agHAH^^3|j^MB^B^|iHnH^H^^ngi?icalBjj^jHBjBjwHWMiPM|j^^BHBHBrgton. He knowledge nttflnHUHMHffl^r ^ result of under bis direcHBBhHBh|HS&9H|^Kis conclusions will raRMHHHgBMot affront, the good o is solicitous that the ys should be "strictly ho is pleased wheu she chicken killed SO her s, the professor says, {J^eaten until they have game, and this process :o consume about three o the chicken he says, "Hang it out of a window, as the Germans do, head down, and when the head falls off the fowl is tipe for eating." A bit more appetizing is the further advice that fish and eggs should be eateu the day they are taken, although fish, if frozen on the day caught, will he good whenever takan from the ice. T>ut the notion that fish is a brain food is all wrong. ; The phosphorous needed by the brain comes from eggs and vegetables. This ano much more have beeu J learned by the professor during a year of investigation into the question of the dietetic values of meat from all fowls and animals. It is tne nrst systematic and complete effort made in this direction. Professor Wiley says, and it is to be continued through a term of years. It is difficult to say to what age man should live. Of course, there are many people who everlastingly give advice how to live to a good old age. There are some who claim that people do not live as long in the city as in the country, and there are others who think differently. Be it as it - ul)', "ah analysis of a death table which was printed in one of New York City's papers may prove inter" eating, ed in flames in nn incredibly short ^Bnce of time. ^Tbe principal losses are: Havens A f Geddes, $800,000: Breinig A Miller, furni| ture, $25,000; Pixlev A Co., $100,000; Terre Haute Shoe Compauy. wholesale, $150,000; Albrecht A Co.. retail dry goods, $750,000; United States Baking Company, $80,000; Thorman A Schloss, clothiers, $50,000. | 3l A CONVENTION !N PORTO RICO. g Municipal Kepresematlvon Desire Statehood in the American Union. c' San* Juah, Porto Rico (By Cable). The n ?*! f f J, tnirna U I WU*"UUVilUl ivj/iwviuau * w> V* ???** ? vw of Porto Rico, which General Henry, tho jj I Military Governor, called together, met a c few days ago. Munoz Rivera, President of the former tl Autonomic Council, on behalf of seventy- P five delegates, of whom forty were Radicals, N delivered an address to General Henry, n declaring that the convention was enthusl- b astiaallv in favor of free trade with the 0' United States, compulsory education, the tl settlement of a rate of exchange, and of b modifications in the ourrency. though not b In favor of tho removal of the duty on H sugar, which would be a death blow to 0 Porto Rico. Senor Rivera declared also tl that the Porto Ricans were in favor of a e territorial organization, with a yiew to O early Statehood, on the same basis as that f< of the American States. b The convention, which was politically w harmonious, pronounced in favor of com- C mercial and religious liberty, and the u future limitation of the suffrage to males r< ano eon ?-a r\T trho TlfiV EC vy ci invui^-vuv jwca&o v* taxes and are able to read and write. General Henry is much pleased. rj DEADLY TRAP IN ALABAMA: Set by a Birmingham Man, It Has Killed Two Burglars. a Birmingham, Ala. (Special). Since the p I death of his mother two years ago, William w Penny, an eccentric old bachelor, has re- c sided by himself in the family home near ? Dolomete. He was a hard-working man s1 and daily absent from his home. His in- p dustry and thrift resulted in the belief by ^ many people that he kept a hoard of money v at home, and his house has been entered jt by burglars several times. a. Last spring, in order to catch any future sj intruders, Penny set a trap gun just inside p his door. In April, Gilbert Dorsey, col- p ored,broke into the SollBejDia W91BBOC WW "T killed by the gun. A few days ago. while j? Penny wa9 at church, Nelson Wright, also ? a negro, entered the house. The gun went ^ off and Wright died in the county jail from his wounds. Another was severely wounded in September in the same manner. Wright was a deserter from the Third Alabama itegiment, stationed at Anmston. a Penny's successful mode of protecting his property has not been criticised^il^y?|^j#| gun i9 ingeniously set self can enter the houj^HBBB^H?8^^BB| gun is set, but is da^^9HHBH|HHK to make the attempt. nomin tB* Senate. BK^ng^^it present United States Russia. He was appointed H^H^^^ussIa in August. 