The county record. [volume] (Kingstree, S.C.) 1885-1975, February 01, 1900, Image 1

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v ' t V fevOL XVI KI N( J ST US- K, SOUTHC A ROLIN A, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY y ? ? , ?r? ?? i . iaiiniiiimr?irr iiniim iti i uniinriam i Positively No New Display Advertisements Will be Received, or Old Ones Changed, Later Than Tuesday Morning. in [rasj Ira. AFFAIRS CAUGHT BY OUR LOCAL REPORTER AND NOTED. Wrlttenin Condensed Form and Printed in Like Manner lor the Sake of Otr Weary Readers. A feminine yacht ist is not ne cessarilv a woman of craft. ' fJapt. D. II. Smith, of Smith's XilN, was in town last week. JUr.W. .VC.McGlieo, of Scranton, was in Kiiiirstree last week on business. Itev. Dr. E*?on held services in the faaptist Church Ssnday morning and evening. Mr. A. B CulferetK, of North "Carolina, has been in town the' past week on business. R?v. W. S. Martin preached to' * large congregation in the Meth odi;t Church Sunday morning. The M isses Cooj>er, of Indiantown, were in town the past week quests of Miss Sallle Wilson. Mr. G. W. El well was in town a lew days since, much to the delight ol his many friends. The weather sages predict that February will be very cold, with blizzards and snows as a change. Rev. V. I. Masters, of Greenville, = _ _. -. t> traveling ageiu ui me oitpusi Courier, spent a lew days in town on business lor his paper. There were more traveling men in Kingstree last week than ever known bel'oie in I he memory ol" the oldest inhabitants. The.MissesUatlieMoCuteller, and Kintna Gordon o! Lanes.and Ilaitie DuBosejOt Gourdins, spent a lew days last week visiting lriends at Iniiantowii. Mr. Clarence Jacobs has left Jv'incrsjt to accent a Dositionin Georgetown. We are sorry to lose Mr. Jacobs, but wish him success in his new lield. Si turd ay afternoon the roof ot Mr. Stutts' residence caugh fire ifrorn sparks. Prompt aid l'roni the bucket brigade soon had it out, the damage being small. Mr A. \V. (ia<r<r. of Trenton. N. J,, has returned to Kiugstiee. lie will conduct a general merchandise business, having purchased the slock ol' Mr. E L. Smith. The members and alj those interested in the Williamsburg Light Infantry are requested to attend meeting at the Court Home Fiidav, February 2 1, at 7.30 F. M. f The Atlantic Coast Lumber Company has purchased the Georgetown and Lanes railroad, and, it is said, will invest $500,000 in a steamship line to ply between ew York and Georgetown. The blue pencil mark is a notice that there is a balance on our books against you and a delicate suggestion that you make us a remittance. Some of our subscribers seem not to have realized this, or at least to have overlooked it. I A subscriber wrote and asked 1 j an editor what sort of weather it would probably be next week. I"11e answer was, "The weather next week will probably be like your subscription to this paper." ! I'he subscriber puzzled his brain la while and linally thought ot j unsettled, and immediately paid I up by the next mail. All kinds of Commercial and Leiral Blanks are for sale at this office. Having just received a, large supply, we are prepared to, furnish almost any kind required. Titles. Mortgages, Liens,Note and] Mortgage, Kent Liens and all kinds of Magistrates' Blanks. We have a large and fine stock of sta tionery, ami are prepared to print letter treads, note heads, etc. 1 have just retarded trom Bell Buckle, Tenn., and St. Louis, Mo., wrth two car toads of twenty-six mules and twenty-eight horses,, :he finest that has ever been on; Hie market. M. F. Heller. The popular Jeweler, )ffr. R. A.. Watts, expects to remain in Kings ; tree indefinitely. He says he and; his family are enjoying splendid' health now. Died at Hebron. The news reached the city this morning of a sad death which occurred afc Hebron in this county yesterday, 19th inst. Miss Eva Timmons, the youngest daughter of Mrs. Kate Timmons passed away in the morning ol her bright young life. Miss Timmons was just 15years' of age. iShe iiad been attending school in Richmond, but wa> brought home ser.ouslv ill. Her idea th was not total y unexpected, although the attending physicians had some hopes ol her recovery and did everything