. 11 cm pirn I I : rliiir^o ?>t W L. 1JASS, Ksq. I :\fr. H. Nnchman, who removed 1 InCharle^on >ome monlln njT'V :-nne up on a v?>;t Krimiy myht. Miss Aortb, of Laurinnurg, .v; i \. is spending some lime in flu* itvas i]* ? goo-i of Mi-s Ida fjodgers. Mis- North taught here a ',Vw years ag< . Miss J.Va Koliins i- at home. ; < m Winlhr*?|?<."?>'!logo. She will' ar uio-'te next year. Tobacco buyer* are beginning ;<< vi-it the town ami stcrroemlint;! country, looking aMhe crop and! examining inlo the probable j rjuaatitv of the \ve??d ih.it will ho j produced. Ail the indications I point to a lively tohacco season, j The street hands were called i out Monday for two days work, j The time was well employed, and ..since the expiration of the two; .! ?? < ilu> w?.vlv- h.is hciT. carried on with employed labor, and will j>ro 1 >ab!y continue several (lays; more. W. E. Has?. Esq.. left forCftlum-j Iiia Sunday afternoon on business' lie .will probably be gone sev-1 oral day?. Dr. W. W. Daniels, president i of Columbia 1 etude College.; eame to our city on Friday last to! assist He*\ Knskton in a revival j meeting at the Methodist church.! The meeting began a week ago. j Not withstanding the very disa-1 greeable weather quite a large; number of young people were in : town Friday and Saturday, J.ake City does the business. 'J ho only case taken up in mag-1 istrate Gaskin'scourt during Wed- j nesday's session was the case of'! the State vs. Isaac Montgomery.,! violation of written contract. The; verdict was guilty, and iJie county : treasurer received Young Mr. Terrell Covington,; of Hensacola, Fla . is on a visit to j relatives in this city. Miss EI ma Epps, of Clarendon, i the gv.-er;irich i la>t Saturday. Tl?ey reported a j nice time notwithstanding thej rains forced ffce -crowd to spend a; portion oi the day in the church, i which is not a verv ergoyahle! place to some yonnir people. The town council has determined to liirnt t he town within-'; ^-ande-cer;? vra-? litffnt-s. They will ; make the -order in a fvw days The liuhts will v.e ?:>e hundred candle potter- 15 y the tome the tobacco season opercs tfhetown! aviII be fully illumraatei. Miss Ale White* of t'he Savage neighborhood, is -spendrnp some; lime with lite "Misses &vors. The baptist Sunday-school will erect in the Uaplist church a tab-, let in memory of Mr. ?J. M.Thorn-' as who was the-supeiintendeift oi"j that school about tT.irty-five years.; The money for the tablet has been raised and the order placed. The stone will be a hands.v him more than $125. j And yet his annual salary i.? ?a?aw last Saturday 011 professional business. Saturday Sheriff Daniels, under foreclosure proceedings, case of 1J. Nachmaii vs.. S. J. Cameron and \V. S. Kennedy, sold at publiV auction a mule and a saw mill and carriage. The mule brought $Sa and the saw mill and carriage McKinley nml Kooscveli will fcardly (-irrv this poll. .Mrs. J)r. ('. Fnlnwre 1:;is i;onp to Now Voit\ on a vt>it tt? her br<>< iier. Mr. Sain Epstein, who is sappostal Jo It? in New York, :is he was there when !;tst heard from, wn,s to Ire married on the 10ih. 'lis friends are confident that the marriage ritme off all riirht, tor they have heard noihki? of him since week belore last. The tdephoire line from Florence to Lake City on slit 1o he continued to Kinirstree. We know ?>t no hotter held for the investment of a little motley (and it it-rtuM wfinire mill* a ho (it. iS.'rlhjl than this. It is ;;s impossible to build up a lowii without a school as ir is to make .Mark I/anna an honest man. which is eijuvialent to saving it can't l?e otene. Kin^slre-e has made a stride in the rfctbt direction and hake City following a close second. A petition, signed bv more thati the required number of' resident, electors and resident freeholders, has ?:one up to rlie countv board of education, praying that that body wil? order an election to levy an additional tax of three twills upon the properly in this district, lor school purposes. There js scarcely any doubt that the election will be carried in favor ol the levy by a handsome majority. The sum thiii ihi> low will raise will, when added to the present npproprialion. and perhaps supplemented by a sr/.s!l matricnlation fee. raise sufticioat funds wi and rtutni-ng sure*. If stimulates liter, ki'dnees.ami bowels, expels |k?i? -ons, helps digestion. Vmtkls up the strength. OnlrSOets. Sold hv WaK laec \ Johnso* UtruegisJ.s, i iir trusteed. M.ttvr