The county record. [volume] (Kingstree, S.C.) 1885-1975, June 21, 1900, Image 1

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' .7 \ t ' l I *' v VOL XVI KINGSTltEK, SOUTH CAROLINA, THURSDAY7.IUNETLI 9<)0. NO7 25 i^wiiMn i--J-" ? n i^aTfr"M*wHnw?rr?BBiMiiiiiiii? i !!! " tfMinr ! !! i if nuir-irm?i n?n?M? r?n pr?wnwrm? w Positively No New Display Advertisements Will be Received, or Old Ones Changed, Later Than Tuesday Morning. m lisjf affairs caught ev our local reporter and noted. Wrilto" in Condensed horm and Printed in Like Wanner lor the Sake ot <?'jr W e^rv Reader*. Mis* Lul:i S'ron^ is home foi 11n* summer vara!ion. ; W. L. IL'iss. K>?i,-w?s m town, MiitkJ.iv Lake Oily. "Miss Lijiuf Johnson- is visiting i; r l>rc?ther Dr. Johnson. Mt\ J. C. MeCanls paid Turj 0: vOHL" a pleasant vail iast. week. Mi,sis Mabel and Belle Harper j r4,t uiiifiJ la-l week troni Greenville j , l-Yinale College. Mh.s Mabel is a I member ol tIn- faculty. j Mr. F. L Ilirsoh was in Char-; li-vion Inst week attending the I".' -S. court. ! >f." I ..unit. of North1 1 < 'aiulina* is Mr. Sullivan'.* j ,'jimily. ' Mr; F*.!\ Cooper, representing! ' the CvjIwoblV- Stul?\ was- in town ; <:a>.t w^1!-. j Mr. i>?is' (.iilbfid cam? home! Ja*t Friday from the South Caro-} iiua College. M?**rs lirynut Myers "and 'Win. I III ^\7'4iMIUO, ? lwk\v%4 ?... *Vre? List .Sunday. Misses Osie and Lila Kpps re-j urned home last week from Co-! ,'umbia IVniH&'Cnllege. | Capt. KellSy -came over from | JLDw ley's Island tbis week and J / spent several days in town. Sheriff and Mrs. i). J. llradham, | c.t Manning, visited their daughter,! Mrs. Hawkins, last week. ? Dr. S. L\ M. Hyrd, ot Scranton, I called last week-and advanced his; subscripted the IlfcCOP.D. The friends of Mrs. F. T. Sweet, will be gl&d to hear she is convalescing after a severe "illness. * ' - - - b d ..hif.M . 1/* AT I I Ar. } LUtiwcia i.wji.v, \ji x i\ii- i 7 i ence county is on an extended} visit <? her relatives,'Mr.-and Mrs.! Myers Hon. 8. Wryne Gamble's many friends were glad to see him in town Friday. The doctor reports. goop crop prospects generally at bmrdins. Misses Margaret and Jtarv Krtin ?ou returned home last week for! the summer: the former from An-! lerson, \v he re-she holds a position! in the graded school, and the lal- ! ter from Furmau -University. Mr. P. '). Cock field of Scran Ion ; was in town last week, and reports cotton lice very bad in hi> -ection. He lias one field entirely ruined. Similar reports come' 1 I trorn other sections of the county, j A mutch pime or baseball wnij be played here on Tuesday, June] 'J'.', between Kinjjstree and Lake; City. This will be the first of"] :lie season here and the boys arc ' looking forward to an interest um j ? j pane and a ir >od time generally, j We are ind ?bted U> the courtesy of tlie board ot trustees ol Wash iu^ton and I;niversity, Va? for; an invitation to be present at the; ledication of the now law build-! j ng erected to t he memory of John J Randolph Tucker. Tuesday, June ij. J 000. Mr. LeKoy has u pet fawn, j ! It i> quite a little deer. Mr. J. I'. Nelson has about com' pleted his bakery and will soon j open up lor business. Our good friend, Mr. L. K. Darken, of Greens. was hi town Tuesday and paid us a pleasant vi>it. i Misse? Mary Sue and Munnie t.Snider are lioxne for vacation from ! Monroe College. >'ort!i Carolina.! i ' i - A i i.. 11 *. I v auci i,aurie uiniugn, ui i j Cedar Swamp, returned home' i last week lion. Clem-on CoIIeite.l i . j | Some of the. voting lolks in | | town have * organized n tennis j jeltsb. This will be a pleasant! j recreation during the summer. j Ji.kirk, K*q., late consul to j j Copenhagen, [now a member ol; J the Klnp-lroe bar. is in the city* on business. ? Morenee Daily; Times. I j We are requested to say that there will bj. a baket picnic at ' Helin's Landing, on Minjro Creek. Wednesday, lulv 1. The public is cordially invited. The first cotton blooms of the season were handed in at I his ol- i hoe Tuesday bv Mr. J. Kinder, who says they were plucked from a fiv?-Hore liold on that day. There will be an excursion from Darlington to Char'cston and the Die of Palms on Wednesday, j June 27, lor the beuelit of the j Methodist church, the round trip; fare being $1:50. The train will! leave Kingstreo at S?