The county record. [volume] (Kingstree, S.C.) 1885-1975, April 21, 1898, Image 5

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> ^^^^^^^HOATON'S County Records Question. first question may be BP^^inswered either affirmatively or negatively. In South Carolina most assure Iv for all time past the Piohibitiomsts have been Democratic; for they have always acted and voted with the Democratic party. In such States n> New York they have not been Democrats, because they never act or vote with the Democratic party. Prohibitionists can crtainly run Ill lilt? Ufinot'iaui: j'i juiiii jm??-, vided they run as Democrats subject to tiie rules of the Democratic parly. Under other conditions j there would soon be no* Democratic party. Organization and discipline are necessary for the in-j tegrity and perpetuity of the par- , IV. , In t lie sense'in which the terms! "Reformer'' and "Straightouls" ; have been used there has been | up to this time, no recognized fac | tion of the Deinocrtic party of our . State known as "Prohibitionists," though county organizations work , ing under that name have not j lieen unknown. ' i The Democratic party of South j i Carolina, in the interest of good) j government and against the dan-: j gers threatening its civilization,'* has been forced to make tlie unity j > of the white people of the State j an essential basis ol' its organization. Any man who will com < ply with the rules of Ihe Execu i live committee acting under the ( # constitution of the Democratic t party, can run as a candidate be fore the people. Conditions in our State being what they are, lhe^ , fullest latitude possible should be. , given lor the discussion of all ? public questions and the most ' liberal construction of the coiisti- j tution commensurate with party organization and discipline should be allowed. One of the greatest dangers confronting us as people to-day in South Carolina is the gradual en | croachment of the Federal an-: thority u]>on State interests. While we are demanding home rulefrom a national point of view lor South Carolina, we should give tlie?iireaiest possible latitude to j1 the same principles in our own}1 State affairs, allowing lull and free ; : expression of opinion on all pub lie questions .and giving to the various communities of 1 lie State'j as far as practicable the same ad vantages of home rule. A united | effort to btiild up our State, to lay j bro?.d and deep the foundation 0 for its future prosperity, will leave j' little time or energy for the lac- } tional fighting that your questions i seem to contemplate. s I have lately seen the two ureal { political parties <>t the United t States on an important occasion ' rise above partisan stnte to the a great height of American citizen- v ship. Obliterating ail sectional v and party lines, North and South, * Democrat, Republican, and Ponu , list, as American, acted and spoke in support of American honor and security. Democrats of South Carolina may . do likewise. We may advocate 1 < those things before the primary we think to be best for the Stale; < * differ as we may, callingourselves j uReforniers.''',Straiirhtonts.' M'ro- t hibitionists," or what not; bat < when the primary is over, the <ie- i) 1 . ! j c sion is made, the verdict is reii- j( dered, we should forget all else. ij remembering that we are South Carolinians working for the best interests of South Carolina. James Norton*. ' Why take Johnson's \ Chill & Fever Tonic? 