KySiri I": charge of W. L. BASS, K?Q. M.' . WW . u ! I Mr. 1>. 1>. IN** has transfer- J yeii from this place to Fair Bluff, i .N . V ., ;(IUt !?*??, >'i I^viuw | ten, now our agent. Miss Cecil Severance, who i- now ; in the Lanes telegraph otlice, came home ! n a visit Friday. Mis.- Millie Lee returned from die summer selioo! a! Winthrop last Friday. She reports the ses-j -ion a very pleasant ami profitable ! one. Miss Fannie Askins of Cartersvilla, is visiting relatives in t ?wn. Miss Kniily Doty, of Charleston, who is teaching near Mr. \V. F. Kennedy's was in town F.i lay and i attended a tobacco sale. Two graves in the Ihiptist church i yard were marked a few days ago. J t ir rni K.% %%, I wvcr jir. j. .m, i uuuiii." ? n ilium- , some marble monument of about i:t small towns that have hut ; one . a rehouse, hut aNo those in ! places that boast of two, three, four I and even a greater numlxw of ware-j houses. Soliciting agents are he-1 ginning to appear. Two came a few j days ago asking shipments of to- j Iracco. One is from llichmond, the I other from Danville. lie v. Mr. Harris, of the Hpworth j Orphanage, was in town Monday. Mr. H.G Ask ins, of Georgetown,; paid his old home a visit .Sunday. On account of t,he peculiar schedule ! it was necessary for him to lie over | in Kings tree both coming and go-1 ing. j Little Tallovast, of: Rome, is spending some time with the Misses llollins. Friday afternoon we had a little w ind, a little rain and a little hait; lust the am; tint of each was very limited except the wind; even that> was Unt a stilf brec/.v. Mr. Thomas Kaddy died Friday, night, the ITtii inst, of congestion j ef the brain at the aire of years.; He was a son of Mr NV\ Capers Faddy, and leaves a young wife and two little children. May the Master ot wind and wave be with the bereaved and comfort and sustain t hem. 1*1 iza Moore, relict of the I hit.- II. } *. Monro, foil on sleep Sat- i u-rday, Au^iw 18th, at the a?re ol" 70 1 years and 10 month. She had been ' gradually going down the hill lor unite a while, and her death was; iu< h.a general breakdown of the -v>ten:. She leaves four children, Messrs. W. A.\\ arren and John ~ "oore and Mrs. Von McKnight, j Her remains were laid to rest in the Cook ourvinjf ground Sunday; afternoon, She was Miss J'erstelie. j Jjeft a widow years ago, she fought ; ; he battle of life well and now rests j in peace. Her children, who have j in herdenth lost their best frienJ, j have our hearty syrn oat hies. Mr..lames A. II. Cocktield passed i : way Saturday night, August 18th,; at the age of (ill years. While not a very ola man, yet his death was j probably dm to it general wearing j ?-ut, hastened by fever. Ilis has| been an active life; and, alter all, | iif is not counted by years, tut by dee ds. He was married twice; his first wife was Miss AddicTiuiiuoris, daughter of Mr. Thomas Tiininons, i i o lis last wife,who survives him, .Miss c Timnious, (h.tigh tor of 31 r. Isitic Titnnions. }fe letives liine children and quite n number of grandchildren. Ho vu> buried nt the Lee burying ground at Mrs. Fannie 1 iOo's. Mr. t'oekifeld ay a sone of the leading men of his neighborhood an uvjj uiiui to take this matte' up