\ an host. Presbyterian Church Eov.. J. E. 3uniop, pastor, 1st Sunday, 4 p, m.; Jrd Sunday 11 a. in. Methodist Church Rev. W S. Mart:n, pastor, let and 4th Surtdaye, li a. a. and 7:30 p. m.; 3 J Sunday, 7:30p. in. Baptist Church Rev. F. W. EaRon, minister, 2nd Sunday. 11 a. m. and 7:30 p. w.; -1th Snnday 7:3Q p. m. Episcopal Church -Rev. R. W. Barnwell, pastor, 2nd Sunday 11 a. in.,7:30 p. Ei. Gentlemen's 20-incb. Black Gloria Silk, Steel rod-, Sterlmg silver, turned Congo handles, ?1.30. 23-inch, Steel and Wood rods, Black Serge, 49 cents. 2G-incb, Black Serge, latest style Horn handle, $1.24. BLACK SATINE at 5 cents. White Lawn, 40 inches wide, 5c. Cambric at 5c. White Table Damask at 20, 25, 34. 48, 50. 74c, SI aDd $1.25. Bed Dnmusk at 15, 20, 25 and 35o. Beautiful Colored Silks at 24 cents. Huek Towels, bright borders 5c. Towels at Sj. Bleached Huck Towels, H S, 37x20, at 10 cents. Lace Curtains, Crash Skirts, white Plaid Aprons, Wrappers, Lambrequins, Tipsel Drapery, Bureau Scarfs, Pillow Cases, Side Combs,Shirt Waists,Bru.-h Braid, Dress Bones, Crash, Straw Sailors.l^ll Crown Sailors, andscverul other kind# too numerous to mention I and quote prices, proportionately cneap. Just received, 1 case (Jordet's Bcatifal Gcod6 at 5c per yard . Furniture DepartmentlU-piecc Solid Oak Suits 817. 10-piece Solid Ouk Suits 818. 10-piece Solid Walnut Suits $65 to, 8110. Solid Oik Sideboards 812 to 815. Imitation Walnut Sideboards 86 50 to $8. Single Lounges 8* to 86. Bed Loaugee G8.50 to 815. Imitation Wulunt Beda 82.50 to 86. Mattresses ?2 to 88. Bed Springs 82.25 to 84. 6-foot Oak Extension Tables $1.50 to: 810. 5-foot Imitation Oak Extension Tables 83.50., Kitchen Table $1.25 to $1.75. Full Size Willow Rockers Sl.oU. Kitchen Safes $2. 75 to ?3.50. Stoves ?5.25 to ?20. Ladies' Desks $"> to $14. 10-piece Decorated Charniber sets $2.19 ' 6-foot Smyrna Rugs 82.88. 5-foot Velvet Carpet Rugs C*.50. 5-foot Smyrna Rugs 81.10. 3-foot Smyrna Ruga Cj.\ 6-foot .Tuto Rugs 98c. Window sb ad Chinese and Japanese mnttiegs. 8118 ROM, i 573 and?>75 King St., Charleston.S.C. Skis Diseases, I For the speedy and permanent or.re oi' j tetter, salt rheum and eczema. Cham- | berlain's Eye and .Skin Ointment in' without an equal. It relieves tlm itching and smarting almost instantly and ' its continued use effects a permanent, cure. It also cures itch, barber's itch, scald head, sore nipples, itching pii s. chapped hands, chrouic sore eyos'and granulated lids. Dr. fady's Condition Powders for ( horses are the best tonic, blood puritiei . and vermifuge Price, 35cent3. Sold by ' OUIC CLUB OFFKUS. The County Reoord one year and the Farm Journal live years. SI.00. The County Record ouo year and the Homo and Furm, SI.25. The County Record ono year and the Seni-?Veekly News and Courior, $1.75. The County Record one year and the Tri-Weekly (N. Y.) World, $1.65. The County Record ono year end the Semi-Weekly Columbia State,$2.00. The Connty Record one year and the Atlanta Constitution, $1.75. Diieii on Kuuerib CASH DRY GOODS STORE. Some Of Oar Specials: Ladies' Umbrellas, 26-incb, Black Serge, 12 different styles of Decorated China and Sterling Silver, Congo handles, 83 cents. 20-inch, Steel rods. Black Serge, Congo bandies, 49 cents. 26-inch, Black Silk, Sterling Silver, Turned Corgo handles, 81.29. 26-incb, extra quality. Black Seige, > with black and dark green carved ban- i dies, at 65 and 98 cents. j which not the faintest effort was made 1 to restrain. Senator Pottus, of Ala- rx bama. the oldest member of the body rj bis age being only a few months short i J of fcur score years delivered the j ( funn.ie.