>71 * : [<^ ? I : r, AV';'-'' f* 'V Vj" Ar M ^ T?^ SCKCWKWOK i * *? / : ' ; .4 , j v* 1 - \ v , / ^ ?< to; w- v* m ? -} w*y kvi j$1 . - i - s f v : t;J *.'?' ?;> Jn . ; ] <.i t .3 / ;-x 7^ ?>/ &> Jra JS3 r? k-3 Sn # - ' 5 ^< 1 .1 r, : ' ' . - . n. x '?""(? /1 ? , /\7 f v t ri"* t '< I T Y A v c \ \" 1 1 \ .\ ( - (v .. .* * / \ * v ; i . :\ I * o Li?'. L - OV ? < i i I V. . 1 l\i ? IjI A \ ill i*.0 & / A ( , j5.\ I t , i,'?>.\, , . ? \ > , / ! n - ??v* t ? -r - - ? * --tv?"**;r.r - ?-*rs -vrvr?rr --*-?7 *^* ~ " *" --?< >- t -h?*"v- " < f? r-?y.-'.r ? ...?. v.r^,f?t/i uwk"-. vt.. r.-i^jttgar>*ptfc'y^3rru?t'>. - ^ - -j ? ? ? % > -! - v^? t r ? / " * > '"<'2 t '*? J ? '1 *? % 'ftv ' - vt . . v v- > - ' "> * ? - v.v v> . rv> < .%:i ; ' 7 oi? : ; ^ r; o>.?*r ' ?o?' , 7 vs c.* . v - . . ? v . v . c .*1. - . . . ? '? .-.v >.< ? ^'vvay w'u) vi v jlv-? v ?*w j ,v.v?.v^t'u ^ a uc^'v i?. y ^ ' ' '-i-. \ -5 1 . .V; i L j v . ; / v; i: -.l'- . ! e -O AFcAi f ' 'jr.'.-i r By C? LOCAL . AN J r;o;j. >r; tcU j ? . : n * i jr ? % k c jf !i I *; j . . ' < . . . v i t un j). ([uiU' v. .1 : i *. V, . i " an ! \Y. J I' _ . ?? Suvajr*', rc ti-'H' t!ii> ..." . 1 i . i?? ?? . : Mr V.. iv. i .i.i"; i up .\ and is uiak > u v-'iV ii i 1 T.ie '? ' r-. M. ].. S'.iiit and L. ' *' ark: y haw just i y ;r.vnii>?; Liloiy iS.-ir iv>jKvti\e >!o;vs. *" ' ' ( V ill'* .'it vl I UIMI l' amin . :bs store. \\\ reirivt 'o re* oil th? serious i'iises. ol I'r. W. 1 . l< milde, wlin - prostrated with typhoid lever. Ac sordine: to the -ta'c authorities i..e pe..;ioner> vvi!! p-t theii money the latter part ol' this month. i>r. \V. V. Lbockinhn attended t !te inee'inj; ol'lhe I'lmrmaeeiitical n-s ci.stion at t'iiarleston last w eek. V.'u have room for a low more ?1 iv!;jt: ce the gra-s. lieA', (i. F. 31 iilor. pastor o! B.ack river church (colored) sent a watermelon blcum lo tiiis office on the 2>>th in-t. Josh Billings used (o remark "1 hale a lli* darn a Jl/\ We say Sv> too. Kingstree is lull ot' "en ami they are a great nuisance. Black river is in sulci! lid fish t 'nu on Km-, ami those inclined t< piscatory amu>en;enl nn.v |?lv tin "pole" to their heart's content. Mr. J*. 8. Wall, one o 1 Scranton*: leading citizens, was in Kmgstre* Monday ami Tuesday attending court, lie reports his town a: progressing, and says the to'uaccr warehouse will soon be completed i)r. A : i o! .! ! 11 i .? !.' . 3.!r '.!!. iry. a risinjri . . I . I > -? '. i! 1 ( i > I'.i'l! , . | - ' i ' f ",v '.v i- lor i liir;; 1 I., v.!?vre Mk-v will spva ! -'i i!r. . * :?;'pc< ;t, I clever! i * .. .. !! .. ~ i' .:: . 11; 2;>:. . ... . i Mi?s Liiliiin Brockititon, V . msuoro, v*. ii ' h:i> Im*c;i spotu!-1 : _ ! .. ! \.: !, lloit-n " . (I't :"i tr?i ">i Iionn*. y. i - ' ".DMt .v' \ ' i-l il l- iVt'irilCNl n 1. j .Manou c.n::iiy ai U*r ;:!i t \ ers<.