V ?,< VOL XVI. KINGSTREE, SOUTH CAROLINA, THURSDAY, JULY 26,1900. NO. 30 Positively No New Display Adv; rtissraen'cs Will be Deceived, or Old Ones Changed, Later Than Tuesday Morning. m RBV IS!ISI.| AFFAIRS CAUGHT BY OUR LOCAL ! REPORTER AND NOTED. Written in Condenssd i-orm and Printed in Like Manner tor the Sake of Our Wear* Readers. Kea?I pension notice. A tvfre>liiii?r shotvev ha* tern-' p?i>\l the ltea> considerably. I Mis. W. S. Martin has h 'en Iroin indiautown. Mr. I>. 11. John?on was in town > ' ~ :? i..\.! several nav* iasi k m u;n na < son,- Dr. L. I?. Johnson. A neirro "coi n doctor" lias been ! . goinj: around, who would be bet-1 ter suited to a corn field. Dev. ii.W. Barnwell will preach j next Sunday at tlie Episcopal! chapel at 11 n. m. and S p. ui. ' Mr. 0. K. Froekinton came up' Sunday, a-coiiipunyinj: his si7uiiwi, >/, . Mills staved in town Thursday nnd Friday nights, going and returning Iroin Charleston. Keiigiows services were held at the MetImdist and Bajitist churches last Sunday morning, the pulpis being tilled by the regular pastors. Dr. Snider gives notice in this: issue that lie will be absent from iiis office from the night of July 'JO. to August 4, 0:1 important business. Mr. Leland B. Salters, of Saltots, has been vi -iting relatives in town several days this week. Mr. Suiters is a student at the Charles ton Medical College and has taken a line stand in his s'udies. Mr. \V. P. Hawkins was called to Sumter Sunday evening to the bed-side of his wile, who is seriously ill at the Sumter infirmary. We hope soon to hear a lavorawe; report of Mrs. Hawkins* condi- j t ion. Special constable J. B. Letnmon ! look Sam White (colored) toj Columbia last Friday to tlie State ' Insane Asylum, White being pro- ! nounced a dangerous lunatic by ! the examining physician, Dr. W.j V. Brockington. Mr. William 11. Oliver, member ol the Oagg, Uliver vY yo., mm. ietlimed to his hor t. in Trenton, X. J., lu>.t Sunday. He was accompanied by liis brother-in-law. Mr. A. W. (Jagg, who will go oh to New York. Mr. Oliver expresses himself as being very favorable impressed with King stree after ins two weeks visit. The large circle of friends of Dr. T. B. Johnson will be pained to learn that he is still quite seriously ill. ilis malady has now developed into typhoid fever. Dr. Johnson is a man the town can ill afford to lose, and there are many hearts in sympathy with hint and earnestly hoping for his speedy recovery. ,\'r. ti. K. Miteliuin's cur? 1 for} supervisor of reals hat ion appear.* j tiii* week. lieau it. Dr. \V. S. Uoyd, of Jersey City.! N. J., is oil a vi*i! to relatives in! ihi< I'oimiv. lii< old home. Dr. 1 Boyd is a brother ol Dr. I. N.j Boyd, ol Gounlins. Our esteemed friend, Mr. Joel* K. Brunson i> still (juite unwel! as j I he result of his recent painful} mishap. We hope, however, toj hear in a lew days that lie is far j progressed in climbing the hill of; recovery. We invite attention to the cards of Messrs. 1*. D. Coeklield and T. j 1). Gamble, published in this issue.' who are candidates for the olliccs j of supervisor of registration audi member of board ol control, res- ( peetively. The 3rd quarterly conference j will convene in lhe Methodist! church Saturday morning. Jtev.1 Marion Durban, presiding elder ol Florence district, will be present! and will preach on Saturday and! Sunday. Tlfe pastor urges a full! attendance ol the church mem-J bership. The candidates for congress in j the Oth district have arranged a I special county-to-county campaign, beginning at (dates, l)ar-. lington Co., July 2S, aril closing) at llymanville.Florence Co., Aug.! 22. Two meetings will be held j in this county; viz.. Lake City,. August 1 ifue j Owens and Eva Hell, Indinntown; [ Ida M. Chandler. Benson: Lorena | Boss, fcelden and Dora Epps.; * ? mi ? I ; _ ivingstree. l ne examination was; bejitta at 9 a. in. and closed at 4! I p. m. The papers have been j forwarded to Sup!. I). 