-it rpeevh heard within the Sen- j ] a^o chamber in many years. It sparkl- [ ed with wit and bubbled over with s 'humor. Its sarcasm was keen, hut ; j not bitter; and even those who were i the victims of it could rot but enjoy 1 its perfect good humor and its unalloyed fun. Throughout it all, Mr. Pet- 1 tus was os solemn as if he were de- j i liver lug a funeral oration. Mr. Proc-. i tor. Republican, of Vermont, delivered l a forceful argument in ripocct of free i trade with the island of Pot to Rico. Considerable progress was msdc with j the Porto Rican measure during the day. most of the ccramittee amend- ' mends ard several offered by Senators j 1 being disposed of. Mr. Dcp?w. of New j ' York, and Mr. Soccner. of Wisconsin, j i gave notice tbat th.-v would speak on ; j Man day on the P~^to Rienn bi1'. Con- ! si deration c: tin Porto R'oaa bill was then resrrr>r 1 and Mr. Procter spoke. ( Eiglitv-fifth Day. The feature cf the . day's session was an exhaustive dis- . cussion of the pending measure by Mr. ! Fairbanks, of Indiana. Particular in- i ' torest was manifested by Senators on i both -ides of the chatnber in the speech j tn view c* tho ati' vJe of Mr. F'oSr- j banks' colleague, Mr. Bcvcridge. He supported vigorously and unequivocally the pending measure, making an. argument which. s~me of his colleagues said, would attract widespread at ton- , tion. Consideration of the Porto Rican bill being resumed. Mr. Bacon, of Gem*- ; gia. made a statement concerning th 1 substitute offered yesterday for tin1 ; pending unfinished businers. Ho de- ; sired, he said, to take to himself no , credit for the substitute as it was the j measure originally prepared by Mr. , Foralcer. amended slightly. He could l not speak for all members on bis side ; of the chamber, but he knew that as h? bad introduced the measure in the ut- j most good faith, some Democrats, at i least, would support it. It presented, j he thought, the best proposition yet j made, inasmuch a3 it provided a free j territorial government of the United ' States. * d F HOUSE. B Eighty-third Day After fonr days ' of stormy debate the house passed the t Army Appropriation Bill. As passed j 0 the bill is only slightly modified from ' j the form in which it came from the i committee. One of the last amend- 3 raents adopted opens the Soldiers' ! * Homes to the officers and men of the P volunteer and regular armies inc-up-a- i * citated 'by service during or since the . ti Spanish War. The chief incident of , n the day was a defense of the War De- , u parttnent by Mr. Parker (N. J.), against. t the charge of reckless extravagance in the fitting up of the transport Sumner j j: made by Mr. Driggs, of New York, yes- ' , terday. i Mr. MoRae (Dem., Ark.), moved to i strike from the provision for the J "manufacture or purchase" of small # arm ammunition the words "or pur- | ch2se." he declared 'that the govern- j |' inent had ample facility .for the manu- j facture of ammunition. Mr. Hull vig-1 orously opposed the amendment. It night be necessary to purchase ammunition and the hands of the govern- 1 ment should not be tied. He called at- ' tenticn to our helpless condition for j lack of ammunition at the opening of the Spanish War and said ho ravcrea the accumulation of munitions of war. j Mr. Underwood (Ala.), f~ cred the amendment. Ke was opposed to pine- ; 1ns discretionary power to purchase in j the hand.- of ihe War Department. He j was inclined to think it led to extra- j vag.ance and jobbery. and called the j attention of th? House to the facts { elicited yesterday regarding the trans- i port Sumner. This referenc to tho Sumner aroused Jfr. Parker, who d^- 1 tailed the hhory -f the vessel, which, said, ran :,cer. wildly distorted. At 1:2." p. m. tk House adjourned. ! ( Eighrj-.ou h l ay. The House de- j voted the day to v. jlt claims. The bill to rcrrtur. ::e rh British Cable Co ail-any fa" xw ?.'