BUELL & ROBERTS CASH DRV GOODS STORE. Onr country trade is constantly growing and :t is because we are please iug our customers. When you come to the city come and see us, and make our establishment your headquarters. Tf von MTi't nornp. vrritp to ::s tor sam pies: Our prices are low as you will see by the following quotations: DOMESTIC GOODS. Long cloth 5, 6, 7, 8, to 12 l-2o. Brown homespun 4, 5, 6, to 8c. Brown twill 5, G, 7 to 10c. Bleached twill 8, 10 and 12 l-2o. Check homespun 4, 5, 6 to 8o. Check ginghams 5 and 6c. Bed ticking 5, 6, 7, 8, to 15c. CretonB6, 7, 8, to 12 l-2c. WHITE GOODS. White piqn#^8, 10, 12 1-2 to 25c. White dacK 10, 12 1-2 to 25c. White check nainsook 5,6, to 12jc. White check dimities 7,8, 10,to 12 l'2c. Plain white nainsook 12 1-2 to 25c, India lawns 5, 6, 7, 8, to 25c. Parsian lawns 12 1-2, 15, 18 to 25c. White law6 40 ins. wide 5c. White organdies 8, 10, 12 1-2 to35o. WASH GOODS. Calicoes 4, 5 and 6c per yard. Percales yd. wide 6 to 12 l-2c. JBlack Calicoes 5 and 6c per yd. Drapery Calicoes 5, 6. 7, to 8c. Zephyr ginghams 7. 8 and 10c. Colored piques 8, 10 and 12 l-2c. Colored lawns 3 1-2, 5, 8, to 16 2-3a Colored dimities 8, to 12 l-2c. Colored cr&bhes 5 and Sc. MILLINERY DEPARTMENT. Black sailors 10 to 98c. White sailors 15c to SI.50. Mixed straw sailors 34 to 48c. Mixed straw Tam-O-Shanters 75c to SI.50. Fancy chip straws 48c. Fancy straw shapes 35 to 9Sc. Leghorn hats 35cto $1.00. Childrens tailors 15 to 75c. Fancy flowers 10 to 83c per bunch. j Forget-me-nots and violets lOo per bunch. Mourning flowers 25 to 50o per bunch, j Jet ornaments 10c per bunch. Rhinestone, Steel and Pearl Ruckles j 10 to25o each. Chiffons from 10 to 60o per yard. FURNITURE HOUSE NEXT DOOR TO CASH DRY GOOD j STORE. Low Prices for Spot Cash 111 Kitchen safes S3.00. Kitchen chairs 30. van cnairs, spin seats 10. Oak chairs, oane seats.dinicg 90&1.00. Reed rockers 1.75 to 6.50. -Children high chairs 50o to 2.50. 10 piece solid oak snits 18.00. 10 piece solid walnut suits, marble tops 70.00. | 'Solid oak sideboards 10.00 Imt. walnut sideboards 7.00 to 8,00. Bed Lounges 10.00. Couches 8.00 to 10.00. Parlor Suits 35.00. - ? r nn I xauirs * Kitchen Tables 2.25. Bed Springs 2.25. Mattresses 2.25. Stoves,Lamps,Easels, Window Shades, Curtain Poles. Chamber Sets, 10 pieces, 2.11, 4.00, 4.50, 5.00, 5.50. 12 pieces, 7,00. C?RPETS. 4-4Ju:e Carpet, fancy stripe. 203. 4-4 Cotton Carpet, Ingrain. 28c. 4-4 Iosrrain Carpet, wool, 30 and 35c. 4 4 Coco Matting. 45 and 50?. RTA.1R CAltrET. 18 inch Jute 18c, 28 inch Jute 20c. 23 inch Ingraiu 30c. STAIR OIL CLOTH. i yard wide 30c RUGS. Jute,* 30x60 inches 75. Jute, 36x72 Inches 93. -bmyrna, 18x34 58. 26x54 1.25. 30x60 1.37. 36x72 2.1'5 Best quality heavy Smyrna 18x34 75. 21x43 1.25. 26x54 2.25. ? " 30.\60 3 00. " 36x72 5.00. 43x84 7.00. 18x36 Moquet 1.00. 117x60 Moquet 2 50. Jap Muti, Bamboo F.lling. 33x72 1.50. ART SQUARES. A18 Wool, 9x0 Feet S3.50. ? 9x12 Feet 7.00. " 12x12 Feet 10.00. Tapestry rugs 27x60 1.50. MATTINGS. $1.00 per roll Good quality CWua, nt 12 and 15c. Heavy china 18 and 20c. Extra heavy china 22.'23 and 25c. Best china 27, 28 and 30c. Good Japanese Mvttiug 23c. Fine ' *' 26, 27 and 30c. JUTE AND COCA DOOR MAT8. Jute, 13*27 inches 25c. Cocoa~l6x27 inches 75c. *" Flexible Wire Matts. BUELL & ROBERTS, m5~&& 675 KING 5TRKKT, CHARLESTON, - S. C. ; TO INSTANT DEATH. Thirty.Five Lives Lost in a Railroad Wreck in Georgia. A WASHOUT WAS Til!; CA'St. Every Person on the Train Pcr.shed Except Those on the Pn !man Car? Not a Note of Warning. Atlanta, (la., Special.?A passenger train on the Macon branch of the Southern railway ran in.o a washout one and a half miles nonh of McDonough, Ga., Saturday night and was completely wrecked. The wreck caught fire and the entire train with the cxception of ;he sleeper was destroyed. Every person on the train, except the occupants of the Pullman car, perished. Not a member of the train crew escaped. Thirty-five people in all were killed. Following is a 1st of the dead: Will \ lio At. ?? liiJUl.l UGIUU;, V UUUUV.IUI , -Ticlanta. E. Wood, conductor. Atlanta. J. H. Hunnicu;;. conductor. Atlanta. J. T. Sullivan, engineer. Atlanta. W. \\\ Bennett, baggagemaster, Atlanta. T. I). Maddox, cotton buyer. Atlanta. W. .J. Pate. Atlanta. Twelve year old son of W. J. Pate, Atlanta. H. It. Cressman. Pullman conductor. George \v\ Plcurnoy. Atlanta. D. C. Hightower. Stotkbridge. Ga. \V. W. I park. Macon. Ga. Elder Hcnron. traveling man. sup* posed to have been from Florida. J. R. Florida. Nashville, Term. \V. 0. E!!:s, bridgentan. s lock bridge. D. V. tlriilth. supervisor. J. H. Rhodes. fireman. .John Brantley, white. fireman. W. L. Morrisetc. pump repairer. W. R. Lawrence, foreman extra gang. Ed Byrd, colored, fireman. Atlanta. Robert Spencer, ttain porter. Four bodies yet unidentified. Eight negro se< tion hands. The train left Macon at T:.?'j and was due in Atlanta at 9:45 p. m. MeDon* ough was reached on time. At this point connection is made for Columbus, and heve every r.ight the Columbus train is coupled 011 and hauled through to Atlanta. Saturday night, however, for the first time in many months, the fnlnmhii rrsin was ppnnrtnl twn linnrs late on account of a washout cn that branch and the Macon train started oh to Atlanta without its Columbus con. nection. Tremendous rains of daily occurl-ance for the past two weeks have swollen all streams in this part of the south, and several washouts have been reported on the different roads. Camp's 1* mno V, ^ Ann^ulrron CiCVZV, ttllllli 1UUO 111 CU C11C WUUUltjCt, was over its banks and its waters had spread to all the lowlands through which it runs. About a mile and & half north of McDonough. the creek is somewhat near the Southern's tracks and. running alongside it for some uist'.nce, finally passes away under the road by a heavy stone culvert. A cloud burst broke over that section of the country about 6 o'clock and presumably, shortly after dark, washed out a section of the track, nearly 100 feet in length. Into this the swiftly moving train plunged. There was not a note of warning. The storm was still raging and all the car windows were closed. The passen gers. secure as they tnought. >ud sheltered cofortabiy from the inclement weather, went to death without an instant's warning. The train, consisting of a baggage car. second coach, firstclass coach and a Pullman sleeper, was knocked into kindling wood by the fall. The wreck .caught fire a few minutes after the fall and all the coaches were burned except the Pullman car. Every person on the train except the occupants of the Pullman car perished in the disaster. For a brief time there was silence. Then the occupants of the Pullman ca> recovered from their bewilderment and after hard work managed to get out of their car and found themselves on the track in the pouring rain. The extent of the catastrophe was quickly apparent. Flames were already coming from 1 ha * nart nf the wreckasp nn covered by the water. As the wreck began to go to pieces under the destructive work of both fire and flood human bodies floated out from the mass and were carried down stream by the swift current. The storm did not abate in fury. Flashes of lightning added to the steady glow of the burning .rain and lit up the scene with fearful distinctness. Flagman Quinlan, who was one cf the first to get %gg Our fee returned if we fail. Any one s any invention will promptly receive our o] ability of same. "How to Obtain a Pate secured through us advertised for sale at < Patent taken out through us receive s/ Tiie Patent Record, an illustrated and w by Manufacturers and Investors. Send for sample copy FREE. Addre VICTOR J. EVA! (Patent Attor JL 22 I m peri WIP7 Covered Admittedly the BE-S the most The Imperial J""15 ICO C 7a\ One Gallon v ff )] The needle keeps the bu vi /I the generating tube being that will not go out. Th dicker. The light can be a gas jet or lamp. The Is UljL on the market and everytl be had. IT WILL PAY |nm If not sold in your town t THE IMPERII ^ 132-134 Lake Street The Drug Store Kind P] but price the same as ordinary brands. Druggists