The county record. [volume] (Kingstree, S.C.) 1885-1975, August 16, 1900, Image 6

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/ t f I f J W _== r Wakmfj a Monkev ?f Him TBello!" ? .\c-iaini(d Miles. a? he was About to board r,? crowded excursion k.rat, "the oik seems to bo full!" rejoined the deckhand "all the J ABtmals are on deck but the monkey. $urry up and get aboard."?Chicaco Sews. how It Turned Out. He (ft former suitori?"So you are ftrrled. eh? You told me once upon a j tee that you nevei intended to belong i t? any man " She?"Well. I don't. He belongs to ."--Chicago News. X. The Menu's Origin. The origin of 'he menu cam has been fttaecd to the IbiSce of Bruuswick. He trwa observed in the intervals of a banket to scan earefully a long strip of yaper by the side of bis plate, and when aw-. .nrran. xrnpMtK ventured to lnouire ' *ro the nature- of his studios ho ex- I Eraed that it was a sort of programme the tlishep which he had commanded in the cooks, to the intent that if IMS' delicacy which especially appcairto hire were marked for a lute stage ] the repast he might carefully re- j Mi'ft bia ap;>?-tite for it. The simplicity and beauty of the idea appealed to the duke' convivers, and the Menu card from that moment became A institution. In its old-fashioned form, we are told, the bill was usually wrhieu in large letters on cards of j oeh Imposing dimensions that room for only one could be found at each ?ad of the board. . When wit is kind as well as playfa!, when information knows how to bo silent, as well as how to speak, wbrn good wijl is shown to those who are absoDt as well as to those who are present, we may know that we are in i food society ?August Ladies' Home Morns). A lamp can't be much good unless It's wicked. To Cure a Cold tn One Day. Take Laxative Bboko Qcixim Tables. Ail drugiristb rofuud the money if it falls to are. E. W. Gbgvk's signature on each box. Sc. It .?wa35biiai?K^ luni rtcu a nutoi suvutu Maiotimty be wroiig. 60. 33. Pale g&nd i - Weak Women Beauty and strength In ? 1.. #_ wanton vantsn many an fife h oca use of monthly pain or some menstrual irregularity. Many suf for silently and see their host gifts fade away. helps wwncn preserve roundness cf form and freshness of face beoause it makes their entire female organism healthy* II carries wojRf&n safety through tho wof>Mui.<i natural crises Afff! Is (he safeguard of mrosnsLiz'c health* Tho truth about this groat medicine Is tofd In the letters from women being p:\ foSfshed In this jpffjser constantly.^Fight Yc I if vcu want to. But 1 the start of you. If it d ptpsia, indigestion, bilic poor blood, constipatioi Perhaps you have take one of Ayer's Pil pilis gently and surely are an easy and cafe family; they give proi permanent cure. Alw; in the house. 25 cents a box. " 1 hav e raided a family of i present time, and 1 would not t L On* of Art?mu? TVf?r?t*? Stor|??. A r tern us Ward used to tz!l of a lecture experience which he had in a little place in the far west. There was a blizzard on the night when he held forth and consequently the audience was small. "After my lecture," said Artemus, "I ventured to suggest to the chairman of the committee that the elements having been against me that evening I might repeat my talk in tor nn in the season. After confer ring with his fellow eommiteemen, the chairman came back and said to me: 'We haven't any objection at all to your repeating your lecture, but the feeling is that you had better peat it in ? '" A Cirl's Assets and Liabilities. "I can row, play golf and tennis, fence, dunce, skate," exclaimed Sarah Miggs, in a recent sketch by Miss Baylor; "I can dress extravagantly, I can play the piano and paint atrociously on china, I can speak French and Ger? man, I can ride and drive. "I cannot dress myself. I do not even take care of my hands. I cannot cook a thing. I have no idea how to make coffee, fry eggs, or how much of anything to give out for any meal. I cannot sew on the machine or with my lingers. I have no Idea what servants ought to do, how they ought to do it, how soon they ought to accomplish It. 1 cannot take care of chil dren. I faint in a sickroom." Facing such assets and liabilities of a fashionable education, no wonder Sarah declared It something terrifying to become thd head of a family on a moment's notice! Yet, some time in her life, the sudden call to preside over the. household of a husband, a 1 father, a son or a brother comes to the j majority of women. What will she do about it? Will she enter upon her duties boasting of the fact that the kitchen is an