> incurred in repair- c ing the H mi hi cable, cut by Admiral \ Dewey, which was under com.?!deration c several v.cek- age. was consigned to t /vui-.-i-n ;k was 1 bill to refer to the | Court of Claims the claim-; of citizens ! ' of certain 'border counties of Pernsyl- | van: i wl: : suffered losses during the J ~ vnri:.f-s ii -ursiors of rebel forces into ' ' that State duTing the civil wjtr. This 1 1 bill has been before Ccs'grots for over 1." vi -,ts and involves about $3,4f>0,000. , Eighty-fifth Day. The House finish- i rd up a hard woek'-< work by passing I the fortifications . upropriations bill. Not a single :?uu:. .meat was offered 1 # CONCESSIONAL c I iVunt Our Law makers are Doing from ' Day to Day. I SENATE. i ? Eighty-third Day. A direct vote was taken by the Senate cn the propo- e sition to strike from the Porto Rico e measure the provision levying fifteen ? per cent, of the Dingiey lav/ duties 2 upon Porto Rico products. The propo- j c sition was defeated by a vote of 16 t* : r 33. 3 The feature of the debate was the speech of Mr. Ileveridge, of Indiana. While he advocated reciprocity between the United States and Porto Rico, he announced that if all efforts {) to secure free trade should fail lie wouid support the pending bill. The ( bill was under discussion throughout the session, several important amend - 11 monts being agreed to. h Eighty-fourth Day. -Merriment swept j t the traditional dignity of the Senate. J li Staid sticklers for senatorial decorum ! t literally held their sides and scouted j with lr.;u*hter, while the crowded gal- j r lfrifs ir'nfvl in the lauzMns tumult. ind tlio bill pas-ed as it came from the ommittee. A three hours' political delate was precipitated, many aienjber3 ?n both sides being drawn into it. 'Mr. Iemenway, of Indiana, in charge of the till, explained that the measure carried i7.09o.4SS. being $t.G95,4.">0 less than the j stimares. He said reductions in the stimates demonstrated that the govrnment could manufacture its ow* j pins cheaper than it couid buy them i md the appropriation would be suffi- J lent CO Keep uur gun uuiu.iw at nvi r\ | light hours a day for the ensninf | rear. Sympathy Between BIrrfi. In the Zoological (tardea at l'aris a olable oecurrenee took place the other ay. Professor A. Milne-Kd wards, the in I ilea t naturalist, witnessed it. and iiade it the subject of a a article which ias just appeared iu a French selenitic journal. Two so-called snn birds lave been for a good while inmates of lie aviary in the garden. These birds ire popularly known as Japanese liglititigalcs, though tliey arc not buudJu Japan, and their song in no vay seiubles that of tue nightingale, i'liey have red bills, orange breasts and | ,viii'rV Their home is in III- I iia ami in China. Tin* two birds in ,'aris fared comfortably until one day i gray cardinal got into their cage ind at once picked a quarrel. One of he sun birds lost almost all its feathers and was grWvotisly wounded. The poor creature found itself cripiled and tillable to sit on the perch. Furthermore, its feathers being gone, t suffered greatly from cold. .Marvelous now was the sympathy manifested >y its companion. Every evening !t lathered moss and hay. with which t made a warm bed for the invalid. 10very night it perched beside the suftno folii iioor. its wings being spread out to warm its companion as | iuuch as possible. For several nights j t played the part of a good Sunmritan. I All its efforts were unavnh'iiii;. ami the wounded bird died. Thereupon tic at her literally grieved to death. It refused to eat. and remained crouching iu the cage until it had j .iued its cow pani??n I Conquering: Crace. Her Falher Why do you wish to , tuarry him, Grace? Grace Why, because he loves me. ller Father But. do you love him: j, (Irace Why. I never thought A Farm Library of une * _ Up-'o-date, Concise anc somcly Printed and E l ) By JAC01 i no- 1-higgle hor V C ' \ r I All about Horses a Cot A. iff 1 74 illustrations; a stand J if Si \ No. 2-BIGQLE BERI 3^ \ All about growinjr Sma ? . 