hsbabiy yoy use it? Nearly everyone docs, and I? so yoa know all about how far superior it is to cither baking soda or baking powder. Leaven is tbe latest advance in baking prcparn^ tjf es, and if yen don't nse it you should. It Is Better Than Soda beca-se it will ?nake biscuit just right every time. No more yellow spots or i-oe'a taste. it Is Better Thart Baking Powder 1>ecansc it is half as strong again and one heaping tcaspoouful will do the work of two rounded teasjnionfiils ot the b.st baking powder ever made. It Don't Spoil hut i* so prepared that with ordinary care it will retain its full strength for years. We do not have to pack it in ;i;i t:?ns like baking jiowdcr, and thus --ai ing enables us to give you Ik tter va ne f< r your money than you ever iiad b; fore. A Ljirtt Ircvenrik lite vkolf urcef f'>rtcii conts ?6 t>;ir.ces/?).-f.vc ecat*. Dyspepsia Cure Digests what you eat. T t arti ticiaily digests t ho food and aids Nature in strengthening and reconstructing tlio exhausted digestive orpans. It is; ho latest discovered digestant and tonic. No other preparation can approach it in efficiency. It instantly relieves and permanently cures Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Heartburn, Flatuence. Sour Stomach, Nausea, Sick Headache.Oastn?lpia,Cramps,and all other results of i m perfect d icrest ion. 5rc*>nrf d s? e. iv-wi** A Cn.. Chicago. If $34.50. I [ "Acme" Bkydesf i' '98 Models. High Grade. jjjj| | SAV- GKADE AS AGENTS SELL P08 JTi.OO. m v.'e Have no Agents but Sell Direct jig H to the Rider at fflana'dctarcr's Prices, Saving You rll Agent's Profitr. Tl.-st ml"r' Sujxrrb Gnish. C, c'"Sii't iuodcU We sh.p anywhere itb of examination, pay expn-ss lv>l!i ways and relunii year mA - ! 'uv i; not as represented. V.vcry jtrnj li-'.';; \is full'/ ods:;i le.ilkciittlM-ll it a: liw lim1 it ]ouu the Ivs". vim rnt>t itu&t on packages? put v ;> il:e 1 tauufat tutvr wit It the **?"? PRAKO TRADEMARK ACME HYGIENIC MATTRESS. Thiti aiat:rer?. dopetul* largely uoon air-the most reeilIhnt force known to science for ft* Injurious comfort in o*r. hiKUu: a hollow central air atutra the Irneth and width of the maltre-s containing niwins section with t*> steel spring* interred.el into woven trim fat.rim at ton ?nd ln?l torn. Arinnd this is idacod ilio tilling. no?i-?ilj*.ort?cnt anil eptip pure white cotton fell. The air under pressure in xjmhiiwitiou with the spn'mpi result in n uott ren-nrkah'.elasticity and *ith the n'.lier features make the maltise* fcyg.enic, pneumatic, self-ventilating and of downy soft lil'Urr I nun UIIJ enter nuurrar ui hp* J< rn-1. POCC-lo introduce our q arnCCfUvW "ACMC" r il -1 ^wiUjfloale Matter** ? > will for k Tw' ! i to i tod time include with everj j H order a Ana Kft? I rlmnrC j4^ U WhlU' KtawIrA / \ 9 atrial Bed Kmr. a like t>u( 'jour s QtvI/ c'l?.ce wMih?~ "**.11v | I feet,audoneof our iKfj. H fl celebrated intent llL^J "At'MK" B?d 1 1 p \ FKurtiies. fotoe n? [l| 8 '.J ' " || " | | > adopt>d t>> theS. J?ci I 'a . | ? An.)} after three \) w \ I i I \ nionths of the most ( i \! f?i > * tf jkA 11 paiubiutio: the .t "e P* prtv.t virtues rtimfi.rl.d umhllllt Mud elru-llncM. Adjusts i'aelf antomntiratti to raoinK woi?;hLs. A luht and heav? portion lyiac side l?> side will not roll attain t each other. (Vnd * nr Itotiar. state rile of Mattress fT" " i ~~p , _ end Bed wanted f.l " tlt[ "2 and wow ill ship . /'/ \ ' ?|iefii prjwaptlt.^ ji-j \ " ?"? 1'~L ' U 1 and pa> the 'm! "* < anc? jl4?Oi> md fr. Jrli ?br^-only nlifo ? il:sfi?| that t*ey *-x n*t I v a? Wtiet^nil mah - (Ji 1 ?VOO \C?CH or tier W > l>n-j?uy irv-ixui in ion mni i inrcKu. Farther, *euri]| mitke *lt??*:uout witft the ??nr in lu'numt.t!.- m;.'?re>^;?Ionr? i? not worth mii.v th in fl*>. ?> ;.nd bntfei than a?i> o:h.-r mattrm, \ no ru.itt-r how costly. .von cau hare your money twit. The o. h-t- of tins iniittrnw di>^- not ls-j n (e, n-M'nt its value, (h-i r-*il solid comfort found in it* iNearly everybody who h.v it-ml it thus l?i has reported full v.i ue n oire.| in tlie first ti ciitli's-j-h The premium . ottero-l in connection with the tratrre*. f. ? a fren rfift from V tor (1:3 udvertisi.-w * I ' h vie rti o'l we will obtain fron til) r-o on your par: ?<1 tiii: wsilrue*. ,rt is CV use tlotiB that its lull merits can l. of Ohitv.ito. la lite K. VV. riitford of Chic. r.r.aii-J m.