1). Johnson.! of WinfhropCollege, by'he coun-j ly board of education, and will bej passed upon by him and the re-j suit announced later. There is j now one vacancy from the county, j irr ? Pumpkin Hiil Points. Mr. Isaac Taylor, ot Harpers. is j visiting his sister. Mrs. \V. 11. .Me-! (\nuu?ll.of this nlace. I Mr. Eugene McCants, now of j jColumbia, spent a few days with! j relatives last week. ! Last week Mr. Ilenrv Ilanna' i and family came over from Epps ' to visit. Mr. Haunt's aunt, Mrs. M.' M. Brown. Mr. II. P. Brown, from San tee.,' j spent Sunday here with relatives.) j There was preacniug here Sun-! ; by the pastor in charge. He v. Mr. i Thrower. Some few cases of fever are in this community, but no one is! I seriously ill. From the present gloomy out-! look not mere than half a crop of cotton is expected around here. j Success to you and the County j Rkcokp, Mr. Editor. Bob. j TEACHERS' SUMMER SCHOOL. | I Nineteen Teachers in Attendonce and tin Work Well Under Way. ! The teachers' summer school; commenced here -Monday under I the conduct of Profs. J.W.Thomp-! son and J. P. Ilollis. The faculty is an able one, and the school is more auspiciously be^un than for several rears past. Both the con! doctors are leaeiiers 01 targe ex-1 perience and recognized ability, well trained in the normal work. Mr. Thompson being a member of the faculty of Winilirop and Mr. Ilollis principal of the Rock Hill graded schools. Following is a list of the ''student-teachers^ Mrs. Leiia Boyd, 1 "Frio; Misses Isoline Brockinton. In.liantown; Tula Bvrd, Scrantomj I vah Morgan Kpps, Kingslree; J' Nettie Lorraine Epps, Kingstre? : May me Grayson, Benson; Emm* Hetulrix, Lake City; Mrs. Lulher ; llinson, Scranton; Misses EttaS. < Jaeobs.KiHgstree; Barbara Jacobs, Kingstree; May Eloise Kinder, ' Ksngstree; Emillie N. Kettles. Lake City; Annie Snowden, Ben- 1 son; Meile Snowden, Church, Ida Venters. Venters; Messrs. \V. M. ' Ilaselden, Harpers; lvobt. W. Mar- j' shall. Moirisville; F. K. Singletarv, j1 Scranton; T. ILSpivey, 1'itusfield. SCRAN TON SNAP SHOTS I Veracious Verbiage Voicing Village and Vicinity. The weather continues hot and ] dry and rain is greatly needed. 1 regret to report the continued : illness of Maj. T. M. Creecy. He see:ris to improve very slowly. Mr. W. K. Singletary is having iiis new store on Main street painted, which adds greatly to its i attractiveness. Mr. B. W. I \ir .it f l t_: 11, M 1. >v eauienoru is uuiug me wwiu. i Mr. Wist Cooler, of Darlington, vv:js in town Monday. The third quarterly conference for the Scranlon circuit wi'l b? held at Camerons ou the 27lh j inst. < Presiding Elder Durgan will i preach in tlie Methodist church here next Sunday night, Mr. I r 1.1" t Im H nini1- I A* 11. 't . ' ? lid I 11 *? 1 I I > \/l I iIVy A 1 111 V I ~ | ican Tobacco Co., bus located at i Scranton. lie can be found at|: (be tobacco warehouse ready to j pay the top of market for the: golden weed. !, Mr, K. II. Cameron and family, ot Mars' Bluff, have moved to j I So ran ton Mr. Cameron has ac : cepted a position with A\aclimaii;< Bros. Mr. Willis Matthews, an old; centleman residing near Cowards, died lasl Sunda\ moring. lie had I been an invalid lor several years and his death was not unexpected. His remains were buried at St. L'aul Methodist church the following lav, lie v. W. C. Kelley, ol'j this place, conducting the