undiscovered country, and confident that instinct will overbalance her ignorance? Or will she, liar tlkn Kurnh Micros. nrknowledua her deficiencies and rise to meet them? J Sarah made a grand novitiate. What ' might have been learned almost uu- j consciously under a careful mother's ! eye she sought in training classes and the homes of more practical friends. Roastology, bakology, marketology, patchology, darnology, nurseology became her study and her practice. It was no easy task, and one which her wealth made apparently unnecessary. "1 am not going to be a fraud as a wife," she insisted to ail remonstrances. "I am going to keep my share of the contract. I am going to *w?!irep nf Dirk and his house and I bis children just as if I were a lawyer taking a ease, or a merchant setting up a store, or a captain taking command of a ship," The whole tenor of her future proved that she was right. To row, to play jolf, to dress charmingly, to be conversant with the whole gamut of ac ompllshments is commendable, but no voting woman who has not in some derree mastered the intricacies of domestic science is qualilied to become he queen of the home and so arbitrate the destiny of a family.?The Congre jationaUst. Skim-Milk Calves Ahead. Thirty-nine calves arc now under the experiment at the Kansas State Agri-t cultural college. Seven of these were fed on whey and grain with a little alfalfa during the dairy school, in comparison with another lot of seven fed, on skim-mllk. grain and alfalfa. After the dairy school it became necessary to change the whey lot to grain and alfalfa hay. while skim-milk was continued with the other lot. The gains are in favor of the skim-milk lot. Anare in favor of the skim-milk lot. An otner interesting win i nuirui v?... >i>fs of feeding calves on lia.v ton In connection with grain and hay. Sixteen pounds of mixed hay is mixed wiili .">2(1 pounds of hot water, which is boiled down until it weigh* Ki-t pounds, rians are made to start another lot of calves on alfalfa tea. >ur Liver J ook. out, or it will get |||! oes, you will have dys)usness, sick, headache, these already. Then ||| lis at bedtime. These master the liver; they . laxative for the whole : } npt relief and make a tys keep a box of them All druggists. eleven children, all living at the ' THE CONTRACT LET. i Columbia Firm Will maxe reniicntiary Improvements. The work of remodeling the main *11 building at the State penitentiary s to proceed at an early date an.. it is sxpected that the new quarters will bo eady by the first of the year. The contact has been let and the work is to ie started just as soon as .ae neceslary preliminary arrangements can be ' nade. * When the hoard of directors met j some time ago and opened the bids, j 3nding that none came within the liml- j :ation as to funds for the work, it was ' feared that the absolutely necessary j mprovement would have to go over for a year. But later it developed that ! there were others who would like to j bid. These bids were opened at a ( ,'nor Thp Stewart Stone i jycuioi uiTrcn?&. ?.v Company of Columbia had In a bid for about $15,700 and Mr. John Milady presented a bid for the work at $13.599. This bid was accepted and the I contract was awarded to Mr. Milady, j It is based on the plans and specifications furnished by the Charleston architect, and the contractor has to furnish all the necessary material. The work contemplates the tearing down of the portion of the present main building on the west side and the j rebuilding of half of it b.yonu a; courtyard 43 feet wide. Rows of eel is will be placed at each end. thus to. ming a hollow square, all the cell door3 opening upon the courtyard and all the windows to the cells on the outside. The roof is to be of slate, and many ventilators are to be put in. The building is to be equipped throughout j with steam heating apparatus. Mr. Milady expects to get to work in a fortnight's time and to complete the contract by the first day of the new y&as. New Enierprses. The secretary of state has g: anted a I charter to the Marlon Milling company | of Marion, which proposes to manufacture flour, meal, etc., on a capital of $7,000. The officers are E. T. Willrox, president and treasurer; B. M. Badger, vice president; and P. B. Hamer. secratary. A commission has been granted the Harris Train Signal company of Oteenville, which is to manufacture tne Harris train signals. The capital stoc. It is to be $22,000. The corporators are W. A. Harris, B. S. H. Harris and G. W. Taylor of Greenville, 0. E. Hughes cvuumhin and W vatt Aiken of Ao beville. A charter