buy Anvil Soda in bulk and sell it ut five vents an Ne ounce. (Irocers sell it in packages at 10c. a pound Jjjj or 2 i>ounds for 25c. St is Exactly the Same Soda e To set the best you must insist on packages put u > by the manufacturer with the H AXVtL BRAUD TRADEMARK. | Kodol ? Dyspepsia Cure Digests what you eat. t Itartificiaily digests the food and aids 0 Nature in strengthening and recon- ^ structing the exhausted digestive organs. It is the latest discovered digest- it ant and tonic. No other preparation ^ can approach it in efficiency. It in- c Stanuy relieves aim periuaueunjf uuics ,, Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Heartburn, . Flatulence, Sour Stomach, Nausea, * Sick Headache,Gastralgia,Cramps,ana v all other results of imi>erfect digestion. h Prepared by E. C. DeWItt&Co^ Cijlcaflo. -/ . / 01 Skin Diseases, 1 For the speedy and permanent cure 0* H tetter, salt rheum and eczema, Cham- ^ berlain s Eye and Skin Ointment is without an equal. It relieves the itching and smarting almost instantly and is continued use effects a permanent ft on re. It also cures itch, barber's itch, JS1 scald head, sere nipples, itching piles, chapped hands, chronic soro eyes ana l rim. granulated lids. ' "??,t com oJa?1 br. fady's Condition Potvdcr* for {?? horses are the best tonic, Mood purifier and vermifuge Price. P'cnnts. Sold by 2_ ri. I mi i A not ire and and than >fc* l r ll^AVX. ^ W^SSMB^Hf YOU ^ 'ne ' HI^VLJfiKOT^^i "I an(j MANUFACTURERS OF jj? DOORS, SASH, BLINDS, MOULDINGS !? AND SJj Building Haterial. j Dealers in Sash Weights, k*T! Cord, Hardware, Window glass, ru? etc. [1 or Your Neighbor's Endorsement. 1 ZRNEfi. GENESOU AGENT. ^ WALL ST. ATLANTA CA.' $ LL HOUSE ENTRANCE ending sketch and description of )inion free concerning the patentnt" sent upon request. Patents )ur expense. )ecial mtice, without charge, in idely circulated journal, consulted ss, US & CO., neys,) WASHINGTON, D. C. al Gas Lamp by U. S. Patents. >T light 011 the market and economical. common stove gasoline and gives a andle power light at a cost of one per day. /ill burn 60 hours. rner clean, so it will not clog, and in center of flame, insures a light iere is no odor, no smoke and no raised or turned down just as with ipkrial is the most perfect light fling pertaining to it is the best to TO INVESTIGATE, vrite us for catalogue. iL GAS LAMP CO. CHICAGO, ILU robably you use if? arly everyone does, and if so you ow all about how far superior it is to her baking soda or baking powder. Leaven :be latest advance in baking preparans, and if ycu don't use it you should. Is Better Than Soda >ecaese it will make biscuit just right * :very tine. No more yellow spots or oda taste. Is Better Than Baking Powder >ecause it is half as strong again and ?ne heaping teaspeonful will do the /ork of two rounded teaspoonfuls of he best baking powder ever made. Hnti' # Q rvr? / 7 """ wx"-~ >ut is so prepared that with ordinary are it will retain its tell strength for ears. We do not have to pack it in in cans like baking powder, and this aving enables us to give you better alue for your money than you ever ad before. I little leaven leweneth the whale lump " traces for tan cants.?6 ounces for five cent*. UNHYGIENIC MATTRESS. lis nuttm depends largetr wan air?the mint rail* force known to soieaeo?abr ft* Ituardons comfort in having a hallow central air apace the length anil ?wth tie mattrvy containing aprhtg Motion with rfi aw ig* Inlorcol'.oa Into mwo vrtra fabrics at top and MtAmund thia la ainsad 6w OlMoA naMWwaawwawt rnrtL lo pore v^ite saMun Mt The car tinder pressure hi hunt ion with tb? apatn* aastdt is a moat romnrlciiMa :icfty. and ith the other fntoflM make the inattrkaa iinic, pneumaUo. s?M laiflliimt and of dormj soft. Bettor than amj ether ***** at sy *4* / under anna Hen* TrtonwadL T*r Watt Enaaseled ** ! Bad fVee. laa^aind one of oar firings, ?ame_ as iM V'l ; n tEns?*?S; nllofM. Adjusts ltaelf actomatiaiijjy to varying :ht*. A light and heavy KT?m 1Mb by ?1d? win roll Mala t e*c:i other. Ss-rxi as Owe Dollar,