Tlpe County licrxrrxl J PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY AT KIXGSTRKE, S. C. C. W. WOLFE, ( Editor and Proprietor. i TERMS. subscription rates: 1 One cony, one year, - - - $1.00. m Onpeofv. six months, - - - .50. One copy, thiee months, - - .25. Subscriptions payable in advance. advertising rates: 1 One inch, first insertion. $1.00: each subsequent insertion. 50 cents. Obitc- < arics and Tributes of Respect over 2CJ: words charged for as tegular advertisements. Liberal reduction on advertisiiig made for three, six and twelve months' contracts. , Communications must l>e accompanied by the real name and address of the writer in order to receive attention. No communication of a personal nature . will be publishsd except as an advertisement. Address all letters and make all drafts payable to C. W. "Wolfe, Kingstree, S.C, THURSDAY, JANUARY 4, 1900. T A SENSELESS SCREECH. We are entirely In accord with the refusal to re-establish the postoffioe at Lake City, in Williamsburg county. A negro was appoint ed postmaster there, which was a criminal blunder. Nevertheless, many southern coramuni i s have had negro postmasters forced upon fchem and have submitted to the infliction. If some enraged citizen of Lake City had walked out in broad daylight and killed the offending official it would have been had enough. As it was, the man's house was set afire at night and he and his wife and children were shot down by concealed asssasins as th??v pan out. When no attempt was made to punish this crime by process of law, the entire community showed its sympathy with the criminals by combining to protect them. The government says to Lake City: "You have undertaken to force the government by incendiarism and murder to conduct the l>ostoffice at your town according t? your wishes. Therefore you shall have no postofiice." That is right. It is rather cheeky for people who have nAirdered a government official and hi3 baby in a peculiarly cold blooded and horrible way to complain because another official is not sent to be murdered, or because the government declines for them the purpose they ostensibly had in committing the mu rder.?G reenville Xews. The foregoing screech from the Greenville News is one ot several gibes by that newspaper at the unfortunate town of Lake Citv. in reference to its post office troubles. T?o one who h;:s read the New'sed-! itorials of'la'e the mean spirit ol the above extract is by no means surprising, lor they have contained the strangest doctorine ever advanced bv a white editor in the State of South Carolina. Posing as the only democratic daily in the State our misguided contem porary seems completely satura ted with McKinleyism, Imperialism and every other *'isni'?upheld by the republican party. In voicing its sentiments it has degenerated into a common scold, blindly striking at everything not in accord with its own erratic notions. ? "When the whole State is in k cvniitalliv wtth a Inu-n nonrii-c/l of its rights by a despotic govern- j ment simply because it has the power to thus oppress, the attitude of the News is a slap in the j face to its native State; and (which j Heaven lorbui!) if influential J newspapers pursued its course our ' most sacred institutions would be imperiled. j The News admits that the appointment of the negro postmas- j ler was a criminal blunder. It { denoances his murder as an our J ? ag&t. And the government com- j t * S ' mits a third wrong by depriving V [he town and hundreds of people 0 in the surrounding country, as in- a noeent of the murder as an iniant :>rthe News'editor,of rights declar li ?d to them under the constitution j 3f the United States, inasmuch as!^ ! r [hey are taxed to help maintaian , 11? postal system whose advantages;^ are denied them. It would have! ^ been as just and sensible lode- C prive the whole State, including b the city of Greenville, of the post-; * office svsteni, as the hundreds of! ' I J unoffending citizens who are now , affected. Or it would have been y as just and sensible because a *< whiskey constable was shot down h I 1 in the streetsof Greenville, to de- u ' 0 prive that law-abiding town of; I e what Editor Williams pleases to ! 