withmIlia Ill ilJCll i'uvtci iv; |;iuiuii^ jjit. Miss Tim mens was dearly beloved, and her death has cast a ; gloom over the iiebron communitv. The funeral services will be; held to-morrow.?Florence Times. A L?s* M*n Found. Alexander Savage, who disappeared from his home at Bloomsburg, Pa., 35 years ago, and has long been inuorned as dead, has turned up alive and weil. lii? brother is iti receipt of a letter from hint announcing that he is an officer ol high standing in the Spanish army, and resides at Madrid. Savage says he has acquired a large fortune. Five years after Savage's disappearance he wrote to his relatives from China, stating that he had gone to (he Orient to seek his fortune. Thirty years has elapsed since that letter was written. a f i ? Williamsburg Light Infantry. All of the members of the Wil liamsburg Light Infantry and those who contemplate joining are hereby ordered to meet at the Court House on Friday, February i 2, at 7:30 p. m. W. W. Gkaysin, , Captain ! [[llMJCfli." WHAT THE LEGISLATURE IS DOING AT THE PRESENT SESSION. Various Matters of More or Less In- i terest Discussed by One Who Is , On the Scene. , Columbia, Jan. 29. 1 Columbia, rainy and lreezing, i is quite different from Columbia bridit and sunshiny, as lias been : nnifp tnrvililv rlpmonsfratp<1 dnr-' 1 lug ihe past few days. On Saturday afternoon it began to snow, and bv nightfall the groand began ' i to get whitened. Sunday was cloudy and disagreeable, though < most of the snow melted. To-day, , however, the sun burst through the clouds with all its pristine-, splendor., and Columbia ov.ce more ( is bright and beautifnl. i { The past week has been a bursy ( one in both bouse.^ though little has been done except to kill bills , which a majority consider unwise. | As the lawyers do most of the; ( talking, the rest of the legisla-ji ture is not unlike a jury., save ( that sometimes a juryman unex- j peetedly gets up and out-argues ( the lawyer. j Sonii ot the defeated measures j last week died hard, and the argument brought forth brilliant . oratory on both sides, as was the , case when the Moss bill came up , to increase the number of judicial . circuits to ten. ( The tilt t-etwcen Josh Ashley and Bolts, the cegro member Irom Georgetown, last Thursday caused ( much amusement in the house. | A bill had been introduced to prevent the shipping of shad out ol , ihe State. The negro attempted to speak against the bill, and Josh, to have some fun, tried to i confuse him by interrupting. The . dusky champion of the fishermen i more than held his own. however. and lor one Mhe redoubtable Josh ( was beaten at his own game. Over three hundred bills have . been introduced since the beginning of the present session, and ( still they come. The vast ma- . joritv of litem, however, will uever appear on the statute books. The writer had the pleasure last Saturday ol dining with Uovernoi McSweeney in company with several senators and members of the house. Senator Appelt and wife, of Manning, were also present; and also Miss Cooper, a niece of the Secretary of State. It is neediess to say that tlie day was delight- j fully spent. Mrs. McSweeney is j a charming hostess, and, by the way, one of the handsomest ladies ' ol Columbia. I For the information of their j constituents we give the following 'home'' addresses oi the Williams burg delegation: Senator A. 11. Williams, 10 Greeniield Building; ( Messrs. J. S. Graham and S. W. Gamble, }30G Main street; and C. , W. Wolfe, 1221 Flam street. Solicitor John S. Wilson boards corner Main and Lady streets. Both he and Dr. Williams visited their respective homes Saturday. They will return, however, in time lor ? % to day's session, which begins at 12 o'clock,- noon. Messrs. C. Lesesne, W. G. Canllev and J. J. Eaddv have been reappointed supervisors of Williamshnrg county. A bill was introduced to reduce the number to >110, which was overwhelmingly iefeated. 