The county record. [volume] (Kingstree, S.C.) 1885-1975, September 08, 1898, Image 5

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r Among Our Exchanges Watts' Exit. The voters of South Carolina! have one tiling to he thankful h<ri in this election, ami that is the! ^^lefeat ot John (buy Watts. I, 1>! iS^Kvans. brother of John tiaryi ^kvans, lias also been leit out of! the second primary and tin- i- no small blessing.?IlarlingtonNews. No Doubt. "Ex 1'resident Harrison." it is J noted, "is anion;* who !i tve been suggested as a successor to i : John Hay as ambassador to Croat Britain." It would not he expe- I dient to send him, however.. Eol-j lowing so close alter Mr. Hay the English might mistake him for "Litttle Breeches."?News audi Courier. A Good Yield. Last week Mr. John W. Danr\x'rw o l*iro<> ; MH/n a u>vi 1? iiu^v I field of cotton in Lancaster Co., belonging to Capt. J no Fitzpat rick. The seed were ofthe Afri can Limbless varietv, and were ]>lanted on May 10. Mr. Dunnovant was surprised at the enormous growth of the plan% and in; order to show the people hero the! size of the stalk of this wonderful j cotton, he brought home with liitn [ a full grown, but at the same time the smallest stalk in the field. It was only 91 feet high and was loaded with cotton. Mr. Fitzpat ; rick expects a yield ol fully two bales to t lie acre. The lint is of a superior quality, and it would be well for the fanners generally to * cultivate this seed more extenCIITAIV ( UiAi-tm- ttiillAlin Too Trua.? Men are just like hogs, however ^Bstastel'ul that may sound to tiie ^Jnojfs. When aniiK gets an ear.of corn, every other* hog will trot i along behind him and squeal and whine and beg and toady for a bite, but just let the front -hogget caught with his head fast jn aj crack and every son of a sow will, jump on him and tear hiir. to pieces. Just go with men. As long as a man is prosperous and has money he can't keep friends oifwbha bat. The moment he is uufortunate and his wealth is gone, he is not only snubbed by his former alleged friends, hut they at once begin to do him all i the harm possible. When a man starts up grade the world lulls behind and pushes. When ht? starts down grade, the world steps aside and greases the track Ex. | Separate Coach Bili. The famous Jim-Crow car or separate coach bill goes into effect in the State to-day and Iieieai'ter the white passengers and negro passengers will have different apartments on the cars in which to travel. Ti. . ,.e ?i.: i.: 1 > ,i ! Jilt: Ul Ulifc iiiii uui ing the past three or lour years, have been endeavoring to get the I Legislature to act favorably, and , alter patient endurance and hard \ labor have succeeded in their undertaking. South Carolina is not; introducing a novelty bv such method, as a goodly number of the southern States have such regulation which has, in many ol them, been in operation several years. : This separate coach bill was! passed at the last session of the j General Assembly and in order to' give the railroads ample time in which to net their cars in readi ness, September 1 was the time designated at which t he law goes into effect. The bill provides that the roads shall take all t he necessary precautions tor the con venience of passengers, regardless of color. The restriction placed ?n the roa Is is that they shall not convey their passengers, whether black or while, in liie same car. It is not necessary that separate cars be used, as the term signilics. j The Legislature generously provid- j x ? ? ?V . f biu q f a q ^ r acui * w w 5 a *SLtiiiiSL ?.< .i ??{ a F 0 S 3 A 30 hVni-.iiilM-r ?vli?"ii w (j'.iutr i.ri; stiiff, 1'iit for real lirst-eiass !! make that others will tr\ to imitate. :>'i ineh Soft l.ieaeoit';: Sn I .la-wl. 5't V ile-t Full ? ! ..:t? ? Soil" - : . 1 Dress ' ' f ivai'.f Jinh: - .: ! > ::! :< w. n ' !i:. >. tr *a ' 1 >r=:t Dm we; . \\< : I. 13 >'.