The county record. [volume] (Kingstree, S.C.) 1885-1975, January 11, 1900, Image 1

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VOL. XVI. KIN OCTREE, SOUTH CAROLINA, THURSDAY, JANUARY 1U9&0. NO. 2. Positively No New Insplay Advertisements Will be Eeeeived, or Old Ones Changed, Later Than Tuesday Jtorning. ill IllIJF IIMI. AFFAIRS CAUGHT BY OUT LOCAL REPORTER AND NOTED. ^ Written in Candensed horm ar.d Printed in Like Manner tor the Sake of Our Weary Readers. Mr. II. IJonton has removed from Florence to Like City. Miss Ir na Nettles, of Gounlins ivisitin^ friemls in Sutnter county.j Mr. ami Mrs. II. C. Godwin of; LikeCitv were in town Mominv I I t. J. M J< Imson. Jr.. of Mar- j ion spent S.irurday in town wit it j friends. Mr. Samuel 15 Myers, of Lines.! spent Sunday in town with hi- j parents. II .1). 'A'llli.onson, of Florence.! was in town this week on bu-iness. Mi-..) A Hanni.of Johnsonville, was in tow n for a lew daytj this j week. / Mr. I>. A. Myers has accepted a po-iiion with Mr. 1\. H. Tillman at tioardi'is. The Lev. K. W. Barnwell will hold s i riees here on Friday, 12th. .at the usual hours. Mr. T. II. Johnson, of Gourdins. i will larm this year lor Air. Pitt.nau at the Fraser place. A large party of sportsmen i Irom Florence are down at Rhems this week deer hunting. (Mr. Je-se Parker has gone to Moacks Corner to take charge 01 Mr. Belirman's store. i Air. R. A. Wat ts, Jr., the jewel-i er, has returned to town, prepar-j ed to serve his patrons again. Rev. J. E. Danlap delivered an able sermon lust Sunday alternooo in the Presbyterian church. Mr. D. E. Grant has opened a store, as manager, on the coiner recently vacated by Mr. II I), lied lick. Mrs. Sarah X esmith, an estimable old lady of Black Mingo, died on oili insf. She was over SO years oid. Mr. J. W. Blrtckwal', of Lake Oily, hi? nnved to Scranton, where ha h is opened a sale and livery stable. Mr. Charlie rorter, tlie Coast . . . i Lines efficient chief dispatcher at Florence, spent Sunday with his mother in low... Superintendent of ducation Lesesne, has moved into town and occupies the Methodist parsonage. Miss Meddie and Mr. Clayton 11. Thomas have returned to Mouzoos alter a long visit to friends in Cartersvilie. Tuesday morning about two o'clok, Mills store an 1 postofli.-e at Fpps was destroyed by lire: i\ut of the stock was saved. Mr. E. S. Dri-rgers, who ha? lor the past year has been Dr. Gambles elli'ient assistant, has returned to his home in Florence. Mr. W. R. Funk has been quite sick for the past week, llis many Iriends will be pleased to learn that he is impro.viog and may be ,out soon. The Atlantic Coast Lumber Co. is poshing the construction on their railway?the work now being some ten miles out from (Jeorgetown. Mr. J. F. Chandler was in town i Monday on business and reports tilings moving smoothjy in the I lilaek Mingo neighborhood. The tanners are busy getting ready lor the next crop saeson. Levine services were held in the Methonist Episcopal Church last Sunday by il;e pastor, liev. W. ^inith Martin. A large and at tentivecongregation being in attendance. Prof. 0. W. Sto!l came over Friday .much to ihe pleasure of his Clients in town. Prof. Sloll is mending some time with his uncle. Mr. J. P. McCulloiigh. near JSai'ters, the latter having recently been stricken with paralysis. Mr. A. W. (jagg, of New Jersey, has been here lor the past week lr?n'r i n <r 'li'nnnd wi'h :1 ri(>\V fOPIl ir.ijrinsr in business in town. .Mr. (5airjrs* coming here would induce the emigration ot several families ripe for any enterprise that suggested itself. Letts'" from Lanes. Capt. J. W."Cotter, and family J K r?liil o t'c of Ill Ij.'I lies, sjjcih lijl" iivnua^o Bonueaus with their parents. .Mr. Conelius Mitchurn, trestle master at Bee Dee bridge, will move his family to Marion county this week. Miss llattie McCulchen has returned Iroin Indiantown to re sume the exercises of her school, which is in a llourisking condition. ! ? .Mrs. L. Mouzon and child have I i returned to Georgetown after a pleasant visit to her parents, Mr. mid Mrs. Gordon. Air. and Mrs. Willie E'lowdenj have returned to Augusta, Ga.,j after a pleasant vi.