4) term the "Great Moral Institu-i o r tion" l. We do nor attempt to convince t a chronic kicker, and one so en- \ ; L lirely out of accord with the white democracy as the editor of I a the News; but we do want to set j r this matter straight before the. t public. For Lake City we ask p nothing more than that justice ^ to which she is entitled under the laws of the republic. * ___J 11 THE LAKE CITY POSTOFFICE. '> k Good Chance of its Being Reopened j Before Long. Washington, Dec.2S?Special? 111 The matter of the reopening of the ! s' Lake City postolfice is again ex 0 citing some discussion. Congress- j ^ man Norton, in whose district the!0 office is located, has worked hard () to get the rostoffice Department j ^ to consent tot he reopening of the J office, and a few gionths ago it|8 looked as if iiis ellorts might be j v successful. It was even said at '' the time that the Post office De-11 part merit was considering t he s matter of the appointment of the |11 postmaster at the office, butnoth-j r ing came of it. Mr. Norton isslillj^ working for the granting of the/1 mail facilities to tiie people of |a the town. It is thought to be,'1 donbtful, however, if anything can I be done in the matter for the J F present. As far as can be learn-1 0 st 1; Knight of the Lone Stai, lelan Wilson, taken 4; Knight of Santa Clans", Stewart Cunningam, just a few; Knight of the Inian Feather, Sam Snowden, takn C; Knight of Frog Level, Luthr Wilson, taken 7; Knight of the 7 7 , Otli Century, Lorrie Ervin, taken ; Knight of "Have vou seen ieorge", Robbie Krvin, one or wo. The Red Cross and the Indian 'eather having tied lor second lace, were required to run over; Iter the second tilt showing three ings for the former, and lour lor he latter. The promised and exacted speaker, from your city, tr. H. W. Wilson, having failed o appear, no attempt at oratory ;ere made by ethers, so that very mportant part of the programme ad to be dispensed with. We - . i now Mlarve" was either eiek. or ad a logical excise, otherwise, or not being there. Luther VVil on crowned Miss Eloise Cooper iueen of Love and Beauty; Sam inowden, Miss Janie E. Ileustis, f Bennettsville, 1st Maid ol'flonr; Johnnie Cunningham, Miss lary Snowden, 2nd Maid of lionInjustice to wThaddeus of War-J ar," we would say that liis lilly i ras quite high-strung, and her ear of the crowd and bolting the rack was much in evidence. Alo that "The 20th Century"' had iot decided to run until that nioriing, neither sludge" nor his nag icing in practice. "Santa Claus" nd "Have You Seen George" dded gTeatly to the amusement nd entertainment of the crowd. Ben," one of the colored ringdacers, was in great awe or fear f "Santa Claus," even when not iear him or running after him. U to the latter, it was a case of Robbie" riding old mule "Bob tie." "Bob" might bolt, buck,or eel-up, but "Rob" would 4,sit erejist de same." Alter the tournament, and beLre the dispersion of the assemble, live horse races wereindulgd in, with results as given below: 1 Gabe, Tom MeGutchen, 1st, )exter, Melan Wilson, 2nd; (2) laud i>, Willie MeCutchen, 1st, laisy, Georgie Graham, 2nd; (3) 1 organ, Julian Hanna, 1st, Man r Tloi.l.-^ T/?rrio K.ri'in 9n(1! ? iictuuo? A^/I tiv jut ?... ? .... J \ - / lexter, Mel an Wilson, 1st, Tlielna, Zeno Vause, 2nd; (5) Gabe, om McCutchen, 1st, Nancy j lanks, Georgie Graham, 2nd. The day was not unpleasantly! ool. and everyth inir passed off, moothly, in good order and hum-| r. At night, a dance at the resience of Mr. R. D. Gamble, was ho piece de' resistance, attended i y most of"the younger set,'' and j ept up by some into the wee! mall hours of the morning. "Nemo." | The theatrical "angel" is wing-1 -- i .w i.: . i itin*! ??S, Ulll JJJ3 IIIUUVJ "".i' J line. ? An actor likes to have friends, j et he never wants any one to' i ike lus part.. i< _y I Ja RAM?I | U / *s Tas?a!333 nnd Gas Fewsr and a. : Does Not Contain Quinine Nor O-.ber Pois Do* , not Injure W. A. McLa -ty ?i Son, Dime Box, Ter., sa; west we h ive ever handled. My son j.-re< 9 the only Chill'it nic which a child can take Price 50c. BIIOWN Me"G. CO., Prop'j ^^LLSI! Mil Wea I IN GROCERIES LADIES' CA1 TT A rnn A 1\TT"\ ilAli),AlNJJ 2^-lso a. IrAa Hardware, Crock ware and You furniSj satisfy it. E. L. S HERE ARK A FEW ROIiDFA< FIKST?We are here lo stay, therefoi ron aire. SEG'OND-r-Our vehicles are all stand one to be of good quality. THIRD?Our stock consists of young do not offer you old and brol FOURTH?We sell as low down as w out our margin is reduced tc Thomas c it is our aim to see lire your putar