'l'he death of .Joseph E. Brockinton was a shock to us all, coming as it did so unexpectedly. Everybody from Williamsburg seemed to be saddened at the news. C, W. Wolfe. The Fertilizer Trust. At a mass meeting of the farmers of Greenwood last Saturday, :he following resolutions present-. ?d by ex-Senator Gaines were unanimously adopted: Whereas the prices of fertilizers ire being advanced arbitrarily hrougfc the influence of a trust \nd to an extent not justified by lommercial con Jitions: Resolved, 1. That we, the farners 61 Greenwood county, S. C.,; lerebv ay peal to the fanners of he state and the cotton state's to (lold meetings at their respective :ourt houses on the first Monday n February, and that they pledge themselves not to purchase lertilzers at an advance exceeding 10; percent over last year's prices.; 2. Thai we regard 10 ner cent.; id vance in prices of fertilizers as j much as the conditions justify, and! ive advise farmers not to purchase my fertilisers at more than 10 per :ent. advance over last year's, prices. That all newspapers are request*d to publish these resolutions and lielp the farmers thwart the de-; signs of the pernicious fertilizer! [rust. w iltoiimlinn' In lino rr\ o I I rain at Fairfax Sheriff Creech, of Barnwell, fell and had his only remaining hand cut off. A com mission has been granted to the Gaston Milling and manufacturing Company of Columbia*, I'll is company will do a general wood working business, making furniture, coffins, etc. mm nnifi in Suits, Overcoats, Pa Goods Estra sized sui ts sized pants from 44 to I big reduction in order i much as I can before ta SOLE AGENTS FOT B n B Ijm /em^ m* UUUiittjS) I CIUARAXTEF.I) not to rij>. If the; other pair or your money back. An f 1.00 per suit, if they rip we will giv< H. i . E 224 King St. Opposite Acn -:Js. .. i 60 YOU GET CP WirBAlAME BACK? Kidney Trouble 'Slakes Toe TSisarablo. Almost everybody who reads fne newspapers is sure to know of the wonderful p , -r. t cures made by Dr. '?l Kilmer's Swamp-Root, * i kidn?yh] [_* and bladder remedy. "I U f f^sSl Kc It is the great mediJ |s/ ^ cafftriumph of the nineI rljr' Seenth century; dis>S>%= y ilfl, covered after years of " ?Ji scientific research by | ( C^^\8 Dr. Kilmer, the emiI. Jg AcT. " nent kidney and blad <jer specialist, and is wonderfully 'successful -in promptly curing; lame back, kidney, bladder, uric acid troubles and Sright's Disease, *4iich is the worst form of kidney trouble. Dr. Kilmer's SwairiJ>-Koot is not recommended for everything but if you have kidney, liver or bladder trouble it will be found just the remedy /ou need. 11 has been tested In so many ways, i."* hospital work, in private practice, among the helpless too poor te purchase relief and has proved so successful in every case that a special arrangement has been made by which all readers of thispapeh who have not already tried it, may have a sample bottle sent free by mail, also a book telling more about Swamp-Rodt'ithd how to find out if vouhave kidnev or bladder trouble. When writing mention reading this generoui offer in this paper and f^jTri send your address to giftvilpK;:*: Dr. Kilmer & Co.,Bingregular fifty cent and Home of Bwmnp-Rooc dollar sires are sold hy all good druggists. / Stop, Thiefl That is what you will feel like . 4 exclaiming when you price our goods alter this advertisement appears. Well,we didn't steal them, they are paid for, but from now until the new year We are going to sell them at such prices as to make yeu think we did. By January 1st we want to sell out our entire stock of shoes and in order to do so we will from now on make such prices that the profits thereon will pay taxes, insurance and onr board like a cat eats pot hook*?slowly. 'Christ mas is nearly here and we wan* money then, for it might rail*. We are reducing prices on everything we have and have some great bargains in store tor those who are hunting them. We are overstocked on tobacco and it must go. Having bought largely of coffee when the price was down we can offer great inducements in that hue. Farmers, and everybody, we are going to offer you an opportunity .now of buying many things you are obliged to have a little later at exceptionally low nt-i<rt*< ('otrnp lo lis. Lesesne & Epps* ats. Hats, Furnishing from 44 to 50, Extra 12. t am ofrsrino' this ;o reduce my stock as king stock next month. THECELEBRATED rROUS ?RS, y rip in two monts you will <*et mrkI the Hamilton Carhartt Over-all p you another suit free Brawn's HUE CLOTHING HOUSE, demy of Music Charleston, S, Ct