1 contains 43 colored lite-1 1 <3?*- J varieties and ioo other W*. \ No. 3-BIGQLE POUI ^ I about Poultry ; the / tells everything: withr J of all the principal bree / Price, 50 Cents. rsj\ ?v/x _( No. 4 BIGGLE COW j All about Cows and the r vr Vjr M sale; contaius 8coiore< I #Xu V breed, with 132 other ill \ /T im? c;_Rinni R ?wi[ f Just out. All about Hi I 7 I cry. Diseases, etc. Coi \\ (?< I tones and other engravi 4) \ \ The BIUOLE BOOKS are un \ saw anything like them f ^ v- \ ere having an enorrooi i JT t T| {/Sa South. Every one who F L**. ? g Chicken, or grows Smi L 1 away for the BIQGLE W-^FARM J in** Is your paper, made for you 1 H. old; it is the great boilcd-di quit-after-you-have-said-it. F the world the biggest paper | of America having over a mi : Any ONE of the BIGGLE BOOKS, an J p YEARS (remainder of 1S99, iqoo, 1901, 1902 1 to any address lor A DOLLAR BILL, j Sample of FARM JOURNAL and circular de I ivitiiER atkinson. Address, 1 j c has. F. jenkins. t?iM A Imperi \$fj Coverei I Admittedly the BE*' the mos The Imperial TaV" One Gallon ^ J] The needle keeps the b Vi K the generating tube beinj \] that will not go out. T flicker. The light can be a gas jet or lamp. The I on the market and every be had. IT WILL PAY I! in I ^ not so^ 'n y?ur town THE IMPER1 X 132-134 Lake Street, Kodol 1. Dyspepsia Cure l| Digests what you eat. It artificially digests the food and aids Nature in strengthening and recon- isitC (ore ?tructing the exhausted digestive or- Urth,?' rrona it 5a tb/> latestdiscovereddigest ant and tonic. No other preparation I?pVi.-pL can approach it in efficiency. It in- ! *???!' > 6tantly relieves and permanently cures F.^ien'V Dyspepsia, Indigestion. Heartburn, IJ" Flatulence, Sour Stomacli, Nausea, Sick Headache,Gastralizia.Cramps.and all other results of imperfect digestion. i ^ Preparsd by E. <" DeWltt ACo.. Chicago. > ^ ftsbaliisj use it |a Nearly everyone does, and if so yo S l([/ know all about how far superior i? :s t JUU cither baking soda or baking oov."Jci Ii_ I MZ? Of iin-l lie.' .... a"1' vrew k the latest advance ;n ;ia^i:i;; propa'a Hi""1 ionn, and if ycu don't t:sc i: \<>.i >: ,>.;.d -1 "nt railroad tou can ~i Is F.etl 'r Tha:i Sofia in* th* an-1 |>a>: Ik'-.T'so it will m; ke biseni. jur.t ritrf>s :iuc" #l .. ?? .. tHWon every t?:rc. Ao move ye.io.v .- _hj-.s < w^nc? vor1 i t- ;*e " Kurth< l~ "t" ctamtim -at V- A A rr.t , irorttim t Tii lidtCT !>.'{.?"/j7jfJ * (JH'f.f.' no ui'Uti i . * The o bi cause 1. is aalt v.* strong ae>".'*i va'ue, t one heaping U-jiK;^>->:miI w:!! <' > t' JjSJoo wo'k of two rov.adetl teaspoonJ ids o The p tic bist baking powder ivcr made. _ .tie ">jr i 't !):>:: 'i Sooil <>* ? , . ,. it t>:ian lint is so prepared t.:::t with ordinary It. J. ? care it will ictain its :nil stiength f< ohicaSo cars. Y'-j do n<>tli;ive t.? pack i' i: ?*,l,1k,l>r t-i it 1 l . IfOuktl'l ;::i cins iukinij ]>>wmT. ami tSTO j '-nablrs t:s n? give ton 1>< ttt \Cm?o va r.v f< r your moii.y thai! voa iva *h-ki? , I 1. 'V.r? Uetall JVrr.fHi .'