was granted the Greenville Drug company of Greenville, capitalized at $35,000. The officers are G A. Norwood, president; J. B. Brucq, 1 vice president; W. A. Davies, secre- < tary; and J. T. Dorter, treasurer. A charter was granted the Clere- ! rnontclub of Charleston, a social or- i ganization, of which T. D. Green, J. 1C I .tank and others are the corporators A commission was issued to the Na tional Benefit Society of South Caro lina, of Charleston. The corporators are J. S. Holleman, E. F. Kirkpatric-k and D. A. Arnme. The capital stocii is ] $1,000. The purpose is to issue insurance policies covering sick and death benefits. The Sutro cotton mill, which recently closed down in Yorkville. is to b? l immediately reorganized and will re- ] sume operations. Application for a j charter was made by the new com- ] pany Saturday. The same name is tc ^ be used. The capital stock will b< j A-/V AAA fr*u ~ /.nmnr.ilnrc fira T R } lilt; VUl|/u.mwIM - v. - ? McClain and J. S. BBrice of Yorkvilh ] and Wm. H. Lyles of olum^ia. j ] Cannot Attend. j Gov. McSweeney has received a most 1 cordial invitation from the committee ' in charge to be present at and participate in the ceremonies incident to the ] unveiling of the monument in honor of the late Senator Zeb. Vance, which will take place at Raleigh on the 22d. The receipt c. the letter has been acknowledged. Gov. McSweeney will, however, be unable to attend, as the last meeting of the State campaign is '.o taae place on the date named. j Clemson Crowdrd. Clemscu College, Special.?President Hartzog has requested the announcement to be made that no more need make application for entrance at Clemson this fall. Hundreds have already been rejected and still the applications come in. Twenty-six \ver? rejected yesterday. Many are making applications for entrance in September, 1901. It is a pity that the doors of any college have to be shut in the face of an earnest young man. but at the present there is no other cqurse t? be pursued at this place. \ W3W M 4 40S2L W I A J t 'rjfao/Cm. I Our fee returned if we fail. Any < any invention will promptly receive o ability of same. "How to Obtain a secured through us advertised for sal Patent taken out through us recen The Pateet Record, an illustrated ai by Manufacturers and Investors. Send for sample copy FREE. A VICTOR J. E {Patent A Ivans Building, KodoT Dyspepsia Cure Digests what you eat. It artificially digests the food and aidi Hataire in strengthening and reconstructing the exhausted digestive organs. It is the latest discovered digestwit and tonic. "No other preparation an approach ir in efficiency. It ingtnntly relieves ami permanently cures Drspepeia. Indigestion, HeartDuro, flatulence. Konr Stomach, Nausea, (tele Headache G;;.;t raigia, Cramp?, km otherresult^ of in<nori'ectdiaastto*. Spared by E. 1. CcV.'ll'. LCo.. Cblco?e? B. 8. Ml 81. * XTTTI? A nTTTDI? Q rtl? i?A Ail U JP AW A VJ AkAU ' w \y L DOORS, SASH, BLINDS, MOULD 1^45 AND Building riatmaJ. Dealers in Sash V eight?, Cord, Hardware, Windo w glass, etc. We guarautee our work superior to any sold in this city, all being of our own manufacture. E.n.HACKER, Proprietor CHARLESTON. - S. C Atlantic Coast Line, j (orti-Eaitm Railroad ofSoaia Gariiisi-1 I CondeotMt Schedule. Dated April 15th. l'JOO. SOUTHBOUND. No.30" No. 23* No.53* No.51* ! AM P M 1' M A M | Lv. Florence 2 34 7 45 9 40 ' Lv. Scranton 8 21 10 27 Lv. Lake City 8 27 10 33 Lv. Kingstree 8 54 10 59 Lv. Lanes 3 38 9 14 645 1120 P M tr. Charleston 5 04 10 55 8 30 1 00 STORTHBOUXD.Xo.78*No.32* Xo.52" \o.50* A V. P M AM r M Lv. barles'oa 6 33 4 04 7 00 4 00 \.r. Lanes 8 32 Lv. Lanes 8 05 6 15 5 39 Lv. Ki:.(fstrre 8 23 5 50 Lv. Lake City 8 46 6 23 Lv. Scmnton 8 51 b 29 tr. Florence 9 25 7 25 "06 AM r M AM P M Trains Xos. 78 and 32 run via Wilson and fayoc.evilie?Short Line?and make close i M*etion for all points X'orth. ISO. ? . P1V:XE. Geu'l. Sup't. / Registration Notice. The oflice of the Superviuor of Iiegistratioii Will bu opened on the that Monday in t v^ry month for the purpose of Ihe registering of any person who is qualified us follows: Who shall have been a m-ident of ho Stale for two ye irs, and of the :ounty one year and of the polling precint in which the elector offers to rote four months before tbeday ofelec::on, and shall have paid,six mouths berore any poll tax then due aud pay ible, rod who can ooth n-nd and write any -ection of ibe Constitution of 189o .ubiiiitted to bim by the supervisors, )f registration, or can show tbut he iwns, and has paid ul! tues collectable luring the present year on property in