2 Because it cures the most stubborn case of Fever in ONE DA Daniel YVedster said,"One may live as a conqueror, a kiqg, or a 4 magistrate, but he must die as a uiau." * t' ? . - r^JiW^A - '. i Brunson Joyously Received. . Mr. George S Barr, in last Saturday's News ami Courier said: ? The Hop. Joel E Brunson, the next Governor of Soul It Carolina, j arrived here at hi- home to-night J from Samlet, where lie spent to-! I day. lie was met hy a large i crowd at the depot, and there was great cheering and an immense 1 demonstration. Mr. Branson wasj met In* a eommiitee consist.nj; ?>i Messrs. Charles J I/?sesne, Louis! .1 Bristow, W W (i ray son and <i I': Nelson, and driven up in a car- j riaire accompanied l?v a nival ; crowd, diet rim; all liio way to Barr's Hotel, where lie was met | In* .1 larger eiow<l of jrentlemen ! ami renewed clieerinn. -Mr. Brnn-j son was introduced to the crowd by Mr. Lesesiie and made a short ! tali: So his fiiends, which was re-J reived amid applause. At the! conclusion of the speech Mr. !>ris : tow was railed for, hut he simply announced that a Prohibition! ieairuc would be formed, which was !hen done, a strong membership beini; enrolled. A steaiyi stream of telegrams has Iven! .'orninir in to Mr. Brunson during Ihe entire day fioin -ail parts oil the Stale congratulating him anil the i'rohibitiou parly. This is the Lirst ntne Williamsburg has ever been honored with a candidate tor Governor, and we .are especially:' proud (o know thai w< are aide to j1 iinwsh such a one as Joel l'l iirun- j' son. The wtiter claims ihe honor j 1 it' being the lir?t in ihe State to'1 propose Mr. Bransou's name as a candidate lor Governor through he columns of this paper. Mary had a Billy goat, its tail .vas sort of Lent, and everywhere hat Mary goes tiie lain ?is sure to vent, lie lb! owed her t > school niedav, whicii made her hut as ire, tor Marv had lidden on her v.ieel, and Billie ate up the tile? ; ?x. K Johnson's Chill and Fe- j ver Tonic is a ONE-DAY Cure. ft cures the most i stubborn case of Fever in 24 Hours. Make Me a Man. J ( Onward, roll onward, oli, Time,] ii your flight, make nie a , woman j hat's clear out of fight; give me I he j < >1 comers and 1 reeches ami shirts? I et nie get out of these horrible skirts J V whisker producer invent if you ' tan, give n:e a iieail that crows hall ( ike a man, grow a tobacco that Wont I rake me sick, and learn me to chew i ike a man very quick. Let :ne, oh ! et me drink w hiskey and swear, bet: ' >n tne chickens, and hack the.j] J I fh?i? am 1- of nnrli t i itrcu ni.m , si?i> uuii ?iu jitjjUi | lold office and vote Mow , 1 n the town and a six shooter tote, , it in the buzzard roost if I choose 11 day baseball And- football and wear!1 hose spiked shoe?. Onward, roll on- : rardoh, Time quickly fly, make meli man or else help me to die, this J" rorld as it is fairly fills me with ; roe, but were I a man 'twould be leaveu below.?Ex. i :an be overcome in almost all cases ' jy the use of Scott's Emulsion oi lod-Liver Oil and the Hypophosshites of Lime and Soda* While ;t is a scientific fact that cod-liver i >il is the most digestible oil in exstence, in SCOTT'S EMMLSiON |; it is not only palatable, but it is j already digested and made ready . ] [or immediate absorption by the |; jystem. It is also combined with ; fthe hypophosphites,which j supply a food not only for ; the tissues of the body, but j for the bones and nerves, J and will build up the child ( when its- ordinary food does not supply proper j nourishment. Be sure you get SCOTT'S Emulsion. See that tht I nan and fish are on the wrapper. | ( All druggists; 50c. and $1.00. SCOTT & BOWNE, Chemists, New York ' f r ,=tl E mm i ' ft? I 'J, j Under the Weatlier. Yhat is the common Sprite complaint. You feel "legy," dull. Your appetite is poor. Nothing tastes good. You don't sleep well. V7ork drags. You cross every bridge before ! you come to it. There's lots of people have felt like you until thoy tened up tho system by j +hi> rrrvrst. T?.T rsmedv ("7 < ? ,?