"" MWiifflil I~. charge of W B. BASS, F.sq. i * I ^ ^ Pi\V.S. Stakes, of the Cokes-! bury school, war- in town a few! days apo. l!e made a jjned impres-' sion upon those who nut him. Mr. \V. S. Kennedy, formerly of! tfeis p!ac?, but !n>Y\* v?f (Jf-or-'ctmvii, I ? spent two day.- here the latter part j fif lant week. 1 'or the sake of thO| health of hi* family M r Kennedywants to move tia-ni hack. Lake City is stil! ahead in healthfuSru'ss, ".toe-1 Ti:e printer made some mistakes ill our articles of last weak, but perhaps the fault was a* muck ours as his. We would hardly succeed ;tv a writing master. Mr. \V. Ik Yates, of Charleston, will be h'iek in a tew < ays. He will R take charge of inc. books of A. H. k Williams & Co.; and will be cashier in their banking business. Mr. Yates is a splendid gentleman ami ; a first-cJa?s business man, and hi< welcome here will he most heany. j I Misses Klida and Annie SutclitT. of Charleston, are in town the! - yuests of Mrs. i)v. J. C. Fnlmor-r j it' Mr. .Taints, Steele, of Florida, j -- _ M "?-.>c ir, to.l ll SOlt. I a,'/' near xiii '> (Hume, nn.; iu ..... . . p- urduv. !fa is the soil and only $-' ehilcl of Mr. John Steele, who ?ev< eral years ago lived at Co\tv?irds. It j , has been peril tips more than twe nty y years since Mr. Steele v.-bit to Flor-1 it ida, taking las wife and son withl j him. Those who remembered the I y young man w ere delighted to see It him once again and to renew i the acquaintanceship of former % days. So many strangers are coming into town these days that we feel Hanmnu'hiit Kmniesiek. at. time* for ' getting i-KaI this is t/:<* same place' |* it whs three munths ago. g?. Mr. J. Wesky Ficy;!, wlio some W months applied for a discharge, from the arn:v, received tt?e papersi I u few days ago and is now si private K citizen, with no prospects ?>t' going r either to China or the i'hilippines. M ".i lii.nr ihuf M i -,V "I )flisv y(?. I j| Cutchen is ?ottiM? redely to to college tiiL; fall. L'nlesp a trood S school is opi >. d jj*rc r. mr others g wiii go away. !&_ Mr. I*. I?. Cock tie-: d, in the last $i' issue, announced himself a catuli? date for the otfice or supervisor of ? registration. He has heenamemP ber of the hoard '.1'. eoas.lir.ation ? *ome tiui?*,a:id tiienmmu-r in which Kite incd- the, responsibilities of that Reposition imitriUes that h w:11 do' ? his duty fearlessly and without far. vor. lie will, we understand, pell |?'jj 4<)0d vote in ill is . tion. K- 'Mr. J. iV Met'laro, lost a t'.ha-'uo ? burn by fhv lest Friday. The i>;trn L was full iiwitiT. u fooi nf ihe tine t Which ignited it. The loss \va> about w '4SU^ to ; B&. Messrs. A. IT. Williams A Co., at Hthrir steam mill, are turning out ^ratobaccn h?>g>hotuN at a lively rate. ^Vur will ^K&Se Hii-'ijt tilfv to>evei:ty-liv fhoii[ sand feet of lumber tiiis reason. These m-n are hustlers, i.vul they fl; Are making money, too, h* Messrs. Epp? A i-lpps have about completed tiie addition to their B"store on Main Strct. They new jthaye much more Uoor spa -i- and 9 locn " in t} i. shelving || The meeting of th*? Baptist union ?s)t Bethel Friday to Suiuiuy took fejine of our people away. A very ?? >< ~ IjtJn the meantiine, '.vital lias !:>e^ronie^f Mars; Hnmia'. l' We haw heon l:a < in^r very heavy Monday ;:er pound. When it is called to the attention th.