iu their r spec Live commui'i-s and raise is uiuch money as possible during the 1 following winter. The committees are as follows Lake (Jitv?Mrs L L Cnldwcll, i Mrs Henry Singletary, Mrs Dr T 15 | Hinnant Scran toil? Mrs Dr S D M Byrd. ; Mrs P> C Whitehead, Miss Li! lie! Gnfhani Cades-Mrs J P Kpps, Mrs K II: .Sauls, Mrs 11 1> Johnson Kingstree?Mrs Louis Jacobs. Mrs Dr D C Scott, Mrs M T Heller. Suiters?Mrs Sarah Gordon, Mrs J A Terrell, Mrs J M Cook. Lanes?Mrs I) K Gordon, Mrs! Thos Nettles, .Miss Krtin Severance. [ It hems? Mrs F Khem, Mrs 1) JDI Hhetn, Mrs C D Cook. Gourd ins? Mri It II Pitt man. \ Mrs Dr W S Gamble, Mrs A M Gor-1 dO!J. Greens?Mrs W D Bryan, Mrs 'J'j A 1'lakely. MrsS K McCulIougb. Trio?Mrs Neil G McDutlie, .Mrs. J W Register, Mrs Th??u Wells. Sutton*?Mrs It P llinnuut, Mrs J J Graham, Mrs Maria Richardson. Jir.rpers?Mrs J II Hudson, Mi's VI S Canilin, .lr, Mrs J P bruortoii. | Gi?flf:vvilir?Mrs S J Taylor, Mrs K G M. II.kI, Mrs Hogan. Johnsonville?Mrs Henry Caddy., M "j ll.'.rlv.- .Tl ill ll.4l.rt \i . < <; w' indiantewn?.Mrs G J Graham, Mrs Wra ( ouper. Prospect?Mrs W S Paddy, Mrs A A Brown, inrj Simon I'osson. Hebron?nirs W.I Burgess, mrsj Thoma* Wilson, mrs -I H MeKlveen. J)r I) C Scott has kindly consent-; ed to act as Treasurer of the com-1 mitcies, to who all remittances should be made as last as collections are! made. S D M Bvrd. S .1 Snovedeu, John A Kelley, Committee. Doings at Duck. Fodder pulling is I he order ol the day. .Nice weather lor cuiing\ it. Cotton picking will soon commence it ix openiuir ver\ fast. ! One of oi;r young sports has > disappeared very unceremoniously. We are unable to say whether in; is lost, Graved or stolen: but when last heard Iron) he was down near Smnmen ille sitting upon a heap of sawdust devouring a green apple. Some of the hunters who like; the sport of deer driving are liav- ' in:: lots of inn now. Your quill-; driver is not much of a hand to hunt deer?lie likes the ''dears."; The writer attended the ice cream festival at the JJaptisl chinch Tuesday evening. A large j crowd was present and everyone ! Wi iMtii.v ll lies ides the supper 1 here w is ice cream, lem-' onade, cigars, bouquets and fronted cakes. $50.S"> was made. Our community was saddened by the death of Miss Margaret Brockinton, who died Tuesday, nijrht alter an jllnes.s of several weeks, 'l he remains were interred at the old Belin Church Wednesday afternoon before a larjrej concourse of friends a-'d relative*, Kev, D. L. Cropland officiating.) Wuippouwii.i,. j * * - V 0. T. HAIL. STAR 1 W B ar~m n a claBBal LV*jjc Zs ZTC*W Dlil! SllB I GOOD BUILDINGS, W GOOD YAK1. CO." It is to Your Advan NO MARKET IN SOUTH L> < /- T*T >\* i' J'J fo\ r.ii> .v j a.j'm.i' i. Timely informtthm given Mr*, i (George Long, of New Strairsville, Ohio. saved two lives. A frightful cough had Ion;? kept her awake every > night. She had tried many remedies and doctor* Ixit steadily grow worse | until ur^ed to try Dr. Kinj?< new Dis-j eovery. ()ne *?ott le wholly cured her:; and she write*, this marvelous mcdi-j cire also cured Mr. Long of a .