The county record. [volume] (Kingstree, S.C.) 1885-1975, February 08, 1900, Image 3

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FUN FOR THE CHILDREN. A Mother C.aose Party That Entertains Without Koinping. It is a conceded fact that the social ninl hospitable element predominates in child life. The promise of a party is never forgotten. On the contrary, the child dreams, plans, and with a conditional promise of an invitation as a lever, he controls the whole neighborhood of children for the tinte being. li the mother would plan for some I definite form of entertainment before the coming of the little guests she would liud tnc occasion much more free from the usual perplexities and confusion. While it is always enjoyable to have the children come in costume, it is a tax on the many mothers who are thus called upon to add to the pleasure of the party. instead of this, cut as many slips of paper as there are guests invifcd. and write on each a different verse from Mother Goose. Procure a good blackboard, with chalk in bright colors, and place the board 111 a favorblo light. As the little folks arrive give out the slips of paper, telling each one to think of some picture that will illustrate the verse on his slip. It should also ho understood that it is to be kept a profound secret; for the love of mystery will be sure to brighten the interest. When all arc assembled let them be seated where the board can be easily seen; then call on each one in turn to step up ami draw a picture that will illustrate bis verse, while the others guess what it is. "\)f course, the work is crude, but the merriment will be all the greater, and without the usual romping the children will be well entertained. As cream and cake are both wholesome and enjoyable for children, tho refreshments might consist of the same, served in the following manner: li liviug in a city, good sized patty shells may be procured from the bakery, or they may be baked at home in old sauce dishes. The pastry should be sufficiently tough, so as uot to break easily. I'lace the ereaiu in these shells aud arrange so as to resemble the filliug for a pie, drop into each two or three sugar plums and serve on plates witu the cake. Louie .hick Horner will receive many a blessiug for his mythical existence. As an extra entertainment, make a large stocking of tan colored cloth; stuff the toe and part of the log with excelsior, and paint black spots for buttons and black dotted lines to resemble stitcliir.g. so as to make it look as much as possible like a high top shoe. Fill white paper bags threequarters fall with candy and nut's; fasicu to a stick the head of a paper doll, or china head, or one made of white tissue paper, stuffed with white cotton ??d painted; put the stick- into _ the middle of the l>ag.-> so that tliev will ^ be secure; then cut a strip of colored crepe largo enough to gather and tie about the neck of the doll; then till in u littlrtwiMi cnt'.-m nnd c.ithpr mid tie, with the bag, to form the waist; then let fall in the form of a dress, so us to cover the bag entirely. Place the dolls thus made i:i an 1 about tlio shoe, and let some one. dressed to represent the "'Old woman who lived in a shcc," present each child with oue as a souvenir as he goes home.? New York Tribune. 1 lie Fir?t Uro:?U For Modern I.iUerlv. The whole history of the luovem ?ut which resulted in the establishment of the Commonwealth of England will be misread and misnuderstood if we fail to appreciate that it was the first modern, and not the last medieval, movement; if we fail to understand that the men who lignred in it, aud the principles for which they contended are strictly akin to those men and those principles which have appeared in all similar groat movements since the English Revolution of 1(I8S; in the American Revolution of 177<s and the American Civil War of 1801. We must keep ever in mind the