Ti?? Man with ar Ad. j r.V-cnun with the pn*k ana the man with the hoe, I And the iuaii with tti" horny ?pa?1?-, J .'hit the man with the "ad" Is the man > vt-r k'lar he mJlar* hi* - *rj-? ^ * <>' the trad v. 7 a -r?'? th- man v1rh tiv hat. xuuthe man with the sh?i*, Mid Hie nun with the r.utnmobiK \ T r? V-iwr iir \V?.?t in in "nil" i will tuv?-v. If the m;ui at the: -! of the deal. (i ^ I' Ther**stbe man with tin- frown, and j' the nau with tin* -itfh. .Mid The nun of |.t-jvtn;d sjrief, ;oi:t merit by competitive e.ranrnation, and ill candidate* niu.-t report at the South Carolina Ooliej:% Columbia, S. on July 3, at pi a. rru i County jvapers will plen?e copy ] this annoufttxnent. Very truly, j B. II. Tlt.LM.lS. f undidate-'vMaT I w Mr. Jones?" j Mrs. JouiHily3{ # the hearty endorsement ??i J ; * leading physicians aft?-r IIkvt- Ji y onph ;rui. Owes tfct prr $ cut of ?h?? Cii'i-s ?rented. $ Hold hv WsJince A* Johnson. # ! * i 'rive SI per Bottle. Man is a slave to the almighty j dollar, and woman to ti;e Co cent} bargain counter. The woman who --an look at a j hole in :t newspaper without won-/ ierin^ what was out out. is a Creak.' Are you planning A berry put eh ?! J'jni't think.of doinjj it until yon; have re:td Judg? Biggie's admira-j "hie little I Jerry Hook. It contain* i ' ii" ?\\p?TitinC(' of tliirly of tie lead- j;.-*? berry pcowvrs of !h<> country.? Kxper ience has a oa**h value. . Send) * 0 eents to Wilaier Atkin?t>?> Co,, ''hflxdelphia, fur s. copy. Men are like pins?;io good! when (hey lose- their heads. One word-invariably leads -to! another?no matter whether vou] ate reading the Jiible or a dime j noTel. I J. r. O.unedy, Jto-uoke, Tt.R-, ! j *&y?, "I launot sa? ;ou much 'or De-v Witt's Witch llawrl Salvr. C>ue bon i j* it cured what ih?"(io*t thoughts. 1 r some rr.er. knew thctnselves> I < 1hey would be ashamed of the | acquaintance. Itheumacide is not recommended for the cure of every illit dow not cut.*, everything. Hut it Is \ certain cu:e for rheumatism, and i.-:a fine Wood j>uriii-r and laxative; trr it. Wallace ?t iohnion. | pOMPTION | j| never stops because the weather it | b warm. j| ; | Then why stop tating ? ! I soorrs emulsion J | fr simply because M's summer 7 a : ? Keep tekintf tt. M will heel your ? I Kr limy, ana majic inem svunn iu? >. | y another winter. ;J| ! g toe *Dv! ft oc: *11 ir o ' There may be tilings in this! world that no man <*an find out. but it's different with :? woman. Hobbitt's Chill I'ills care chills atul malarial troubles. That i*> what they j w?T'' made tor. Cure after alter other j remedies fail. Xo Cure, no jav. l'ficvj 2.">'Us. per h;ttle. .Sold by Wall.VO .Y Johnson. - * The society woman has two! face*; one for. honte use ami the; other for company. Do You Need An Electric Belt? Dr. J. Now ton Hathaway has peif Kited an electric belt wuich he is prepared to furnish to ail patients w ho need j tt, at a merely nominal charge. Writ" to J. Newtoc Hathaway, M. D.. 25} Hrynn St,. ?av.iunah, fJ.-i. The man who ilirls with servant} iirls ha* domestic tastes. .T I* Hood. Justice of the peace, Cro<- i by. Mi*s.. mak?;? the following state- j ment: I can certify {hat One Minute Cough Cure will do all that.is claimed for it. My wife could not get her breath arid the first dose of it relieved h? r. It ha? also benefited my whole family." It act* immediately and cures cough*, Colds croup, grippe bronchitis, asthma and all throat and lung troubles. Wailree & Johnson, Women seldom stutter; probably because they have go much to} say ami haven't time, j "After sutTi-rlntr fr"orth Iiro*k. N". ft. It ' ifewaro of counter-; - Wallac* Jolibson. ^N*fren a man is dea?I l>rok<\ lie j usually lias vei.v little life in liim.j WOULD NOT SUFFER' S6- ACSA1N ! FOP. FIFTY TIMES IT.? I'lUCE. I .r.vok* la>t uljrht with Severe pains ' In m? stomach. I never fe!t K>>tau!yj ia allmy life. When I <\ime down to ! work this morning I felt >o wvak Fl could hardly work. I went, to .Miller; .v ;uroy * amp sior^ ana iwt re-, eouiiU'-ndP'J ChainbfrlaiuVColfr, Choi; era and Diarrnoe'.. lbmiody. It worked i like magic ami one do-*4 tixed nie all! right. 