The county record. [volume] (Kingstree, S.C.) 1885-1975, March 29, 1900, Image 1

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tp5;l |||^ ^ '0ttTE J^ ^V 01^V 1 ~~~" * .. . . ZZH VOL. aYL KIXGSTKEK, SOUTH CAKOIMNA, THURSDAY. MARCH TV ismo. NO.IO. +rr? y w?-n . yw.n~~^ I'twii W>LTJI m j."*"j?ifvjt JTJK C* r -/^r-.r-^rrTTV^AI-I.i ixwurv wmrrmm ncwtn y!n*avB **' - -J-- "* * "u*~jA*" *-* ua.iiia.uaawi.iHi,1 |M- J " ow***wwwa i nmmMnBWMBnBMHnKWMBmnninB|MRHi P.? AtOAyHo Haw Display Mvrtisemeiits Will be deceived, or Old Or^es Changed, Later Than Tuesday Morning. * mm nt mm i Li,'.J ' i!llllkloi? a f fa! re caught by out local rep.-.tter and noted. (jon i'i horm .vid printed i:. l.-k.* f/.. '.r?er ic.r the s.iks of c'/r vk'iarv readers. > . .! .? ramlid.tles have v .?;;?* 1.? . . 1 j iml. ' !' < i mil.v canii* o\ : !":(lowniisis. t . i. t. ''.?vin^ton, :i >'.v o' !. i', visited ivioiul! '!"( ' ' ; tv> i iii< wit!;. i ,. v r:!'. c* <1! ?i;i? ^ (hint. m< t. >< .( ? l?;lt u' t'if ' niar 1 ! > ?" r .;;i -!i' M > !:(y hi^lr. '! U'-' r. ufSnc :: . 1 i. !v ' : y on ai'vouni ol sinail ; >; v. ? :"i 1 !:i?l F'i<I ?y. ' I i- l . : i :is ivs**: r<*n a in! - . ! - i i--' 1 iKr-n?u.!? v' y inu to Charles t- n. !i .. . :-V> M. Clirist :4 ' ? n'ainr.l : !! I lie e> i . < it .:ienN ol a newspaper i \ 'i ..: ! II .; * As{;in<-\ lv?| , having <m?iuj?i^it-?i jjis work in ("apt. KelK-y'*< :!i v. i< ft on Monday for Lis home ii: Lake City. Mr. J. M. Siur^pon, the popular in-^t o:' the Lake City Hotel, was on our streets Monday, lie reports Lake City in good shape and live Iroin smallpox. Y We have just got in a lot ol triple-wove canary envelopes and eon tract bond note heads. We can sell ihese at Charleston prices and throw in tlie printjng. ' Honesty is the best po'icy" on general principles; but the } '<!tiiiiililp ic tlio host noliev. when "'J I "? it comes to lire insurance. A strong Southern company seeking Southern support. Daniel Ilicks, an aged negro, while on his way to his wife's home at Smith's Mills last Wednesday, died suddenly of heart disease. An inquest was held over .the hod>, and death was found to have resulted lrom natural causes. lie v. F. W. Eason tendered his - I- _ t k resignation 10 me oapusi cuureu at this place last Sunday. Dr. Dason is a preacher ol rare ability and lias made many friends here among all denominations, who are reluctant to give him up. We are indebted to the courtesy of Dr. W. S. Lynch, of the South Carolina .Medical College, for an invitation to the con mencemeni exercises ol that institution, which takes place Tuesday evening, April 0, at the Academy of Music. Why patronize non-resident fire insurance agenis.who never spend adollai to the good of the town, when by applying at this ofliee \ou can obtain a policy in the iajnilable, a strong Charleston company seeking Southern supA f ort, or a half dozen other of the strongest companies in the world. Some of the most disgracelul acts are performed by the most grace fill sinncis. Sj rin:: 15 ink )>osli .'liao. of which Mr. W. !i. MoJ-ilvoen is postnin. ; itt. ha- ln'cu made a mom* v or!cl ( !;: V. t.'ilK'il to 1 Jit* C'HiVOIli.'l.'CV ?: i'< ..i5. i~. We !n nr it whi>! ! a! that 'here is in ce;iVi::p.y.lj?;:i 'no oai\v ocmiec;io;i 41 . . "... ii: ->y 11 11-j?Is- ;ie Oi tnat < ; j.-e :m<i I!?