1897, and athigher rank of Ambassador H^KiAt station was raised to an em CORNELIUS X. ELISS. (Who has resigned from the Cabinet.) President McKiuley upset all politica1 lates when he sent Mr. Hitchcock's nomlation to the Senate, and he gave the enators and politicians a surprise suoh as iey rarely get. Nobody outside of the abinet knew, apparently, that Mr. Hitchock had been selected, and when the ame went to the Senute it took everybody nawares. Secretary Bliss, in reply to a request for lformation about his retirement from the abinet, said: j "It has been understood for some time lat it would be my wish to retire from tiKHn Ufa an Mm imnalnelnn of thA war. ow that the peacetreaty has been signed, ?y request to be relieved will be granted, ut I shall await the arrival of my sucBssor before severing my connection with tie department. I have been in most earty accord with the President in is policy through the trying days in 'hicn he sought to avoid war and while as ommander-in-Chief he was conducting be war that came, notwithstanding his fforts to prevent it. I believe most rhorughly in the course he is now pursuing jr maintaining the honor of the country y securing the just results of a successful ?ar. I shall leave my associates of the a hi n ?t nnd nf the denartment and mv lany friends in Washington with a great Bgret, but private and personal reasons lake my retirement a necessity." The new Secretary i3 not expected to arive here and take the oath of office before ebruary 10. The New Secretary's Career. Mr. Hitchcock, the new secretary, was ppointed early in 1897 Minister of the nited States at St. Petersburg, and when ussia sent her present representative hero 'ith the rank of Ambassador, Mr. Hitchock was also promoted to the higher rade. As his full name indicates, the new abinet officer is descended from Vermont :ock, being a great-grandson of Colonel than Allen, who captured Port Tlconeroga, though his father moved South efore the war, and he was himself born i Mobile. Ala. In St. Louis he is known s a business man of large wealth and high anding. For many years he has been resident of the Crystal Plate Glass Cornany, of Crystal City. Mo., an extensive ad important enterprise. Mr. Hitchcock known as a thorough business man, who as not been actively in politics, although e has always been a stanch Republican. A SERIOUS RAILROAD WRECK. I Kear-End Collision In New Jersey Kyis Two and Injuries Many. N. J. (Special). In the thick her to^ump. There rope within reach of ^Wr bandl^^Bo was killed instantly. Mrs. RayrrPMT fell from a window two flights up when the top. of a scaling ladder had reached her feet, and carried dnger wlien a remedy ts at hand. Take ie great medicine which has cared so many d thers, and you may confidently expect it ill give you the relief yon so much desire. blood's Darilln Her Troubles. Mrs. Madge Babcock, 176 Second It., Grand Rapids, Mich., had ovarian rouble with its attendant aches ad pains, now she is well. Here J her own words: Compound has le me feel like 1 was all run jjjjjS J| so had ovaria^^V, and since taking ? , b all troubleshave gone. My monthly icknessused to be so painful, but have nt had the slightest nain since taking m u - , . our medicine. I cannot praise .your Vegetable Compound too much. My iusband and friends see such a change a me. I look so much better and have ome color 5a my face." Mrs. Pinkham invites women who are [1 to write to her at Lynn, Mass., for dvire, which is freclv offered. _____ % ??! suffered the torture* of the damned ith uro'.ruding piles brought on by constipaon with which I was aftlicted for twenty jars. I ran across your CASCARKTS In the >vn of Newell, la., and never found anything ^ ) equal them. To-day 1 am entirely free from lies and (eel like a new maa" ^^B C H. Kbitz. 1411 Jones St., Sioux City, I&. /Brobb CANDY g catharticJ^^^^^^^^H H^L TRADE > America's Greatest Medicine. Price SI. repared by C. 1. Hood & Co., Lowell. Mass. lood's Pills cure sick headache. -*>e. vuicxea fcating Squirrels. "What are you shooting?" said & ian at the old Meeker tavern in Inion to a couple of Newark^gtinners few days ago. "We are out for gray squirrels," aid one of the Newarkers. "I wish you would kill them all," aid the hotel tnan. "They killed wenty-four of my young chickens bis season." "Are you sure of that," said one of be Newarkers, to whom the fact that luirrels are omniverous was a sur- . rise. sure as siiuowuj;, uie uuiuu man i eplied. "We climbed the trees and Dund parts of the youug chickens In be squirrels' nest" It is an undisputed and indisputable &ct that red squirrels eat flesh, and p 4MB rav squirrels have frequently been ecused of the eat-like habit of killing nd eating nestling birds, but this -as a ease where proof was found. 'ewark Sunday Call. COULD NOT SLEEPT /T c? IrVi a rv? 1 qttoH TTOf of AV