-0 a. <ii. I D. .t. Murray, colored, while on] his way from Monck's Corner to; visit his family in town, died sud- j denly on the train Sunday after-! noon, Murray had contracted m-itariul :pvi>r anil'had been ill! for some time;. He was quiet and i inoffensive and generally re- , spected. j Mr. and Mrs. Kalph Kpps hi*- } rived Tuesday night from Ander- j son and are visiting Mr. Kpps'j parents, Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Kpps.) a !'?w miles from ft>v.*n. Mr. j Kpps is <rouws?ndanf at 1'atrick | Military ' nstitete, Anderson. S. C.,j and has achieved an enviable re putatim: ;-:s an. instructor. Antony the members of the! graduating class at Wofford Col-1 lege last week was Sir, Claude j Martin, son of Kev. \V. S. Martin, j ol this towu. Mr. Martin lias taken) a line stand in his classes besides' devoting considerable time to athletics. 'He was among the bestj pi a vers of Voilbrd's invincible j . i baseball team this season. There will be a competitive ex animation held in Charleston on | July il(: to appoint a cadet to the; I'. S. .Vaval Academy at Annapo- ! lis from the 1st congressional dis i trict. Due notice of the -ondi ! tions of elegibility ol applicants! will no d<sibl be given through! . - - ?i.? i me C3U11IV pujRTS in uic ^isinui) bv Congressman KHiott. Cards are out announcing the) marriage of Mi>s Kmilie Ko?aliej .McCormack to Mr. Wade Cuilen i Humphreys. Thursday, June 14, 1000. The bride is the youngest j daughter of .Mr. and Mrs. William j J. McCormack, who live at '5<> j I'ilt St., Charleston. Miss McCormack is pleasantly remember- J ed here, having visited .Mr. and j Mrs. Gilland last summer. MI Ml MB. j PAYS THE PENALTY OF HIS j CRIME UPON THE GALLOWS. I ? Mnkf*s Statement before Death Confessing Guilt and Warning His Race to Profit by His Fate. A hanging in a novel proceeding in law-abiding Williamsburg, as was evidenced by the large crowd which gathered here last Friday to witness the legal execution of Liamp McGill. who was ^(Iiil^npnil f n Hd-ltli -it I llO l"<l term of court lor the crime of rape. At the tir.-.e of his sentence Mc (til! seemed but little affected, and as the day drew nigh when he; must pay the penalty of his aw-j ful crime he steadily maintained! * his tort it tide. During his conline-j ment he was shown every kind-! ne.vs by Sheriff Laniel consistent with his duty. Visitors were allowed to see him, including the colored ministers of the town, who utilized the interval pending the execution o! the doomed man's sentence to preparo hi* w)'i! for the eternity into which .he was so] soon to be hurled. All along Mdrill seemed as cheerful as could be expected, and while he fieely confessed his guilt and the justice of his pun ishment, yet ho claimed to have repented of hit* wickedness and made peace with his God. At 12 o'clock the sheriff, with his attendants, went to the prifi- 1 oner's cell and brought him torlh ; to meet Iiis death upon the scat-}' fold. The gallows had been erected j1 a little in the rear of tlie jail and thither he was soon conducted, up j; the steps and out on the platform, j1 where he stood bareheaded with I1 arms pinioned to his side. Iters. i( Thomas and Franklin were both 1 with him constantly, offering what religious consolation they could. IJev.Thomanaccompanied the priti i oner out on the platiorm, read a I chapter it: the Bible and prayed .. i i earnestly lor n:s soqi. After the death warrant hadH been read McGill was asked if lie | had any statement to make before) he died, fie talked nearly Jiall'j( an hour in an incoherent way,!1 repeating a great many things,] until the perspiration .stood out 111 j" beads 01: his face. He again con-! fessed his guilt, said he had coin j . .. . i mitted a great sm, Out believed! that (iod would pardon him and}5 t ^ lie was willing to die. !!e held up I his punishment e.s an example to jt his race, warning them to profit i by his terrible late. .Said he had! loll owed the devil tor twenty-one j years, and was now being pun-1'" ished for it. -Heconcluded with a*' short prayer in an undertone. ; j The noose and black cap -were!; - . J i adjusted at i'S.two immiu*? j later the ilrop lull. l'he lull wasj aLout six lect but McG'll's neck | was not broken and lie died slow- ; ] ly ol strangulation. It was a lew I minutes ? ter one o'clock wlieri; ] the