the Dcmocratie primary, 1 atinoujn,v myself a candidate for re-election to the office of County Superintendent of Education. Respectfully, K. V LESESNE. I hereby myself as a candidate for) County Superintendent of Education, \u?ject to. the Demycrath* ternary. V*Mr COOPER. ^RpB^TE,JfUIXiI5: I hereby cop^tavyfor t}rqbf teJwifpof Wllli*m?bn.rg, spb-. Ject to the rules.of tho Dymuqraticpri-. raary election. E. M. SMITH: I nereDy announce. mFseii- a qauatdateforthp office of, I'ro^te Judge, snWect to the rules of, the Democratic prlpaarT elcetion. Wr K, flANNA.. , * This is the season of the yearj which will show whether the work i horses have been treated well or j ill. rvwitt's I.ittle Harhr Risers are { prompt, palatable, pleasant, j>owerful. purifying little pills. Wallace & Johnson. Coi.victs might properly be termed bread and water winners. Never act like a lool?unless you are one. To prevent consumption quickly cure throat ami Ming troubles with One Minute Cough Cure. Wallace & Johnson. If a horse is allowed to stand in a wet place the amonia rises and injures his eyes, and is a Irequent cause of thrash. The most dainty and effective pills made are DeWitt's Little Karly Risers. They are unequated for all liver and: bowel troubles Never gripe. Wallace& Johnson. Unless a (Jhristafams- walk corresponds with hi* talk.,, the less he has to say life better. A Wandeirfuk Cure of Diarrhoea. A Prominent Yirgina Editor Had Akawst (Shreu up, but Was Drought Hack to 1'erfect Health by Chamber liau'9 Colic, Cholera aud Diarrhoea Remedy.?Head UN Editorial. I suffered with diarrhoea for a long time and thought I was pant being cured. I had spent much time and money and suffered so much misery that I had almost decided to give iip all hopes of recovery and await the result, but noticing the advertisement of Chamberlain's Collee, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy arm also son*-* testimonials stating how some wonder-, ful cures had been wrought by this eraedy, i decided to try It. After - *??? rl/wtw I u.qu oiitirplv Well 14k Ulg * icn ?. VI.v.y of tlwt trouble,, and I wish to say further to my readers and, fellow-suffeovtiiat I am a bale and heafey mar* to-day ami feci as\relLa> I ever did in m/ life.-O K.Mpe^Cv Sold by I>r. 1? C Scott. i A thine .?! beauiy is. a jov forpv?MU~unles* lheu?**t price leakou!v You c:iRy*Witt's Witch Hazel Salve, j the wtdl known cure for piles, injuries j and skfcn disease*.. The ladies took | caije-iw obtain th$. original I>eWitt's ! Wibefi Ha/.cl Salve- lemming that all1 the counterfeits are worthies*. Wallace it .Johnson. Never Mieve anything that is not reasonable. A WOR-frTOMOTHERS. Mothers of children attected with croup or a severe cold need not he?itate to administer Chamberlain's Cough.Remedy. It Contains no opiate nor narcotic in any form and may be given as confidently to the babe aa to au aflttfti Mte grew Rucress. tva* uw> atteudbtf iN use in, the. treatment of ootds-amfrcroop bu# woo for it the approval and praise, it. has, received throughout the United States and In many foreign lands. For sale by Dr. f>C Scott. Never give a dollar, that you may have a chance to,steal a hundred. * Large sun sgots, astronomers, say. caused the extreme heat this summer, and doctors declare nearly all the prostrations w^re induced by disorders of, the stomach. Gpod health follows good digestion, Kixtyl Lyspep.ia Cure digest what you eat, Ifyqu have Indigestion or dyipepftia it will quickly relieve and, permanently cure you. Wallace & Johnson. ' A w.ord to .the wicked is sufficient r=if you.cajl hjm.a.liar.'. i . " ' Polso-rott* . toadstool* reseAbliog' I musluwiw* have canned frequent dearth* this year. Be sure to use on!y [ the ge??l?e. ObserTethe same care l when you a*k for IVWitt's Witch nazei a;uvc. iiiere arc jigiiwiiun> j counterfeits. HeWItt's Is the only |original Witch 1 la7*1 Salve. It is a i wife and certain cum for piles aud all skin disease;* Wallace & Joftnsou. Never boast of your b'ood?it may be tinge'J with a monkey'sThe great success of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea lieinedy in the treatment of bowel complaint* has made it standard ov?r the greater part of the civilized world. For sale by Dr. D C Scott. / * Never turn your elbows o?t? ward in walking?it is duJisla The progressive nut ittis of the- worT?V are the grvnt focuiconsuming nitioiis. . Good food wel'j digested gives strength. If you canflub digest ail you cat, you nef&JbljuflW Dyspepsia Cure. It digests wliiwt you eat. You need not diet yourself. It contains all of the diIgestauts combined with the best. knouru tonics ?ud reconstructive*. It will even digest all classes of foods in a bottle. No other preparation will do this* It instantly relieves and quickly cures all stomach trouble*. Wallace A Johnson, Never be a dude?dude is another name for i'ool. Robbitt's Chill fills cure chit Is and inaiarial^roubles. That is what they were made lor. Curie after after other remedies fail. No Cure, no pay. Trice 25 ets. per hoWJe. Sold by Wallace A Jo hi* Never throw slops out ot the window?-it is not polite. Uah Cade's Condition Powders. Arc j|*& *Ui4t a. horse needs when in bad condition. Tonic, blood purifier and rermifnfe. They are not' food but medicine.and the best/in use to put a horse tM paime condition. Price 25 cts. per package. For sale bv D. C. Seott. _ ' K : N*.**er say have went for have gone. You assume no cv4 *Jion you bur Chamberlain,s Colic, Cokra and Dinrrhoea It^mrdy. Dr. D. C. Sett wKl i refund yorrr money if you are not sarisfttNl atte^ib.lne it,, ft fs wreiywlier? . admitted to be tlie most suc<-e?s u< I remedy ijiiitse far boweP cowptainijiv, | uiiu tin* only one tnat never fuo.-.. iu j is ploasatit, safe'ami reliable. More men have been ruined bjr schemes tiiAn by bid company. There is more solid wisdom in. ' every chapter of the Biggie Books. | than there is in the whole contents, of many books. You ought to have | them. They include five volumes on horses^ cows,, berries, poultry and sw;j4C. SondiOV ce?#* Snteucli to.Wjliner,Atkinson, Co., Pliiiudalphia.. "Sbbftceo, Growers c I! tiinl it to their interest, to. vju fnr. thlf^nr. 1 Uft uvwiv/1 ?j^". four yearssw.aow1 lo?tifcH?.ut Kinjrr-, tree>( at the. Bfouklnton hoiMc*, where. hftvif. prepftred to do iy*jr-. thin&in th? ftenUl.litte.a&cut^'fth prices. If|vje> and.Lpt Iis JW* motto.. No slioildvv*o?ji sbpji papo< the porte.Is of his oftye. Satisfac-. tiou guaranteed. A trial if jtdititail Respectfully, A. M. SJiipEU, j J^vata|..surjfeoai,