-evere . attack of pneumonia. Such cures are positive proof of it* power to cure ( all throat, chest and lung trouble-.! < )idy 5;ie and * (Guaranteed. Trial! Uittles free at Wallace & Johnson's) drug store A man who lives up to his own 1 advice seldom needs a lawyer. STORY OK A SLAVE. To he hound hand and foot for years * by the chains of disease *s worst p.rin j of slavery. CVnrge 1). Williams, of Manchester. Mich., says: My wife has J been so helpless for years tle?t she eould not turn over in bod alone After U-imr two bottles of Electric i Hitters .-he i< wonderfully improved ami able to do her own work." This supreme remedy for female d>ea--.?; quickly euros nervousness. >icople-s- e n* >s. luolaneholy. headache. backache fainting ;i"d riiz/.v sf>e!ls. ]r :< a else: id lo weak, sickly, ruii-d"\vu i?cu|i!e<'niv **nara?UTd. nuly ,"ii)c. >obl l#y Wallace \ J .meson druj,ui*ts. ? - ? - _ j Tliose thai are sprinkled with: the blood of the Lamb are 1'i rep root I against tiie Devil. W. L. BASS, Attorney at Law, i.AKi-; cirv, s. c. Practices in State ami Federal 1 Courts. ; J. G. McCULLOUGK, C* +-m \IT7ATTAT> oui v c.y ua . Work solicited in Williamsburg and ' adjoining count ie-5. Lines carefully 1' run and plat* made. Address or cai on me at Uenson, Jv L. BICYCLES REPAIRED, r Shop in rear of Coleman Hotel Eticyole* Repaired on Mion ; ."\ol ice. IIICVl'I.IW TO RK\I. Terms Keasonuble. J. AOSTEN. s ? WAREH< ben vnan illfi Iff llfiAF ft?! fam*mrrTm['m*!^m 'tiasx atannj Vx^ mbb iia mica a9 ZESea-cl^ lETcr 3= in Til El ELL LIGHTED. ) AND STAPLES. V VENJENTLV ARRANGED. . EX RE I? IE NEED WARE IK GOOD ( tage to Help Build u\ VKOL1NA CAN OFFER RETT J l\S A TRIAL AND WE WILL HALL & CLE 1 COMPEL \\~c rise above competition on Horses and Mul Buggies ?OURLIVERY DEP J* Complete with New Turnout: J. L STUCK Lake City Bo To STACKLEY'S C ror Diir^iiu^ i;i DRY AND FA MOTIONS ami WHITE GOODS, I Kl>< Shoes, Hats and G Good Iciiieriilv'r we bay and .-ell for cash,and A full line of igm? con mam ***S. "T"3 m bJkj toLh vuImSI cvJm Please call and be convinced. Stackley's C DON'T FORGET! When you come to Kinjjstrce don't (iA(i(i, OIjI V \.s we ?uv daily adding to our already ! - j rxi Di^ess Goocis, nats, Ye also carry a complete line of First Class l Spare and time will not permit ns t When you ?et ready to paint your !i r.erits of our Standard ('old Water Pa 1 arable. Walk in and look around. Yours Kespeetf G BR. JOHN EDWARD TAYLOR, I DE1TTIST, j GEORGETOWN, S. C. j of I - 17 1900 [en dmmnmamrvramimmmm ?bi > -rnr? i ? r wmxummm . M. CLEMENTDtJSE. oa ? !?"u.slness. itirp III u OuuuUll, )CSEMO. X)liPS BUYEiiS. ) a Home Market. Eli AD VAX l\V(?KS THAN CONVINCE YOL'. :ment. Proprietors. NOWHERE rxTXOisr 88, , Harness, etc. ARTMFNT h and "Unexcelled Service*. :ey & co? > , S. C-. ASH STORE NCY GOODS, r G-cod.s, J ACES, IINUS, RJ15HONS and SILKS. lents Furnishing s. will save you money on all good-* TTTPT! shrj wtEx nsm V csnsEryRl *5 :ash Storet fail to vMt Kit & CO. urge .--tuck a fin*? line of ioes, Clothing, Etc. Groceries, 0 quote price. ouse don't fail to investigate tin? inls, something new, cheap ;u*l j nil y, AGG, OLIVER & CO. DR7R J.~MCCABE,~ DENTIST, ill be at Kin^iree, S. C, grfl the ?ar 1900, except the first two weekJanuary, March May,July, Sop? iber Aiui November. - t . ' ' V ( ?