* ry r; * * *Lj '** <_^wl.- bUpiit i2?w.? It's b'TDn curing such cases for 50 years. Tr3r it yourself. Scud for the "C'.irchooh." 100 pages free. J. C. Ayer Co., Lowell, Llass. Tiie authorities of a town in j [io!!:uid ha v.' put Into force :i:i or; linance proit:i>i;injj tin1 drying o.' ladies niith rclo'hs in the open nil*, m tlie "round that tlie exhibition iruie on wa.*ii days tends to deiioraiization. i Johnson's Chill and Vc- , ver Tonic is a ONE-DAY Cure. It cures the most ^ j stubborn case oi t;cvcr In 24 Hours. \ Guess who said her fare was ' ill ihe advertisement she wanted I v!f? Auditor's Notice. Claims Audited... OlTlce of County Supervisor, ) Williamsburg County, Kingstree, S. C. ) The following claims against the ounty were audited ami allowed it the last meeting of the county Hoard of Commissioners: No of In whose A nit. Amt ! Jlaiin. favor. claim!, allow.; j .i s Howie, .* ii~) 1st i"i ai: 2 P F Shaw, li) 15) L :* Wheeler I amhor Co., UMJ7 10 (57 i P P. Chandler. !fi L'"i 5 .1 F llo'lyers, i(> 10 <> \? Stack If y, 4 42 4 42! 7 1> IIChandler, lfto 100 s .IJ II Montgomery, s?5 s 35 !> J ii Grtinide, * 34 05 30 1)5 Id W W Matthews, 12 50 12.70 11 II 1* Marshall, <; (J 12 Wit Funk, 52 52 ft 44 44 4 3ft 4 no ,4 J S Howie, 23 30 23 40 5 H Van Epps, 15 15 (i I I I) liixldick, 31 01 34 04 7 " 44 40 24 40 24 S W \V Grayson, 5?s 40 5s 40 0 T A lliakeley. 7 50 7 50 0 Marion M (.'lark, 13S7 13S7 1 44 44 44 13 25 13 25; 2 Walker Evans ?& Coys. Co., 5 75 5 75 3 44 4i" 4* /s do is pa ] 1 44 44 " 20 20 IJ 5 .1 C Graham, ' 7 50 7 5 >! i 0 I! EEaddv, 1ft 10 j 7 W l>G<?l\\*inf 5172 51 72 S AVJ F Ihiyyjns, 150 15 ) o II0 Rritton, 10 10 10 IIII Mi-Clary, 2 2 51 M Owens, 5 5 52 N I) Lesosno, S3 32 S3 32 | *> '* " 3 3 1 1 31 J T Sullivan, 2 15 2 15 15 S K McCollough, 10 10 >0 .1 J Eaddy, 2150 21 50 . * '"lms Wilson, 31 07 31 07 ' ?S llonrv Stuart, 3 3 i:> T P McMillan, 3 |0 T X Wilder, 0 35 0 35 i 11 S Phelps, 2 2 i 12 S Boston ?fc Son, 15 15 i 13 Bailey Lihby Co, 15 57 45 57 14 " " 15! I 15 11 1 15 F M Brown 7 30 7 30 > 10 E M Smith, 0 0 17 Marion M Clark, l'? 10 IS " " 23 75 23 75 If) WSTauldv, 10 70 10 70 , >0 1-' (1 Hhcin's, 22 00 22 00 1 >1 K I) Blakcly, 20 40 20 40 1 >2 S PCooper, 2440 2140 ( >3 W" WllCocktield, is 10 IS 10 p VI \V F Kennedy, 10 00 10 00 >5 ]) X Johnson, 10 40 10 40 >0 W W Kennedy, 20 25 2') 25 >7 "W 1> Bryan, IS IS 1 ?S S II (luerrv, 13 00 13 00 \ ?!) .1 PShaw," li 00 110) K? T E SaIter', 14 14 51 W I) Snowden, 0 25. 0 25 < 12 Ctesar Chandler, 0 25 0 25 I certify that the nhove it correct. ^ 13. B. CHANDLER, County Supervisor 1. J. B. Montgomery, Clerk. I f 4 ' " ' J " * r V ' . Eteirbody Says So. CascareLs Candy Catbnrtic.'the most wonderful medical <iisoo\erv of tlie nnre, peasant and refreshing to the taste, net gently j and positively on kidneys, liver and bowels, t citansinjr the entire system. dis)K-l colds, cure headache, lever, habitual consiipaiion ai d biinusness. Please buy and try a box of (C. to-day. it). een*S ?ld and g .cr-iM^vy io cure by nil uru :;i T,Wrr DEMON'S Oil JC fv^L^RriLLo ^VjdTg.vjc Pellets. Or.-? forri*. rT r->rsc<l by a tslu,;j^..h I.iv. r iiiliousiu ss. The Pin!: Pi'! C'caCSCS The Tonic lM::t h'i. i^OrSiCS .\ The li'l'c ' : ro> fc, " JcJ's a';! a> out tfeem.Ms! t > ttsscnt free, proves every won! .ri". < ? -t. Treatiaeit, 28ft tn JVYWC. CO.. N. Y. ar J Crvt-HCvii:-. Tens ^ ^ ^ P 3 Q A CS r-.-h.Lu ?L.? v w* For th speody ** ..; permanent cere o? i Sett -r. sale "hexxi x sczehuu Cham* berlain's E\ and Skin Ointment is' f i ??% rr v..i:. and smarrh b stantly and. i s ccr.tiuaed n--.? .?ts :\ reri v.nent! It also c.Vi\ - i:ch, hirN.r's itch, ; h< iv : 'iV,? pile?, ; cnappetl hnr.cs, chronic sore eyes and granulated Y.u*. % \ i.'r. C,n!y*s (.