.'it iiheir /urn* ^CWII , t '|C .. cv r.rrc fnnrc! JUUllOj iqualled value Practical, \ I Comprehensive Hand- ; beautifully Illustrated. B BIGQLE [ SE BOOK nmon-Sense Treatise, with over $ lard work. Price, 50 Cents. RY BOOK II Fruits read and learn how; ike reproductionsofall leading illustrations. Price, 50 Cents. .TRY BOOK best Poultry Book in existence ; 5 colored life-like reproductions j ds; with 103 other illustiations. j BOOK j Dairy Business ; having a great 1 life-like reproductions of each lustrations. Price, 50 Cents. SE BOOK jgs Breeding, Feeding, Butch- j tains over So beautiful half- I ings. Price, 50 Cents. j ique,original,useful yon never so practical, so sensible. They t us sale East, West, North and t keeps a Horse, Cow. Hog or J all Fruits, ought to send right BOOKS. The M : tOURNAL md not a mis&t. It is 22 years 11 >wti, hit-the-nail-on-tbe-head, arm and Household paper in of its size in the United States llion and a-halfregular readers. 1 id the FARM JOURNAL and 1903) will be sent by mail scribing BIGGLE BOOKS free. KARM JOIRNAI. PHILADELPHIA 1 1 "farm . - ~ ial Gas Lamp . 1 by U. S. Patents. t ST light on the market and t economical. s common store gasoline and gives a. candle power light at a cost of one per day. will burn 60 hours. urner clean, so tt will not clog, and I in center of flame, insures a light here is no odor, no smoke and no : raised or turned down just as with mperial is the most perfect light thing pertaining to it is the best to ' TO INVESTIGATE. write us for catalogue. AL GAS LAMP CO. CHICAGO, ILL* IE HYGIEnlC MATTRESS. j nttres* depend* 1 irjjoly upon &ir-the roost reeil? known to science (or it* luxurious comfort in nsta hollow central air spare tlrj length and width lattresi contain.ng sprinit section with N? steel ntercotiel into woven wire fairies at fop ami Put nanil'bls iapluowi the tilling. a?n-ak?orbciil u?tlire white cnltan Mi. The air under prcwmie in tinn with tho sprint* result in a mot-t leiiarki.hle r.ami ?ith the other features make the matrices , pneumatic, ultwatlliHn and of downi ?ofi Iter lliun uny oilier muirrea* at any price. PfSPC-T? introduce onr j r W Ci & 416.01) " A < M c." f* fl Hyglfili! Muttrisw w>- wil' for a 'iraited time Include firh etery ^ Jf| order a fiua Hra?? Triman; ^nr 1 White Kniinirlrit Xr^l B? 4 Fn?w It 11 - celebrated i stent ~Tj|_ A t .M L" ltr. nj' m ""1 ^ I a-loi'tert l>y the P. H. \ | J Army uflor Ih'eo J '2 ? ? . i \ i i months of the n out I I II) I i I < (I ' ri^iil trots 11.4 bent 3P fc w 141 *3 '. W. I hii.inj the :i e jr |[V)*Ht virtues ? ???fi.ri.ilurnhlllti end i'?4. Adjusts itself antomaiicail* to larrmr A tn'l heavy in-rsoti lyiBKMue b;. 'iile will .-"-ciiia c each o'lter. t?rnd u? true Dollnr. -late iUx?S i B i Ij V ;ia"?ViV "* eix>MBMSBiU1 *3Cl ' ij 4.t>? anil freltM rlwrw-i itlj when Hottshe'l that exa-tl" as represented. Wl.eienll * use rllli order ?vv nrenny freight In full from lh'?eiid. ?r. wo will make ehiiwnoMt vritli the fifis. under that if. in ><>ir jtilereen thainatrneMalone ianot ,'J i ml hotter thnn any othc r uinttruw, it hoe- costly, you can hnve your monoy back. .lee of til is "tiartresr "li>e~ not be/in t?. I*; ic ent it* I. . r..! .i.l:.1 eimfiirr lnoi.il .n its u-e Nurli Ijr who has ttsel it Mm- f.tr }.au tvcorltni 11 ^""" value re-ieiv?il in 'h? first 'tonih'*uu. * rem 141 oTeisl in connection with tboro?t*r??< m icifr f-ou u< /or tho adverciiit.-it; wbi-h we exibt.ni i f"On the n-9on your curt of this n it're,,. lisp i.'.otn tn.it its full merit* chji Iki net recietii) iiue?t v i will utnd duplicates of jen-sO'-al letters . anient 1 rva the celebrated Cticar<> M?r;n?". . Mnrph v Waaliiiiztoii llemnt, (at** postmaster of i; Mr. .ltwerih Xieurl. of Klein i. Cooi-ir A to of ; .Indite K. *V. Clifford of Chicaco,rna n ;*n> oil er mo people, of the rnorita o." this tnuttrew.*. .V?h lee 1 "* " a p C Sample* o' owers nn'l Illustrate I ratnU loifues ihovirr; taoro than 60 s|i Its ( oorhmut all ?tf? ?. "lev*. Aeim* Kcwluif ?>s. Drits Mnqmi Acme Itriiss-Trliami ?l ,1 Urdu. Mnnllc '4, ami I'prlslit b'sldlag halm. Kurt- "s etc. ( i 6Ph.lNC J W. U3<1 8t. Ii C*. ;HIC4C*?. >