,4evcr Admit detest. Never admit defeat or poverty, though you seem to bo down and havo not a rent. Stoutly assert your divine right to be a man. to hold your head up and look the world in the face; step bravely to the front whatever opposes, and the world will make way for von. No one will insist noon your rights while you yourself doubt that you possess the qualities requisite for success. Never allow yourself to be a traitor to your own cause by undermining your self-confidence. There never was a time before when persistent, original force was so much In demand as now. The namby-pamby. nerveless man has little show in the hustling world of to-day. In the twentieth century man must either push or be pushed. Every one admires the man who can assert his rights and lias the power to demand and take theui if denied bio. No on;? ran respect tbe man who slinks in the rear and apologizes for being In the world. Negative virtues are of no use in winning one's way. It is the positive man. the man with original energy and push that forges to the front.?Success. A New York physician in his roeenj talk on physical culture for mothers offers some very good advice concerning useful exercise. It was a question of giving proper direction to surplus energy and of getting tbe mcut out of it. To suggest to young mothers that they should make their own ' beds and sweep their rooms, and thin expand their chests and increase their arm and back power. Is somewhat of uu innovation in these days of progressive gymnastics and movement cures. Still, the idea has a very practical application. It uarrows us down to the consideration of the fact that Nature provides in our every day work, with its attendant possibilities, all the exer- j cise we generally need. When we stop to think how we ran combine the two i it is often a matter of surprise. The result is generally a two-fold enjoy- I meut. So. too. the man who splits ' his own wood gets a double warmth j from the effort. It is the extra glow with profitable occupation that is ' thrown into the bargain before the fire ! Is made on the hearth. The principle appeals to every sensible mortal. We gain much more than a car fare by walking to and from our offices. Better Blood Better Health If you don't feel well to-day you can b? made to feel better by making your bloo^ \ better. Hood's Sarsaparllla Is the great pure blood maker. That Is bow It curea that tired feeling, pimples, sores, salt ' "bbeum, scrofula and catarrh. Get a bottle / of this great medicine aod begin taking it at once and see bow quickly it will bring your blood up to the Good Health point, j Hood's Sarsaparilla Is America's Greatest Blood Medicina, lou-vo- ohant thp nnltr nr^Qrvn who doesn't object to other people tell- | ing him their troubles. Cold Tlcdal Prize Treatise, 25 C??. The Science of Life, or Self-Freservatfon,! 365 pages, with engravings, 25 cts., papei cover; cloth, fuH gilt, $1,by mail. A book for every man, youug, middle-nged or eld. A million copies sold. Address the Peabody Medical Institute. No. 4 Bulllnoh St., Boston, Mass., the oldest and best institute In I America. Prospectus Yade Mecum free. Six cts. for postage. Write to-day for . these books. They are the keys to health, vigor, success and happiness. The barber is addicted to cutting re- j marks. Do Your feet Ache and Burn? Sha ke into your shoes ALen's Foot-Ease, a -/.-.a. f/i. ti.i, r?ut Ir makes tiirht or WV.C. .V. ?..? ....... .. new shoes feel easy. Cures Corns, Bunions, Swollen. Hot, Smurting and Sweating Feet and Ingrowing Nails. Sold by all druggists j an 1 shoe stores. "25 ets. Sample sent FREE. Address Allen S. Olmsted, LeRoy, N. Y. The girl who dosen't wish to see oallora ' must expert to be found out. Hard times are eoming again. A ' iConsfaohocken quarryman unearthed a petrified clock the other day. one kind ot nnanclal embarrassment Is wheu a man has so much money he doesn't know what to do with it. All goods are Jlike to Pctnam Fadeless Dies, as they color ail fibers at one boiling. [ Sold by all druggists. The social scale is not life's most reliable weighing machine. Indigestion is a bad companion. Get rid of it by chewing a bar of Adams' Pepsin Tutti Frutti after each meal. Even a legal light may be sometimes turn- ' eddown. So. 23. Hail's Catarrh Cure 19 a liquid and i9 taken internally, and acts directly on the bloo?and mucous surfaces of the system. Write tor testimonials, free. Manufactured by f. J, Cheney A Co., Toledo, 0. , H. H. Gkeen's Sons, of Atlanta, Ga.. are flfconly successful l)rop9y Specialists in the xvWd. their liberal offer in advertisement in another column of this paper. FITS permanently cured. So tits or nervousness after tirct day's use of Dr. Kline's Great Nerve Kestorer.