|v()!. Xvl kiX(jSTi IKIX SOUTH CaROLIXa, T11URSday",~M ARcIT*V 1!)()<>. NQ.lTT ^jjib'Talv Wo New Disnlav Advertisements Will be Received, or Old Ones Changed, Later Than Tuesday Horning. : in MI lil] i r AFFAIRS CAUGHT BY OUR LOCAL REPORTER AND NOTED. j I Written in ConGftnsea horm and Printed ! in Like Manner tor the Sake of Our Wearv Readers. See candidate's annotineem'mts. j' r I . I The last' lew 'lays have been j "sprinjl weather. j( ^ J'iv town oonneil. Several members ol .Mr. n it.! 1 F ink's family are ?iek fins week, j, Mr. K 1- C. Ejips lia- Ix'eu on the!' s'ck JNt lor the past week. J?>li:i A. Ivlly, K>(( , attended ' court ;:t Muitttiu^ last week. Mr. Melver <*rcmn?c in mc j. terian Church Sum!ay afternoon. 1 We received two letters Wednesday too late lor publication t 1 1 his week. They will appear in - 1 our next week's issue. \ \ Several new cases of smallpox |j Are reported at Lake City, but't ew postolfiee has been re- j, y established in the lower | ( >1 the couutv, called Outtnan, i( wi.ii W. C. Hemingway as post-,, master, Mr. J. (f. McCullough, of Ben-1^ son, was Here >>aiuruay surveying collie land for Air. H. 1) Keddick. Air. AlcCullough is quite efficient and/accurate, and Ijis work is begQfuS to be appreciated. Air. J. W. Coward, of Fowlers, | made us a pleasant call last Sat- , urday. Air. Coward contemplates ' entering the lists as a candidate | this summer, and will make .. | lively ior some ot the boys. j< If . A ?/ Dr. Snider announces that lie J will necessarily be called away t<>] thanirebnr;; on next Monday on j pressing business, lie will be. ibsont Irom his office until the; following Saturday. Mr. Louis J. Bristow. who is | well lemcnibereJ here as theedtorof tlii? newspaper, has recently i written some interesting special! irticles lor the News and Courier, j Mr. Bristow is at Louisville, Kv.. | aKing a course 01 ineoiogv wim i he view of entering tive ministry.' Why patronize non-resident fire nsura??ee agents.who never spend ) dollar to the enoil of the town, ivhen l>y applying at this ofliee >ou can obtain a policy in the biqnitalile, a strong Charlestonf onipany seeking Southern snj>-. ant. or a half (l?>z'ii other of the! trongest companies in the world.! I "' ' "" j Benson Budget. Mr. C. W. Wolfe spent Sunday A-ith friends in the neighborhood. Capt. J. K. Scott, who has been in well for some time, is somewhat letter at this writing. ! Mr. X. I>. Lesesne, of Kingstree, J ipent Sunday at Capt. J, K.Scott's.' : Miss Uhodn, eldest daughter ol, IJpi? S J MrCntineH. has tieen \ ritically ill lor some time. Mr. Lamar McCullough has beam the erection of a dwelling, fliis looks rather suggestive. The Sunday-school at Cedar irove Baptist Church was reorganised last Sunday with a good iltendance. Two dances were given last week ay the young lolks, one on Tueslay night at Mr. W. M. MeOrea's, tnd the other at Miss Mary (Jrayion's Thursday night. Mrs. II W. H umphl ies returned I o her home at ltidgeville, S. C.,; ast Friday. Rev. W. S. Martin occupied the Milnit at his regular appointment! ' leie last Sunday allernco t. We have had an abundance ol " >ad weather during the past r>ontli, and the fanners have done ,eiv little up to date. Ploughing las been retarded on account of oo much rain. The weather is; welter now. and we hope they will I ioon be able to commence plant-j "r' The past winter has beet: the! oldest ior several years past. We lave had snow seven times, which s very unusual for the Sunny South. Zf snow is any indication >f a good crop year, tiiis year will certainly he a prosperous one for lie farmers. It is to be hoped that the farmers will not over-do in planting cotton, as a big crop will probably mean 5 cents cotton next tall. It should be the mot to of every farmer to make a plenteous crop of :fain. If the grain crop is negected and all cotton planted the zrain will have to be bought, rims it is indispensable we should look well in that direction and plant largely ol grain and less of :ottou. \V. S. Or. GOOD NEWS FOR LAKE CITY. An Authentic Report that the Post >fhce will be Reopened Soon. Washington. March 1 ? Special.] Senator McLiurin has received! the iollowing letter from At torney General Griggs, which will be ; interesting reading to the citizens] of Lake City: UI have this day advised the ]' Postmaster General that there is | no objection on the part of this j department to the re-establishing j of a postollice at L ike City, S. C., I trust this will be satisfactory to ... von. This decision of the Attorney 1 General practically ends the pro- ' traded struggle over the Lake ( City post office and opens the way -1 lor Postmaster General Smith to)' carry out his original