< /. I-a<lies*I51: * Sail A la - rorU'i-r jo:j11] e: A larce Hue of < hairs fr? m I We ale jjoiujf to ham'le a 'j cheap. We will save yo: ! > to > (?<x>us. We |'ay cash loi all of oar It will |?av vott before :mvinir to r: ? m ft ii fl ii I i u 1 Of Charleston, i! * I Charleston, - S. C., toils Mm ooa ilisifi jsri ceginsI iiisi Kijittr .s Courses are ofl'orcd in Anoiont ami Modern Lan^unja'-, Kntrii.-h : Lau<i'.iai;e an-! I.iVnWuro, History, ' heonojnics, IVyehoI* ur>\ Logk*. ;' Mathematics" and tin- Thvsirai Sri- ' l etice, h ailing lo the <U"jrree s ol'a A.1' It., awl A. M. ] The Special Appliances for in. Om.lwoi ..I,il,vu.|> til,, lillftvv llf r1. :><H) volumes, free lo all students jthe Natural History Museum and ; the Chemical luiaoratory. Twiti-m m Necessary expenses invludiuf? tuition, Examinations for admission. Sept. "0. T'orj catalogues and other information j apnly to I1AKKIS0X KAXDJLiU PrcsidcnE ihii i i i?? f ed that, in a case where the' re-j ceipts of the roads do not justify it. cars with separate apart meats: should be used. However, i.'con ditions are such that the road is, sufficiently able lo provide separate cars such must be done. There is to be no difference in 1he accommodation ami corn Sort of the cars which are set apart for the different races. The law specifies that the white passengers and the negroes shall have e?[wal convenience and accommodation. but shall occupy diilereut aj>art ments. Several ol the road- have anti-: I cirated t'io law an I had placed t e separate cars on iheir lines a tew days previous totholhnit aiven b\ tlie act. Tliev have proven very satisfactory and, it is believed, will continue to be a :rreat convenience and comfort to tiic traveling pubiic. Rep or. Sept. 1. Wed sf -a ._ cnnaren that a*e not very' t?bust need a warming, building and fat-forming food something to be used for two or three months in the faL' that they may net suffer from cold. &GGTT'?i ?1UM of Cod-Liver Oil with Hypo phosphites of Lime and Soda supplies exactly what they '"' ant. They will thrive... grow strong and be <1 n xt_: wcii 3Lh winter u.i \.n> n tonic. Nearly all of them become very fond of it. For adults who are not very strong a aJ?-j course of treatment with ffiCnib Emulsion for a couple of months in the fall will h\tM put them through the y 1 winter in first-class con)! (V dition. Ask your doctor about this. Be surf you get SCOTT'S Fmuision. See that the 3Uji and tish are on the wrapper. A'.i druggists; y<c. and ?i.?ao. aCOTT i: BuWNE. Chemijts, New Yurk. . Y^;4'-aV-: "T" f% s rl pyao j San iacaKS ii rj1 i unt; z*a?$iiSL \ JL 'i ? A r '' r-'- <'>'t \t K.i ai i V-i ^ w tli? \ ;m lmt f<>r in.' ri?-r, sin?i 1. < iv uiv sonic ! M ir i.ric"? tluit wv (n ."r?-. I*: H >:'? * \ t . . ? k , i"-'-. i !-V *i i-. .: V. .."Ill ' . ,' :' < 5tr to *1 worth IHJe V? *I3T>. ! i'mI line o}' l-'nnii;;ire ;ii?! wil! >t*ll j i> r tvni oii ?>ijihiicrv ami 1*;?--' 1 jiis :t?!? 1 all > Ii as t-henji :i< any. ! til am! set- jiricco at rt TH rizx ep'w "5 i *J??'f i ? I (JAbH biUKt. How to Look Good, (Mod looks are really mere than kin deep. v.' entirely on a liealthy condition of all tin* vital r?ratis. Iftnelivei i- inactive,you vo a bilious look: if yom Momaeli s disordered. >? ;: have a d<-|?i-ptic ook; if your kidneys arc alio tod, rou have a pirn-bed look. Secure food health, and you will surely iavo good looks. "Kleetric niters'' is a good alterative andtouic. u-ts d in-etly on the stomach, liver ind kidneys, parties llo- Mood, lire- pimples, Middles ; ml l>oj]s, md give- a good complexion, livery hottfo guaranteed. Sold at ill drug .-'tore.-. *?bet<. per bottle. trv u rj sr. vrt> fi I' ? t'-\ EF? fr*? y a u iti a x S K &a ? 