The county record. [volume] (Kingstree, S.C.) 1885-1975, December 22, 1898, Image 8

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? i BH^^^aBWBMgHBSBn h. J ! MnS^BMpMmHfflrafll^Pphs of it to j^ Arlington: Lee's mansion BHWffl^S|PfBwng the grand old l\>K^HnwBr, from which the Cani view. Washington. is on the Potomac, op | IHBBBKB|iKe Capitol. Inside of it is j MSKnflpi^P^ihd it has an eleva jaaffi^^Wog to the ton. When you reach 1 V tiie top you can see for miles ami iriles. I went to Baltimore once,!1 while here, on an excursion. Thai j1 is a beantiIn! city. Wishing much success to your 1 paper, I remain, Respect fully. A. F. (lRAIIAM. Seeolid S. C regiment, Co. L, U.S.HoKpital,"\Vard K,Ft.Myer,Ya. i1 r About Posting Lands. At its recent session the Cener-| al Assembly made material Ranges in the statutes relating to! thajrali ng of lands. The law as J it nWtv stands is as follows: Section 176. Every entry upon j the lands of another, alter notice from the owner or tenant prohib-' iting the same, shall he a misdemeanor, and be punished by a fine not to exceed one hundred dol-j lars. or imprisonment with hard, ' labor on the public works of the j . county not exceeding thirty days:' Provided, Thai whenever any own-1 er or tenant of any lands shall; post a notice in four conspicuous I places on the borders ofjui^i^^g 'prohibiting entry^U|^M|fl^BES shall publish oncelmHj^HEHHra| Br' I Wp'. e onr I "'-I g|B3HBfflMvi!li lheir nuin-l HHH|HFi]iN in ivinii<irel MjaBaP)'!!^ < oimtv we shall Seme Spicy Sentiments. r Co1, Lip Levin is responsible ['or llie lollowiim story, which Ii<l savs was toi J liitn by a naval of fiver: At a snppei given to some of tin aptains of the navies of Englanc Hussin, Turkey, France ami Amer ioa\ a toast from each one in liono >f tity flag he defended was calle< for Here fhev a. \ * The Russian saiu: "Here is t< the bars and stars that have neve been torn down.'" The Turk said: "Ilere is fo tin tiioon of Turkey whose wings havt never been clipped." The Frenchman said: "Here i: to the cock ot fiance, wnoseieaiu jrs were never pullfd." The American said: "Here is t< the stars a;ul stripes of America which have never known defeat." The Englishman concluded a follows: "Here is to the lampant roaring lion of Great Britain, tha has torn down the stars and bars o Biuciii f h:it r?li nnpii flip. vv i n o "" """ " ft ! ' the moon of Turkey; that pulled t'n leathers of the cock of Franco; a:i? ran like h 1 from the Unite< States of America." Columbit Record. Doings at Dock. Hog killing is the order of th< day around here. Our farmers are busy sowing their oat cron. Misses Lou I a Shaw and Ague< Tallevastjdsiteii at Morr i ! 909J9RMj^E^HBH9fl^^P^va'F<r' in i HHuH^HRnB^F^1 9HBfl|fl|HB^^ only suppose the A Sir |Hj|n[flH^^ t< WftgHH^Kl minoin the world is: years. Belgium. Yea can <lo off ^ BR^^^Peet. MKiilHi Kingdom iu 1S70 there *"ar,l1> 1 K^HB^P859,1?? telegrams dispatched. r,ulu r MKj^Vrt'ar there were 8d,0i0,9r?0. j 00?rt' . to his fi ^^ ui the Bunk of England HO folio volBKuies or ledgers are filled daily with ' j1" f f\ writing in keeping the accounts. t(? dIuph w i j The Standard Bank of Australia (lim- pr i ited) has gained the distinction of hav- cjatj011* ' I iug failed three times iu lets than seven Jn ^ e8< J r"if? . i j hbock v> i 1 French counts have nine equal pearD wa!j vrh [ in their coronets, while the British "father 1 baron is entitled to acorouetof four big chief of " j Pemrls- i Lond< i , The population of London includes H fUrprj I : 60,000 Germans, .'10,000 French. 