>>v i:. V.'e I't.j c the r' is \v? 11 jlUlltliifll. Newc from Rheir.s. S mii -oI our farmers have com ?i K'ain A* Sons have a hrrre crop of proniiMn:: spriny i ;?!-. Mr. Sam Snow.!,-!.. :i popular mm; of j nI;.j:jI:?wn, )!a> v,vc*| !t ?l ;i j?r.oiti< ii as clerk lor i". :i:4 :n o,* S^us. \\ o \vi>h kirn ?i:c( (-*>< i:t !.> j.-. carter. ("ado! J. lilu'Mi re I urned to Porter": Mi it an A<miiM;iv a low i:ia! tor ar. extended l'ur !<n;u:Ii a! home. I .Mr. \V. iJ Ciirry. Sr., died a few days ayo. Iln remains wore interred at the Antimh Itapti.-t church, iiev. A. K. Holler c??:kIuct 'iiiji she tuncial services. Vi e learn that .Mr. Curry 'Ads in his SSili The Whippoorwill seems to j think that Jack Frost has iii-eitecl : out of existence, but this is one j of his serious mistakes, had he been one of the smart set (.1 birds last week he would have thought ; differently 1 Tire steamer Fauna Twiggs met with an accident while on her way j to Georgetown a lew nights ago. 'The Two Brothers, a sister boat, was on her way up and thev ran together, knocking a large hole ! in (he Twiggs and sinking her. She bus been taken np by Capt, Daggett, and is noiv being repaired at Georgetown. The boats belong to the Hlack River Steamboat Co. The Joss is not estimated. Jack Frost. Trio T ipics. j We are having some rain no;v ; which is much needed at this time. Miss Beck Bryan has returned home after a prolonged stay kore. Mr Kaaarek lias just returned from Charleston, where he lias been buying spring goods. Mrs. S. B. Brvan is in <Georgetown ou a visit to relatives and friends. Mrs E. J. Brown formerly pro| prietress of the Trio hotel, has I moved to Georgetown to put up a hotel there on Main Street. |' Mr. Chas. Joy nor had the misj fortune of having one of his fingers cut off and another on* hurl in the planing mill here. ? i ~ i.:. won, as news is m-uicv m im> place 1 will have to close tor this >i:ne. M. - > ? ? ? * ? Just Received sixty-live ((>">) head of mules and horses and they must be sold, thirty ot them just arrived from the West; all sizes and kinds; come and see if we can't sell you cheaper than any market south of Atlanta. Thomas A* Sradham, Manning. S. C. i iPiFii mm i 11 & 1 1/ nUUkk wLb 1! 11 t> i C i I ? 1* BY THE CHARLESTON POST ON THE CONGRESSIONAL RACE. : | incidentally He Dseusses a Letter Signed by Co!. E.iiott and C:rcu'atcd in Charleston. Sim o: tin* (YiiLr s-iona! * ? ! ; :,t<v he!ween Is:mso!t ('oh i Elliott. -Mr. .I. W liurnwojl .sai?I j :to day that lie had seen the com-; munioatien ol <'<>!. Ellin!!, ]>ub!!-!:< d i;i (iic Evening I'osl, Sijvii _ ! j , ' i ina! t.n* Miration jii 1 /eceniuer! . !.i?t "cmiM not have wen morel .-ati>inctnr\" to him 'hen. ami ' ha! ! ha'l n-norts-inee rcctv .] nbso-j v. c ijili:;n the above sitna: . t ion. i Ail candid le-A'sati Mr. are ox-t wioio certain of -uc I an i bo won id only say that ; as < iiiy :>{ 'hi; two em:Id he elected, it was jus! as wej that he,' | iiouid wr.i; un'.ii iiiv* returns eoine | ; in bolero >olo:nii!v doeT.irimx 111 I ' . I III' nomination was In -i. -V i r i #<; Mi we!! cntimei that I oi. I MHioU's rcj or:*- were very inully, ; lor they did not show that his (Mr.: J Barnwell's) supporters j::i<I been; j increasing. In some parts at the; ! district. where he bee tin with no ' ^ l j supporters?, they were now mini-' ) l>eie(l by hundreds, he said. Sne:ikin?r r?f n fcrlsin !?