p 1 \ ? k iiiiiniT REGULAR WEEKLY, LETTER B FROM OJ3 S!ST*?H TOWN. 't; P?-?3!o ar; Dorn-*.-- '.. V3 of; B Corn, Grist, Hsv, M :i!, Etc., 3rough; to the Town. W/es^coni!Sf;! v< m i lasI week l?iaf wo readers o! c >ri?, meal. mcist and ; B?^ thal ht^Jo.'en shipped to liiis. jkla^ tor tj?'j pn-it two or mire | t years, bit will e irtiil tint prom- ' '' ise a^Jittie an.l tjiw you nnac-j count f+T what ?;r. shipped the year? 1895 mi l II will make! this staUmm M. that shipments of ; a the kin ! were heavier in '9:> than ?95 hut not ;n heavy as '97. The j year eighteen hundred and ninety i five shipments were as follows: ] ^11 bujrs mM, 11 bhls. trrisl, 33j corn, 5 hairs moil, ami % | ^Haies of hav. .Now i( the farmers j notice the increase %of lS97j fl^Her 1893 they will see where j ^^Hev are drifrin*. S!ii;?:i year 1897 and Jan. of 9S are j ^B^uollows: 583 bails corn, 731 ^Bk meal 150 bbls. and sacks' 334 hales hav. In I think verv low and that fall! I ''-' time lor farmers.! four more 11ention H rr iiit and in ample I fciiert n;yese 60(DI Hior ypon I Kntidii is j^lBn crop I Bl company office here Feb. tht I up here Miss tfaiiie I ^ Ronald, 8 C, as I earlier. W correspondent has been I ably informed that the pen-; miitoroMhe A O L at VVii j on. N 0, made a c'ear profit i a half acres ; of strawberry* of one thousand; and one hundred dbllars. < . i Miss Anna Mixon has bought | u her a ne?v "bike." ; Mr. B C Whitehead went, to I Wiinmus'oQ, N O.-oa business las* ( 8i'trday. I)r S D M Bert is planting tobacco a^ain this vear. Mr V .f WiUoiisrhhv shipped twenty gaskets of co! lards to New York lust Saturday. He recently made a shipment of lettuce. SI. \V?I '.-ill ?rh h\? iv nx?t. iniill'2 t<) nil, ? .v. ..... n- depend entirely 011 cotton; he ha> t just set out :t fidd ot asparagus. He also has strawberry* anil will ; plant boans. \V. ^ All ere liturs of the estate of the fate J -I) PendeV^rass, are hereby notified to render an account of their demands duly atte-ted wNfcin the time proscribed by law. nikl all persons indented to said e.^tatv y are likewise notified to make payo wment of their indebtedness to KMMIE M PKNIIKIVjIBUS, Administratrix. What is Scott's MEmulsion ^ B It is a strengthening food and ^Bonic, remarkable in its flesh-form Hngf properties. It contains Cod^Hiver CHI emulsified or partially f[ with the well* y prized Hypoz and Soca, so T is materially flit Do? S^of flesh and 1 condition the d the^dult. It 1 of the anemic; heal the fcritaand longs, And lumption. We nt because the Sr-five years has >f thousands of 10TTS Emulsion. I druggists, wists, New York. '* , ' ' "-".Vj ft "'" i do those to which ' the entire human family are subject. / * : Menstruation sus- ! t 1 languid, nervous ' ! and irritable, the bloom leaves her cheek and very grave complica-1 tions arise unless Regularity and j Vigor are restored to these organs. Bradfieldsofonerftc "jpt | most noted! remale physicians 1 of the South, Regulator ;?VS? sort prevail more extensively than : in any other section, and has never j failed to correct disordered Men- j struation. It restores health and j strength to the suffering woman, j \T( h*r? for tie past thirty years handled : Bradfleld's Female mutilator, both at