I "Acme" Bicvclesl |! '98 Models. High Grade, i f SAME GRADE AS AGENTS SELL FOR $75.00. L fen ?.'e Have no Agents but Sell Direct to tbe Rider at Manufacturer's Prices, Saying Yon c!I Agent's Profits. t"\ Rest materials, Superb finish. Eight ck-tant noctcis. Vte ship anywhere with jki H privilege of examination, pay express [M L'i charges bctb ways and refund year My JL,;ii v.ioucy il not as represented. Ever*> |Si$ jfrl "Acme" is fully guaranteed against jjjfo SL all Accident* as well as Defective Work' W |g %ia:vJiip. Scod for catalogue. *tACME CYCLE CO., ? : m Main St, - Elkhart, lad. fsj / ' - - " Registration Notice. The office of the Supervisor of registration will be opened on the first Monday in every month and the two days immediately following, for the purpose of the registering of any pereon who is qualified as follows: Who shall have been a resident of the State for two years, of the connty one year and of the polling precinct -fa which the elector offers to vote four qaonths before the day of election, and 4kall have paid, eiz months before any poll tax then due and payable, and Who can both read and write any seo'* ' * _r iaor. uon 01 me uohbiuguou ui ouumitted to him bj the supervisors of registration, or can show that he owns, ltd has paid all taxes collectable during the present year on property in this State assessed at three hundred dollars or more. J. J.-EADDl, Clerk of Board. Probably you use it Nearly everyone does, and if so you know all about how far superior it is to either baking soda or baking powder. Leaven ?s the latest advance in baking preparations, and if ycu don't use it you should. If Is Better Than Soda because it will make biscuit just right every time. No more yellow spots or soda taste. It Is Better Than Baking Powder it ic half nc Qtrr^nar arrain one heaping teaspoonful will do the work of two rounded teaspoonfuls of the best baking powder ever made. It Don't Spoil but is so prepared that with ordinary care it will retain its full strength for . years. Wc do not have to pack it in tin cans like baking powder, and this saving enables us to give you better value for your money than yo t ever had before. ~ .4 Utile leaven leaveneth the u/iete iumf." e ounces for ten cents.?6 ounces tor five cents. ACRE HYGIENIC MATTRESS. TU*m&ttre4ftdepead? largely upon air?the most reeiitont foro? fcrowu to science?for ft* luxurious eorufort iu liAvinjf a hollow central air *puce tha Irujtth and width the mattrtws containing spring taction irith S8 string* intei-roiled into woven wire fabric* at top and hottern. Around *.ti* Is placed the Oiling, non-ab?or?ciit untleepMe pure white c?u softrau Setter thun unj ether mattreaa at an* price. C D C C To introduce our a o rnCC?i&.?? -acui:" IL iPjB Hygienic Mattress we will for a & limited time include with ererr H I order a One RrtM Trimmed. I I White EnnwrM B....1^^. Jj^^t ' ffyr" \ Metal fit-d Free, tly" fe?.t'.andoneofour II I celebrated^ patent 11 Irk t bwringm same n* 111 | ,yjr * ' " Ti|] adopted by the TT S. JcUU \"? . | {JlArmy after thiee ""VJ jj I , , | I I months of the mod v'Baaas "ar> W V great virtue* c?mferl,durability and vdMotlne**. Adjusts itself automatically to varying weight*. A light and henry person lying side by ride will not roll again t oath Other, f^end u? One IHillur. state loo the good-\; and pay thebsl- . "*acv #l 4.0(1 **d trclrht charge* only when satisfied that -they oee exactly ft* represented. Where all rush- lA.iMtiasant wlthortier we prceay freight In full from thisend, Further, we will make shipment with the express underOanilins that If. in vour udcraent. the m?ttre*?aIone is not nth more iban tlXfiO ;.u e * r I > eerytxxly aim has u-*t it thu. far ha* rcportm ; .11 ralao reoeiro-t in the fio-t month's