- tr?r Mr Barnwell spoke as follows: "It ! certainly seemed strange tliat if ; Col. Elliott was certain of success he should he obliged to use the j following argument in a typeI written letter signed by himself land sent out in Charleston.'' Mr. Barnwell then read as follows from a letter in his hands: "But while 1 of course concede the high qualifications of my opponent, still I may be permitted to say inj my own behalf that I regard my-J sell equally as worthy of the im-j portant trust. Add to this thecir- j cumstances under which my seat ; ! has been contested in times past,! involving always the prospect oi l negro representation lor Charles-' ton, or the escajie therefrom pure- i ly through my lacing a possible if not positive sacrifice when no other democrat responded." This was certainly a singular statement, said Mr. Jbarnwell, ulion it) 1 Im t Jiroa | n livti in 11 iv umj uiiuv vivvuwiio : 1 n which Col. Elliott was to repre-j sent Charleston, lie was opposed in two lor the democratic noinina-! lion. In the first election, in 14f>4. | by Mr. Sullivan, and in the last J election, 1 SOS, by Col. Murphy,! 1 up to the time of his death, l With regard to campaign ru-! 1 mors, they were rile at all times, j I said Mr. Barnwell, and were not j j worthy of public notice notice unj less they could be traced home to I the opposing candidate. Crintinlllliir lia I l> ! I if ivrx V> V/ ii (ill (14 II ^ 11V DlllU llltiVi 4 t *1 !? ! | j singular that while Col. Elliott J j praises (lie Charlestomnns wliol : support him, although not a I ! Charleston man, a supporter of his (Mr. Barnwell's) in Beaufort, should write him that his supporter was denounced there as a traitor' lor not supporting Col. Elliott, even though he (Mr. Barnwell) grew up ii. Beaufort. J Mr. Barnwell said it seemed (hat nc.t 0:1!;* would Col. IMIiott continue* to the end n- a candidate this year, l>nt his son's newspaper, published in Ileautort, announced vilitoiially in its last isMioilmt tlie colonel ;<w:ll he a candidate for renoini nation two years'Von; now." Thi- certainlv would prevent misundiw-tandiuir. Vv'Jien lie (.Mr. llarnweM) first annonnceti liis candidacy" one of (toI. Kllio't's chief supporters ha 1 I to him that he thought iw should have put it oil for two years, hat, spoke Mr. I>:irn\vc;i. it seems mar ( wn incn he still woti!?l have !>ee;x Ireiitl***! li!>y ijt)..i1.11;;>fI iiarleston I os' I iORRiSLE MURDER. :iG3;e Coone Enticed to the woods and Eurned to Death. Wadesboro, N C\, March 32 Inti'l!i::tln?v : as just reached her* <?! a i>r>-t horrilde etinie ''ojnini!!ed in (ho .t ?;?t>iix:n_r cotinlv of (. ii ^terlk'i !, S. a few days aa>. 'a >ie ]>oor.e, a voting woman of had reptile, vas enticed (rotn her home hy ioxir titer., carried to tiio \Vo<i:!? 1!> iluv. as-:. xltt'd with knives and her almost carved from her bone*. Alter having saii.died then>' selves with this treatment the lour brutes saturated iter clot bin*: i with oil and set it alire. ller; screams brought assistance and' I the Hames were extinguished. She was carried to her home, where she lingered a few bouts' and died ! It is alleged that this young woman had married a man by the; name of Sleeu, but still retained; ? .% If f.ild l li a 1 I lit; I IflcllWCTll Milium. XL 3UHX 111(41 I herhusbun' instigated this iotil deed and led the a.:sault upon the I woman. Oneof'the oilier three is a brother! e to Steen, and the other two are sons of Fiddler Steve Jackson, j Feeling in the county runs high. Car load of white wickory! wagons and a car load of thej Bridsell wagons from South Hend.. Ind^ have just been unloaded at Tlinmns d* 73r:idh:im*s stables Manning, S. C., and I hey mu-r besold. All sizes and kinds up to! ?