11 cert.sily is<).e iiri?i?r. thing 1 j ever used for stotn&th trouble. I shall! not be without it in ray home here- j after, for I should not -are to endure; the suffering of last nigh: airain forj tifty times its price,? G. II. Wilson,, Liveryman, liurgetwtown, Washing-J ton Co., I*a. This remedy is f#r sale lv ; Dr. I >. C. Scott. Last fa!! I sprained my left hip while j V lit W TOa ! fiaiIUllU? iira ? j UVJtV'tt. A UV 1 doctor I called on said at first It was a "light strain and would soon be well,! hut it grew worse and the doctor then ; said I had rheumatism. It continued! to grow wor-i and couM hardly get) around to work. 1 went to a drug i store and the dmggin recommended | rne to try Chamberlain's l'ain Halm. 11 tried it and one-half of a 5<) cent bottle [ entirely cured me. I row recommend it j to all my friend?.?K. A. Eabcook. Erie, j Pa. It is for sale by Dr. D. C. .Scott, j A CARD OP THANKS. I wish to.say that I 'eel under last- j ing obligations for whatChamberliin'si Cough Remedy lias done for cur.family. I We have used it in so ira?y case-of) eoutrlktpjung trouble and whooping) cough, aad^'it has always given the i most perfect satisfaction, we feel great I ly indebted to the manufacturers of' this remedy and with them to please | accept our hearty thanks.?Respect-j fully, t(r?. S. Doty, Pes Moine<, Iowa*! For sal e by Pr. p. C. ijeott j FREE BLOOD CURE. An Offer Proving Faith to Suftarers. Is your blood pure? Ary you sure of it* Do cuts or scratches hen! slowly? Doom your skin itch or burn? Have you pimple*, erufs tiotia,aohinjr lames or hack, oczcrna, old bore*, boils, scrofula, rhoiimatisui, foul breath, Catarrh? Are you * M A t"j IIUIIi? ? VUI 4 C? V uticr witli Ii.!>. It, (Hotamc Blood Halm.) It make* the blood pure and rich* heals every *ore and pives h ?-leur, smooth, healthy skin. Deep seated eases like uloers, eaneer, eating sore*, painful .swelling* blood poison, aretjuiekly cured hv H. It, It., made especially for all obstinate blood and skin troubles. It. It. B-hdilTcrVnt from all other remedies because It. Ii. It. drains the |?oi*>oM and humors out of the blood and entire system so the symptom? cud not return. (live it atrial. It curi a when til else fails. Thoroughly tested for thirty years. Sold at drujr store.* at II per larjre bottle, f. large bottles {full treatment) lo. So sufferers may test it, a trial bottle xivon away absolutely free. Write for it. Address J Hood Bairn Co.. Atlanta, < i:i. Write to-day. Describe the trouble and free medical advice t;ivon. Prove that a woman is not contrary and voir haye proof that ahe is riot a woman. W. S. Musscr. Millheim. Pa., savrd the life i#" hi* little girl by giving her One Minute Cough Cure when she wv dying from croup. It is the only harmless remedy th.u fi*e* immediate result*. It quickly cures cough*, cold", bronchitis.. crippe. ^athma i.n?l all t hreat and lung troubles. Wallace a Johnson. ? ^ A uor.ian cau ttiukd a fool of almost any man--if nature doesn't ^et the start of her. If troubled with rheumatism, gire Chamberlain's I'.dn-Balia a. trial. It will not <*ott you s rent if it does no good. One application will rclicre the pain. It also rn.-es sprains and bruis.