-t at this j season only inferior toha vo. scraps,) j a:uid lugs, etc.. are ready tor ma: j [ ket, the prices will he -cogm/ed 1 I ns very high. i >n Thursday several J ! thousand poun Is were sold, ori Fri-J day something over twenty thou: -! and pounds changed hands.on Sat-1 iUrday several thousand pounds, j and ?o on, every day since tiio doors; wore throw 11 open. At tvJw piicesj received, there S' <-111- to be vorv j general satisfaction. Theis noj wild-cat business in tl*i> market. I The buyer-: give all tin; tobacco is i worth and m> m >ro Th**y don't! bait; tliev don't puJY. T'brvc are live resident buyers here, and they j have come t<> stay. ?>oiiie of them | have their families here already.', Most of them are from Virginia.! They seem to be tirst rate, straight j forward business men ami are do-j ing their duty and doing it well, and ;irr giving splendid .saLsfac-i tion. t Children's Day at Hebron, Nothing is done by halves at! Hebron, and Children's Day last j t Saturday proved no exception to' [the rule. A crowd numbering! [several hundred,including \ large! "I [ proportion o! children, had asaem! bled at t lie cnurch by J 1,30 a. m., ! when Rev. J. K. Kushtou delivered an able address on subjects suited I to the occasion. An incident of I the dav was the christening ol; five infants. An elegant dinner was served at the proper liour, i and the afternoon was devoted to[ recitations by the children, who carried out their parts unusually well. Several candidates wore present, wreathed with smiles and overflowing with genial good J humor. 1 The crops aronnd Hebron arc; 1 i good, especially tobacco, .\iany j of the tobacco growers have pal- J j rouized the ^tar Warehouse of, J i Lake Ci'v. and are delighted withi * [the treatment they received. Xbexks. j D:oci at Langley. | | Mrs. Lillie I'oulware, nee. ! llod^e, died at I-an^fev on the} i 19;h iust. Mrs. Poulware was the | j wile ol Lev. K. (V P.ouhv ue, whoj was pastor ot Sa Iters circuit mitil j 4 ? " ^ J Ct.vlm* fi\A I 'let ! . IYM IIMtfi I lU .1 kj* t%?# img? ! conference. ; Mr.'', Boulware has a number of | friends in this county, to whom (her death is a painful shock. At! j last accounts Mr. Uaulware, lit r i l ; husband, was quite sick. . - * **>- ? A FAITHFUL SERVANT. ! Death at Scranton Yesterday of Cnf of the A. C. L.'s Oldest Men. The Atlantic Coast Tine lost! 1 yesterday in the death ot Mr. T.; I 51. (Jreecy, at Scranton. one of the I | most faithful men :t had *in its! (employ. .Mr. Creecv was about , 70 years old. For over forty years i ; he was section ma-lcrou the X. K.. j railroad, holding this position1 !during '?be civil war. lie was: j made secti' i: master at the open-' invr of this road. When forced on j account of his aire and feeble ( health to abandon this sort ofi ?. 1 .... lYUrit. I.I. ? .!> MU'AU J.I I.IIUI-.V wi 1 >i nun)!v ;4t ol t lie* water tai)k^ ; " ? ? on the .\V.r;hea>tern road and (^iven d salary amply sulfieient ; fto meet i::s every need. Thi< poisilion ho !; : ; virtually j? to lii>. |death. v. id- -.tvunv l yesterday. [Mr. Oreecv u ? i i_d.;y respectbd ov a!! !?< ""in c :.i a. : .vi:I: | him.- :" ; nr.- ! >aiiy i imes, i ... . !tk i.*r *:'! ?< ; i\t; m-wvcin. | Would ivitfWj leave jf yon use i jl-'r. Kin . >! .. Life Pills. I*t:?!?:ju? <. nferthave \ -.vt-I eir ! : ;? . it ! -r -;? !> -.i ,i 2:erv??:?-' j llesn'-inc.'S. I !.?.." r-.rdce i flood i and buii-3 >.;> y ::r > '( n s. } '. < rt y b !: ii r.< ' ? i: !. >.>;(: ... '?\ .n . 4\ t. ... ? ; >; . 0. T. HALL. STAR ??? mmm n Zs 2ST o"w GOOD BUILDINGS, \ GOOD YAii a It is to Your Adva: NO MARKET IN SOUTH ( LAKE CUT. (ilVf If a man Las done anything mean and wants it told let inrn run lor an ollice. ITIIP.T vVl) \VIN' BATT!.KS T^nty-nlnc officers and men wrote the front to say that for scratches, bruises, cuts, wounds, sore feet and ?t ifl' joints, Ihicklt n's Arnica Salve is is the best in the world. Same for Ihjrns, Skin Eruptions and piles. 