o ?. The preai Inm 4 otTer-ml in connection with the trmt'ri... re a free iift front us for the adrert isina which we n. i we will obtain fro n the cue on year part of thi? mtt't?... 2t i* by use alone that its fnii merits can be am r crime.I. a re?nc?t we will eect ilnplicatew of persona! leiteii *f endor.enient from the celeh-afM Chicai;? nint?on. Dr. J. B. Mnrfiy; Washington Hesinu. late postmaster of Sbicmjo; Mr. Joseph Hiece', of Sieai-i. footer .? of i ihicaso; Jadee K. W. Cliftor.i ii tnl 11?ittr A?.. to. & ' ? gst m? *?!f-aajp'.e* of rewers aad OhMtnted c-itaB ' r loguen show!n-? more than ti'i ?t.? le? of B. itwr Caarbis ut ill < !tre..-T rlnm t HEftnl ttefs. Vanltc is?l 1 yrljl.1 : Chair*, liwt. \liyto Moe. I Probably the most precocious hei on mora is a uny noy cuueu lieuuai Webber, aged 5 years, who sever | days ago received a certificate of liom from the Royal Humane Society < Germany for saving from drowning tt life of his little brother, aged 3. Tl I children wore playing with some otln boys on the edge of a pond, when tt | youngest Webber fell into the wate i The others, frightened by the iuciden took to their heels, but Leonard, w'tl j out the slightest hesitation, plunged i I and rescued his brother from a watei j death. The youthful hero, who is bright, intelligent youngster, seem* to think nothing of his brave feat. Quite as remarkable was the ca; which comes front a remote corner < Russia, where a boy of 9 years actua ly possessed the temerity to tackle great, gaunt wolf that had assailed tiny playmate as the latter lay aslee The rescuer seized an ax that chanc* to be lying on the ground, where had been left by a woodman, and ga^ battle to the wolf, who, finding hin self thus attacked, promptly aba: cloned his murderous mienuons bl trotted off into the wood. So silent was the splendid deed performed th: the sleeper slept on through its pe formance, and it was only when 1 awoke soon afterwards that he heai how narrow an escape he had he from a terrible death. Russia has, indeed, been the scei of much youthful heroism. Son 3'ears ago, when a peasant woman w; sitting with her little daughter, age j about S years, at supper, the curtail j which divided the living room I I which they sat from the adjoining b-:i room, caught fire, through the expb sion of an oil lamp. The mother s; dumbfounded, not knowing what to d tut her daughter, child as she wa possessed mere presence of mind, fo seizing a knife, she climbed upon chair, cut down the blazing curtair and then smothered the flames wit the hearth rug. In two minutes' tin: the fire, which might have develop? into a veritable conflagration, was e: tinguished, and the whole business w< carried out by the unaided pluck of mite of 8. Fortunately she escape with nothing worse than several triv al burns, and her brave conduct w; the talk of the village for a long tirr afterwards. Even burglars have found then selves worsted by children little mo: than babies, and in Nottingham not s very long ago a burly disciple of Bi Svkes was subdued and captured t the action of a schoolboy of 12. Tt boy slept in a tiny room adjoining h father's apartment, and was awakene one December night by sounds of struggle from the latter chambe Without an lnstant'3 hesitation tt o nnlrpr iinrl eliding n tiptoe Into the room found his rek tive in the grip of a massive burgia who was gradually choking him. Quick as thought the boy hit the ru fian, once, twice and thri:e upon th head, with the result that he loosene his grasp on the father's throat an fell to the -floor stunned and helples Ten minutes later he was on his wa to the police station under the guai dianship of two stalwart constable and it afterwards transpired that h was a malefactor long wanted by tb