*t! visi! 1o ici:*livc*.;:n II ; ' :'n'V f ir.titam. is * *. J; ?*!t* 1 -r -ir! li.v wills ie!aliv;.> . * ; it.'I !.sends it: ?li!.s coaniv. ' i Mos :V/. V. . (:!':iy-i :i ?:ini M. A. I'??^s ;:i ien the n::b]iy i'?;ul ieaUito (ileeloy viile. There was no jwacliij's at the ule!i Oiliat (Jhurch Sunday i::^i:: (Ml a^VM'nl ol lite ao-l'IlOv' o{ t- 'V.; If \l I i I * i:iu. wi:o v. ;'- at i .oiciioe; ill .'i laiit ::.e ?i:-triot conference.; air. Louis residence is ' , >0.1:1; repainted v. .Y. :h improve.its appearance. When tJ?linish-: ing looHios have been put on :t will l>e ono ol the nio.-t nthactive, ' i'i town. We have !"'on roi;uo.stc?i! to nnuoimre iI::11 Dev. \\. S. Foxworlh. , ol ..iar;on. will preaen a! toec'Ias-. jroom ol lav-bant ?>?'<] hoi'tit?ss a--: ; Nation, about (?:j 1 mile F ?-t oi' Kii:active, oveiv ''h Sunday all ! J o\U !v a. in.. ami at ' [<. m. K v. V.". Smith .Mai?in ?b'Jivcr : i'i! an mMivss a! the 1riet eonI I'orencv at ' lorenee last wee!-: on I the sub/eat o! the "Divine author . . if y ol the cliifi: to loach." The' i Mre-'s i ^:ii I 'o have been a I very line el .ut. I >!: Kva Fi-er. who so ally an i ellieienlly i::i ?i tlie p -;!:on ofas^isiant teacher at the Kiniisfree' academy during the past year, i /it nvi /i t id hrr home at Xewl.'wi'rv < . iliis week, $iieat 1 v to the regret t; Company for - \V"i!lia;ii>btirtr county, -nd is audi-' i orized to receive subscriptions to tlie capital stock of said company. (Those who desire to make a sale I 'and pro'itable .investment would i do well to take a lew shares. Apply at The Recoiid office lor lull e particulars. > Mr. (lenry M.Smith, ofDnrling. ton, was in Kingslree yesterday. i ?II it , . \ , k * ? iM 1 . O . ti , | '* ' t \ >' * . il,\ . ! J \! v 01 .'i. , " !: . iJ ! ly'.n '!.D WILL!. ..V c- 'J i.TmInI 13C L ! " .-;L LAW. V?v.!i.?* .*. V/o-.'i \.r !.:c Commission OT n C? . A ~ 5 ~ * O". \ n'. o Child Hamrlon f/?cCii!I :s Srrlenced to Death. 0 !.a:' C c. i News. T!.t- l? < ;' s . r.i! .'-V iur. convenw] here Sloitdsv Rioruin^ -J<-.eh' pr< 'i'hecourt lily ! and proco ]".! 1 o :i" s. i i." first case tiled \v::- tio.t o! tin.-'ate vs. ] nuilon /l.rviii. ? ! m v ' v. i:?j c.-uniuining a raj c upon Co rp Eavi?!y. a little .v!. iio :vivi under iO vcai-oi' a so. i ?*'' i I!' I ^,1 ! CI A. Kel ley and V. J. Kir* f. to -i. !? ?; as *Jv a a fair i w! inipo>!i/iS 11. >!. j h * le.'ou-o j u;< no I. -t.mony. re lying ci 'Ic t vi ionce for the State. Tin* J-ii v \v:.s out on!;, twenty-live ?iIand ' rotislil :':i ; vt'!-.! !< ? ; >guilty. t ia -enU'ive.l I lit* prisoner to be Innsvu on the i .*> ii day of J a no, ilriM. 'i i? 1 - ha- t lie crime of rapt* boon j .:i by due process of law. Too much praise cannot be given to die forbearance of the people i:i the lace of the great pro vocation th y end a red in allowing this wretch to '?: brought t ? trial. 