The county record. [volume] (Kingstree, S.C.) 1885-1975, January 27, 1898, Image 2

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"' " S*!t v { HEW JEfiSETS^EOADS Chosen For Experiment in Free Rura Postal Delivery. ROAD COMMISSIONER'S REPORT It> Declare* That Great Work is Golnjj 01 Vtttlrr the Good Roads Law-Farmer v. rv Mni?h Xmwt to MArketS V 1 M' Opposition G1t)u Way to EnthusiasmKow Jersey LesdV\jn Improved Roads . Tmhtox, N. J. (Special).?The New Jor ey State Boad Improvement As3oeiatioi has selected a route from Hiverton to Cin naminsoa, Moorestowa, Stanwihk, Bridge boro. Riverside and back to Rivet-ton, oi which the Fostofflce Departmental! tr the it about 90 atlee to be buM this yta||H complete the work the Btate appro prifVH scat be Increased to #800,000, and this thl Boad Improvement Association reboml Steads to the Legislature. -n 1898 and 1894 over 74 miles of new roads were built; In 1895, over 46 miles; 1J 1896, over 61; making the total length ol the roads built under the law about 23l ^ ? . ? ? A. ? -i AMfsn r(\* il XI]OB, (Of TOKn loe OI?? spant vtov.uov.k and the counties and property owners aloni the Mass of roads over il.OOO.OOC. ' < Burilfcgton County leads in tl .e extent o Improved roads, having 61^ miles, o Bore than one-fourth the totiJ, and it L< la thlseounty that the rural mull deliver -system lg to be tried. Host of tie roads an tmilt of maeadam, bat in South Jersey P gravel has been used. t Oommisrionrr Budd says the areragt I cost per mile has been reduced fully one third, some roads having been bniK at fron I faOOO to 91000 a mile in neighborhood.' I where they have been costing from $600* 9 to $MQQ per mile, and the wearing abilit] ' grill be as gnat and In some cases greater -Opposition to the law has changed to en thnslasm In Its favor, the Commissioner re ports, aad more roads are being applies tor than ean be built in many years nndei the present 8tate appropriation. There ii If a gnat demand for the reports of the Nov Jersey Bond Commissioner, which show: that the subject of good roads is being con sidered in many other States. Nearly all the larger cities and town; have macadamised roads from their cen tree to the farming districts. Union Es lex* Morris, and Psssaio have built man] aifles of road under the count v law, but art *ow embracing the State aid law. Tht farmers have found by experience that tb< increased taxes sit lightly upon them and * ire a small expense compared WKQ in< Mriof made by the more easy trans porta tton of their prodaee to markets a id th? tedueemeat tt offers to city people to loeat< In the eoaotry. The Coavlsslonez says the Offloe of Boac Inquiry at Washington is urging New Jer say farmers to try steel tracks for roads Soeh tracks would save four-fifths of th< power now expended on a macadamize^ toad. The aee ef broad tires isreeom r - mended* aad the report urges the Legists tare to pass a law giving a rebate in tax* to all owners of Wagons who use tires no leas than three*and a half inches wide. The work of abolishing toll roads ha been began, and two turnpikes in Burling ton and Camden ooantips are to be eon rtomnci! as soon as the County Boards o Freeholders ratify the action of the ap ^raisers. This will eost the eonnties f43, IKS, tho^property owners 14304, and tb< 4 " Commissioner Bodd's report says: "IteostsV,V oents per ooshel to ship wheat from Chicago to New York, a die taaoe of MP miles; it eosts S oents a bushel to hart wheat on a level road a distance oi Wvo miles, aad oa a sandy rood tt would eost at leestt cents per mile to haul it ' -* ? - of wheat with rood roads for a distance of it* miles would tx rtwt equivalent to tost of 000 miles ol transportation by steamer or canal boat, 01 of 375 miles |?y railroad. One mile of goo<l r roads wonM make a saving equal to 71 miles ?C railroad transportation. Thus ?T*7 of wood roads plaees the pro ~ dnoer 78 miles by rail nearer to toe mar kett it. Is estimated that the cost oJ hauling 5M>00QJHb tons of farm produce t? market Is 33per ton, or just about 31,000,100,000; It is also sst(mated that about 6( Br east, of tills last amount, or 3000,000, , would