The county record. [volume] (Kingstree, S.C.) 1885-1975, April 26, 1900, Image 8

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I Closing of the hit Cullough School. i'li? MeCiillough School, tauirht by Mrs. Leiia Boyd, closed April: 17. Fo'lowdig is the program of' the evening: Sop a?Come,Scht?oi mates. Come, by school. lve?* tat ion?Welcome, 1 v -I'liti- ; in a Brown. D.aiogue?Our Ueliirlit, 1>\ ' Kthel, liallie and -H i iieimina .McCu:!o:;ek Luther McConneil. ( \ Bovd and .lack Suiters. * i\. ri!ation?Welcome, bv i>unlop M<-t^illou^h. Uccitalion ? A Lillle I'ovV : | i'roubies,Nathan Ilovd. Dialogue?Aunt Kilty, by K!-| ren Iv>vd, Stella Hudson, Nome j Brown and itfioila McCullou^h, liecilalion?The Inquirer, by j Tula McConnell. iCecitalion?(lbily a Boy. by JL'dJie Morris. Dialogue?'Hie American J-'laii.! ' y Au hlie Brown, Charlie Boyd. K?ida McCuilough and liichardson ' Morris. j _ Recitation?-Roys Wanted, by ! Luther McOonnell. Speaking Tableau ? Visitors iVom a Fairy Lunci, by Klien Royd, lialne and Wilheimina MeCnllough.Maltie Hudson, Jack Sal-! tors and Finn:a Known. Song? llo! My Sohohnates. by ! school. Recitation?Moving bv Mattie! - - I I.l tid>on. Recitation?Corn, by Jack Sal-: ters. Recitation?Foliteness, by Du-| rant McCennell. Dialogue?Queen oi the New; Year, by Kthel, Uallie, Wilhel-j mina atid Kdda AlcCuIlough. Char j 'lie and Nathan Rovd, Kmina audi .. i. it.! Au<Mie Rrown, .J acK sailers,, .uat-i lie IIuilsun. Lulber McDonnell and : Richardson Morris. Recitation?Six Years OIL by i Willie Rp?\vn. Recitation?lite -Orphans, by Nonie Rrevn. Recitation?Recession, by Jidda) McCullougli. Recitation?Courage., by L'thelj McCullougli. Recitation ? Now J ?L:tv Mej Down to Sleep, by J?mma Rrown. Dialogue ? I>et ilJiose Laugh i Who Win, bv Sue McCullougli! m 1 \itnn Siiltms. Drill?by school. Song? Land of Learning, by j Sue and Khoda McCoUougli, Ellen ; Boyd, Lula AkConmekl and Nome ' Brown. Recitation?Drinking a Farm,' by Charlie Boyd. Recitation?' The Lily's Coniidant, by Khoda j McCollough. j Recitation?Catch The Sunshine, by Willhelnuna MeCol-; . ?. iOU?II. Dialogue?Tom'siPracticalJoke. j by Sue and Edda McCllouglk and', .Ellen Boyd. Recitation?Horry's -Lecture,; by Auddie Brown. Recitation?Temperance, bv Hal lie McCollouglt. Song?Another School Day, bv school. Recitation?The Hem, 'by Sue McCol lough. Recitation?Boy's Complain t,j l.y Richardson Morris. Dialogue?How t lie Quarrel .Began, bv Tula McDonnell and j ^Non?e tBrown. Dialogue?Idolize, Auddie and j Einma Brawn, Willheliuina and; llallie McCol tough, and .Mattic! Hudson 1*1 ay?Dr. Cure All, by Suej and Khodu AlcColloiigh, .Lula Alc-j Cotrnel), Stella Hudson, Kllenj Boyd and Alton Sailers. Dialogue?Knowing nhe Cir.euinstances, by Nonie and dim-( ;na Brown, Stella Hudson, and iSihel and Willhelrninu McCollough. Song??Oh Dear, by school. Swnple Ala re I ?by school. .iSoiji:? (i?<oid -I>v Mdino!. ... -? . . . . ' ' r".'.. - *x *1KW11T r mmwfcyrv*v.vcne. MBfBMtt* !n Memory of Little Bessrie Laird. ! There i> notlm-k. however watehed and Milled, | i I III t one dead !;ii:.l> i- there. There is no lire-ide, how.-\< r defined, ' lint lias on' vacant eiiait. Let us lie pmii-i'L These >e\vre atliie!' Not from tin- irronud arise. , I V>Ut oflentlilies cele-tial belli dietioii- , Assume J hi - ilara dis<ru!si>. ( TL'eiv is no death: what s-ems so is < transition. Tiiis life of mor;.:t 1 ! is but a suburb of the lite el>>iaii. ; j Whose jMirtal we call death. ; Hesste ;s i.oj dt ad, the clr If! < f otrrnf. . i fectlOM, Jan unto that school | ^ she n<? longer needs our poor protection. ! 