1 in'ih'tails c;l the crime were ro vol tins:. and ;jt one time a lyrtcii in-: was imminent.but. cooler headand tiio wishes of flic gin'" father persuaded the people to lot t!>e law lake its course. The trial is :> credit to Williamsburg. 'i'lie >ocvr.u case called was that ! b:vi: passed t:i? to 1 inie of coluc to press. Alfred White. \ h:\)\s White, .Kiii .'i_:u*s Devi tie. all colored, were tried 'or a?sauit and battery ola 1 j:ir51 and aacravated nature. LeKoy Lee. ii-n.. i;ile an able defense lor the accused ami succeeded in sivurinti 'he acquitta! of i'ltillis White and Ac ties I); c ? ? X 1 1\* I . ? .. Vine. iVi.'JVU u in it- v.-;is n nivicied, but has not yet been sentenced . The court is or?:;?: trod inhearinjr oilier CM-es this < Wednesday inorniny, ::i; i vi!I 'yir-bably adjourt. lo-duy. -V/< . hi onblisli the remainder ol the proceed :ie.\" week. Reply to Mr. Go.vciy. iv.'ilor ('onnly Hc/onl: 1Mease say to 8. W. (rowdy, who asked lor information in rei '"eroni'e to procedure in club ! meeting, thai there is no special [rule laid down; but in :ny opinion I alter club is called to order temporary ollieers should !?e elected, club roll revised, and then permanent ollieers and delegates to countv convention elected. A. H- WILLIAMS, County Chairman. ' : . . ? ' D - .it1 < c. S. . 3 .vr.!? rA. Sa\viso Ij_ri:: 1 -<> j>H)!ni?:cr.;!y in >!:<' hisi:>;v of .!:: {county during Ike day# of reeondied at l.U home at Ml: <>i! ? Jitirsday M 1**1 v.c,'!;. ' ! lis lit*;?:' il ii;:d I-.'ci; Id! - Hi*: i:i;k' and !.;s <:--.t11?. aithonyh ?* I?n a, Wit* not ahn/viiur lan-y ;vn< : !. S-.vnils '.vas Lorn ill the state o: v.-u > i,Mt : o duvet lv after ill ' rlvil War, iii tool: a ;ii pari. in * * e>t..Mishing re j.ublioan ruie in this county, lie was elected ?> ii i state M.'imiv' a number of terms ml was at on? time mo: .%::c. At'to-ihe IV-i:n;erat< Miceeedeil in wresting ti?o reins o? *r:mr iii I rem. the f?.*r>>i:c:::? !'a:.'y,vv .ils v.vn! ?> WuMiir.gton n:?<; v:;;: ? ! a position in I lie <] jiai iii. n? of t ho interior. winch lit , iio.'i until a fr.v months ago. .v.,on !:> was l uxvil by {'.tiling health to lie returned to Ins home il lving-1 ree, where lie snout the . balance ol' Ins days, i wails" remains were carried to Charleston Friday iiml btirieil in ilie cemetery ol' the Humane and Friendly Such tv. A meeting \va- held at Mr Louis Jacob*' Tuesday night to consider :lie matter of establi.-liing a circulating library in Kings tree. The proposition was iuliy dis-l ous>ei! and a coin it ill tee, con. :M ine cT .Messrs. Emile $f. amand. K. C. IT.ps, E. I, Ilirsch, and ii'es I vaii i.nr.s arid Eosste Ivei! ley. was appointed to solicit lands , to establish the library. It is to be hoped th;.i tij:s movement will have tire hearty support of the : citizens of ilin^stree, and tint the necessary funds will be readily, pmeurod. i'he bench's ol a trood binary are manifold, and it is with much pleasure tli it we note ' Iiu efforts now beimt made to secure to tJit* people of Kio^stree ihe b!