-.n> other v.ell i.aowu peopla. of the u-.crils of tins matt.ves. \?U for ltoo!.ii't ** i." O ff C-Samtdoe ;/ covers and illui tr .ted cataI Ci vu lo,:u?- sh'i'vio-; morn then (? ??!? ? ol Ncinof o.?-hi ?-it sill -C'Z _ t ice*. Airar Sewing Much in--*. i>. .-Wo"T-Jirie A ens- Itro Ti-lrami-d Metal '-k ls. Mantle nod ? p.-lcltl folding Bcdn. Chnlrt, Kock* elf. p *fM? SPRtWC ' ' w. <33d St.. ^ ?? .;?? iMiCAC-f. WHEN HERRINC SV/APM. How They Are Capture*! Willi Torch and >el in Mn J in the harbor and near the shore this season in such large numbers bronght ( i thousands of dollars to the tiapmen. i i and because of their cheapness and J quick delivery hundreds of vessels 1 i have been baited up, sent to the lishi ing grounds and brought in on quick trips. Tho use of the torch for euticiug i tish to the surface of tho -water dates | j away back; the boston. Swnuipscott I and South Shore fishermen have j : dipped Sperling near Plymouth by the : j aid of the torch for City years as welt j j ns the Eastport sardine tishers. Tho , novelty about this season's husiucss j j is the dippiug of full grown herring at 1 ! night by the use of the torch. There | have been few spawn herring taken in this way, for the iish that once made | j the waters of boston bay appear like J i a sea of milk by their deposit of j I spawn and melt have not shown on this ! coast for years. The herring which j j struck this coast in such countless i ! numbevs this season is nu entirely new ! species. Among the novel boats engaged in j ; fishing is the jietroleuni boat Quartette, j ' and when Captain William Dexter ex- j tended an invitation to a reporter to I make a trip it was accepted, and the ; j craft was churned toward Cobnssct at I the rate of seven knots an hour. Outside Boston light a heavy swell was met, but the boat kept on until the shore of Cohasset was reached, then the anchor was dropped and the mainsail set to keep her trom rolling. The preparation for torching was simple, as when the dory was hauled iid alongside, a pole with a grate at > taebed war, laslied across the how ami I the grate tilled with cotton, over which was poured petroleum. There were four meu in the dory? two on the oars, ! one to dip and a boat steercr As soon as they got into shoal water the torch was lighted, and while the in en on tho 1 oars made the dory spin through tho water the man 111 the how stood ready to din when the tish came to the surI face in response to the light. Soou there rose to the surface lierj ring in countless numbers, aud every time tho dip net went down a bushel i of the shiny backs was brought into the boat. Th'rty dins were made, resulting in a take of ten barrels. Then the dory went alongside the launch and shoveled them on deck. Ten trips wcro made, and Captain fleeter said lie hr.d lftl> barrels, which was all he could comfortably carry. The anchor was hauled up and the luirt/lod f/,v ft \v:H MS no\el a;ul pleasant a way of taking fish as the writer ever saw, and when under way the crew rat down to a midnight me::I after two hours* hard ; work. Tiie boat arrived r.t T wharf at ; 3.30 a. in., anil when the market opened at 7 o'clock part of the catch was sold for bait an.I the balance to the dealers. ? iloston Globe. C.i'.j Can Swim. "Cau cats sv. iui? was asked of an 1 ; old fisherman. "Why, certainly," was the reply, "and that reminds me of a cat I oucu tried to drown that swam ashore. Sorely there must have been hundreds i or thousands of people who have : drowned cats in the same way. but nevertheless this was r.n experience of ' rnv own. We had a eat that wo wanted to get rid of, aud as humane a way us 1 any to kill it was by drowning. So I I put a couple of bricks in the bottom of an old grain sack, and put in the cat, and tied the bag up carefully and securely and walked down to the end of a wharf and stood there and swung the bag with the cat and the bricks in it round like a sling until I eouhl give it a good momentum and then let it go, and slung it out to fr.l! and siuk in the water, 1 should say twenty feet away. "I supposed, of course, that thai; was the last of tie cat: bul the next, morning tno tirst thing I saw when I went out of the house was the cat sitting on tho veranda. "I suppose the hag hud a weak spot in it somewhere, the brick.