1 to which the Expectant Mother is exposed and the foreboding and dread with which she looks forward to the hoar of woman's severest trial is appreciated by but few. All effort should be made to smooth these rugged places in life's pathway for her, ere she presses to her bosom her babe. MOTHERS FRIEND allays Nervousness, and so assists Nature that the change goes forward in an easy manner, without such violent protest in the way of Nau-.e.!, Headache. Etc. Gloomy forebo lings yield to cheerful and hooeful anticipations?she passes through the ordeal quickly and without pain?is left strong and vigorous and enabled to joyously perform the high and holy duties no.v devolved unon her. Safety ~ ? "l to life of both is assured by the use of "Mother's Frrend," and the time or recovery shortened. "I know one lady, the mot her of three children, who suffered greatly in the birth of each, who obtained a bottle of 'Mother's Friend' of me before her fourth oorfinc-'nent. and was relieved quickly and easily. All agree that their labor w:i? shorter and less painful." Joii>" G. jhd.aiLL, Jlacon. Ga. cl.OO PER EOTTIiU t-t ?tl Drup 3tcr~s, or sent by mail oa receipt of priceKftnjrs CoTC-.i'-Mi - :nTr\'ii,>bU' i> formation .if "rnriraerePt t . rUl wottt'.n, will bo wnt to r!li'i a';y ^i.Jro.s i.jioi apphcaiipn, by 7*1 nKkoFu. o :{ECiOLaToaco.,*TL*?)TA, G?. Wa- Washington Ri^ht? \ It: hleneial Washington's Order Iv ho>k appears th'* loilowing: "August >, 177<>.- -T!iat troop.* may have an opportunity <>t attending )>uIjtic worship, as well as to take some rest alter the great latigue th -y have gone through, the (ieaoral in iulurc excuses tlieni Iroin fatigue duty on 8aI) hath, except at the shipyards or oi! special occasions, until l'urtheir orders. The (Jeneral is sorrv It) be informed that the wicked and foolish custom of profane rinsing and swearing,a vice Iiitherlo linle known in an American army. i> irrowin^ into fashion, lie hopes that the officers wi!!, I?y example a.> wel' a-> by inlluence, endeavor to check it and that they and tlit men will refect that we can have but little hope ot the blessing of Heaven on our arms if v.e insult Him by our impiety and lolly. Added to this, it is a vice so mean and low, without unv temptation, that every man ol sense and character detests and despises it.' sm*? war a ru.^rjun- w itmm krm*kw R/?md ji v c*U'l?r*1 1w d~Iqm!c: Pz nzr, 5. '.<( Cure form? of disease caused by j <1 felugyish i.ivvr biliousness. The Pi'ik v\ f 'czixscs The Totiic Pellet Invigorates V ' ' 1 . ?. ' IvI!- V.1 a.'iollt I h tlieni :..! -i Pfonatnt Free, pwm * iv v i . ! 23d : ' LK-3.V3 y>2. f" N V r.1 ?* Ov.m Icni? ! ^ ? : * " ! (i lie . urv' you're riidit atul then j ^ ilo a-you please. - I Js Skin Diseases. For the . poedv nn-1 p rmanent cur.' ci' tt-u-r. >nlt rlv um and eczema, Chainbci'lairds Eye ami okin Ointr.i: nl is ? vrithor.t <!!i nIt relieves tie* itch- ' im: ?m?l ?n:a".in:r almost instantly and ? i"s continued uv.> effects a permanent ? cure. It also euros itch, barber's itch, j* scald head, sore nipples, itching piles. ? chapped hands, chronic sore eyes ami ? i;rnnul:;ieil litis. i.'r. Cady's Condition lY.tvdcrs for. liorsi s Jn'f tl;t* l'? >t . biood juirilii-; andv i niifu^v Price. Hjeejst- SjIcIby Wallace & Johnson, i i : ; ! A Trade Geiter. We have lost trade by beinj; out j of Ramon's River I'ills and Tonic j Pellets. Wo cm', seldom ever in-j dtice a customer to take any other j j as a substitute for them when they j | have tried Ramon's.--Justire A i 1 Fleteher, Crossville, Ala. For sale -< bv Wallace A* Johnson. i h I ' Notice. I will be in my oilice in the' court house in Kin^slrco S. j j. i on SATl'i'DAY of each week; j;in<l during my absence, T will i leave niv oil ice key with Mr. C. \V.! . McClain. " [ K. M. Smith, .fiuljie of Probate, ' Williamsburg; Co., (1. S. Notice. i Al! persons having claims an dust t lie j esinte of the late Daniel II Ilamcr, are j hereby notified to present the same duly ; attested to the underpinned at Salter" i j i J>rjiot, S C, and ail por.