police for a series of daring burglarie Baying Bird* to Free Them. Miss Marie Dalroyde, the Londo i actress, who recently inherited a lars fortune, created a sensation on I thoroughfare of that city recentl: | While passing a stall where a bir ! dealer had a large stock of wild bird | in cages she purchased a dozen lir J nets, opened the doors of their cage j and let them fly away. Finding sh j had not money enough in her purs to procure freedom for all the warbler .she returned home for rzore, and revi? iting the man purchased and liberate every wild bird in his stock. An im mense crowd of people gathered an many of them warmly commended he kindly act.?New York Mall and Ex press. Knrlnl I1VUUI Dyspepsia Cure Digests what you eat. Itartiliciallydigests-thefoodandaid Nature in strengthening and recon -trocting the exhausted digestive or gans. It is the latest discovered digest ant and tonic. No other preparatioi can approach it in efficiency. It in stantly relieves and permanently cure: Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Heartburn Flatulence, oour Stomach, Nausea I Sick Headache,Castr.dgia,Cramps,anc f all other results ?f iimvrfectdigestion Prepared by E. C OoV.'iit 6 Co., Chicago. 'I run ini. N j Presbyterian Church?Rov. J. E. ! Duulop, pastor, 1st Sunday, 4 p. m.; | 3rd Sunday 11 u. in. a, Methodist Church ? Rev. W. S. a , Martin, pustor, 1st and 4th Sundays, j 11 a. ra. and 7:30 p. w.; 3d Sunday, 7:30p. in. "O ,l Baptist Church?Rev. F. \Y. EasoD, :i> minister, 2nd Sunday. 11 a. m. and 7:30 - iii L3 3 r.on jr p. m., *iu ounuay i :ou p. m. Episcopal Church -Rev. R. W. Barnu welJ, pasior, '2nd Sunday 11a. m.,7:30 'r P. m. ie : OUK CLUB OFFKKS. r. ) t, The County Record one year and i- [ the Farm Journal live years, SI.00. in The County Record one year and the I T Home aud Farm, $1.25. a j The County Record one year and ;c* the Semi-Weekly News and Courier, I $1.75. 5G ' . i The County Record one vearandthe j Tri-Weekly (X. Y.) Worldj $1.65. a ' The County Record one year and a the Semi-Weeklv Columbia State,$2.00. p. The County Record one year and the ed Atlanta Constitution, $1.75. it | ' Buell & Roberts' '>! " ! CASH DRY GOODS STORE. ?! ,!j ' Some Of Oar Specials: t . | Ladies' Umbrellas, 20-inch, lilack 16 I Serge, 12 different styles of Decorated ie 1 China and Sterling Silver, Congo hanis | dlea, 89 cen-s. id 26-inch, Steel rods, Black Serge, 13 Congo handles, 49 cents, ia 26 inch, Black Silk, Sterling Silver, 1- Tnrne I Coigo bandies, 81.29. o- 20-itieb. extra quality. B.ack Seige, it uiih Id'tck and d'lik greiU carved huu '?, die", at G") and 98 cents. / *....4 Or: iii#.h RInr?lt Crlnria o. I urui ruicu r. iovwi r, Silk, Steel roil-, Sterling silver, turned a : CouiiO bandies, $1.3 ). is J 2o-iucb, Steel tiuil Wood rods, Black h Serge, 49 cents. le 2G-incb, Black Serge, latest style id | Horn Laudle, $1.24. i- ; BLACK SATIXE at 5 cents, is ; White Lawn, 40 inches wide, 5c. a Cambric at 5c. d White Table Damask at 20, 25, 34, ) i- 48, 50, 74c, $1 and $1.25. is Bed Damask at 15, 20, 25 and 35c. le ! Be&atiful Colored Silks Ht Zi cents. Huck Towels, bright borders 5c. i- , Towels at 3c. e i Bleached Hack Towels, H S, 37x20, so at 10 cents. 11 Lace Curtains, Crash Skirts, white iy Plaid Aprons, Wrappers, Lambrequins, ie Tinsel Drapery, Bureau Scarfs, Pillow is Casep, Side Combs,Shirt Waists,Brush d Braid, Dress Bones, Crash, Straw a - Sailors, Bell Crown Sailors, and several r. i other kinds too numerous to mention ie j and quote prices, proportionately ,n j cheap. | Just received, 1 case Cordet's Beatir( j ful Gcods at 5c per yard ? f- ' Furniture Department j ; 10-piece Solid Oak Suits SI7. j I 10-piece Solid Oak Suits $18. s i 10-piece Solid Walnut Suits $G5 to v I 3110. , Solid Oak Sideboards 812 to 815. Imitation Walnut Sideboards $6.50 to ,'e ** SiDgle Lounges 8* to 86. Bed Lounges 88.50 to $15. Imitation Walnut Beds $2.50 to $5. I Mattresses $2 to 88. Bed Springs 82.25 to 81. I 6-foot Oak Extension Tables 81.50 to n : 810. :e 5-foot Imitation Oak Extension Tables a $3.50. r. Kitchen Table SI.25 to $1.75. d Full Size Willow Rockers $1.50. la Kitchen Safes 82. 