> in. tires. Give us a eh a nee ai' your order, we can sell as rheap; as Charleston. Thomas <fc I>rad-i ham,Manning. S. (\ We "Want to "Show You Something nice in Ready-made CI Men's, Bovs'&Ch is now ready for inspection. We shn up-to-date and econoniicai dresser in because this is the most money-savin well dressed man, because it t'ullils a" The luirder a man is to please, the m see these garments. We are willing wlwithop his tailor can nroduer anvih for double the money. (<>:;>< in, gen g&lion to buy. Men's suits from * *> t( SPECIAL 1X>It MOT? ?lt Ai I ot the Charleston City Railway M Suit, brass buttons and cap, tic comj price is only good for thirty days. The Manhattan and Cos:nop litan Come in and take a look at John B. Stetson's 3fe^ Sole Agents for the celebrated I> Carhatt OVERALLS and Sweet O Brand Leather Stockings- in all si/.< /\ I I l TT TT "H wjLm wjbm. mjtrm 1 ! 81 221 Xing St. Opposite Acad Mail orders pro:npt!y a lie tk-d to. Overwork Weakens Your Kidrreys* "* \ Unfcoalftj Ktfncrs Make Impure ?fcva&. All the b!eoJ :r? your toiy pasavs thr-jgi year kidneys cvncecnerr three tr.inwles. ^ v - The. kidneys are veur \ BrV yj&rh r?i?^??rifien. they filv.-%'';j t'-r -out ihe waste cr >^5Mv^vf <^ :r. the Weed r vSv tvClS ,'? \y T they i re sick cr out ;.v- y'y^A U cf ?rder, they tail to co If i> 9 yy-y I their work. i yy^/W^ " I Pains, achcsandrl'.eu, i_j~ \ matisrn cone from exJ>i ~jrT^ cess of uric acid in the blood, due to neglected kidney trouble. Kidney triable causes quick or unsteady .heart beats, and makes one feel as though they had heart trouble, because the heart is over-working :n pumping thick, kidneypoisoned bi&ad th'Vurh veins and arteries. it used to be considered that only urinary troubles were tc be traced to the kidneys, but modern science proves that nearly constitutional diseases have their beginning in kidney trouble. If you are sick you can make nc mistake cy first doctoring your kidneys. The mild and the extraordinary effect cf Dr. Kilmer's Swanip-Root, the great kidney remedy is soon realised. It stands the highest for its wonderful cures c-f themost distressing cases snd is so id on Us merits by ail druggis's in fiftycent and one-dcliar sis-;i yb-jlfr es. You may have a free, also pamphlet tolling you how to find out if ycu have kidney or bladder trouble. Mention this paper v. hcr. writing Dr. Kilmer a Co., Einghamton. N. Y. ... % I % V 'J ' . / ' ! >1 Watch This Space For C. J. LESESNE'S Advertisement , i vj s f }' nthing. Our .spring lino of Jdrens 'Chlothing >uhl iikc to have it scon l>y every our territory the economical man g clothing house; the habitually il his ideas of style ami good taste ore anxious wo are that he si 0 lid to leave it to his own judgment ing more artistic and workmanlike th'inen, ymi will be under no obli> .Sej-j. 'v- 4 x* i \ s+'s . \ .> i.' * V I 'I V I \ ri\u i'ld!e-i'\ Flannel ]Kmb!e-breaste?l It t?" uniiorm, for "?!). This special Negligee .Shirts for Spring wear. t Style Spring Hats. rciIKSS TKOUSKItS, Hamilton rr OVERALLS. The Black Cat s for hoys at 2'jc a pair. 9 2) liTE 'clot,line HOUSE, I a4* Pl?nr1ncf.\n ^ P 'l n . . . ..