the Pains neek, p front. siiU'S hips ami limbs are t^EHR ?ur merit of the liver and insomnia. " hink j it as far ahead of Zeilin's an lilaek i Draught as day is ahead of night. Alexander Pope gent over from England a slip from which j it is said the weeping willows of America all sprung. Do a favor rather than receive one, if you would be free. If troubled with dizziness, furred j l.itluf fi.t.l ill TlliUlltl lllll.'itl'l] lUli^ur, ?^avn - freting afu-r eating, constipation or 0,000. i Dr. N A Simmons' Liver Medicine searches out all impurities in tlie system, and X|>elsthern harmlessly by the natural channel-. Never use a big word when a lit-! tie one will serve the purpose. j If you feel dull, languid, brokendown, debilitatdc. have weak stomach or indigestion, use I)r. M A Simmons' Liver Medicine. The devil shakes hands with the man who drives a hard bargain. To settle the stomach and overcome ^ thtfnausea o*piospective mothers, take Simmons' Squaw Vine or Tablets. The leaf of the banana is usually six feet long by two feet wide, j Cure stomach troubles, cold feet and | hands, excessive menstrual flow, with! Simmons' Squaw Vine Wine or Tablets. The cynic is the man who knows (he price of everything and the .value of nothing. Young men, I have a pretty: line of neckwear. Come and get pleased. S. M. Askius, Lake! City, S. C. Many a man will fight y u if you kick his dog, who lets 1 is vile carry in all the wood. L Simmons'Vine Wine or TabletspreTent ind cure palpitation of heart, dizheadache, chilly sensations. HH^^SH^enwJ^never makes any HHBB^B^^^^^^H|^^2iany splendi^ t hing. Mm to l)ed River, the pill that i^^Wrlife longer and better ami wiser, Wallace & -John>. M. Askins', Lake City, S. C. Do not think it wasted time to submit yourself to any intluence which may b ;*;g upon you any noble feeling. When you a>k for IX* Witt's Witeh Hazel Salve don't accei>l a counterfeit or iiuitation. There are more cases of Piles beini: cured by this. than all oth ers combined: Wallace & Johnson. Madame Kola nd defines marriage >13 an institution in which one person undertekes to provide happiness lor t wo. Soothing, healing, cleansing. De Witt's Witch Hazel Salve is the implacable enemy of sores, burns and wounds. It never fails to cure Piles. You may rely upon it. Wallace Johnson. If some men were as tender in heart as they are in pocket, what jjreat things they would do loti their Lord. A full line of funiiluro^HQBi kin 's to t-e had at prices from S. Al. city, s. c. JBSBBsBk The sooner a without h;'r:ii^H^rarolSNHflffiK| .inhering euusl^HHHHI Cough ^B^soBBMKKM^ J^M rnrji UgB^FInK iinnH HHflrWeek New?^H^BBRp2J PB^^T5.This i':irt^^H^B' ni ty io secure two ;ood U^ffsTo I he price of one. Drunkenness does not produce faults; it discloses them. Fortune does not change matters, it uncovers them. A Trade (ietter. We have lost trade by being out of Ramon's Liver Pills and Tonic Pellets. We can seldom ever induct 'ustomer to take any other as ? institute for them when they have tried Ramon's. Justice & Fletcher, Crossville, Ala. For sale by Wallace & Johnson. Don't JTeglect Your Ldrer. Liver troubles quickly result in serious complications, and the man who neglects his liver has little regard for health. A bottle ot Browns' Iron Bitters taken now and thee will keep the liver in perfect order. If the disease has developed, Browns' Iron Bitters will cure it permanently. Strength and vitality will always follow its nseBrowns' Iron