-ons indebted to j j said istate are hereby notified to make i i >f ciiiir tn JJAMES A FEKKELL. All. <>t ?u. I>:?::ifl II Ilaiiu r, S.tiii'i'.- I >epot. S. C. THE :' COLUMBIAN ! ENCYCLPiEDIA, ( ; .35 Volumes. 28,000 pnires. 7500 Illustrations. Contains an Una I indeed Di.ti<>n. . . , ury, aaves promiciution ?>t every u*ord, the volume.- are ofhandvsize, I I ; ha- the larire-t aiul latest maps is hotter adapted to popular use man | any Cyclopedia ever published IT CONTAINS LATE 11 INFOK-:( i niATlON ' Than any other, and more of it; is ! the only Cyclopedia which is, or lean he, really nj? to date. It i<. I Til E BEST FA 11111--Y I.lBllARY. j Because it i-> clear and simple in Jantntaire, can h<- understood bva| I by a child absolutely impartial!j and reliable and thoroughly Ameri! can. For term-and description write I? EBsSISe, I : i .31 Whitehall St., Atlanta (I a., ; I | | motel | igalmotoj I mm,- - u, !] F. O. LONDON. ? f' ft Manager. ft ' Kins: Stree t, Easiness Centre [. ? ! oi'tlio City, Opposite tiio 1. f) Aeudcniv ol'.Musie.Ko"ins i! i.) larsre, airy and Join- )) , p ibrtable, Table Ex- p ) ') cello 11 I . p | W RATES $2.00 and f' f! $2.50 per dav. $ :. ft _ * ' v r. ' $ . ; ?? J? Can you toll me how it i- that tho RACKET STOKE alttay# 11 more ^oods than other.7-3? . C **3& zrrscTBxr. 0BKI ( . > {?- ' CH* t , s " MM laus^ej . ; Rocauso thov alwav* keep irood jioods, and the latest stvlest :id soil at the lowo.-t prioos. and competition does not affect them; I'voti doubt this stati men! uist call at il U REDDICICS store and * ife eo for vonrsoil' what bargain- thov can offer von in their tremen ous stork of Fall and W inter goods that has just arrived from .New oik Cilv. h Millinery rrood< of ft!! kinds, including lailies' trimmed Ilatsj iailors, Ribbons. iV:t\ Notions of all kinds. ^ ** NOTICE A FEW OF Til Kill PRICES BELOW. ^ m * ii JS Coat'- ('ntlon. a!i lV?r - ltVts* *3 t JS .'!(! Lncii !). >; S?*:i I-l:n?l iI<?uu*^| tin - - - (w 4}i,t<. ~ Stainla.d 'Vitus - - - (a) ~ nrluM- 1'riiit- - (it) 34&kt?. S3 * SZ 'of; inrh Wide i\-i< o 1 - - (cfl Gets. S3 SZ '3s? ' " Mlrarh lloinorun ... (a; 4}ets. S3 til - . ftfarts. Z~- N i< " I* *a 1 Sliiri- Worth SUets. - (a) 22ct?' <? ^3 ~ .... wiiii Collars & Cuffs Worth $1.25 Sell Mute. ' 3 ZZ Men's 1 Sline^ fr'in DO cts. ii|?. ... zz ..iley-* *, - ? 3 ZZ I- nlie ' SJhn*? l n'ii. .VI et j 2 ZZ (Iliiltlr it's -lutes iJOets. up. ' 23 ZZ m -ji's tVoi.i $2.00 up. . ;2 . . sfj ZZ .">() t-. up. 23 ^ALSO# ' ; A l>iir stock of Furniture to be sold low down. Fitz,Fcg Uicycles, Saddles, Harness, Cane , and ail kinds of Groceries. Tinware. Crockery, and Glassware. Cartridges, Pistols, Guns, all Stoves of all kin J.- ami .sizci, and a great many other goods too > V% mmeroii.s to nu ntion. Fhe Broadway Racket Store, H. D. REDDICK, : ' / Proprietor. liUUitilUUiUlitiUUUiUiUUiaiiUUiiUiUUiiUilUUiUtUiUUUU ' . - ,, J. N, ROBSON & SON, Commission Merchants And Dealers In Choice1 Ha I/- tfi. Corn, and Pre ?"IV'VV " - J 7 - 7 - - 7 - paired Cow-food. . CONSIGNMENTS ~&i + -i.-f3RL\til- ^c.L<i?iA?att5?Sf.r?d?Ma , ?? ;' < of Cotton 1 Doultry Bggs a.ncL Farm IPrcclxxce Solicited.. J. N. liOJJSON & SON, 138 East*Bay, ' Charleston., S. C. . . . ...,rz v.? >?-v -? I f; gjBI l r <. t > ixwaern uror/crs. > , ) f/l **[i VjvV *'*' " >t T7 !1 ivrnV; Qu/^t? ; ? * t\i v ' j ) v J* ^ " ' j i*: I -.1IttrjIriHCii: ^ i ii. ,;; ' '<?? -5 ' ' '?:* &*? ah t-* ; < V < sSL#* fT k ;v.-. '3 c r / Gss&lfas&a& :w v'-';/ ; r ? ?'**'.?*:) *; V. i ? It v 'iiM z'l / n M Sj V ^ / i i Gstm-j j ami Ji'Vn in \ ;i { P-iVj "V W V*:- '.iiv.-C..u!ri: . . 'vhilv.-i.,.. ( a. ; ) ^i T? v/Si.'-f # s ,S' **' V>*'' " '' ,w * / a J .'ii > }""? yl * s;*! : '* " \ , * _ . _ t Ml. - . ~ f U ^ gandy^ I ' L&c 6Gc DRUGGISTS f wnawnuanKwpi>nMiMMBaBaaaMHaMaMaBaHHUcr.