1 And Christ hi?'?>th rule. 1 < ! n that jrrcal cloister's >t iiluc.-- and se elusion. By guardian tinsels led !. Sate l.-oiii tcinptation, >afe ?' <>.n silt'- ! 1 poilut ion, Mosdo iivos uhoir. wr call dead. ! Not a> a child >hall we ajraiu behold I her : ; , For when with runtimes wild I In our etnbraco wva^ain ei fold her, ; Bessie v<-ill nor he a child. Hut a fair maideu in bep Father' ; thaii*ion. ; Clothed with celestial jjraee; And beautiful, with all the v.ul'sex- j pansion. Shall we behold her face. j \V< will ho patient and assuage tie ; \ fseliug ; < Wo may not w'uoily stay; ; .1 liv >ilenoo saiwtifyiiig, n? t emiecnlinj:. | Thet*reut jrriof that must havo way i KESSIK'S (.'KANDKATIIKK. i Qualification tor Voting in the Primary. The (jualification for member-i' ship in any subordinate club of :i the Democratic party of this Slate, 1 or lor vetiitg at a Democratic pri-!?( mary,-shall be as follows, viz.' The; , c i l ificiii 0^:1 |1) \jl voter, siiali be "21 years <?!' ;sge, or shall Iiecmne -s? before the succeeding-general elect ion. and be a s while Democrat or a negro who j 1 voted for ('en. Hampton in lS^b\;c an 1 who voted tlie Democratic ticket continuously binee. l'ro- ; videfl that no white man shall he excluded from participation in ! . I T-v 1 ? - 1 I i the i??emocra:?c primary who suau lake lhe pledge required l>v the '.) rules of tho Democratic party. > _ __ )B *' Indiantown lnk.lis\e;s ?i lobacco transplanting is pro- ^ gressing finely, Moil of'the k' weed" | * has been set out. Cotton -planting'had r, -set 'back j on account of tlie rain which has | been t'aTlini? almost incessantly \ f from lasl Wednesday to Saturday. !t Mr. and Mis. Smoky. of Dar-'rj liugtin are an a vk-it'tw their son s of this section. Mad dogs are-common; one attacked Mr. S. D. Cunningham liie - :? a.... i.;n iv..i I inucri u<tv in iii5 iirui uut jui um- alelv no damage was done. % ! Mr. U. 1). Gamble ot tin's place : made last \ear 4900 lbs., ol' to-! bacce on 21 acres ot land. 1 do! not believe it can be beat in the: bright tobacco belt. Mr. I*. A. AI brook is on a visit j11 to bis old.home, Manning S. G. {' Mr. F. iL. McCullongh passed; ' down onHiis way to Docks a lew ' evenings ago. Lots of attraction j V in that part of the countrv. ^ NIGH TING ALIO, j" Death of Kate Cooper. Kate fjwopec, daughter ot Kilt-;* son Coopei, colored, was born I:l August 28,and died April ! *!7, 1000. .She was a Sunday- ' school teacher and faithful mem- j \ ber of Eli church. ;t Letms all take courage; 1 '.\f r're not Ifft alone; J * 'Jibe lite boat s??on is coining. To bear us to our Fathers' home, j1 C. W.C . ; 1 THE APPETITE OF A (SOAT. ' * Is envied -by all pocr dyspeptics! 1 whose stomach and liver are out of j t order. All such should know that I>r. : f Kind's New Life Pills, the wonderful t stomach and liver remedy, gives a 1 splendid appetite, sound digestion and ' I a regular bodily habit that insures per-( s feet health atid great energy. Only p iou-at .& J'diascn'sdritgjitore. .1 t Lambert Letter. Farmers are very law finishing j Mauling. Some not through Mauling corn; others are making ie;ul\vay putting in cotton seetl. .Mrs. S. L. Ail mam of Vox, has jeen hero on a visit to her ' or, Mrs. J Jar! ley jfafnlv., for the i;?>t week. She called in to see im last .Saturday, Mrs. Alt man is dways a welcome visitor. Measles lia> broken out ayaiir, ,-o:my Mr. Charley iiaselden lias; i well developed case ol'if. Mr. Joe Davis Haseldfu's baby, ihont seven months ol aye. has vhoopiny couyh, also Mr. L. ii. Vciylas" little hoy. and a number >f others. There 's some mumps, i oo. 111 tins section. Easter Sunday was a very pleasit: t day here. Messrs. (Jer.rss Waller lemiuy-vay were at J.amberf, 'rid ay, l.'J'Ji nit. They are a!