-it to friends, j Miss Eima Gordon has returned lo college after spending the holidays at Iwme.. Miss Ervin Severance has resinned has resumed her duties in the telegraph olfice, alter a very enjoyable visit lo her home in Lake City. Mr. Willie Lifrage, alter a short stay with his parents, has returned to his position in Charleston. Mr. Emile Li I rage, telegraph operatar at Sellers, with his wile, splint the holidays with his parents. The Rev. A. Me A. Pitlman will serve the Lanes Baptist Church this year. Rev. Dubose lus moved into the Methodist parsonage and taken charge of the circuit. Mr. II. L. Orvin, the popular depot agent, was presented on Christ mas day with a fine girl. Miss Isabella Rodgers had a very pleasant family reunion at iter home here during the holidays. Mrs. Nettles, after an extended visit to her daughter, Mrs. Alice Britton, lias gone to visit her son at Alcolu, , FIRE AT MARS BLUFF. j ! Atlantic Coast Line Depot, Ginhouse and Contents Burned. j Florence, Jan. fi. Last night i J at Mars Bluff, tlie Atlantic Coast j Line depot and a large two story ( j gin boose were destroyed by lire, j The gin house belonged to J. Eii ( Gregg A' Son. and stood not lar ^ from the depot. The fire started at about 11 o'clock in the gin house, and it is snpposdd to have been of tol? /llC/lnVOI'ft/1 1 I \ i\?JL ?> 4iWl UICV\'tv.ivu I * . . I the door which had been securely locked, was standing ajar. Five or six bales of cotton were con- ' sumod and about 40 bales were ^ serious!)* damaged. The engines c and pins were lost. There was no insurance <xi either building or cotton. Three carloads ol seed 1 were also destroyed. I The depot was valued at $1,000 and loss was covered. Most of f ilie freight was eaved. The sec- i tionmasler succeeded in roiling off I he boxcars standing on the siding. | Lambert Letter. j On the last day of tlie old year I snow fell to the depth of three inches. There is littie news here at this , time. Christmas passed off quietly, with only one or two alterca- \ lions, winch we think is pretty j good ior our section.* A fruit supper was given at the ^ residence of Mr. John Iiuggins on last Thursday night, which was a grand success. Miss Anna Alt- J man, of Taylor, who is visiting relatives in this neighborhood, was iu attendance at tiie supper. 1 The Friday before Christmas there was a turkey shooting at Mr. K. F. Prossers store (Iiuggins rj old stand.) The Douglas boys <liJIUiJ? tuc v? Jii iici c. u uiii^o _, | 4 1 Fiavus 2, and L. II. one. The FolI lovvinsr Saturday there was anothi er contort at Ilenimingwav &GVs FT | store, and Mr. L. H. Douglas took the lirst prize there. h , Well, the year 1899 has passed ' into history, a thing of the past. *J | and we have many, many things ; for which to be thankful?the pros- ^ perity which has attended us, the r>ri?<?evation of lite, ilealth and ^ property. And as we have pass- ^ ed out of the old year audentered upon the new, may we all enjoy prosperity aud form resolutions I for the better. And now, Mr. Editor, may your i good paper abundantly grow in * power and influence and be a 1 blessing to its many readers. And i may you receive in ricoest measure the benediction of the Master. Ego. The dispensary was out 01 whisky on Wednesday and Thursday. It don't happen often, and the old topers were taken aback. Georgetown Times. s Girls working in the match facR tories of England become permeated with the chemicals and minerals used. The sulphur sometimes eat I heir jaws in the must painful and disgusting way. Their wages 1 week. Benson Briefs. Mr. anil Mrs. N. D. Lesesne left or Kingslree last Tuesday, w h^ere hey will reside in the fu tare. Mr. Vernon Strong iiicw*e? =to I he place made vacant fcy Mr. X. D. Lese'sne on last VVedneodf.y., vhich will be his home for iki&l ;ear. Mr. J. Y. MeGiil will, as -eeon is iie ewn mui\e suuie izljkwcnents on the house late!jr occupied by Mr. Vernon Strong, move here, and make it his home. Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Humphries; eft lor their home for the year atj ividgeville, S. Cr on last Weti-nos-: lay. Mr. Sam McCrdlough, a cadet; rom Clemson College, was at j lome lor the holidays, returning! his week. Rev. \V. S. Martin preaciied his | irst sermon at Cedar Swamp! Deliiodist Church last Snndav. I The New Year is in, being the | OC 1 AC I hn V Inotnnnt h t n w%r HOC \/i a.1 1 li v l Cell I 11 V/CUIUI V. iVe wish tlie County Rfcokd and ' ts numerous readers a happy and )rosperous year. W. S. G. In Nineteen Hundred. Uas, for time and chance and change! Tie fore the lire I wondered Vhither lii cycling world would range In Nineteen Hundred. Vhati lives would meet with blessings sweet? What hearts, what hands be sun-2 -1 *3 uercu. ust how tLc old world's heart would beat In Nineteen Hundred! saw in all the centuries past How that old world had blundered; tnd would it find the Light at last In Nineteen Hundred! ?he snows were da>hed against the pane, And loud-wind voice thundered: 'The world is thine, for storm or shine, In Nineeeen Hundred." Frank L. Stanton. The firms that in a fe*.v years iave risen from small beginnings' o affluence,have generally done so iv the aul of judicious advertising ' rom the very commencement of j heir enterprise. All of Our Last Yt Dilll ?j m m 01 *j! aor Men, Boys s? vt vwvvwvm>m,vw w deduced from j ?>iVa New arrivals of Fall ami Wint Just received, the very latest r All of our latest style hats for I In our underwear department an be found in the city. We are now ready to take or< wis made to order from $15 to $40. Sole agents for the Hamilton C nd the celebrated Dutchess Trouse H. I G 224 KiuSt. g Opposite Aca< ThrmsTiTiftfl "Htrve Kidney Trotible and 2>orf?t Knew it How To Find Out. FC5 a "bottle or common glass with yetfr : water and Jet it stand twenty-four fcours; a ? ? sediment or setT-^*^ r\ fling indicates an I { ,?5?rs-unhealthy condi' TTV? F tion of the kid;<$ '. \ v nays; ff it stains your linen it is evidence of kid' kLw trouble; too *lOL]&d/' frec?uen- oesirc to i ' "pass 'it or pain in j ~ " the back is alse 'convincing proof that the kidneys .and bladder art oat cf order. I . What to Do. mere is -comfort in the know,edge so -often expressed, that Dr. Kilmer's SwampRoot, the great kidney remedy fulfills every wish in curing rheumatism, pain in the back, kidneys, liver, bladder and every part of the urinary passage. It correct3fhability to hold water and scalding pain In passing it, or bad effects following use of liquor, wine or beer, and overcomes that unpleasant necessity of being compelled to go often during the day, and to get up many times during the night. The mild and the extra-, ordinary effect of Swamp-Root is soon realized. It stands the highest for its wcnll cures of the most distressing cases. . jou need a medicine you should have the best. Sold by druggists in 50c. and$l. sizes. You may have a sample bottle of this wonderful discovery and a book that tellsgg^S^gy^pk,^^ more about it, both sent absolutely free by mail, address Dr. Kilmer & riome of Swamp-Root. Co., Binghamton, N. Y. When writing mention reading this generous offer in this paper. Stop, Thief! That is what you will feel like exclaiming when you price our goods a'ler this advertisement appears. Well,we didn?t steal them, they are paid for, but from now until I he new vear we are coins to sell them at such prices as to make yeu think we did. By January 1st we want to sell out our entire stock of shoes and in order to do so we will from now on make such prices that the profits thereon will pay taxes, insuranee and our board like a cat. JS eats pot hooks slowly. Christ mas is nearly here and we want. * .: money then, for it raigkt We are reducing prices on everything we have and have some great bargains in store for those who are hunting them. We are overstocked on tobaceo and it most <'o. Ilavinu bought largely of c< flee when the price was down we cati offer great inducements in that line. Farmers, and everybody, we are going to offer you au opportunity now of buying many things you are obliged to have a link* later at exceptionally low prices. Come Jo see us. * Lesesne & Epps. ;ar's .wwwv ad Children, ;(j j AAAA.AA. ' .J -4 to 2-5 Their lueS<" or Clothing. jovelties in neckjwoar. Jj fall and wintergure in. you will find as complete a line a? j i : ? ?..?>r3'flnnarfmont itrr.-j in \?ui iaiiv/nu^|4viV|'Mi tMV?? . Every tit guaranteed perfect. ::fl *arhaitt Overalls, at $1.50 per suit, fl i\s, guaranteed not to rip,2 fl Brown's; J RITE CLOTHfNG HOUSE I lemj of Music Charleston, SL (\ fl