-, were ; heavy and sharn-eorneie 1 and swing! iug the bag round that way started it. more, and thy cat was despciate. Md j with the bag that way it scratched and tore its way out and got to the wiia-i nud clawed its way up aud cauie ashore. ! "Can a cat swim.' Why. sure! I New York Sun. i An Ancient l!:trril Orjan Vncnrthnl. i Barrel organs were formerly quite frequent in English churches, aud ! one has recently been unearthed in a i church near Bochester, England. It has six stops and nix barrels and is capable of rinding out sixty tunes in nil. A:r?-- thtiu are Mich archaic specimen as "Job,' "Old lltb." The organ v.cs operated bv the teuton. Buckingham Balnea has a scent fountain which on state occasions is fed with ea i dc cologne. ' i Presbyterian C'imrch?Iter. J. E 1 Duulop, pMhtor, Ihc 8arhd*y, 4 u. m.. \ 3rd buuduy 11 K. tu. < MetLodiKt t'fanrch ? Iter. W S i Mir tin, poMtor, Iht and 4th Snrxleys ' 11 *. in. and 7:30 p. tn.; 3d Scutia ,. 1 I Ill* Baptiht Church Her. F. W. Eaaou, minister, 2nd buudoy. 11 e_ m. aixt 7i3* p. m.; -lib Sunday 7>50 p. ta. Episcopal Chnrch -Hev. R. W. Rare well, pusior, -!ud Sundae 11a. m.,7;3u ; p. ui. , Ol'K CLUB UFKKRS, The Connty Record one year and , the Farm Journal live yeara, ?1.00. The Connty Record one year and the Home aud Faruj, $1.25. The Connty Record one year and lhe Seini- tVeekly News and Courier, *1.75. The County Record one vearandthe i Tri Weekly (N. Y.) World* ?1.65. The Connty Record one year end the Semi-Weekly Columbia State,$2.00. j The Connty Record one year and the Atlanta Constitution, $1.75. . i DUCII Of KUUCI15 CASH DRV GOODS STORE. , I Some Of Oar Specials: Ladies' Umbrellas, 20 inch. Black ! Serge, 12 different atyl-.a of l>eoor*te inch, Black Silk, Steriincr Silrcr, i'nrned Congo handles, $1.29. 21 the n-n?* (IKBF.R TO-flA Y if wtnt t* he duepp-unted WE HAVE BICYCLES MSB rn rrwry hew ts ivyic^et ? RurlrwJi eerred their bicrrle le \ 1*r 01; Mwr> e?o Um ?f sowple wheel to efenti Write f a* the jrruwii Krtiedvf Btryel* Hone* in the world end ere Chew I in ^yw*moo cycle., e for chney-* ?n? wey> etate whether ladiet'or g*ot*',eo!or .Ual breeds; with 103 other illustration. ! E COW BOOK j s sitd the Dairy' Business ; having a great J 1 K colored life-like reproductions of each 2 other illustration.!. I rice, 50 Cents. j S SWINE BOOK ; about Hogs?Breeding. Feeding. Pritcb- X etc. Contains over eo be&ctitul half- X :r engravings. Price, 50 Cents. I KS are unique,original,useful?you never t like thein?so practical, so scnsiolc. They X 1 enormous sale?Hast. West. North and one who keeps a Horse, Cow. Hog or J raw! Small Fruits, ought to scad right BIUGLH BOOKS. The I JOURNAL) t for you and not a misfit. It is 22 years I t>oi led-down, hit-the-nail-on-tbe-head,? X said-it. Farm and Household paper in | tsr ;>ap^r of lis s!zc in the United State* 2 over a million and a-ha! I regular reader*, i )XS, and the FARM JOURNAL ! 01, J-jci and J903) will be sent by nail j ircular describing HIGGLE COOKS free, j ess, FARM JOl'RNAI. 1'UILADKL?ZIA 1 ?????- _______ *Y" MAGAZINE ~ J ion in the world use the AMERICAN S to keep well informed, and call ihle" magazine. In the busy rush en must know about the important ily thi9, they want to know about 2 whole country is puzzled over the | 11-informed article is printed in the , \J ! facts, and its editor discusses the \ n everyone's mouth, the best story 2 cut in this magazine. j of the World," Dr. Albert Shaw I re world's history during the pre- I Bto, the valuable articles and bocks j he past month are reviewed and j he AMERICAN MONTHLY can get j irlu a hundred mctures are minted, 1 and women who arc making the 1 helps any man or woman in his or I AMERICAN MONTHLY REVIEW j j ment for the best kind of profit, as J ber has just v/ritten : " Count me ! I [ me a number beyond the limit of i Jj ral from me, consider it a notice of | > a year. g eceint of ten cents in stamps. [ k I :EVIEWS COMPANY , | New Ycri: I ial Gas Lamp I ed fcy l'. s. Patents. I ST light 011 the market and ? st economical. I ns common stove gasoline and gives a Hj i candle power light at a cost of one 9 t per day. will burn (iQ hours. I burner clean, so it will not clog, and fl ig in center of flame, insures a light H rhere is rto odor, no smoke and no H >e raised or turned down just as with H Imperial is the most perfect light h vlhmg pertaining to it is tne Dest iu m V TO INVESTIGATE. H a write us for catalogue. jfl IAL GAS LAMP CO. I