whole- j ale and retail, aad in no in?tanco hu it failed j to give s&tinf Action. V? tell more of it thfca all ; other remedies combined." LAUAK, Ramos & Lamas, Atlanta, Macon and Albany, Ga. J Tk: Bi>?oficu> RcauutToe Co., Atlanta, Ga. ScM by ?S DratsSU at SLOO per BaUie. ! Who S^a^*j^^^.overnor? [ Talking abfv.il the coming'ca n i ! paign one oi the most re-tiarknble I I modes of beginning such it con : 7 1 test is 1 h 11 adopted oy Senator| A toiler, of Spartanburg, lie i> > j now ?n avowed candidate, and j I tiiey say l.e is not a rjoiiter. Hej ! lets it be known that be is a can ! jdidaie and expects the record he! ! is making as Senator to be onej j of his campaign arguments. Now! there are agre.it many people j who look on Senator Archer's ean- j jdidaey as a political joke. Tliatj i is a g:ea< mistake. Ii is a serious I j mailer. "Mr. Archer is not a political humorist. He is not a Whit| man. ??r a Moon, or a Pone, but he i means to rim, ami he means busi^11 ess. He is not a light-weight j jmither. :?:ul he who thinks so make j , aV'rious Mistake. lie is a good j j dealer, no- easily put dow n, and j j full i^rSarcasm and vicioiisness in j j reply-somewhat Tillmanesque. iii.s plamfirm is announced to be tone of economy, but that will n.it I be the real and vital is-oe in the; I approaching campaign Of course Governor Kilerbe will j be a eand.d ate f?>r re-election, ami J is to bo so regarded. Ii is friends j contend that the wave of anlag-j onism to him wi.l soon pass awayj am! if anything result from the! light ni turn it will be a reaction i ! # in his favor. i ' Nothing much has been heard j during the Legislative session re-j ** I j igarding the candidacy of-Ool. Ii ! Watson, but he is looked upon ast 1 being permanently in the race. Ex-Solicitor Schnmpert. of New berry, is spoken of as a certain j " * i* L.?. 1 :* I j candidate, ana some 01 ms jmunjeal friends say that he has given j ithem assurances at his intention j make the race. Should be de i ciH^ to enter ii will give a decided ; ; flavto. to the contest, OolAjeo. D Tillman is also re- j garded aWi very probable candidate.?NewV^nd Courier, $ * ? * * *1 nuat ' \ jwsms> ^AndTonic Pellets. !, i Cut* al! forms cf dipease caused hy a Sluggish Liver and Biliousness. ,1 The Pink pin Cleanses 4 The Tonic Pellet Invigorates The little " Portor'* Book " tcl!.? ail about them, and a week's Treatment Free, prove* every word true. Complete Treatment, 23c. B?0lVN Mfu. CO.. H V. j.**j rcentmi'c, Te.ia If you convince a man anuin* f ( his will von may have to du it over again next day. 1 If you have a bunion lint is very sore, apph indiui with a j brush or soft ra^ every nighf. If j this treatment, causes pain, after j a few applications apply it every j The World ' limaiie #. ! Eicyd?p?ia | p.? s1W(S\W ' R ItSs)? , I gjpj&m? WiU Ms? Question You may Encyclopeont Ask It. $ Standard # American # Annual. i I Given a" a premium to each ?cw j i Yearly subscriber to the County Record. * I ATLANTIC COAST LINE, j * ftorth-Easiern E. R. of S. C.! CONDENSED SClfEDULb. I>uu?l Doc. 20 1S07. TRAINS <;o!