\mlUirn Fcr Jcrs for c.ovsts arc t:\o t>! ?t tonic. Wo?:(i pirifiei j nn i vennifnge Price. 2.jrents. Soldfc; i Wallace & Johnson. r;0T;iE. I will bein my of lib in lite Court house, Kiiiustree. M m!:;v ;;nd .Sot-1 unlay of each week. Those having business with the County Sup I erintedent of Education will govern themselves accordingly. JSabok D. JLksksxk, Conutv Supt. Ed Notice. I will he iu my office in thei ourt house in Kingstree S. (J., >11 SATURDAY of each week I ami diirijifr my absence, I will | leave my office key with Mr. C. W., MeClam. E. M. Smith, .Iu?lj*eof Probate, Williamsburg Co., C. S. EifiVlS teyl . I / //v,. -s h i [ ' Cr.?; r-s-v *V ?^ V i ! iT; / . ) ' > 3 r*| AV-'*' - - " ' v ' ' .. .../ : 1 " .H. 6/4a 2 ?,L&al? fzzza ra k| n ra a 1 I3! 1 I 1 feril i 0 i Ski* thm p n m i ir1 ?] &J|3 p\^ N Lb Hi u^2^ql3 u. -b x-Xi V .fiiraB < rs JUSTUS CC03 FOR ADULTS. WARRANTED. P~3CE50ets. j C \, ir i.3., Not. 15,1S1.-3. j Parts Jlc'II-InoTo., m. (.ftr '. rr.e:i:?Wo ?. M l i<-i ; .?* . WO botilfr of 1 : : >vi. s c:u:,j, 'i>:;tc sm! !:.vo i *i ito cnmalready tfde year. in rti .jktct* j ,k ru'ricc < i it joani. in t!:t- oru:; ' 'iac??.. have 1 iiOtit 1 an arti"l ; thatjr v : n:- n >.:.;vcraul Ml.'s- | [uiUoS i-i your l'yt:r- t: . .Vii.N ? /. Cauh k vy j : l THE COLUMBIAN ElfCYCLP^DIA, 3o Volumes, 2S.0OO r- ~ .\r\' 1 <: ! I 11 i WSI i tt |ini>. ; Contains an Unabridged Diction-! iry, gives pronuciation of every j ivord, the volumes are of handy size, lias the largest and latest maps?is j better .adapted to popular use tlmn my Cyclopedia ever published? IT CONTAINS LATER IN FOR-1 in ATIOX Than any other, and more of it; is ' the only Cyclopedia which b, or jan be, really up to date. It is. rilE BEST FAmlLY LIBRARY. Because it is clear and simple in language, can be understood by a jy a child?absolutely impartial md reliable and thoroughly Aineriian. For terms and description write "ffi BU! E?. 31 Whitehall St, Atlanta Ga., 1 - > I. , : * / i ? ?_? .. We have j f.Ever tro 1? ? nnn ?i i iii-jr.itun I ! Latest 0tyl33. | f Best War i i A ' i ?cst Fa uToceneo, serve*, 1 anything usually fomul in a first-claj Dry Goods, buying clsewnerc. rn ,ii Ofir sto Clothing, 35 ni Don't forjrt't t bilOQS. ['A'Jc-i'v!of "ie Our stock of glassware is sec? window shades cull 011 r.s. \ . Miss Annie Thompson is our experience. Any and all kind? of Boys' "EasyJ. H. ROBS Commission R Deaie Choice Ha, paired C mmm UV1 ^ 1 A B3SSE53ESESi2E of Cotton ZE^szm IPrcd-i J. N. ROB c [iaSiSp :\ $ {-i w tjr & r /V-? ?y 's? vi? 'ViJi V . / v -J S farai C Ctfpy ?' L: , '*1 /a >i rrOT-^ **? ? I < \ AH 3- w / J szia wmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmrnBmrmammmmmmm ? i flp i ' ' ' ' r ' #t? , ' . 1 I < r CL ^ " ^:^~S2E2arrHl ll !!! :mm LINE OF I .' '.;| f to Klngstree ? ? <2* 1 ' ? kmaasKip. '3? * *S '"3 Lowest Frices,.a| mi Iy Flour, Com) lioasted Coffee, i iuuahy on hand genuine fruit pre- ^ nl! cream cheese, cabbage,*aud almost J vJ ? <-ivf : 1 ;: 11r*w lot of Spring nmer dross goods laces and embroid-' ffijSa o'a you wili *i.> ,i to inspect befofg-.-. iISM i k of clothing iJ complete and of the :Cst style. The low prices we make! ' vffiSj hat w* make a speciality of aboos an^, ^ prettiest and most durable lines in. " ' ' yea ' - s| jiid to none. For strictly up-tc-datg v| dressmaker, and ha3 bad considerable" .{$ ^ sewing done on short notice. c *' *?> Walkers," 25c | M & SON. 3 [erchants Mi|l >, Corn, and - I ow-food, iMENTS 1 ItryBgg's ace Solicited- , , i; SON &SON. ;;|j 136 East Bay, Ic-oriestoee, S. Oo^all: ' Growers, } jarJt,:-; .C^ds. { rite for Dsscrip'H"; Citr^c^'? I.jtikri free, y -J? T. W. WOOD & SONS, ( rj F.DSMCN, - RICHMOND, VA, j. ^ '3| / Umm^ - - MB l