1 5.000 gjhle foi Dutch, 12,000 Poles, 7,500 Italians and ju wood 6,000 Swiss. givitigs In Venozuela if a cooking stove has a I is what ' brass knob on its door the whole thing well, i is Weighed as so much brass and duty into the charged accordingly. the nui A north Indian tribe embalms its lobbies ? dead by means of boney. placing the bodies of those who die in rudely ohaped troughs filled with honey. Kotli A cariosity recently exhibited at 5; Stockholm was a section tour feet, in j ; diameter from a pine tree which grew : (JO to ?U miles north ot thoaYctic circle. ! . There are none of the luiglish lakes us we :l i'; studded with islands liko Loch Lomond, yy^ ^ ] l but 6ome of thoiu are remarkably liko ! Scotch lochs ami have a beauty of their KftCCtx Iown- prices >! A Japanese admiral receives, by a re- jj r | cent ordinance, 6.000 silver dollars a * i year, a vice admiral. 4,000, while first : and second class captains get 2,400 and > , 2,263 respectively. i ^ , j The total length of tho 6treots, av- , A ennes, boulevards, bridges, quays and thoroughfares of Paris generally Is set j down at about 600 miles, of which ^ nearly 200 are planted with trees. i ? ' * r maav \ It was formerly compulsory that all but iton ! persons should bo buried in flannel "".nmaui 3 ; gowns, and tbero was au act of parlia- c-nunin niont to that effect, tbe object of this r,ui IK.j | decree being tbe benefit of the wool it with '' trade. Browns I ! . A prominent doctor holds tbat nrtifl cial teeth are an evil in those of ad - # 1- vanced years, because tboy enable such Pi Otl< I ! persons to masticate flesh. When the teeth fail naturally, it is nature's design ^?tic 1 i that tbe individual should subsist on day. 1 he | : vegetable diet. ! ?pply t(' , I The bill and feet of a youug goose are ( r ' yellow, and tbero are few hairs upon it. Unardhi ^ f If the bird isfrosh, tho feet are pliable; Fadden, J if it is stale, they are dry and stiff. | Geese that are thick iu the breast and j, j1 ; moderately fat, the fat being a good '* color, are the best. ! Nofhiug is lost when a candle I . :s. If tbcsinoko and invisible vapors b< v. il lected and weighed. tbey would v-:gii : ivt rather more thau the whole of the oiig- ibr* - a ? iual caudle weighed before a match was v*'ry lui applied to it, the extra matter being derived from the oxygen of the air. r A Japanese newspaper ^lidares that, 1 while iu .Japan the fiCverD nent is pro j gre*sive and the peoplu cousrrvative, m " | Ch ra it it? the goveruiiieut that is con- a? i'l'I' and the pcopio progressive. 1 it sav^, _tspre leifgia it that Wf as uud are very much cheap? > 11 ami (lap in the w ind likutl old fashioned article and a d to ho uutcurah'oj. ilian tribunal has sentenced ?rger to imprisonment for If The culprit has passed himse in advocate, and in tbo gui fed (i:{ difterent acts of sorio' iaviDg even stolen for a sho ) seal of the chancellor of tl 'i'U i O .-nil tin nt'iw) tn iMvn t.ffp D* ,v v**v itudnlciit documents, errns "monk" anil "friar" 09f ite respectively a simar and kiih the ink has not tonchei okakly originated from the bfr of Caxton with the Scriptoria :miuster abbey. The park of tl 'as black, and that of the fri: ito. Jit printing offices the ter of tke chapel" is applied to tl tke compositors, nn is fall of mysteries, bat it isin<r thing to find that it. is po p u wcKiati to keeD 120 dead ca en boxes without exciting mi among her neighbors. Vet th has been discovered at Clerkei \ workman accidentally bro! family vault of cats, and th< ghbm-.s remembered that the had strangely disappeared. ember t he oM reliable l'i ti is just re-nj-ened for li Kvervtliiii^ is very