2",cts. a box. Cure guaranteed. Said by Wallace Johnson drucftiSLs. It happens frequently that lite prophet who it? without lienor in his own county can't afford to i;o abroad. PREVENTED*A TRTGEDY. - Mrj Timely iniormmwi {,1 .c ....... George Long, of "New Strsirsvilie, Ohio, saved two jive-'. A frightful rough liatl long kept her awake every night. JSlie had tried luanr remedies and doctors hut steadily grew worse until urged t?> try J>r. Kings new Discovery. One bottle wholly cured iu*r: and she writes, this marvelous mtdi<:ire also cured Mr. Long of a severe attack of pneumonia. Swh cures tro posit ive proof of its power to curtail throat, chest and lung troubles. Only 50oand $ 1.00. Guaranteed. Trial bottles free at Wallace r \ tr.ri by the chains of disease's w-r.-t form i>f slavery. Oeorg'-. 1?. Williams, of Manchester, Mich., says; My wile hps Iwicn so helpless for years that site could nor turn over in bed alone. After '.idrjg two Uittlcs of Klecrrl'* Hitters slid is wonderfully improved and a hie todo her own work." This supreme remedy for female disease* quickly cures nervousness, -lee|?!"?sik-ss. melancholy, headache, backache fainting and di/.z.v spells, it is a g<#d?".nd to weak*, sickly, ruu-d??.vii pe, I'lire guaranteed. Only title. >o:d i?v Wallace & Jonnson* druggists. W. L. BASS, Attorney at Law. I.AKK CITY, S. C. Practices in Slate am! i'edera' (Courts. J. G. McCULLOUGH, Surveyor. :;{rtir! 4 1.?I< : i 1 r '.if t (i I '?*!? ! Stici o-'c* < ?< ? " . 4 \ : 'i lit u. 3- 'VI'. 1.. A 1 WAREH i E $ vr.l W? Mi j$y$ Iff hMf i uLi iff *1 r* &A a? w IvrtgTJ ! ;tfi-J rr*p?;j : Jvr. jc'i-.Tv] ^rr.-r"'w-.sa a_Jn mi:en l3> ^ea-d,3r 2-"or 2 rjn--.niri *Flo J ii E o l'ELL LIGHTED. 1) AND STA ELKS. J).NVKNIKNTLV AKKANGKD. EXPERIENCED WAR EI GOOD atage to Help Build u 'A KG LIN A CAN" oiTKR HKT : US A TillAIi AND WE WIL HALL Sx CLi /T"awTr,r " Sco** sa-wi loLa rt | i We ri.*e abovfi coinpoiition '>u Horses and Mn I Buggiei ?on I LIVERY DEF I'nmnliifp with New Titrnoi | - . xV...r.v . . i i J. L, ST u Ci Lake Git I f . I Go To I STACK LEY'S ( For Bargain.* in | DRY AND Fi -v .r-* (COTTONS and WHITE GOODS, { v j Shoes, Hats and * : Goo : Iii'i'ii'iu 1 >cr we hu\ a.'.'i .a li iVr <. ash.w A fall liv.o of s^r.-tatsM i Mjmru unn?fci ?ok % *? UM an jj*7t 'Jt?za \V cva i PK*!t.?v* vt?<41 t(H(( oc v'o**Y j^u-x Stack DON'T FORGET! i When sua come to Ivhv.'stne ,U>i i * (jAlm, OLI ' A.? we ::re flaiJy au:;r aireu?l? . Dross Goods, Hats, F ; We v ''< er.vry a o i:;;m t>* liju* (> First Class >i" and time will noi y> n.-.it a When y >11 ZO- ny.uiy >\ o ' y?o : :r.? < "( <> ' Sh*mh rn < '? W.t( ?* I ' 'I;?I j! ?. 'A j' in : i,?* !? ;i r ite- .< *i0'J 'e-.-v Vty s ?if? ? > V? * .. A ; ,y. - ?-y A4?iu?' ''l ? u * .%'%> ?j OiK>RGET0T7;>T. S. G. - i7 ] :.? !> 3. M.~ CLEMENT. k.z? \J laos g ! nSAVi A k | v s , , vd f"*EVC?' ua v t&vr au B*ULS1iio3S? At Sen, IOUSKMEN. COKPS BUYEKS. n\ s ITrun a TiTo r'irot tv *y* rt*n it?A wicrz r?fcno ct4-*M x>l les, , s, Harness, etc, R 3ARTMFNT it.- and riK.'xrcllotl St-iviif. ^uv p. rr\ Vili I ^ bv,1,, y, S. C. DASH STORE iNCY GOODS. y GrCOcLs, i. ACJX IHViXGS, ItlBMONS a:i'i .SI?oij irsc y or. ail C.%* '"tKEO' "Wi *> *>. ? Cash Store* l'i f:!l! to visit \f * ^ 1! X L) ? < ' ivK Sc C /. !u: -C -tZK'k :t fill* - ;!!?.* of Shoes. Clothing. Etc.' Groceries. quote price. -O ilofi't fll!i { ; -Ti/l' !(.' ~k :\ - /'? jtm ;.i*r e * , *.\ly v..- tni " t:? I 1 >. ' ft | ,, * i C \4 t r > ??' V?? t - .e 'jri/. ...1 iy, Ar.ir.jK yi.iv, .< v a:?ii N >\\ wwr. i v? *** .