75 to $3.50. i- Stoves 85.25 to $20. '3 Ladies' Desks $5 to $14. e 10-piece Decorated Char mber sets 82.19 e 6-foot Smyrna Rugs $2.88. a 5-foot Velvet Carpet Rugs $1.50. 5-foot Smyrna Rugs $1.40. d 3-foot Smyrna Rugs CJc. - 6-foot Jute Rugs 98c. d Window shades lOo to $1.25. r Bamboo Easels 50o to 81.50. Just received, a new lot of fine Chinese and Japanese mattings. ' HI 8 HIS, 573 and 575 King St., Charleston.S.C. > Skm Diseases. 9 For the speedy and permanent cnre oil tetter, salt rheum and eczema, Chamberlain's Eye and Skin Ointment is 8 without an equal. It relieves the itching and smarting almost instantly and its continued use effects a permanent cure. It also cures itch, barber's itch, 1 scald head, sore nipples, itching piles, * chapped hands, chronic sore eyes and s granulated lids. ?... Dr. fadj's Condition Powders for 1 horses are the best tonic, blood purifier and vermifuge Price, 35 cents. Sold by - ^ _ - ~ - niir- n in 1 r o h t:ren G^i.i ^K!?y l?il tires an 1 hiphcrade equipment CCUn ftilC nm I IR ,ory?jr?*p"?a*?nt'nru dCnll UnC UULLAn hqifhtof frame wanted, an. anbjecttn naminatun and approval. If voii don't find it the r?n e OltDMt TO-DAY if yon don't wanttn he di?app>i WE HAVE BICYCLES ? in every tcwnto reprevr.t at. Rar.dredv earned their bic?' for at. *ls- *?^ Up-'O-date, 0 N somcly Prii C (l r N?- I-BIGQ ^ |J / V if I All about He 1 1/7 I 74 illustratic 38 ( \ No. 2-BIGQI ^ \ about rti v 1 contains 43 c / / 1 varieties anc vrijg y-\ i N?- ^~?IGGI I of all the^pri _ I Price, 50 Cet (f\VtVV} ^,1 No. 4?BIGGI 4 \y J) l"-? V* All about Co r V_/ v* / m sale: contai 1 ^ Js breed, witui \ r No. 5-BIGGI \. | Just out. A J'^A I ery, Disease n I tones and otl 11} \ 1 TbeBIQQLE B0< \ saw anythiai / \ ore having i V is i Chicken, or L I away for thi W^FARJI i B* Is vaur naner tna< XuT old; it is the fjres cuit-after-you-hav the world the big ' of America havin i Any ONE of the BIGGLE BO r> YEARS (remainder of 1S99, 1000, J to any address for A DOLLAR BlLI J Sample of FARM JOURNAL and I V.IEMrR ATKINSON*. Adi T CHAS. K JENKINS. 1 ransMnBiHai > ' W I THE " NECESS^ 1 The best-infor *.ed men and wo , MONTHLY REVIEW OF REVIEW it the " necessary" and " indispen of to-day ambitious men and woi questions of the month, and not i them at the right time. When the gigantic combination of trusts, a w AMERICAN MONTHLY, giving tl theory; when the Dreyfus affair is of Dreyfus and the great case come Every month, in " The Progrej gives a comprehensive picture of vious thirty days. In the departmi that have been published during quoted from, so that the readers of the gist of them. In every issue n< including the portraits of the me i history of the month. To be thoroughly well i^^mei her work. A subscription l^the I OF REVIEWS represents an inves well as entertainment One subscr a life subscriber, and when you sen my subscription and secure no rene' my death." Prire i< rent* ner number. A sample copy will be sent on i A t ' THE REVIEW OF I 13 Astor Place tSilmpe Admittedly the E the n 6 The Imperial J One Galio The needle keeps th the generating tube b that will not go out. flicker.' The light cm a gas jet or lamp. Th JUJ-L j 0)*. the market and ev ^gjsaw^ao^ | be had. IT WILL I n If not sold in your tc THE IMPE V 132-134 L^e Street, i^i w:M quois Bicycles SJfi/75 AO of the famous I 'OquOlS Model 3 fl BB B-ryrkrs illbe told ?t $16.Ties h,Jusl one-third laeir re al lalur. ROQUOIS CYCLE WORKS FAILED wheels were to ei|M-e?lieljl)Bilt.a J we hare boujbt the entire plant at a forced ileal 40 eenu oa the f oliar. V'ltb it we jot 4U0 Model 3 frofjoots Bides, finished and conplcte, Made tO Sell 0t $60. Toadri .se our business svt hare concluded to sell tneso tuC at just whac ey aland us. ard make the mnrvelotia offer cf a Model S * OQ UOIS BI C YCLE it $16-"bile ihcjrla.t. The wheels e strictly up-to-date, famous ereryw here for beauty and tood quality. CCrCIDTOM Th<" IfNt'i* Model 3 is too well acurrn to De?irplete line DD Sodel. at ^11>10 and up. 8cfond*baii4 el. IS to f 10. We want H.ZX? J3 JrL AaFWT^ rle last year Thit rear we offer wheel. and cash for work d>*io fnte for our liberal proposition. Wo are known ererywhee* id are perfectly reliable; we refer to any bank or busices* house in ere viFAD CYCLE CO.. Ghicarjo. III. \ BOOKS i ry of unequalled value Practical, I onclse and Comprehensive Hand uicu anu Dcauiuuujr iiiUMratcu. JACOB BIGGLE LE HORSE BOOK irscs a Common-Sense Treatise, with over j ms; a standard work. Price, 50 Cents. LE BERRY BOOK owing: Small Fruits read and learn how ; t olored life-like reproductions of all leading i I 100 other illustrations. Price, 50 Cents. 1 LE POULT.VY BOOK j mltry ; the best Poultry Book in existence ; i ing ; with33 colored life-like reproductions ? ncipal breeds; with 103 other illustrations, t its. LE COW BOOK ws and the Dairy Business ; having; a great | ns 8 colored life-like reproductions ofeach J I32 other illustrations. Price, 50 Cents. ; LB SWINE BOOK II shout Hock Breedinc t s, etc. Contains over So beautilul half- j her engravings. Price, 50 Cents. OKS are unique,original,useful you never j 5 like them so practical, so sensible. They | n enormous sale East. West, North and J ry one who keeps a Horse, Cow, Hog or J grows Small Fruits, ought to send right r ? r.lOCLE BOOKS. The I 1 JOURNAL ^e fc r you and not a misfit. It is 22 years Z it < Med-down, hit-the-nail-on tbe-head, | e-saui >\ Farm and Household paper in t ;gest paper ofits size in the United States ) 2 over a million and a-halfregular readers. J lOKS, and the FARM JOURNAL 1 ? 1901, 1902 and 1903) will be sent by mail I circular describing BIQGLE BOOKS free. I Ires*, FAUN JOl'RMAL | Philadelphia i . -?..X lRY" magazine- ; - i ? men in the world use the AMERICAN ' VS to keep well informed, and call sable " magazine. In the busy rush nen must know about the important only thia, they want to know about ! whole country ia puzzled over the ell-informed article is printed in the tie facts, and its editor discusses the in everyone's mouth, the best story j s oui in tms magazine. ?$ is of the World," Dr. Albert Shaw the world's history during the preents, the valuable articles and books the past month are reviewed and the AMERICAN MONTHLY can get sarly a hundred pictures are printed, n and women who are making the 3 helps any man or woman in his or i AMERICAN MONTHLY REVIEW V tment for the best kind of profit, as iber has ju3t written: " Count me d me a number beyond the limit of wal from me, consider it a notice of j ;o a year. * \ receipt of ten cents in stamps. : ! REVIEWS COMPANY New York ?' I * % rial Gas Lamp vercd by U. S. Patents. 1EST light on tho market and lost economical. + urns common stove gasoline and gives a * 00 candle power light at a cost of one ent per day. n will burn (?(j hours, ie burner clean, so it will not clog, and eing in center of flame, insures a light There is no odor, no smoke and no a be raised or turned down just as with ie. Imperial is the most perfect light erything pertaining to it is the best to 'AY TO INVESTIGATE. _ I ' iwn Vrite us for catalogue. RIAL GAS LAMP CO. , ; CHICAGO, ILL* j rim