\?, sofJ'lI. No. ;t5.? Leave Florence 3:2.r? a. in. Leave Kinjrstroe Arrive Danes 4:-Wa. m i Leave L ines 4: IS h. in Arrive Charleston L; ?ii a. in No. 23. Leave Florence 7:.V? p. m Leave Kin^stree Sn?7 p. m Arrive Lanes 9:1"> p. in Leave Lanes ft:lo p. m Arrive Charleston 10:00 [>. in No. 53.* __ " t Leave Lanes ' 7:40 p. ni Ariive Charleston 0:15 p. in TRAINS GOING NORTH. No. 78.* Leave Charleston 6:33. a. m. Arrive Lanes 8:10 a.m. Leave Lanes 8:10a.m. Leave Kimr>tree 8:25 a. nri. Araive Florence 9:33 fc?. m No. 32? Leave Charleston 5:17 p. m. Arrive Lanes 6:45 p. in. Leave Lines 6:45 p. in. Lea^e Kings! ret: Arrive Florence 7:55 p. np \a. 52.# Leave Charleston 7:00 a, m. Arrive Lanes 8:26 a., in. * Daily. 1 No. 52 run* through to Columbia yia Central R. Ii. of S. C. Trains Xos. 7-S an a. m.. Wadesboro 2 25 p. in T.eave Florf puce daily except Sir day 8 15 p. in.: ar] rive Darlington S40 p. in.. Flartsville !H 35 p. n?., pennetrsville 9 86 p. in.:, GJh 1 son 10 On p. H . I^oare Florence Sunday I only 9 35 a. in , arrive Darlington 10271 a m., llartsvillell 10 a. in. Reave Gibson daily creept Senday 6- I 6:15 a. m.Eennett-?v>ll 6:01 a. m., ] arrive Darlington 7:3o a. ni. ) l.eale Hartrvllle dally czorpt Sunday i 6:45 a. in, airive Darlldgton 7:30 a. m. leave Darlington 9:00 a. in. T.eave Wad ?sboro daily ezeept Sunday 3:00 p. m. Clicrnw 5:15 p. nr. Darlington 0:29 1 p. in. arrive Florence 7:09 p. m. J. F. DIVINE, < Gen'J Sup't. ' . v r . ' k- ' s ' i THE STEA Spain &ii?J t.o 4}u n 1 ! < covtrr Vnrir.uh coiitiu * f. r?f havirji u;a?JO th<- v c*:i 1 of Mi ;;u: jtHiirinj* ly f:?rls I)Utill litl(* sOUri-PS '.t \v.vS that tlieruoveiiiHit of 1 Steam \vtis arsi i t:::? lie notice. At Barei'lora. iu ti Jj'li, a mefhciik- nan*tl Hias n,1 but it is you wLo have to answer/ for bis, madness. When you caar him into that cell, you confined xiJ' greatest gtmus of the :.ge.' " / ' Twenty-two years a!icr the aLofC j incident, in 1C03, in n work of f i* j called "Century of Invention!-,'' fLfc f Marquis of V*oicestcr deectibef 3' steam apparatus of Lih own. followed with bis invention in I'^l. Captain Savwy's engine lcr water raising was made in itiOi, ur/d iu 1711! Thomas Newcomer) confctruc^ ed the first tell' acting steam enginewhnh worked suuesslully for over; a century. and with it the ^ge ol i steam may be said to have been in- j augurated.?Lloyd's Weekly Kews- j paper. ' *? _ A Prugrettive Youth. In one of tbe primary sehoolroonj^ j tiro teacher hot iced that quu the : little boys was leaning forward and talking to a small colored girl who sat just in front of biny Kho kept her C3'0 on him for a moment or two. "Ray," she finally *>aid, "what are j*cu saying to ilanriet" Ray looked up with t* start. j "I?1 was just aaklh her some-; thiu," he answered. "Well, what was it*" "Nothin much." "Tell me what it was." "1 was just askin hlamie what her mamma's name'wa*" "Her mamma's namei" repeated the astonished teafher. "And why do you want to ktfow her mamma's namei" j Afnefo* P^t? I "Wen, you Roe,. M'u -ju noiu avuj , | "I might want 'to go callin some time, and i thought I'd like to get the i^aroes righjt-"?Cleveland Plain Dealer. / A Qnjter Landslide. A curious landslip occurred in the village of battel, in Canton Scbwyz. An inn situi/ted by the side of the road which /uns across the slope of a hill was danied, without sustaining any injury. 