bo saved each year If farm en , wars able to do this hauling* over gooc ' *\ , roads. "These statements are startling, but true They show the importance of rood roads ' Tha real cost of transportation that burdeni our agricultural classes is the part of it be tweea toe farm and toe town or raliwaj station rather than between the railway station and toe market. The loss due t< bad roads ts one of the greatest wastes o energy oonnected with farming, as it fc carried on in this eountry. Boad and stred improvement throughout the United States Is becoming a subject of universal interest, Its national impuetonee is such that to-daj It absorbs a large share of public attentior \ to every advancing city and State in tb< h union. It la not a popular fad or a morn mentary outcry of toe people. It is a deep seated movement, appealing to the besl | elements of our civilisation. It Is a faeto: I to public affairs of Increasing power. | "Good roads enlist the attention of bust f cess men, bankers, statesmen, farmers f manufacturers, engineer^, philosophers anc ' 1 every intelligent citisen, liowever hnmble Ms station In Hfe." \ CHRISTIAN SCIENCE \OQCTOR. Mr*. Balrd Fined SM For WWt Beportlnj Case of Pipht^e As.. Christian. Science reoaljjk hard rap from Judge Wofford (pi tbe^^minal Courl at Kansas City, The (Xcaidon wastht trial of Mrs. Amanda J. Bafrd, X ChrL?t(ar Science doctor. who' was fined $50 in tb< Police Court for not reporting to tne?oar<] of Health m ease of diphtheria In rhe fam lly of 6. H. Kinney, in whose house ten' year-old Mae Kinney afterward died.\ Mrs. Baird administered Christian Sctonc? treatment to the child. \ t The ease came before Judge Wofford \oe appeal in affirming the judgment of the trial tribunaL The Judge said tho methods of Christian Science in attempting to heal were frequently akin to murder. Volunteer Lassie Sandbagged. Miss Annie Hughes, private secretary oj Balllngton Booth, was sandbagged in Orange, K. J. Erich A. Priaman, an oxconvlot who was dropped from the Volunteers, has been arrested for the crime. Miss Hughes rejected the advances he made to her. India's Plague Grows. During the last week the deaths In Bomhay, India, from the bubonic plague, num. hered 851. From ail causes there were 1540 deaths. The exodus is Increasing and business Is stagnant. V v. 1 THE NEWS EPITOMIZED. J ITmhlncton ItfiM. ?|he President made the followlnghornl^ J. lions: Consuls?Charles Burr Torle. ot I un V Hampshire, at Salttllo. Mexico; Robert l t o4,Pr Mnhone, of Virginia, at/Kuevo h^Tedo, Mexico; Robert 8. 8. Bv'rgh. of ??|rth Dakota, at Gothenburg. Bwedcn; ^--jrie! Bie Bavndal, of South Dakota, at Syria. t c te House passed the Diplomatic and j"' joV^or Appropriation bill at the end of cipal^ det,at0>Ia which Cuba wgs the pria1 to*re?s'(*ent 5reK,n'?y'? Cuban Tj|eliey is said i * naln the same as when jhis message : ^;gtllsent to Congress; whileT n0 further " j jtmetr')an<*>s in **avana "fn" expected, - ] ^}thilcan warships can be in that harbor j griS(yQ six hours should iX emergency I T>" 1 ' Ceo;B Department# has ordered c0,nre H. Murphy, one of tie clerk9of tho ^ sular Bureau, to go at#onCe to Colon " *1 take charge of the Consulate there, i .de vacant bv ~ * "' Pi uonsui AsnDy. ncr Dawes has National Bank ig emplo\ment aklng extra exsn^amln Butteriger took place Tooted a reform loos. He gave fob, while there it company of ie crushing that as dreadful for leolined the reto reopen the _W. J. Mills for [eaico Supreme The Democrats In the House made an atr t'-mpt to force consideration of I Cuban i ledigercney resolution, but were ^defeated f after an exciting contest. y J The Senate Committee on France voted * to report the Teller resolution declaring C for the payuiout of national bonds in silver as well as gold. \ House Committee on ElectloA No. 2 reported that Thomas F. Clark ?ad abandoned his contest against Jesse F.VStaliings, oI the Seeond Alabama District. 1 The effort to open the pension uolls for inspection was began in CougresAd>y-Mr. Snlzer, who intredaeed a resolution providing that Congressmen be permitted to examine the list of pensioners of tnelr respective districts. Domestic. 