The county record. [volume] (Kingstree, S.C.) 1885-1975, May 31, 1900, Image 4

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* Tlpe Cxrantg licEsrjd ETK&Y nuii'iiso.u' AT| tlS&JISJiH, ikC. -Ll.-> I'.Jl'J 1' -- 1 - i'tH.'.1 ' C. W. W3LFE, UpiTTOii ,vyi> PjiO^RLETOR. 1 - 1 ' ? " - f L'KHMS. STBSCIHPl KV.r R-.v-TS?? ; One. dopy. one-year. - - - $1.00? Oue c ?r v., six months, - - One copy,. tlinc motifs, - -- .:? . | Snbseripfions payable in advance. I i?VKKTTSING KATES: One-incli, first insertion, H.OO: eneh bjj.i>Mo}urntinsertion, 50 cents. at ies and Tributes of Kespcct. over ~O *ords titarjred for as legular advertisements. Liberal reduction on advertisinwle f'jr three, six and rawlve months' contracts. " """ ' ortA/.mwojiio,) I'thlijUU'HtaXtons ll.yni tus .rj..inp?..w.. bv the real nanje and address <?f the Av,rit?M- in order to receive attention. Xo lojnini; ideation of a personal nature will be published except as an advertisement. Address all letters and make all drafts ; payable to c. W. Wolfe, Kiogstree, S.C. THO?SDA7, MAY 31, 1900. S.outn- Carolina- Interstate cyoo West Indian Exposition- I1 When the project was first agita- J ted in January very few people j thought it would ever materialize;! i ^ that an exposition on a large scala; was tooibig a job for the staid, old, vity of Charleston to undertake^ and ; ? % !! K/? ?nmo?nli/iror] fliuf U'llAM flip i + k ni 14 K/XZ ICJUtlJUAiVV*. Viinv >?"v.. ??.% project received the endorsement of the Governor and Legislature and was then presented to the people I through the medium of the press, ( the universal/ opinion w$s that it 'i would bt a gotnl thing fos the State i and lor Charleston, if the money | < could be raised, out that the people i1 of Charleston would not go dowu in > their pockets and put up the neccs. ! sary aniouuL l Those w ho held that view have been mistaken. Charleston Jias jhowu i J it3 hand, and the subscription now i " "vrt'-'lf CJ1 1 <\ Aflrt on.] ic Iva"' >\or : l*AVCCU3 VVVj aim 10 wunj >/V4^ i, added, to. The exposition is projected for tin ; benefit of the people of the entire; ?cate, aud the projectors have de- j utded that wherever the people wish j to join with, them and subscribe to j the capita) stock they should Lave; the opportunity to do so,,. To this j end the executive committee have > appointed citizens of each county on the committee and have, sent ' tijem books cf. subscription to. be; opened at convenient places within : the county, where those desiring to subscribe for one or more shares cf. vhe stock can do so. Kiihc/irititinn hnnks Iuivp hwn KPnt. W. IL Kennedy, of Kingstree: Geo. 8, Barr,. Kingstree; ar.u Dr. A* H. ! Williams, Lake City, S. C., and the] Mallard Lumber Co., at Greeleyville. 1 Members of the executive commit- j t^e lor this county will take j>le?s-! ure in receiving subscriptions and' giving all desired information The census enumerators beg Hie farmers- to be posted so as fchey can answer the following questions as fast as they are put Uipni: iSame of .township you live, total number of acres in farm, aqmber of acres of unimproved bind, number of acres of improved tend, number Ql acres rented or j leased, value of entire farm, value! of all buildings on farm, value off all implements and machinery be .j binding to the tann, estimated! value of ill farm products, amount expended for fertilisers, amount; expended for farm iubor, number j ot bales and value of cotton pro-' duced and the weight of the bales,> value, (quantity and acreage in fruit trees, grape vines, etc. About i TOO questions will be put 10 each farmer. They will also beques-i tiowed as to the quant ty and, value ot the chickens, eggs and fitter produced. Chief Clerk Jessie T. Ciantt, of the Secretary of State's office, lias foundl another batcli ol documents connected wi?h the Revolutionary records of the State. They contain the original awards and re ceipts of Revolutionary soldiers. I Mr. Gantt thinks that J*-, eanj( 1 I makeup practically a complete j roster of the troops from this State i from the records of the office. ,.