physicians attending. Drs.! Wayne Gamble, Fulwore and j Johnson, pronounced life extinct; and the body was cut down. This is the tirsl legal execution j which has occurred since tiheriil j Krockinton's tirst term, when lour i u eg roes were hanged 0:1 one! gallows. j; Dots trom Docket rops are looking well; the daily 1 showers aro also making the grass j grow. There is considerable sickness | prevalent in the neighborhood. | Mr. F. M. Nesmith, census-taker for fhis township, is still on his rounds. Miss AgnesTallevast lias return- J ed home after visiting friends at i Morrisville. Mr. Oliver Alttnan. who lias employment at Georgetown*is at liome for a few days. Mr. and Mrs. II. P. Tulle vast spent Sunday at Morrisville. Mr. Jesse Tallevast, with a party of young ladies, started to a neighboring stream last Saturday afternoon in quest oi the ufinny ! tribe.'' Before they reached the j lake, however, it began to rain in I torrents, which caused the gallant j escort and his fair companions to! beat a hasty retreat homeward. ! The writer, along with a few j others, attended a moonlight pic-j nic at the house of Mr. Warren McC.mts last Thursday night, at which we had a most enjoyable time. Timothy. Harry Blown, a colored man about town, took charge ot the body of Ilamp MeGill, the negro who was hanged here Friday, and buried 'it near town without asking permission of the landowner. He was tilled with j consternation Monday to fir.d the j deceased negro, coffin nud all, on ; Ins lronl door-steps. At lirst llarry j suspected a supernatural agency;! but later on he discovered his mis- j Lake : n:l re-interred the remains | ilse where, beintr careful to ask J permission beforehand. - i. rnmSr ** VPWii Men may conic; and men tnav j<*o, but a woman's tongue?well, j -oi: know the rest. ______ | r! An old bachelor resembles :t f-'< h ;iair of scissors with only one blade WAM'Kli,?Fat cattle. Highest :ash prices paid for same. Ad1 ress or cal i on C. (v. OA I vST X S. If Cndos. S. O.. BEATS Th lam oiterinj; an all wool. Illue Ser; mtee tlii.s suit not to fade. < rood % al ne. ns the stock of fhem is !imit <1. We carry a full line rf Srrii?ed-'F.' >r*ts'ed. l':'0al! woo! t':*s^imtTe Stii T?vrl2.ite and C< We luivo just received some nev ^iirt-%in wl.Ite colored White He, to i!/>'). 21HI d?''eti I'jui"y Sink- !0c por pl'.i [><?: Mr-breasted ail v.?><? . iUlu Serpe unt Vests at $i~o. IJatl>in<f Suits in one sunt two piectss, [JIG ItEDT CTION ON ALLOt'I?. I liij;* reduction in extra size; f:< i'ants from ;t' to Sole Apents for (lie" celebrated [lumilton (' irlmtt < )V KKA I.LS : i'.lnck Cat llraml Stockit Mk 3 El 2l'4 Ivinjf SI. Opposite Acau vfj'jl orders Pfouiptlv atui tied to. Library Association Meeting. A business meeting of the Library Association was lieM T.ioday evening at >Mr. "Louw Jacob's house. The meeting was well at ItlKR'U UlUl lli ULII IXI.MIJlested. The Inflowing oflicers were elected: ''resident. N. I). I.esesne. Vice President, T. O; Epps. Secretary and Treasurer, Miss Margaret. Bruit so:;. Committee to purchase books K. 0. Epps, chairman; Misses Ivali Epp?, Mamie Jacobs, Margaret Branson and Mr. C. E. St.Am.m4 The next meeting will be held July 3d, 1000, at the residence of Mr. Joel E. Brunson. Mr. James Carsten. of Florence, visited town Wednesday. A man usually g3ts turned down-while waiting lor something to turn up. / C. J. LE'SESNE ' % Represents this coiyity for the Mr'-M x Mr-fit's Champion Grain and Grass Cutting Machinery. THE BEST MOWERS, THE BEST BINDERS, THE BEST REARERS ON THE MARKET. Everp Machine Guaranteed Prospective buyers# v ill do wli to learn of "these machines before [i 1 :iciti<!;' HJ-Mrenlors eIsewhere. 0. J/LKSFSXE, ' Kir.^tree t>. C. II# I nir nil #1 H A>*. immL I w?y iSM ALL! re Suit color, for $'?, jrunr neat $10. (.'a!! >arly and secure annel Suit?, in siturlc and double its {rood'^y.lue f;r xlcxscl Sliirts. v patterns In Xe<.'l>?rc Manhattan ami c< lorrti XejJigec Shirts, froir ir. ?f>od valve at } *?<:. '' * >"". "I'liv. o'.,rirt CflUtV \ < iU 7?, *, - ^ .'or t<- C a wit o\ciin !:RI:N\S SUIT* Jin to .r0, and also in extra si/v WCJIKSS I'ROrsKIlS. Sweet-farr <>\ UlALLS 41-..V) a sui ij;s for boys at L'V a ^ ^c/fi T * r<--r "* (S -2> il Vu/' vv -ul ^i1 liTE CLOTHING HOUSE, eniv of Music Charleston, S C, * ' " 4 Vi kd