burial services. Mrs. K. E. Cole, who has been spending some time with relatives in Scranton, has returned to her home in Charleston. Mrs. L. O. Ilinson, Miss Lula Hyrd and Mr. F. ii. Singletary are attending the county teachers institute this week. Our enterprising fellow townsi ....... , L i man, 1'. S. Wall, contemplates building two neat cottages on his; lot 011 Church street in the near future. Mr, C. C. L. Cox. of Lncile, j Floience county, spent last iSatur-! day in town. Mrs. Mvrtie Merritt will open school at the unifn school house, near Cox post (lice, in a few weeks.' Mrs. Merritt is a popular teacher j and gives her patrons perfect sat-' isfaction. j Vox Porui.i. j Indiatitown Inklings. Crops are looking line after so j much rain. All ol our tobacco farmers have commenced curing. Miss Kvie Cunningham, one of Indianlown's charming vouug laJies, returned home from school same time ago. j Mr. J. C. Bell has been quite' sick, but is much better, we are; glad to say. I Miss Addie Stuckev and her brother Tom are visiting their brother, Mr. B. X. Suickev, in I his neighborhood. l)r. it. tfrocKiruou ana son i liave lost all of their horses from | glanders. It is a great loss to I them, but I think the good people Mill help them up again. They j will not only lose their horses, but will burn all the outhouses on ; the iot and build again. What has become of Jack Frost j ind WhippoorwilB I do not. think 1 they are dead yet. Mr. Marvin McOants lias been j sick, but is much better. Much success to you, Mr. Editor. Black Eves. Benson Briefs. o min firotrcnn on/I An xnauii^ own (tn*.4 A&II nie Snowden, of Benson, are at-' Lending the sessions of the summer school at Kingstree. A party of Bensonians enjoyed ! \ (isli try on the banks of Black ! river last Saturday. All who! participated had a pleasant time. The corn crop lias somewhat; improved during the past week-. Cotton lias also improved, ami j putting on fruit nicely. The peach crop is almost a fail-j are. having rotted and being in-, tested with worms. Weather drv and hot. w. s. (; r,00 DOZEN MARLBORO NEC I ALL TIIE LATEST RATTER f>00 DOZEN COLORED NIXi LIOI ( Big Reduction re .1 ri _ spring aim sui =%? Ho 1 G 221 King St. Opposite Aoai Sole Agents for tlie celebratet Haniilton-Carlmtt OVERALLSand Black C'at Brand Stock! Mail orders promptly ami ded to. t A Card from Mr. Mitchum. Editor County Record:? 1 am a candidate for til* office of county supervisors of registration, Williamsburg county,'and ? want th-v people of the county to know it. I ^ was a candidate for county cooiuusciotioi* ;t fi>w vpura sifrii :ind psinit- irt an are of beintr elected. If the poll* hail remained open a little longer I would certainly have won. I am certain that if the people had known me as well then as they do now they would have voted for me earlier and faster, but 1 hope and believe they will bo oil time this pop. 1 am a little late in making this announcement, but we are told tnat the first shall be last and the last shall be first, and I feel sure that it will be the case in this instance. I have always been anxious to do my country some good, and if the people will put me in positiou to do so I promise *. 1 L -K/ill n/d ka ilu/i/ji T I Mill Uiry Sililll UUU uc ucvtmru. sy remain,very respectfully, the people's friend, and particularly my o?vn. GEORGE K. MITCHUM. (J C. *1 ?BD! Jjj - * ,k;kk colored shirts ia NS AT 75c, WORTH $1. | :K .SI 11 UTS AT 50c, WORTH 75c , > ? . on all of our nmer Clothing, r^OC/TtNT\\r? * ^ LD 11 VU w WE CLOTHING BOUSE, 2 ilemy of Music Charleston, S. C, jj I Dl'CHESS TROUSERS. Sweet-Orr OVERALLS $1.50 a suit. II gs for boys at 25c a pairs