| Mop Killi i Mm unalion. \ The examination for the award of; vacant: scholarships in Winthrop Coi-; lege aji&for the admission of new *tu- i dents will be held at the County Court j. House on Friday, .luJy 20th. at.!? a. m. (. Applicants must not bo less than l.>i years of age. When scholarships are vacated after ) July '20th they will be awarded t<> those \ making tlie highest average at in is; ( examination. Tin* cost of attendance, including, board, furnished r<M>in. heat, light and ' washing isotilv per month. For further information and a cata-), logue add res> 1). B. JOHNSON. President. ' JUK-k I!ill, S?C. i Notice to Teachers, i Rv ordb-r of the Stat# Board of Edit- j1 ration the next examination lor teach- j' ersVertiticates foi Williamsburg Conn-; ; tv will be lield at Kingstree. S. Fri-j j day. June 15th, between the hours of! !?.;<(? o'clock a. ni. and 5 p. in The County Boards will not be allowed to enew certificates this year; except to teachers who attend tiie sum- j tner school to be held in Jul v. X. I>. l.KSESNE, 11 JnT C?>. Supt. of Education. 11 Notice. I hereby give notice to the colored ' teachers of Williamsburg county that, State Superintendent. of Education. Hon. John..!. McMalian, lias.ciioson [???orgct?wn. S. the place for U?M-; iwjthe Summer School for colored J teachers. The school will open June lltli and1 [*l?se July 7th. The instructors aji-i ttointedare Profs. J. E. Wallace. J. u. Reck and L. R. Ford ham. The sub-| jects taught for out? sect ion of teachers. will Ik* history, algebra and English, j; siitl for the other sectiou arithmetic, j i geography and English. j' Let every teacher who can possibly i Attend he on hand at the* opening and ! -tuy to the close. N. I). LESESNE. j jtiT Co. Supt. ot Education. 1 LOW p MAKE EASY When they represent ohe right reason our store continues to show : tribute more dry goods than many of towns, than Manning, This shows tl goods needs of this- immediate et#ii/n distant territory. These are the goods and prir DRY G< A large line of Fast Colored W ai that*ire w?ld -everywhere at og a yar A largelot of Scotch Luavik> f;u?t whore at 5e. Very nice ?-4 yawl with' Sou- Islai A large lot of nice Wash Silks on A large lot of hemstitched Sliirt sold everywhere at* A verynjt;e line of BLaek Skirtin yard wide Brocade Brilliaatine at -'ii MILLINERY.. We have just gotten a lot of millini and we wish to give our patrons the A large lot of ladies' Sailor Hats at Sue and 10c. now going at ?<?o. r Sailors that sold for $1, now at C5c. Nice Trinup^tf Huts that sold at 75c, $1, $1.50, $2 and $ '>. In short, we have a large stock c and. we intend to put it on the mark with customers duringthejdull seasoi it easy waiting for the busy soasou ii SHOES!. <>ur line of .shoes- has no e^nal ii ii t<> to >?c>~ net naif. Gents S Also r. full line of ( Itemenibor we pay the express o and guarantee satisfaction or your n: OF MAN! Sheriff's Sale. T.y virtue of sundry tax executions to ! me dirtvted, 1 have levied upon and j will sell the following described lands before the Court-house door in Kingstree on the tirst Momlav in June, for rash, during the legal hours of sale: 1IB acre- of land in Sumter township belonging to .1. 1). Cook, arid bounded as follows: north by Kellev, cast by M. .V. J. Cook, south by ii, IJ rev, west by K. A. Moore. Also. 222 acres of land in Sumter towf) to .M. A..I. vook. j itnd hounded as follows: north by Kel- Icy. east by I). R. Cat it ev. south by I pulvlic mad from Moore's ( russ (load's; to LakeCitv, west bv .1. I), rook. J! I). DAMKL, s. w. c. I Registration Notice !. The ottiee oft he Supervisor of Keg-j istratioiv will lie opened on the first I Monday itv every month for the pur- j |M)seofthe "'gistering of any person [ who is qualified as follows: Who shall have been a resident of the State for two veurs. of the county J< >ne year and of the polling precinct in which the elector offers to vote four months before the day of election, and shall have paid, six months before any j poll tax then due ai.d payable, and who can both read and write any section o? the Constitution of 18i>i? submitted to him by