essentially modern character of the movement if we are to appreciate its true inwardness, its true significance. Fundamentally, it was the first struggle for religious, political and social freedom, as we now understand the terms. As was inevitable in such a first struggle, there remained even among the forces of reform much of what;properly belonged to previous generations. In addition to the modem side there was a medieval side, too. Just so far as this medieval element obtained, the movement failed. All that there was of pood and of permanent in it was due to the new elements.?Theodore "Roosevelt, iu Scribncr's. .Meinoruud iini For a l'roponul. A young lady was acting temporarily ms hostess, and her time was much occupied. One of her admirers, a nervous and absent-minded lover, perceived that this would be the eace, and io facilitate matters he determined to bring affairs to a point. Ha 5^ didn't get a chance. "Afterward," said the object of his ill-starred devotion, "I found this memorandum on tho llcor. where ho had dropped it iu his agitation. It reads thus: "'Mention rise in salary. Monties loneliness. Mention pleasure in bur society. Mention prospects from Uncle -Tim. Never loved before. Propose.'"?Cfdliei'f Weekly. 1 Nervous are ailing women. When a woman has some i l cr^aSc trouble she is certain tc he nervous and wretched* With many women the monthly suffering is co oreat that thev are for days positively insane, and the most diligent efforts of ordinary treatment are unavailing, Lvdia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound comes promptly to the relief cf these women, The letters from women cured by it proves this, This paper is constantly printing them, " The advice of Mrs, Pinkham should also be secured by every nervous woman. This costs nothing, Her address is L ynn, Mass, More mushrooms are raised m the vicinitv o: Paris than in am other place in the world. Dr.BnUs COUCH SYRUP Cures Croup and Whooping-Cough Unexcelled for Consumptives. Gives quick, sure results. Kcfusc substitutes. Dr. IIa.T s Pillaure Biiiouinrit. Trial, :o for sc. T!ie present campaign in South Africa is practically the tirst opportunity the British military authorities ha\e had ot putting the cycle corps to a reil te<t. The cyclist corps attached to the Durban Bight infantry recently covered a route oi <x> miles in one day tor the purpose ot obtaining information of the ' i.i ... HOtT lOrCfN. IKUIIK Willi' >r\n 1111-11111^ VI. tin* way. The veldt in <lry weather is admirably adapted ior cycling. United States ships are till bringing Imnic from Cuba t!io bodic*? ??f soldiers who fell in the war with Spain. 5? Bg gjp B.. BfcS, Can Consumption He Cured? If lateen fn hand early, wo confidently clair-* it ?*an be arrested by a course of l>r. King' Emulsion. Th.sisa special <|iiality of pup cod liver oil and hypoidiosphiies. combine.', i in such a way as to make, it palatable to th* most delicate stomachs. Even in last stage*, when a euro can not be expected, this wonderful medicine will give a new lease on life and years of comfort. Dut don't wait. There's the trouble, with tin* fii-t warning. 1 b?' s.ignt < ..ugh. pain in tb? I chest or back and loss of flesb. All these are dangerous symptoms and must not bedisre) garden. .Many a man. thinking he bad a e ot iron, lias gone ihewav of ail I the earth, years Iwfore his more delicate neighbor. from sheer carcle.siio.". ' \ Charlotte in:in. warned : v his physician of pod-alde consumption, t v the u-e o! I?r. i Kiiiir's Kmulsion iu :< ;?