-s in one-third the time, require by any other treatment. Cute, burns, frostbites, quinsey. pain* in the side and che?t, glandular and other swelling.: are quickly cured by applying it. Every bottle warranted. Price and 50 eta. Dr. I). C. Scott. The woman who doe-n't use a little powder on her face has nothing left to live for. Dr. Cady's Condition Powders. Are ju*t what. a horae needs when in brut condition. Tonic, blood purifier and vermifuce. Th<\v are not- food but medicine and the be*t In rise to put. a horse-in prime condition. I*ri?*e 3f> ets. per package. for by I). C. Se?t!?. A jro-^ip n a woman who can make live by putting two and two together. I "I had-stomach,trouble twenty year* and gave up hojv'of being cured till I began to u?e Kodol Dyspepsia Cure. It ha? 11 ie ;o much pood I fall It the savior of tnv life," writer W P, Wilkinson. Albany. Tenn. It digests whit you <'nr. Wallace h Johnson. Some nifn learn onouch in *ix months' travel to hore others for a life time. HACKING COUGH CURED. Ramon's Liver Pill? .t T?mlc Pellets have permanently cured me of a very tronbleflomc disease that I had In my back, stomach and bowels, which was accompained- by a hacking couf?b. I was for a long time unable to pot up when I was down; but now I am as w M as anybody. I believe I would bar* baen iri my j,rare if I had not use a then*. 1 have aold them for th? lar-t u-n years. My customer* will have no otner .~W. 0. Ktnbry, Embrv, G;i- Wallace & Johnson. A man will promise women ami babies anything just to keep them quiet... The fs?iest smd most effective method os purifying the blood and invigorating the system is- K) take DeWiit's T.ittle Karly Uiser#, ihe famous little pills for cle.imin;/ the liver, ifid bowels. Wallace & Johnson A man seldom gets discouraged in-trying to live without working.j "IteWitt's Little Early Uigursare the ilne?t pills I ever ujHd.'V-D. J. Moore, Millbrook. Ala. .They quick-J ly cure ill livr and bowel troubles. Wallace.and.Johnson. . I CANDIDATES CABDS. mK C'OXGKltSH. j I hor;>hy announce myself s. candijdaf for Representative in Congress j I froio the .Sixth Congressional District! j ot South Carolina, subject to the action I ; of the Democratic primary. I JCOIIKKT B. SCARBOROUGH. I f . roll SOLICITOR. I j 1 am a candidate f?.r re-election to . the office of Solicitor, and acain noiicir I tlw support of the Toters of the Third j ' Circuit, subject to the rulee of the ; Democratic primaries, i JOHN S. WILSON. TI< it'SIT. OV KR1'RE?VT I'Pt \TS . ?? .... f After the solicitation of many friend* jl hereby announce my candidacy for j election.to tb| House of Kepre^enta-1 ti vest, promising to abide by the decision i of the Democratic primar .* election. P. S. WALL. 1 hereby announce myself a candb date f??r election to the House of Representa?lves and promise to. abide by the decision of the Democratic primary. W. M. KEELS. | We, the Oak Riu^e Democratic Club, i Ju hereby endorse J. H. 11UTSON a j candidate for the Legislature, .subject i to the rules the riming Democratic pri- ! mary election, and promising to abide; oy tnc run's governing ttie same. T. ft. GOUKDIN. | Mr Editor: Please announce Mr. W. S. GRAYSON, of ftenson, a candidate for the Legislature, subject to the rules of the Democratic primary. FRIENDS. I hereby announce myself a candidate for election to the House of Representatives and promise to abide by he declslonV>f the Deocmraticpriieary. J. G. WcCUI.LOUGH. I)k. J. R. BROCK! NTON, subject to the Democratic primaries. We are aotborited to announce Mr. j J. J. H. MONTGOMERY aco-didate I ] for the House of Representatives, sub- j tJed to the rules of the Democratic! primary. FOR COUNTY SUPERINTENDENT OF EDUCATION. I Promising to abide ay the decision j : of the Democratic primary, I announce! ' myself & candidate for re-elect- i ! ion to tee office of Com:;j Superinten-! i deul of Education. Respectfully, NABOR I). LESESNE. j I hereby announce my candidacy for , I Superintendent of Education. promise j in^ to abide by the decision of the I)ein-! ocratic rotors In the primary election, j 0. W. WOLFE. , i I hereby announce myself as a can- ; jdidate f'-r County Superintwidcnt of j j Education, subjtct to the Democratic, primary. i 77 M. COOPER. ! 