P'tters is sold by &U dealers. Skin Diseases. or the speedy and permanent enre of r. salt rheuia uml r.zema, Chararlain's Eye and Skin Ointment is v.uhont an equal. Jt relieves the itch mg ana smarting airaost instantly ana its continued use effects a permanent cure. It also cures itch, barber's itch, scald head, sore nipples, itching piles, chapped bands, chronic sore eyes and granulated lids. i':* fadr'9 Condilian Potrders for ho: . are the best tonic, blood purifiei and vermifuge Price, 25 cents. Sold by Wallace & Johnson. __ i ATLANTIC CQAST LINE. North-Eastrn R. R. cf S. C. j COM DEN3KD SCHEDULE. Dated Dec. 20. 1897. TRAIN'S GOING SOUTH. No. 01. l eave Florence 9:10 a. m. Leave Kings tree 10:44 a. m. Leave Lanes 11:0M a. in. Arrive Charleston 12:40 p. in. Ni?. 30.* Leave Florence 3:25 m l-iMivw k'iiKrutrcd 4 :1S a. 111. Leave Lanes 4:38 a. in j Arrive Charleston G:o3 a. in No. 23 Leave Florence 7 :45 p. m Leave Kingstree K:f?f> p. in Arrive Lanes 9:13 p. in Leave Lanes 9:18 p. ir Arrive Charleston 10:55 p. m No. 53.? Leave Lanes P?:20 p. m Arrive Charleston 8:0U p. m TRAINS GOING NORTH. A No. 60. loovn 4:00 Arrive Lanes jjA Leave Kingstree Arrive Florence xo. Leave (Jharlestoi^fl^^HfilflH Arrive Lanes Leave Lanes^^^^H^B^^BHH Leave Arri. H LeaN^nSH^n|^H Consignments solicited, l'rompt milmHBMS turn of proceeds or uccon^^^M Highest market paid for goBHH ''Carolina Kice Meal"or-ri^B the cheapest and best stock fs, o' AHTM?r Wi' guarantee our v ak Mifiig of < any sold in this city, all own manufcctnn. f - irAnriftfftr e. m m Charleston, / 1 The *1 |jft ' ? ^ i 1 u e make it f;! ? your money. Our I) ? LIGHT." ( )ur whole sV H ^ fS) not henries gnthered^HHBB p S% into every policy our famoinH^H |i ? failure of the company impos^jH ii'iS) cause* which compel business t^H .v ' antee safety to the policyholder aiw ^ (8) ijv a double security. We insist t i\S ^ * * * '/ i ? surance company in the world, an^ $ w insure with us utiles* he agrees \vj?, ft JSj heard it-plan explained. V/e ^ou '() ? lion. We respectfully invite 7 11 IPi SB i: Jsi /Sed inslitut y, 1 Ills is not nil nnift operations ? company which bejiaj hiti w it lia II /fit sieadiiy increaae(i,j^()o in ?*ash asset !w loree, over $2,100^ 32.000 policyli ? in claims, and littles, in each of wl 1 @ lends (,ver 3? Surance Department, I v* tion of I he Iiyfinest claim. iJSJ to pay an.V Kber ofleailins citizen; @ A nuy[,v'niE FIDELITY. \ w piolectt?(J^jjy against want, and pro M your tap your children in case of yoi ? tinn " @ call/ A. P. TAYLOR, ? / f -1 M?:?:?:@:?:?:?:?:?:?:<< s/======== j a1 "jw.! brdckin |t -t^oldsti C7 ? I am recemmMlaiT^zHine | |? * Bacon, Mackerel, Koast ar W Butter, Cheese and a full j Groceries. Fine Flour direc 1 ialty. Call and examine c [7 I DRESS G wwvwvvwv w ^B^HH^HRpenin<:. I have ^HHXHB^^^k^goods and propose prices lo ti s the ui^RjflHB^^^HaHj^HSf^HH to insure \^^K?HwH|SH|Bj^H9Hg Lifg -It* s $73,000,000 instn^l^^HBHHH^HK orer Our b!isfl||BHHHM^HH under 1 )fe^^^|Bfl||HH^H9S , and We have never re! ? ol your connty are now {$ ^ Vould you like to protect a vide a tneans'fnr the eduda ^ / ar death? l! so. Write to of ? ~4 ? Manager for S. C., U/ L lorence, S. C. :-,sri^rs r --.'I'm TON'S IW. I T - i .lot of Choice Ilams. | * id Corn B^ef* Salmon, i .iJUf line Sel ;cted Family | ww* t from mills a Spec- * . ur Fall and Winter | Jp OODS , / i WVWVVvW L. /' J d sbme rare bargains /' M to give my customers V mm sv down to meet th$ - |