$2triai bottle aud treatisefree Dr. R. H. Kline. Ltd.. 931 Arch St. Phila, Pa. Mrs. Winslow'sSootlilng Syrup for children teething, eoftens the gums, reduces inflammation. allays pain, curee wind colic. 26c.a bottle. Piso'e Cure is the best medicine we ever used for all affections of throat and lunga?Wm, O. Enmley, Vanburen, Ind., Feb. 10.190b. LIKE MAHY OTHERS Clara Kopp Wrote for Mrs. Pink ham's Advice ami Tells what it did for tier. I " 1)kaj; >1hs. Pink hi m I have seen so many letters from ladies who were ! cured by Lydia E. Pinkham's remedies that 1 thought I woulda.sk your advice in regard to my condition. J| I havt' been doctoring for 1 K ^0U1 .vears an(* 'iav0 ,)S taiten umerent paien^ me(iicines, but JttSk. received very little benefit. I am troubled with backJnf/j? BmP ache, in fact mv gjj*} sgjKf whole body aches,' If EgSE, stomach feels sore, ? I llrcy by spells got short; j Bl ?f breath aud am J J very nervous. MenI I / II struation is very ir( / Vllj 11 regular with severe jaVl L \ bearing down pains, i \^v lA cramps and back( ache. I hope to hear fiom you at once."? Clara Kopp, Rockport, Ind., Sept. 27, lb^S. "I think it is my duty to writ* % letter to you in regard to what Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound did for me. I wrote you some time ago, describing' mj symptoms and asklsf your advice, whioh you very kindly gave. I am now healthy and cannot begin to praise your remedy enough. I 2 would say to all suffering women, ' Take Mrs. Pinkhaas'a advice, for a woman bc-st,understands a woman's sufferings. and Mrs. Pinkham, from her vast experience in treating female ills, can give you advice that you can get from no other source.' "?Clxba Kopp, Rockport, Ind., April 13, 1806. | W- OUT!) For your family's comfMt m \ BIKES Rootbeer A [v5 will contribute more to It than ^Kr Ks^ tons of Ice sud a grow of fans. JBg o 5 gallons for35 cents. Writ* for lUt of prt?l??? oibred CBABLFJ E. lll^tES CO. , Finland shows only about S per cent! ;of Illiteracy in comparison to Russia'a 87 per cent., ami yet the latter has justj taken from the former the right of selfgovernment. A sad exemplification of might making right Partly Experience. "I>o you believe in mental telepathy '!" "Yes: when I'm late ttt<>nnf?cc. i J becomes unshapely, skin yellow; in fact fills up with filth. ] help nature you h] srch troubles. CA1 poisons out of the without gripe or pain. Start to-nigf n up the bowels, and you will feel : jet a 10c box of CASCARETS, tak< money back. Bile bloat is quickly ; CURED BY NDY CflTHARTIi aa-pngE f/tl trouble* ind too poor to buy CASCARETS ny, Chicago or New York, motioning idvenii Above Prejudice. The story of the holiest SwNs. who was loo fr.isy to have his farm, ami beared the nehrhki r who was hringiiu suit attain-t him kimlly to plead for both parties, has an amusing parallel in the judicial history of Coiinectieiir. \ i.ostnin iiiwtl/ok Af tltA mtOfui HMclt. j ing to bring suit against a citizen, conj suited the statutes and found that : tilts of such a character might he brought before any justice of the peace. "Well, then," thought he, "I'll just try the case myself." Straightway lie made out a writ against his adversary and signed it. On the day set for trial, the defendant appeared with counsel. Roth gentlemen. not unnaturally, objected to the constitution of the court. "Why," demanded the justice, "do you deny that 1 am a justice of the peaceV" The lawyer would not contend this point, but argued that Mich a construction of the law was against all sense and reason. A vigorous altercation ensued, and then the judge remarked that not for the world would he have two gentlemen suppose him governed by any personal considerations. "1 will, therefore." lie added, gracefully, "render judgment against myself, and then apnnfil fn th?. Simivme Court." 'But tlio mischief of it was," saitl fiio justice, relating the story afterward. "that when my judgment got to the Supreme Court, it was unanimously reattinned " The Funny Shoemaker. "Yes." remarked the funny shoemaker. "I'm in favor of women's rights?also her lefts." "Is that your last Joke?" asked the leather drummer. "Shoe-er." answered the shoemaker, "and it's awl right at that."-Ckicago NewAn Old Maids' Club up In Massachusetts has just finished debating the question. "Are Bachelors Human?" The judges decided in the negative. All old bachelors should tit once make packs for a region where they aro classed with the divinities. During the last winter the soup house Industry was utilized even by quite a number of the well-to-do. An investigation uncovered the fact that 248 families who did not stand in need of relief received soup from one station alone. rEO E. NISSEN & CoTT u "vV7K.'