'I I hereby announce myself as a ? 3u-| didate for County Superintendent of! j Education, Williamsburg County, sub-( ! J(,ct to the rule?1 governing the Der.no1 eratie party. I am permanently looted ! i at the county feat, and if elected can j always be found t: my post of duty. lifco. N. ?3A Kit. ! ~~ Kok'CLKKK 0W0URT. I I announce myseif a candidate for! ! Clerk of Court, promising to abide by . j tiif dffi.slon <>f ihfW*rc of Cottuty Treasurer. promi?iflf to abidt by the tu!esof ih? eNSuiug I)*wxratic prl ivarv electioc. R, I). ROLUX*. I hereby announce uiye*it" a efearii-' d?.t? for thu appointment of Count.* Treasurer at the eraminjr Iiemocratic primary election, subject to tlm rale* govtriag tho s?roe. ' _ w. I) OWF.XS. v WR SH&RJKFJ I r?p?ctfYillT.'t?o!><^taih? arthe. Democratic primary for tflrtritf, prota i^*riir to abide the decision of the statue EDWIN* HABPEIl. Thereby announce myself a caaidl-.1date for She-rill of Williamsburg : county, ?ubiect to the Dfsaui'xatic.c prhuarr election. W.H I hereby announce m*?rlf as a Can- didxto ror Sheriff of WiUmmstHirir County &i the next general elettiob. subject to the Democratic Primary. HEX BY O. BKITTON. I hereby uurounce inytelf as a can dhlite for SliecilT. oU WUlinlfisburg coualy, subject t? tha >r>a?nucratio pnmafy election. -vHlvj.' .1 n. Subject to the decision of tn? Democratic primary, I am :i candidate f?r? > the office of County Supervisor of V? Hliaai'hurj Cotistv. T. Mc< LL'iC?C BROCK!VXON. _ I hereby announce mysvlftta I'anndi date for the olfleo of County Snrcr*is#e /I ? ujutu^vurx v onhty, su eject to-riu rule* of the Democratic primary #l?elion. W. I). FITCH. Thanking my friends for tlit-fiatK-r iug support giver. ?e Hi the- pixt. 1 hereby announce myself hi. raadidat* for County .Supervisor, .subject to tic * rules of the Democratic part v. H. P. BALDWIN. 1 hereby announce my candidacy fw the offlcc of County Supervisor of WL liaiu&burg county, subject to thcruW of the Democratic primatv election. K. M. THOMAS. I hereby announce my Cancfiiacy foP". the office of County Supervisor;wihyvt-; to the rules of tie Democratic primary A. B. BURROWS.' T U. ..%V. #/. l UCI c?#jr auLwuui.r mv luuuiuaij *'? the ntlio- of Count? Supervisor. sul>jc!t *' ro the rules of ilia eusuiuy Ik'tmowwif ? uriuiar? election. M n. MOXTCOMfilir. I hereby announce iiiy^f a camli date for re-election to the otMtfcr t/ County Supervisor. I will abide iIk derision of the Democratic primary election. B. B-C'HAN DLEK. I hereby announce myself a camlf caie ror t >uniy supervisor <>i ? n lUmibyrj? county, subject to the ruif*"of the Democratic primary.. ?. M. I hereby announ:*myael?a r County Supervisor'of Willi?in#fchf?* - V: '.Mur.tr, subject to the ruins of tin-c Dftotx-ratio primary lection, .* .* * j.w.a?VAat>. TFOK COKONKK. I hereby announce myself a candi 4a t* fer re-election for.Coroner, ising to ibid* by the tteri.siou of. titt Democratic primary. . ii. M. yrintaws;. vi.. I hereby announce myself a? % oundb "" jat?? tor Coroner, subject "to the ? wi?td /f' gov?rt.inff the Democratic primary*. " kiii living at lb* ounf.y seat, " iacted l can disburse the < ? me otlice at*h??rt notice. Circwiwtajwr*-^ will prevent tnv eaiiVitfsiii^ the county, bat I wail appreciate the vete of t* in* and even citizen.** th*-countt*. N*. HAMMBT. county \i:nnvx txr ^ l. _..i .. ....... ....... rt '/ ti \i v ?. ?tc .immuuit. i?. /*. '? for r*-eIect?on to the office of. Cnuvj* ? Auditor on hi* record as * r rtiifu; ai-4 -* capable official, subject to' the ra'M jovorniri# tb* l.'emocrntic pritn*A?v ? 1 HiE>\Kv .