1 David Piatt Osborne has begun a\ suit against his father-in-law, John D. Kinamey, a millionaire, of Norwalk, Conn., for alienation of hlB wife's affections. ! Mrs. Hetty Green, the richest worn am in the United 8tates, was charged at Ithe Medico-Legal Society's banquet in New York City with having represented herwlf as being in dire poverty to get free med Aal treatment. Supreme Court Justice Garrison,, fn charging the Grand Jury in Camden, N. J.V declared that embrace 17 stopped the Shaw marder trial and that Prosecutor Jenkins! -j would step aside and Attorney-General! Grey take charge of the investigation. Lieutenant Commander Daniel Dele- I hanty was installed as Governor of Sailors' Snag Harbor, Staten Island. i The San Francisco trans porta tat Ion companies are arranging to carry CO,000 . persons to Alaska this season. The rates 1 from Seattle, Wash., to Alaska hare feeen increased. ? Trains are delayed in Ohio by reason of I the washing ont of bridges as the result of . a severe rainstorm. The Ohio Rlvor at . Cincinnati Is so high as to ennse apprefceni si on. Several persons have been drowned t in Indiana and Tennessee. Edward Clark, a grain scooper offtuffalo. i N. Y? after a qnarrel with bis common-law - wife tied her hands and then beat her to death with a shovel. ' Mrs. Eliza Orazalski, eighty years old, expired while trying to danee'at her granddaughter's wedding in Chleago, 111., but ' the festivities continued as though nothing had happened after the body had been removed. I T-vd men were injured and a building was destroyed by an explosion of natural gas at Attica, N. Y. A poll of the New York Legislature shows that there is little prospect of liberal excise amendments or laws to authorize Sonday baseball or Sunddy theatres. [ The congregation of the Fifth Avenue Presbyterian Chureh, New York Citi, unanlmonslv adopted resolntioas declining to unite with her. Dr. John Hall in requesting ths "Presbytery to dissolve his b&storal relations with the ehnrch. ' The first Joint ballot for United States Senator in the Maryland Legislature was taken without reaching an election; there are rumors of a deal between Democrats and bolting Bepnblleans to elect An independent Republican. The standing committees of Tammany HaU, New York, sere announced, with Richard Croker a* Chairman of tUfe Finance Committee. ! ( The National Fishery Congress met In Tampa, Fla, r Henry E. Straight, under anfest as a ' swindler, succeeded in making i lis escape J from the Gregory street polioe st itlon, Jer' sey City, N. J. His wife is un ler arrost 1 charged with having aided him to obtain 6 his freedom. ' Mrs. Augusta Nack, the aee< anpliee of ' Martin Thorn in the murder pt William . Gnldensuppe, was taken Iran the Queons } County Jail toAabarn (N.nT.)! Prison, to .i which she was sentenced for fifteen years. The wife of Mr. Harry Frey, fin employe t of the York (Penn.) rolling milu, presented ber hnsban i with triplets, two Jboys and a giri. r The principal* feature in the Draper < murder trial at Jacksonville, III., was the 1 introduction of William Jenninfcs Bryan to > testify to Draper's good recorH while the two were in the same office, from 1882 to 1887. Mr. Bryan said the defendant was a good man, rather irritable in tamper. The remainder of the forenoon xvna devoted to expert insanity testimony. I Bicycle Policeman Lincoln jwns killed in ? New York City by being tbrcswn frosn his ; wheel in a collision with n pedlestrlan. > Twenty-two Klondikers, whjo arrived at Seattle, "Wnsh., on the steaaner Corona, brought gold dast and draftfe amounting > to $1,000.000. They^conflrmcft discovery of 1 the mother lode. f The westbound overland tjrain jumped the track near Colfax, Cnl., wrecking the train badly. Tho engineer, f fireman and one Nrakeman were killed, I t naoi lton McDowell, one I of the besti known wood engrayers and illustrators in Baltimore, Md., committed! suicido by swallowing a solution of cyanide of potas?sinm. < j ^ At n dnnce at the Falls Plantation, in Mississippi County, Arkausaa, a shooting n.Tray took place between the three sons