-* vays pleasant vit-ikirs at Eam-i )crt. W*i-liinir tho IMitor of Tiik Joi'ntt Mecokd much success, we vi! 1 close lor this time. Hoo.. ! "" i fii?tfle Merry lUiok. In-ilicr No. C -.if the ii^'le Hooks, is all about berries. A vliole encyclopedia of Ix-rry lore hoiieii lowm after the manner of the Ka.m, Inurual. Tel! al.out varieties, about, i*iyr. irrowii.^, tmiichuikr, eitiiivat !!?, pickingand mnrkelhi*:. it jrhes rat'lioai pointers from the pen- of . cores o't berry growers froja; 11 parts of the country who have com j rihu'/nt tf- iiM-oluinns. It lias colore.! cpre-or.tu-i'l'H of'berries true to six." inl color, thirli'-tl.rre portraits of inictical bcrrynien, ami thirty-five | itlior illustrations. icrraisoim*]/ bourn! j n el till. The price is aOeel.ts. by mail, j l-cldress the publishers, W.? liner Allan- j ax. Philadelphia, Pa. Patience-.s very g?etl, fcut per- , evernnocis tr.weii better. 'While! lie former stalls as a -stoic wader lifficulties, (he latter v. hips'them! >i;t of the ri<irg. A L?fe and Death Fight. Mr. TV. .A. lJ.Livsuii" Mani-h-ster, la... vriting of liisalmost miraeuloi.s ?v^rapr r<nn death, syas* "Kxposure.ufteT meases induced-serious lung truttble, which iidod in consumpt ion. 1 liail frequent} lemorrhagcs and couched night and } lay. All my doctors sakl I must soon lie. Then 1 began to use I)r, King's s"t'\v hiso'ivory for Consumption, i liich conijietcly cured me. I would lot be without it even if it cost $3.00 a ; Kittle. Hundreds have used it ou my j ecommendaUu!) and all say it never. ores would break out cn iter neau anu ; ace, ami tlie best doctors could give no ' iclp: but her cure is complete and her j lealth is excellent." This shows j vhat thousands have proved.?that ! Clectric Hitters is the host blood puri-! ier known. It's the supreme remedy br eczema, tetter, salt rheum, ulcers, J x?ils and running sores. It stimulates iver, kidneys and bowels, expels xiisons, helps digestion, builds up -the ' treugtli. Only 50 cents. Sold by j Y-'illace & Johnson, drpgg ? * ?e?rauJ * S'rfi* _ l , j/u. > AL. Aa?t(?? ails to cure throat, chest :m?I hinjjj roilbh"*.''Itefjulur-sizc ;*>??* ami $1.00. j 1'rial bcttles frtHs at WuTt ice A: Johnon's ?hU?;Store. I It floesift matter about beantv j leinjt'onlv sk"rn deeji, as Juntas l'? wonn outsifie. HE FMJLEI) THE SUKlWftNS. All'dirtors-told Hentok IJan<Jr?on, ot' Vest .teflrwmi. ()? after sufftt: iny tH J iiouth from Itectal Fistula, Ire would ; lie unlewi a costly operation wis per-!. i>rrne?h; hut'lie cxred liimself wirtli live; K>ues^t* bockleti's Arnica SrfNve, the; urest File cure on earth. andtbe W-t I ?IIA Wn?l.l O" /iiitiu i ImY ; lold by Wallace & ,Tolm*oti thuggist.' The man who has jrlenly < f :old can put a gilt edge or. almost! mv old thing. Glorious Newt. i Coiues from I)r. D. B. 'Cargile, of | Vashita, I. T. lie writes: "Four botles of Klectric Bitters has cured Mrs.; Irewer of scrofula, which had ?\aused lor great suffering for years. Terrible W1 C;ii! y??ur attention to our low prices deep, I:;11 this time wo have jjone to the Willi bargains and loaders that will nvn v\vi J?l ?3L"ra50 "V"V^L<=*"r ECLS* ftXjaa <C^%- v m luui ^*1 tvn vtr ax* u?- hJvi u!! competition. Wee hr.Uon^e any lions selected >loek of all kinds of ;roods. A ft con\ inei you that : ur prices will squash ^.11 sit whi hare lc t<> per n< nt. ivlr.w at! ot>.