intention of ! teopening the oflice with a lady as] postmaster. The whole South'1 Carolina delegation has lent a willing hand to secure relief for the law-abiding citizens of 1/ikc City, but Senator McL uirin has been 1 consistent and persistent in his el- ; torts to have the office re-estab. I listed, and the result is paftiou-, larly gratifying to him. l'ostmas- ' ter General Smith has been in 1 sympathy with Senator McLiurin in this matter from the very be- 1 ginning, but he was handicapped 1 by adverse reports from his 1 subordinates in the department of* jus!ice. Senator McLaurtn to-day secured the establishment of anew postoflice at Outwood, with W. C. Hemingway, postmaster. Washington, March 3 Special. Senator McLauriu had a long interview with Postmaster General Smith to-day relative to the opening of the Like City postotfice. The interview lasted nearly an liour, during which the subject was hilly and freely considered. As a result rostmaster (ieneral Smith promised that the office should be opened without delay and the appointment of Miss Jones is assured. Postmaster General Smith reasserted his desire to remove this office from the ' realm of partisanship and to have j it conducted in the future as a | non-partisan office, in the interest . of the law-abiding people of Lake Jit v. Senator McLiuriu assured the Postmaster General that the appointment of Miss Jones would be entirely satisfactory to the patrons o/ the office and lie expressed ^ I lie hope that there would he no 1 further difficulty in the ad mini.-:- : tration of the L ike City office. In this connection it is due to Liepresentatire Norton to say that lie lias rendered valuable assistance .. f- ...I..'.!. U~l hi ) uuviu iiwut n iij^u uc i i ] never departed, and which made 1 lor him many friends, f?is life was constantly an example for the rising generation of his race. If they will let their lives be such as was K. A. McCullough's, we would have no use for jails and court nouses, nor would we ever] hear ol' another colored man being' ^ lynched in South Carolina. He was a great sufferer for some time ( before lie died, but bore his sufferings with patience, and told the writer several times that he was ready to die, that all was well with him and his Master, and 11 trust it was. W. D. Bryas. j Greens, March 5, 1900. Married February 22, 1900, by Rev. S. \ f. Kussell, Mr. D. M. Elliott. in; Miss Inez Xesmith, all of Wi!-| iamsburg coun'v. "l6tol" PUZZLE With Every Boys' a 1,000 Boys Spring suits, ages i(> to 10 j !,fKX) Hoy's Spring Suits, ages IC to 10; !,00 I fat i % Just received, all shies or The lilac for Hoys. ^ M. E Efl 224 King St. Opposite Aeiuli Sole Agents for the celebrated l)t CarhattOVEKALLS and Sweet Orr < Mail orders promptly attended to. >0 YOU GET UP WITH A LAME BACK? Lliiaej Trcobte Hakes Yotj Mtoersble, Almost everybody who reads the newslapers is sure to know of the wonderful u - -. cores made by Dr. ' 2Fy"t?? ; - Kilmer's Swamp-Root. 3 '. j J 'he great kidney, fiver j U and bladder remedy. 4 f Fk^i ?,? I1 is the great medk i L/C T"' triumph of tirsr.inevyi \ I I'sjiy teeaih century; dis(g==~ \ / j !: ;! , covered after years ci .'If = f raer-.tific research by ' ii I Hc^nS f^r- Kilmer, the eir.if _ Lice." - " nenl 2u:d biad,-' '* cer specfrafist, and is wonderfully successful in promptly curing ame back, kidney, bladder, uric acid trou>les and Bright's Disease,-which is the worst orm of kidney trouble. Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root ts not rec>mmended for everything but if you have kidney, liver or bladder trouble it will be found ust the remedy youneed. Itbas been tested n so many ways, in hospital work, in private a-actice, among the helpless too poor to purhase relief and has proved so successful ia very case that a special arrangement has teen made by which all readers of this paper rho have not already tried it, may have a ample bottle sent free by mail, also a book slling more about Sramp-Root and how to indout if you have kidney or bladder trouble, ifhea writing mention reading this generous ffer in this paper and end your address to gSjmjrgjCSj ^-Iticti )r. Kilmer & Co.. Bingegular fifty cent and Home of Swamp-Root, olfar sizes are sold by all good druggists. f mratch This Space For 3. J. LESESNE'S Advertisement. 0 t nw/zw AU/AV E , N^II ? L.11 nnn i gj nd Children's Suit. *<*ars, at $ *> per suit, worth $9. years, at $7 per suit, worth $11. 1(> years, at j>ersuit, worth $4 ' and Children's NOTHING, \ sckwear and Hats. / a the City. Call and see them, k C'at Brand Leather Stocking Spawn's 'UNITE CLOW HOUSE, rmy of Masic Charleston, S. C. .'CHESS TROUSERS, Hamilton ) YE RALLS at $1.50 per suit, I