> i hi^ weigh' ten pounds in one tronth. lltttwu.:. ?V Ucnn i Co., Charlotte, N. C, ">)e ami >1.00. I America's Crook^dcst R'v?r. i Fr<>:n its four heads in the Boston mountain- t<> B.ite-vilie. where it leaves ; the ().:arks ami enters the Arkansas low, lands. White river is a -uc<e-sion of astoni-hing curve:. \'o other r:\ er on tite continent so often and s<i nearly doubles , upon it-elf. From tile source to the i i flat country is a distance on a straight line ui perhaps 150 miles. White river I | between thc-c point' ha- a course ot over (co miles: some e-timnte- make , it 1,000 miles. I We refund 10'- ii>r every package of Pct nam Fiiii i.ns Dyk that fails to give sntns| faction. Monroe Drug Co., l uionville. Mo. Sold by all druggists. ' \ French >cieiiti>t has made <nnir | plants .'.riitieially Mpine" by keeping them in an icebox all night aid expos in^ them to the full action <>t the -un during the day. i State or Ohio, City or Toeepo, i Lre vs COUNTY. ) Frank J.Cheney makes oath that heis ihe senior partner of tne Arm o' j. F. Cheney & | Co..doinc business in the City of'I oledo. ountyand State aforesaid.and thatsnid firm will ; pay the sum of ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS for en'h and every ease of catarrh that cannot be cured by the use of Hai.i.'s Catarrh Cure. Frank .t. Cheney. 1 Sworn to before me and s ibsrribed In ray j * I presence, this 5th day of . ccember, I SEAL - A. I>. ISSrt. A. W. GI.EA80N, 1 * Notary Public. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally,and , acts dlreetly on the blood and mucous surI faces of the system, bend for testimonials tree. P. J, I'HENEY & Co.. Toledo, O. Sold by I'rmtifisle. 7.V. Hali's Family bill- are the best. Mr? Winslow'sSoothlntrbyrnpfor children leethini:.softens the gntiiA reducing iuflama j t!ou. aliare paln.cure? wind colic Sic a tiuiim i Vitality low, dehllitato 1 i?r exhausted cured bv l)r Kline's Invigorating Tonic. Frkk J trial Tottle for- u ticks' treatment. Dr. Kline. l.d.. i?l Arch St., I'hi adolphia. Founded 1ST!. j Piso's Pure for Consumption is an \ No. 1 j Asthma medicine.?W. It. Wii.i ams, Antioch, , Ills.. April 11. 18IM. k / That's the way s \t W& because the prof j\ yBr < heap Knegy off ^ j at only a dollar < ^ B Xjo. Sep our Agent or write direct It | Complete E: I Internal I Consisting of CUT1CU cleanse the skin of ci soften the thickened cul ment (50c.), to instanl tation, and inflammai heal, and CUTICURA R cool and cleanse the bl< is often sufficient to cu disfiguring skin, scalp with loss of hair, when i 6;..l u..- - .. -i thTworti r ttibDTTcCo^ I am Past 80 | and Not I a Gray Hair " I have used Acer's Hair Vigor for a great manv years, and although I am past eighty ! years of age, yet I have not a grav hair in my head.'' Geo. 1 el!ott,ToT7con, Md.. Aug. 3,1899. j wwawmn Lti _ v-Le.1-1 gmgcnaw<. w BJMW Win 1 111 mn 1 rrimrrr-r Have You Lost It? I We mean all that rich, dark ! color your hair used to have. But there is no need of mourning over it, for you can find it ag"n- > Aycr's Hair Vigor always re- i stores color to grav hair. We know exactly what we arc sav- I mg when we use that word " alwavs." It makes the hair grow heavy j and long, too; takes out every bit of dandruff, and stops falling of the hair. Keep it on j your dressing table and use it every day. $1.00 & bottle, ah drumisis. ! Write the Doctor If yon <!<> notobtainull tholtonefits you Wire Imni t!io use ??f tin* Vigor, write I The iHM-tor about it. How ill tell you just : the right thine to do. and will send you his 1mm.k on the llair and Scalp it' you reijne'-t it. Address. 0 Hr. J. Ay Kit, Lowell, Mass. omo dealers do! Push cheap goods (A its are large. Why let a man push a ^ on you when you can get the best I >r so more? Do you ever think about j% 10CK HILL??ock vlacj ?7ZS9S?&fHS*1g*S*Z!9S9. ! (ternal and I reatment RA SOAP (25c.), to cralpc Ptld 1U3U) aim :icle, CUTICURA Ointtly allay itching, irrition, and soothe and ESOLVENT (50c.), to ood. A SINGLE SET re the most torturing, >, and blood humors, ill other remedies fail. Prcp?M Eostoa. Ho? to Cor* Bpttni Honon, frto. v \ '' ' * a PTrj] Every one to LU. know that the KEELEY CURE, For Drink, Drug and Tobacco Addle* tions is now re-established atColum* bia, S. C. Call or ?Vrlte, the keeley institute, COLUMBIA. S C Buy now and okch save money. Price.