< A full line of t3CT ra. riRS! KtO ps a jo .v-lnt Vaa^ adit W arws n! L^ua n y\ r-n -- sitiuueys t. - >>?\ Still in the Lead ? I hawjnst opened lip one of the larjje: Spring and Summ ever ir.ouu'ht to town, ami for the next tl induecivieiits it) Nb.TI< )NS. CA LK'OKH ; Iieside>, I carry a mee selection of Li suitable Tor hoys waists very cheap. Men's and Boys' V My-stock ofhats is complete, and wtu meat of the very latest styles at lov.vst p Msm AndBoy; I have* just bought a lot of 100 Hoys' 7> cents and tip. Also, about i">0 Men's Odd Coats and Come quick and be suited before tlto Fresh and complete -te.<-k of Staple ant Satisfaction guaranteed i:a every instai Yours to please, W11 A. W. (iA(;? W. JC. OLIVE (IA(KI, OLIVl DMA LICKSI General Merchandise, Agri AND Shippers of (Mauln(i<Ni l'roduofj Kingstree, Having purchased the entire stock ol Smith and added largely thereto, we beg we are ready to supply their needs at prh be sold. All we a: k is to call and give us A. W. Ga ifij.v. mmmi No. 14 Main St j j KIN STREE, S. C. jwni t>FAL?:i: in i Drugs, Medicines, Chemicals. jofJt Perfiiiery ond fici iii Att.^ SURGICAL 1NSTKOIKNTS, | Trusses, Shoulder Dracea, Syringes. Paints, Oils, Varnishes a-jid ! A] Dye Stuffs. Physicians prescriptions carefully [ prepared at all hours. j j ' ( 9B.J8H EOVUB Tim jzDEztrxxsi1. i| GEOEGETOWN, S. C- If t? K - 17 1-MfO. , J ti, DENTISTRY! |F ,0?0- J?jre 'l&e undersigned, after ? snccess-1 |> of ful practice of Dentistry for thirty- J j| ^ four vears. is now located at Kings- j ? tn tree, at the Brockinton house, J l'< where he is prepared to do any- i .V thing in the Dental line at cut rate 5 prices. Live and let live, is his < M, inotto. No shoddy work shall pass ? r the portals of his office. Satisfac- 5 ^ tiou guaranteed. A trial is solicited t ' Respectfully, J A M. SNIDER, I > Dental surgeon. j jmmm. >Mrm? "?n 'wwgraiu jaoof s this season. Wo nlway cut marrow*. Our store is filled , XDo*W"2^L c in the town t<> show a hotter lance tlir a^li our stock \v?H ^ w W-k. >^4.1 rs. ij^ar xs^Ci tJtfJi ccp^v^) ttrVDrl*rei Vbs^ *lhxi VuUud ?a oo #C < rk m 9 asu t a J i < -t raid most nrt;tj?Icto fcnosof .er "Qxy G-ocds lirtv days I am otrorinjr special ind l*Kll( A l.S: awns in all colors, and Piques 1 Spring Hats. * selected from a larjre ass-nrl. rices. <1 _ / <1 . o _ _ _ _ .Suits, which I :un ottering at Vests at ">(> cents .ruul a.p. y are all pm<\ 1 Fancy Groceriesnlvays ice. (. nine an#. Rive mo a trial. LKjNS. j B C\ G. f I Alli^B EB & CO. cultural Implements ZERS s >, I.umber nml Sliin^!cs s. c. f goods lately owned iby K. Ijto announce to the public that :es as low aslioaest goods car . ? trial!. .gg, Manager. DR. R. J. McCABE, rDEssrrrso:, be a<t Kin^oor^e, S. C, all tire fDOtJ, e.wpAffcre first two uvekf trajarjr., M-?tc4i May,Jul3% Sep^ m*C iu?2 N?HVMiiber. W. C. DAVIS, nrn/\-nixT*ntr Am T A tIT L XUXUXXj I-Ai-LiA VV* Manning, S. C. jrvicescan be obtained promp>y wire or letter. hit* mi easy matter cSaini ? at a reun^y'luiswotiderttj) euro- J re power. The Marcntaretur^-rs of \ IHEUMAClDEf ive it to those who have been ? rmanentlv and imsitivelv cured > Kl! Kf'MATISM tb inako { litns. Among those who have ? [ written us voluntary let- 5 rs saying they have been eureii- 5 4^ b: Kev. J. L. Foster, Raleigh, ? I , Mr. J. E, Itubinso-, Editor 5 ihlsboro, X. C.,Oaily Argus; Mr. J I talis, a proniineiir merchant, 5 aeon. Oa.and Mr. \V. it. Lmke, # ail road man, Kansas City, Mo. 5 w Rheumacide Will Cure You. ? anufaitnred bv 5 HIE UOKHI'rT DRUG CO.. ? ' Raleigh. N. C. > 4>ld in Kings tree by Wallace Si < Johnson, Price $1 per bottle. * ' VWVWWVWWVWVWW tf