hi* Stuto HP6fssed at three hundred lol I art* or more. J. J. EADDY, Clerk of Board. GOOD for all work, \! BETTER for aome, 1 BEST for everybody. Send for Your Neighbor's Endorsement MTURHER. GENL SOU A GENT. IS WALL ST. ATLANTA CA. % MR ALL HOUSE ENTRANCE1 ? one sending sketch and description of ur opinion free concerning the patentPatent" sent upon request. Patents 9 s.t our expense. re special notice, without charge, in ad widely circulated journal, consulted ddress, VANS A CO., I ttorneys,) WASHINGTON, D. C. Skin Diseases. i For the speedy and permanent cure of tetter, salt rheum and eczema, Chamberlain's Eye and Skin Ointment is irithout an eqnal. It relieves the itching and smarting almost instantly and its continued use effects a permanent xire. It also cures itch, barber's itch, scald head, sore nipples, itching piles, chapped hands, chronic sore eyes and granulated lids. Dr. Cadv's Condition Powders for horses are the best tonic, blood purifier and vermifuge Price. Wowtl. Soldbr The Drug Store Kind it.'? ;>rice the same m ordinary brands. Druggist* . :v Anvil Soda in bate aai ?J! It at Art oena an ...R<... Orocers sell ft in pacfeagw at l?e. a pound >r 3 jt>unds for 26c. 'I c'e Exaotty tbo 9mma Sod** To g-t the beat pro ndat on paehagw ft . i.y tho manuftieaaror wfwi the AMVIL BfVUfD TYMOfiMMML Probably you use H? Nearly everyone does, and If so you know ad about how far superior it is to either baking soda or baking powder. Leaven is the latest advance in baking preparations, and if you don't use it you should. Jt Is Better Than Soda because ft will make biscuit just right ^ every time. No more yellow spots or ^ | soda taste. j 7t Is Better Than Baking Powder because it is half as strong again and ; one heaping teaspoonful will do the ! work of two rounded teaspoonfuls ot' the best baking powder ever made. It Don't Spoil but is so prepared that with ordinary 1 i-. ?:?i ?f?ii fn'r care n. win icimu nui nuti^ui i?i years. We do not have to pack it in tin cans like baJciDg powder, and this saving enables as to give you better value for your money than you ever had before. A Khtte itaven Iravenetk the v. haU lump." * unaon lor ten cents.?6 onoeca /or S v* caatfc This mattnm dapends largely upon air?the moet reeil* tent tnmrm Inunm to iu louriam L oar, hirrtog a hollow central air moos the Jea?th sad ?m af the maltreee oontalnin* up ring MLtiae with ial tpeincn iirterooiled into woven wire fabric* at tea ni lam. Around thU U placed the 8 I/in k, eew eliwiiW wtli parr white MKoa felt. The air outer pieseen m combination with the ?orinwr? result in a most iiuuttHe elmtlcdtr. and Mth the other features wake the matte-cm lull will i pmeunoihc, eelf-epatilaonx and of dopey tonnam. Better than any ether matteem at in ame. F&El^ruj^ TfiFf* I Meted Mrrta 9 Imt eat i year fiv AM 0 rhinos at widths? RV. t W j ?td ?* BtE* '! I feet>,e?dooe#f enr ??&*- ptn [Tin ?-^4 x&**?v.r tJAl \ >'fl l ? Anej after three Krk<IA?kllhT ml el ea * IIaeas. Adjusts itself automatics Ily to varying weight*. A light and hear/ person lying aide by side wul not roll ^aln-t each other. Send as I?sllar, itate ^ nthnymtg jdfflft I rdilroad station^* Mgt>A,r?" and paythel>?|.""tS^ e*^*HS**l*"^D H aoce?$14.00 -sad freight 'b?rc? only whsn satisfied that they are exactly as represented. Where all cush?$16.O0? latent with order we prutay freight la full fro n? thin end. Farther, wo will make shipment with the exprees understanding that if, in your jndgment. the mattMMalone is not worth mure than tlijO i.ud better then any other mattress, ao matter how costly, you can hare yottr money hack. The or lee of this mat*, reus does not begin to represent it? value, the reel solid comfort found in Its ose. Nearly everybody who has used it thus far has reported full $15.00 value received in tho first month's nso. The premiums offered in connection with themattreas hie a free gift from as for the advertising w.^< oh we expect Jr we will obtain from the use on your part of ?ul? mattress J r? k, ,.d. .Unn vtiAt Its fnll merits can he appreciated. On rnuol we will rend (triplicate* of persona) letter* it endorsement lrorn fhe celet/rared Ctioacv) suwoo. Or .1 B Murphy: Washington Heelng. late postmaster of Chioago; Mr. Joeeoh Siegcl. of Hleeel, Oooper A Co of Chicago; Judge R. W. Clifford of Chicago, ana many other well known people, of the merits of this mattress. A?L. for , Booklet A-** Pftpg ?flomplew of covers and lllajgvftted cotar KCB Icara* showing more than et/ler Kttme Conches nt all jC* - J Bode. Chatrm. lioet- ** rto" I Acjwc Pfiiwc e t((r or -MIOAOO. ,1