* on Machinery and Supplies of every description are advancing and sow is ilia opportune time to place your order. "SEASONABLE" Engines and Boilers. Saw and Gri-t Mi.Is, Rice IIullers, Grain l'rilis, Wood Working Machinery. Write us when in the market for anything in our line. It will pay you. VV. H. GIBBES & CO., Headquarters for Machinery and Mill Supplies. 804 Gervals St., Near l.'nlon Depot, ( OLi; UHIAj S. t'. DIANOS and ARGANS I direct from theU factory ! o o o o o o oco HOW CHEAP ' j JyiU 1 IU. BUT HOW GOOD. WARRANTY: Tlie Instruments I roprmonl are Inllf ; warrunled by reputable builders ana endorsed by me. making you Doubly ! See 11 red. OOUD, RELIABLE ORUAIN5*, 935 up. QOO?>, RELIABLE PIANOS, $175 up. I Write for Catalogue to, M. A. MALONE, | l QU .tlBI >,<. f. iiiiii; The Smith Pneumatic Suction Elevating. Ginning and Packing System >9 the Simple?* ami Most Eflflcieut on the Market; Fortyeight Complete Outfits In Sovth Caroiin?j Each One Giving absolute Satisfaction. BOILERS AND ENGINES; Slide Valve, Automatic and Coriiss, Mr Light and Heavy Log Beam Saw Mills Cannot Ge equalled in Design, Efficiency or Price by any Dealer or Manufacturer tu th? South. Write for Prices and Catalogue*. V. C. BADHAM & CO., I 1326 Main St., COLUMBIA, - - 5. CKilr.rr's Kape Spelt* KhrsKirh. >?< Jy^Bff-Nv What 1m Itl ?creen y^|^lllW mt/IK Catalo* it"' ARM^ViV i/y SEEDS^>x to.ySy Salw r's Sftli are U arranted to Prodor*. od Lather. K.Trot P?. aN'.oni?.ned ib<* M He iW'iDf. Mirju . by -jroal.ig 'iObu.'h. Satier'a^iro gBMi Mr r"'KV. If v.-u lo'ibi, wrir>: tbem. Wr with lofitln BH 100.000 r.t* *r cuMoir.-n. ti^oc^will scud ou trial >ij3 fj 10 DOLLARS WORTH FOR 10c. !\J HQ 10 | kg* wf rar-j fitriu ^c?i% Salt Buib, the 3-eared Com >|?. l:r. producing eObu-*h. food an?l 4 toii? hay W^m V^\ m?ih Pluti' . t miia'til .Set-1 ('aialn*. Mllnga!! ' about * Great Million Dollar jKjjM ^^^Aabced Pot atoe* 91.'JO a bbl. mod aloe adr. wllli ^alone,?*. R?fARPRAI tUraWilA! No Medicine to Swallow! ' i urn I h.v A r pt ! >n J ri :lj d a r *_ _ *VJ 'f not benefitted money refumlad^ Rook free on nppik'HtloB. $l. ?i for m I* \li Uj the MA WhO ORt'CKUY CO., Manning, f*. C. SOi.E AUT.S. t OK N. C.. S. C. AND t.A. BOOii A WE NTS WANTED FOR the grandr?: and fasten; telling hook ever jwbluhcd. Pulpit Echoes OR LIVING TRUTHS FOR HEAD AND IIV. A FT. Containing .Mr. MOODY'S lieat feriin.ra, with fittrt . Thrilling noriea. Incident*. Prrtanal rzperieucea.etr., at told. By I). L. Moody himvO'. With* complete hiatory of Mr lift b" Iter. CHAN. Y. VUa?, l'a.'tor ef Mr Moody t t llicago '.iircii lor (We jura, and mi Introduction l>r |{r\. 1.1 MAN MlRoTT, 11. D. Jlrand new rtllll pp .it'iteeo'e,/ C'JM.OOR renr^ AUKVia W'.t.NlFI?-M?n and lVom.n. ?7* "alee immuw'-M liarierl tip-.e '.or .tgenta rend for term* to A. D. WOKTIUNGTO.N A < ?>., liurtlord. lunu. SSEED si?"?*:FREE ! \* E \\ II I, M V H 1 Ol n $. bo* o- Seeds ?r \ our elcetlnn Ifjoti will fln>t?ell 4" pnt ci ? ?r* |e>pti|nr k I nrta for na M .V. each .and*rr -? I'will help you Mil by r;:rnlslilnif i ?e?-n imf UVffivr ClirlhlnK' I Tf-?- Bfij Wi'.sn'l vnurr-holre ?ir many ?'th<-r iiwful ).rll<-lc? j^H ?x pmnluin. or vvt? a'low a ear-h ( niinlsaltw. ^ u Muiirt Itriiulrrd Ina<Kii'iti'.>lai|?y wriu? m? H| i.?w;il. Ktstfim y> u arr?T<t 'III* i-flWInann-flv J *- MB I" rj.nn'l wi- will for?nr.l thrm*?->l-. I)n<--hli|? u?*t I p-nntim li-r liv mail. 1J Klni;' i?-lin ? ml. \ a. HIlUTCn w nref Avll?nrii*w 9H Uynn I LU |.\? p. Ai?ti? Plan'. Hri;.'lit?*rt)uui m " IwtrWt.vori' 'Nlai'kdtjriiM ('hMwrtbuhv- B| r,??>iiH liNiramlle '? !*? P-h-h'-l Kra*-. Kullv unai'antai'.l. Itfails *.V"" Hit; fn?>ii?*y iiu-it. 9H Stii..lar l Ga-i.ainp < >., Hi Ml'-linjJii St.. l'liua?r?. A'I"I'I.>'I'I??\ '.h far-illr .tr<l if yon rjientiop. mI this paper w tien writing mlverti.-ern. *?. 6 |H| H