33 feet down the hillside, stepping just short of being precipitated into the liver Steinen. The road in front of the house, tbjO garden, and all the immediate Surroundings of the inn are Pict. the house were two large 8, a#d even these in no way era*. I . / Ex Parts. U^^Prye?Tell me, dear, do you e^^Httrrel with your husband? ^Hamb? Never. But he often qtj^^B with me, the hateful thing. Transcript. "*V V v / :4si Is, U' R Q i r JS i ? JT ' ? vjj ' TT^ACTS ATTENTION I'hxfs \vh:i| our prices do?atti lie latest patterns and ot llie C us you cannot fail to be satisfie ja'SJ HVUW V WH iali wiuuimg Our Fall Stock i" now ready and a my a *uit every day for various roast my co mo t.) us V e can prove it by U wit h us. Give us an eye-sight tes Ik's, Ms' id hi! No Vit'.e i.t the Cnrolinas can-cnd) ''hat's a :i impossibility. We bought i\v we i t into effect, and our custom* mi price wo meet your wish at ever, en's g( sal, serviceable suits at ion's ox tr:t go'wl. all-wool suits, in s? ien's fine black diagonal suits at Sen's -n ?ts in imported and selected hiidren's stylish, serviceable school Hats and Caps. Pi toward list, which is *qur.l to anvtli 'dug worth having in the head-gear FURNISHING C ?from a p:lir of -uspenders to a coll usdorwear to it pair of kid gloves, yo it {>rices toaueet your a]>proval. 3octs\and ?hceg. I c It* bra ted I less it Bro.'s fine sljjjfc. vlierc. Thek'ro all right in material want a pair Cf shoes. rcmc-rtfber us. t-ttx iH r-rT rinTT ^TTI riixa ulu i nu Extra room and extra hands hav fs wnnderfuR growth demanded this ienced tailoriare now prepared to Trade. And^yheji you'll note our sp uroly be satisfied that this is the pla -uit of cloths. IThe satisfaction we gi BANOV& Cor. King land Calhoun 3 Points to | Femembar.* IX QUALITIES win it, Mo rooinl for tho unsatlsfactt ,jnrVT T? Fashion's latest fi MI i iugs. Whenathl L> T> T d \ ^"ou Cttn idway* I Hlvriijl further here thf dersold? not If we ^cnow It, and that*! ^ Hill piss raw We hnv/hi our employ MR. W. B some of tf\e largest Northern houses, posted, ynd keeps inltouch with the c intrusted to him wiHrecdve prompt r . .1 i'.; ?LOWS. | ^UCT^O' *nfe/i O, 9 i ELSE IS* | Ho w it Is Done v A storekeeper who bay# good* in large quantities for spot gets great reduction?. I do 'S ihat is why f can make a ptofflfSjfl '".2 selling at the prices I do; but /4 leaves me no margin to-cover toe*'' by bad debts. I have to sell for. ^ cash. It's cheaper for you, too, You don't have to pay other peo-. pie's debts in our prices. * '- W'i nicts at tent'.Mi. L-r goods are of ' inest quality. If you deal with 7'? BWITCT A a ttflunui ; CUB wait-! your inspection. You ne, not easy or ooonon^etu unless your neighbor If lie bar never trad* ss's Mj-M Goiif,' .Jj u-sell ns on Ready-Mnde Clothing, our entire stock before the tariff < *rs ri ap the beuebt; in quality, style looted patterns, at $5 and ^ ry in our stock. , ' -M r ancles find full swing In our show- . ing is new and good, we have it, i-count on your dollars traveling in anywhere else; we are never up* s one of the secrets of our 6uctfees. TIT IIH II. ^ :' . LOGAN, who/havingrepresented in this section, for years. Is well lomands of this section* Anything attention. * v4'.