*?xsi!:^ of such an in.- ii! u . Xever marry a man who has sown much wild oats?JIj -y ar li .Me !o s^rini: up when an.* u ; < you least expect thorn. ifip Hi nui?lian: kll'J i Mill ItJvll .'Ku'Jt rC? ^. k J 11 | | #v CJ' r~ ~ > v rt *""?> M-O ; l.v. . T a n o!!".,viJit;* an ail woo'. > iue S.v j Kino Scry''* Suits. from !? J Fancy Wortcd Sails, -v7 r I nram T)Wf;FT[T7v ,< !:C\ ! !M?v? ' w >? ? j tt>' V.> i ?u -J V.* u I. Some Now Percale ami .Mnhra- !; T."c, ; ' ami ?!. V) each. We are o.T-rin;; a. Silk I.'noli-m S p. On Saturday, only Colored ( i; i*? fo 1 j ? < I HIM ?l V I 1<>.\ * -VI. 1. ? iv . I Joys' WashaMc Punt-. ! I<. Hoys'Skort Pants, in :iii 2no (!ox?'ii Pea and Uluo s >%*Ks \--r > I'ndcrsliirf from 2">r to$l a;-h. Jtrav.'Ts from 2">o to $1 each. Sole Agents for tin; ccle'nrateo , Hamilton-Cariiatt OYKKA I.LS and Pluck Cat Urand Stocki =%? h. I G 224 King St. Opposite Aca< Mail orders promptly atUt ded tu. Tut: Kisinzy . :tx\& I;' Specialist. " ^ j ; \ v.- " **<^3 ? Wi:i IB affl ... > ,' ; ' AfoV Y ? k* ? *vv"*/ ^ ?// ,-a;..?> .';:[i:?$ \>Y" * \ 1; ; "1 mti rra ?" Tie Uirecr :r ci Svra-ep-y.oot at Tcri In III- lLbcr?i.cry. There is a u'senna prevailing in this country rnc t dangerous because so deceptivMany r.ufJen deaths sue caused by it?heart chrcas.\ pneumonia, heart failure c: a-'.p.c::y arc often the result of kidney di' -> sc. If kidn 7 trouble is allotted to adv ace 'he kidr.uy-yoi-.cr.' i bleed v/ili attack i.-.'j vital organs. cr the kidneys themselves u v.!t down ar.d waote away cell by cell. Then the rich.- s of the tlocd?the albumen ?leaks cat and the sufferer has Erighi's D' :33e, th" worst form of kidr.ey trouble. Dr. Kilmer's Sv acto-Root the nev/ disccvv y :s the true specific f sr kidney, bladder and urinary troubles. It has cured thousands of apparently hopeless esses, after all other efforts have failed. At druggists in fifty-cent and dollar sites. A sample bottle sent free cyrr. Kl, aLo a book telling about SwampRoot and its wonderful cures. Address Dr. Ki'.met 6c Co.. -Bingham ion, F. Y. and mention this paper. 0. J. LESESNE !Icj)ivsciit- this county for the Mi MiI Mr Si's t&as&pioii Grain and Grass Cutting Machinery. THE I-JKST MOWEliS, THE IJIASi HINDER, THE 1IEST EEAl'EivS () ; THE MARKET. Every Machine Guaranteed. i I roMu'ctive Iniyers will do "well >) Ic:ir:i of ti:< ~ machines hefuiv !(>; . for SI'.wlato patterns at oOe, '."re Tie for worth "jOc. r -"g*::)VS' AN D CHILDREN'S SCJI I'K i 2-V to si. aaeh, worth i"; per |s:iir. i DITIIESS TROUSERS. Sweot-Orr OVERALLS I.-V a suit, n^s for bovs at tio'j a }>air. n t I BimWfll's RANITE CLOTHING HOUSL iemy of Music Charleston. S. t\ '2a