^V" Lightest draft, most VT flUUIlO durable and firjst finish. Do not take one claic.ed to be as good. If not sold in your town, write us for prices. U IVSTOJV-SALKJI, IS. C. r\ a m U/Yl : eyes; red nose; pimple: don't mean hard drinki as it shows that there is \OOD. It is true, drink1 overloads the stomach, nature in regularly disly digested lumps of food 0 the bowels and allowed it causes all the trouble, help nature help you, apd 1 from filling with poisons, 3res that tell of the sys 31oated by bile the figure the breath foul, eyes and the whole body kind of Every time you neglect to / the foundation for just >CARETS will carry the system and will regulate it?one tablet?keep it up for right, your blood will be rich, ; as directed. If you are not uid permanently 3 ?nnir^ M-L DRUGGISTS ' we will tend a box free. Address cment and paper. <20 1I COHM IC IIOUORS A n and NARCOTIC DRUGS Make INEBRIATES. ; THE KEELEY CURE, THPM Also Cigarette and otftsr k-LKLo illLiU. Tobacco habit", | Patients board and lodge in the Institution. , Address or call at : THE KEELEY INSTITUTE, ! 1109 Plain Street, COLUflBlA, S. C. lAFamousBmE! | A Topy of the famous book. "In His Steps,' will be mailed to any person sending us the name of one young persen who expects to enter a Business College within the next 60 days, and four others who may attend at some time. ! Write your name and addresses all plainly. I ADDRESS B. W. GbTSINCER, Manager, j CONVERSE COnnERCIAL SCHOOL. SI'AKTANBURG, - S. C. ; We special Contracts WITH THE LARGEST AND MOST RK. j 8POS1BLE MANUFACTURERS OF MACHINERY AND MILL SUPPLK1*. AND ARE PREPARED TO OFFER YOU ; SPECIAL ADVANTAGES. OUR FACILP TIES ARE SECOND TO NONE. Complete Ginning Equipments Complete Power Equipments A SPECIALTY W. H. GIBBES & CO., COLUMBIA, - S. C. , South Carolina Aitents for the Steele .V?tc .South Brick Machinery. A WORLD | without MUSIC draary plac^ ifr. Mutlc ia an losylration-a tonic. :A?QHSE8^3eB You ext?ot to 11Wifll bay an offcan or ya*Hg)EgH?H Piano rcrna time. Whv not now? Ad lastttmsnt is furniture ? it's entertAl amea t, it's lavestamt. If you cat qae of the Standard makes reprsjent*d by mp, age will not Affect It It will be as good Are years from now, as the day you bought It. ORGANS $35.00 UP. PIANOS $175.00 UP. |W~ Write for Catalogue and Terms, Address, M. A. MALONE, Columbia, S. C. HAVING FO It .TIED A CONNECTION o--o-- with ::o::o i THE ELLIOTT GIN REPAIR WORKS I am now prepared to repair and rebuild Cotton Gin* a- thoroughly as the manufacturer*. This branch "f the business be under the personal supervision of nr. \V. J. ELLIOTT, who has had fourteen years of practical experience In budding the ELLIOTT Ul.v und who Is well known to most gin users In this State. traY" Now is the Time I Brin? Vour Gins Before You Need Them! Complete Ginning Systems, equipped with the most perfect Pneumatic Elevating and Distributing Svstcms on the market. Sixty-eight complete outfits In uae In this State, and every one of them giving absolute satlsfa, tlon. Highest tirade Engines. Rollers, Saw Mills, Corn Mills, Brick Machines. Wood Working Machinery, Saws, Pulleya etc. WE OKKEK: t^ulck Delivery, Low Prlcea and P.ena.nabie Terms. V. C. BAD HAM, MZO .113111 51., IULUJ1DIA, 5. c. Here It Is! i Want to learn all about a a* j Horse? Eow to Pick Out a A ^ Good One? Know Iiuperfee-?^*V ^""" ^*1 tlous and so Guard against \ Fraud? Detect Disease urid f \ m " "7\ Effect a Cure when raiue is Y \ / V possible* Tell the Age by * V / V the Teeth? What to call the Differ?!;? Parts of the Antuial? How to Shoe a Horse Properly? All ifki and other Valuable Information can be obtained by ' reading our IOU.PAGE II.I.l'STKATKD j IIU11SK BOOK, which we will forward, post' paid, on receipt of only 23 cents in stumps. HOOK PUBLISHING IIOCSK. 12? Leonard St.. N. Y. City. nOHOCY NEW DISCOVERY; aires j Vf V# 1 quick r?hef and cures worst ???*? Book of testimonials and 10 dnys'treatment Free. Dr. E. H. GBEEH'S SONS. Box B. Atlanta. G?. Boni/QT SA.MPI.KS ol 0 different V" *? ? Interesting books worth ?1.?0, and illustrated Catalog sent to anv address for :$0 cents, stamps. Try us W. A\DEHSCTI, 130 Weal 3!ltli St., N. V. DIXIE TASTKLKSsi CHILL TOMC One-day cure. '*> cts bottle. delivered. AI?K NTS \V aNTKU. Great thing. Dixie .Medicine Co.. Augusta, Ga. ATTIiXTION is facilitated if vou mention this paper when writing advertiser.-. So. 23 CtJ in time. Sold by druggliu. 1*1 "JSKSiS?! Thompson'i Eya Water