clieu ire making a cut in price 0 buy all kinds of hide >n. Mink, C'le. etc. llidie paid, lie sure to brinjr a ides to A. M. Sisni.XTARV, Kinij>lree, S. < 1 door to the dispensary. A Wonderful Biucorrry. last quarter of a century report voiderful discoveries in mtdn-im ie that have accomplished more f< ty than that sterling old honselio! Browns' Iron Bitters. It seems t the very elements of cond henhl tiier man. woman or child can taV out deriving the greatest Umefi 'Iron Bitters is sold Ly all deal t ce Final Discharge e is hereby jrivr-t th.'t on Satr 21 <t day t fJanuary I w ithe Prohati1 .haly.-' f William unty for si iiml iHtchargo n for .T. hi. .1. L. and li.-i. M , minor?. J. J. M.Graham, 1SD8. Uuardia: FOB SALE. i 0:1' 10 or 20 voiiny mi ' wliioh 1 will .*t'll a' j,ri. a .1 smith: Kings ree S. < 'ABB'S HOTELS S 91. TO v*. FKK l?41 :'Ia?s in all its appoint: >ni nil ottice in liofc). KO. *. It A It IS. Manner. eROY _L.EE, ^ ney-at-La^ ^MkSTUHE, S. C. m^Aynu.-M' Square. E | CASH Mr V J in EVERY ITEM IN THIS 1'RI' 1,1 i POCKET. SEE THEVI A EL. W r- ! MAKE IT WORTH WHILE FoK I 1M STORES Tt? Co: i ro THIS WEE* WE WILL a 59 Isrci! AS DOLLS CHINA AND H | KINDS. CHENILLE COVERS. TIT IJU1NS, EMBROIDERED PILIO1 B" i TOWELS. DOILIES. UMBRELL, \e ! ROODS WHICH SI'ACE WILL NO' ct china Dolls 1, 2. 3,5, 8. 10 to L"> Dolls Sc to$l; Ituhber Dolls lth-; Hisq ^ T1 *i nrl???f< If* tn .Vic u Cups and Saucers 10c. i5e 15o, 2 ' Fanev M"gs 5 t'? 21c; Pitchers 5, 10 to o- ' m Sugar Dishes 10c. Je Dressing Ca^'R, Glove Boxes, V ar ! Cases, Purses, Chatelaine Purses and m ' and Breast Pins in great varieties. ' Embroidered Pillow Shams 40, ' Scarfs 40, 50, 05, 75c to $1.25; Fancy 1 's ? - and Splasher-10 to 25c; Towels 3^ s' | l?le Covers 4sc to$1.25; Chenille Cove *8 1150 Tinsel Lambrequins 24 and 33c: I TTT^T UVcflVVn ^ PIVcWs IS """ A u. pretty, at 10r per yard. i 11 FURNITURE lb-piece Solid Mahogany Suits i??-j.ifce Suliti Walnut Marble Tup Su Maud s<did Oak .-uis..; l! i io-picce S. lib Oak mi its p. Solid Oak Sideboards Imitation Walnut Sideboards P* i Sts!i<l Waitiut Wardrobes s. I Imitation Walnut Wardrobes ,s. LSuiid Oak Wardrobes Oak and Walnut Bed Lot s; . , i * v i'/" ? Oak E.xtens'on TnMos f.?, itaiioii Oak, '; Kitcli< n TaMes 5-piece Parlor Suit- $22 t<>$fi [J. Koi'.l Itockers $2.25, ${ I'.a<( !> 50c, 7 m-, !>!,$! .40, %2: Sr.: s, Truiii Valist's, lied i t-- u'iful So yre.a Kujjs, Al Ilit'- iiugs, 7 n-et long,* at 0K< 13 per yard; Stair Carpets 23, 25c p ,'T Chinese and Japanese Mattings nl ?J 10,2.'), 30, o.">, 00, 00c, * 1, * 1.25, ( lui i r i, |2.75; 15. uutifiil Jardiniere S * ChamlKT Sots BUELt k i - 573 JSKD 575 KINS STREE7 SS'BSIB 11. j ? 11 CM ui3E ICiS CO. ^ I ;|DONT AWA - BUT BUY T Our stock of Christina* goo wants of any one Toys oi all kin - Velocipedes > cycles, Dolls, V [etc. L Full iine of Fruits, Ni Rfijkon to make Fruit Cake goods just arrive and Miiiinery ( SfHHg^re selling RB^HBHR^nheard-c L ist are '"VHHHH g,ve se u^HHHHHH s i THHHHHSERHBEIes l'flHHHHHHI A L ifl|MBHn| k i ue wnHHH i- o r?|HBHH i- jfl depabtment^BH ., igs, in. ^:fl|h in Carpet, Cru^HflK^nHS| I, |7, $8; a-foot^^H^^HM Suits >,$3.50,13.75. Great hurjHflfl^HHHfl Chair Seats 5,ti, 7, 8c. Springs, Mattresses and I Wool Art Squares, at reriulHJ^Hfe| L*. Floor and Stair Oilcloth or yard; Oilcloth Mats 3xG'^HBBb| [ lowest market prices; Wiud^HBHSfl Cushions 25, 50c; Bronzc^H^nl^Hg tands, higMypSjished, LE55TO-I^H utu immi imm mm mtmnwmm tftmrBffl jL 1 JL W J. t W J J? ^MBOI ml els is complete enough to d to please the children^- jraHHj ases, Cake^HHH9|^HHra|| A'l oudsMHffiSH9i wnBraffil