the supervisors of resrisL ration, or <*u? show that he owns, and lias paid at! taxes collectable during the present year on property in this state assessed ai three hundred dollars or mo re J.J. KADhV, Clerk of Hoard* BICYCLES REPAIRED. I* Shop in rear of Cttfrwimn Hotel. IHryrVx Itcpairetl on ^hori , 1 !Vutirp> hicy<XKSTO Ri^i: Terms Reasonable-. -j R J. AOS'] EX. t GEO- r. BITRNETTE, KLOKEX'.'K, S. 0. h I*ractieal Tin, <'oppcr ami j ? Klipct Iron Worker. Tin Root!ug and (iuttering done mywhere. Tobacco Flues, IC Laavo your orders at \\\ T. Witviu^, Kingstree, S. C. RICES ' SELLING! j" kind merchandise. That's the J suclv surprising growth. We dis- j the leading-merchants in larger! ?:it we not only supply the diyj unity, but draw a large trade from s cs that attracts the trade. OODS! st Calicos only 4c a yard?the kind ; .1. ; colons, only lc a yard?sold every- J ad Homespun only l-2c a yard. j ly 25c per yard, to- close out. Waist Silks at 75c a yard that are g at any price you wish., from a i* yard to a $1.70 yard Iilack Crepon. " rr r X T XT I? HV 311JL fal^> 51k x ; ?ry picked up at a splendid bargain, | advantage of our goods buying, that sold at the first of the season Sailors that sold at ohe. now &>e. $1, $2, $.'! aud $4, now* sold at if Millinery bought at close prices et at prices that will til! our store i w hile all the other boys are taking j n the fall. SEXOIESIj li :- "?? r wiin.j Oxford Ties U- llliB IVVJI. .... ,, hoes in every style and quality i ^hiid reii's -Shoes. 11 all hills amounting to $7 aud o\er inney returned to you. TING, S. C, % Jk R4M?i a hi LU^ Is Toefefess and Su i Fawerandol ^ v-4 4-i? /Wi?wnA Vr* OthpF Pni? H 17 U C13 Jul vuuuui VUU>?"> "'V. ....... ... ' ? Vhtt* Not Injure W. A. ateL&rl* ^ 3on, DItr.eJ3or,Tci., su west wo h ivo ever bandied. My sob pre a thoonly Chill T?oic which a child canteJ&i 2 Price 50c. BROWN Mb'VJ. CO., Pbop' NEW SPRING The Largest and Prsttii ;o Lake City, now to be se M ID. Laces atadl. II ANS, GLOVES, POMPADOUIl 1 FIXE SO AI New Idea Patterns?Sheets Pre* lIKIti: AISK A FI'.AV IM>I,I>:i A< 1 'IliS'i'?We are here to stay, therefore ronuge. ECOND?Our vehicles are all standar one to be of good quality. .'IIIJiD?Our stock consists of young a do not ofilen you old and hrokci 'OURTK?We sell at? low down us- w* out our margin i* reduced. ton Hhoraas dz 1 :i\nsTi;KK "OLD AND h FallsFirc km K ^ m Glens Falls, i I PATRONIZE A RESPONSE laving. tYUlhoiiiy to issue Policies, '> sigiiments and e; A. Corn i jW t&Rc Policy Con at this Ager LOUIS JACQl TZ ingrstxs tUBSCRIPTION AOENC1 Subscription to all leading IV eceived at pub'ishers' ratesy thus sin y. Call at the i'ost office. " ~ HIP AN t f TV Ooctoi A G< \ Prescri lorma -?;tv y: ' "?** 'vV . "f ^ Ten /of five cent*, at Prntirf1 Saloons, New?.Starid*. (!tm Shops. Tlicjr banish pain, iod . "i"' One gives reliel! No matter ? jf' ' J? do you good. Ten sample* monial* sent bv mail to any ai v by eIm Rijaui Chemical Co., to *siir > * .* * % i cli" Tonic | aranUod So Cure Chills and \ I] rSelarial Troubles > on. C . tno Sti'tnnrli }Cor r.TWt tlic Hearing, ff . : "Haui ia'a Pepsin I'hiil Tonic l1 tho 5S ?oril>eB :t io h..+practyc.mrl .tuvs :t is jr H i without injury to tnc sWCuch. ' MILLINERY! 3st line Ever Brought sen at 4 G. RODGERS. l-OMBSv WlESSJNfi COMBS. ?S Etc. I ? V IHOI I' OI K KI SI.M>. it m our aim to smite your jiat.1 nml'D ?iiu1 ? ?> warKtnf, oYcrv ,ix? jiiroiig Horses and Mnits. We dfdown lui'-ka. hoi?tw4lj? can. Year in atul ve;t*. -M:k lioUoiu. Biadixam., - - 8. ( *? TRIED/' \ Mi Fin Imrug ol New M ?. II r DCOinJTMT APCWT iLC. nc.oiu*?n i. nuLu i i>;*ke 1 wallop,. Jrut^, .a*- . incHJIatious. cord of JdoonV ids isKcpX 2cy Office.. ^ a. r~< } m i..' riodicals and Magazines v?'ii! be>fin<; expense ol femiUiug won / * ? TAB0LES 's find't >od ? 1 *. '' LptlOIl iitkinti 4, | f?? }: Ij. ?M. Crrveri, Restaurant*, .< ' Jl' :r?I Stores and Barbere ':/ < | luce sleep, and prolong lite. > Vr I ' that's the matter, one Kilt >*e??r 1 I and ore thousand testi* s j> iid(e?.< <>n fceipt of pri.-e, 7 SpruceS:., New.York City. I ' i 1 v / *? ' $! ? 1