ofsArmisteau PhPlipson onejsido and three sons of Wright nay on tb? other. Two memwero killed And two were wounded fatally. \ f Edwkrd A. Knight, a Boston loan broker's clerk, robbed the office safes of be-' twecn $25,000 and S40,000# worth of diamonds add jewelry. \ He tcok only such Eledges n* were not, redeemable, leaving Bhlnd 850,000 worth on which people were still paying interest. \ I WerthelmeV A Co., ftlovefc, of New York City, and the Werthelnier <blove Company, of Johnstown,ijf. Y., Assigned; liabilities, $800,000 \ ) | " IT STATES SENATE FOR SILVER. MRo Take Up the Teller Resolution ta stood ?i t? ts. ^^rho njltcd States Senate by a Tote of 41 {0 23, t<pk up the Teller resolution declaring thnaGovernmcnt bonds may be paid in silver, penator Mantle says this vote is simply % notice to gold men that no bill J proposing to establish the gold standard* cap be pot through the Senate. A dispatch to the New York Herald, in regard to the j vote says:! j Tho sii?r Senators havo won the day. [ Currency legislation of any kind by the present session fs now out of the question. By nn overwhelming majority the silver men have demonstrated their complete eonj trol of tho United States Senate. They fhave forced the Renato to practically declare in favor of paying United States bonds in silver dollars." The majority was obtained by tls combination of the Democrats. Silver Republicans and Popuiists and by the votes of seven Iieoulieans who have hitherto been aligned with the administration. Among them was 8enutor Quay. Tho light occupied less time than it take? to relate Its details. There were three engagements. I-q the first round the silver ??? .o-i . f?liA nn Senator IUCU wuv nc?v nujuwuo kv ? _ -r Teller's resolution providing for the payment of bonds In silver voted down a motion to go into executive session, a purely antagonistic proposition, by a majority of twelve. They followed up tbia victory by proceeding to the consideration of the resolution, this time obtaining the large majority of sixteen. They completely Intrenobed themselves a few minutes later by displacing the Census bill, whleh was the regular order, and giving the resolution the advantageous position of unfinished business. This Is the way the Senate divided on the second and most Important vote: Teas.?Messrs. Allen. Bacon, Bate, Berry, Butler, Cannon. Chilton, Clark. Clay, Cockrell, Faulkner,Harrls.Heitfeld,Jones (Ark.), Kenny, Kyle, McEnery, Mallory, Mantle, ' Martin, Mills, Mitchell, Money. Morgan. Perkins. Pettigrew, Pettus, Prltchard, I Quay, Rawlins, Roach, Shoup, Stewart, Teller, Tillman, Turpio, vest, wauaau. Warren,White and Waleott?41. Nays.?Messrs. Aldrich, Allison, Baker, Cnllom, Davis, Fairbanks, Foraker, Frye, Gallinger, Gear. Gray, Hale, Hanna, Hansbrough, Hoar, Lodge, MoorblU, McBride, Nelson, Piett (Conn.\ Proctor, Sewell, Spooner, Thurston and Wetraore?25. 8enator Murphy, of New York, and Senator Smith, of New Jersey, were absent. Mr. Smith was unpaired, and Mr. Murphy's position was only indirectly asserted by i Mr. Piatt, who said, when'his name was called:?"I have a general pair with my colleague, and I assume tnat ho would vote 'aye.' I would vote 'no.'" Mr. Gorman voted with the silTer men on the first call, but was Qbsent and unpaired when the second and more significant voto was taken. WHITE ELECTED CHAIRMAN. Bailey's Friends Hake Him Head of the democratic Congressional Committee. The New Democratic Congressional Committee at Washington elected as Chairman Senator White, of California. The election has attracted a good deal of attention in the House, owing to its bearing on the Speakership contest. 8E31TOB TTHITX, OF CAUTOB3TU. Senator I White was supported by the friends of lBepresentative Bailey, who axe favorable tb Bailey's candidacy in ease the next House is Democratic. Under these circumstances considerable oonfldence was expressed la Senator White's election, although Messrs. MoBae, of Arkansas; Richardson, \ot Tennessee; Osborne, of Wyoming, and Mien, of Indiana, had been prominent ln\ the race. Owing to the Speakership Issue, however, tie friends of Mr. Bailey felt what It wtsderlrcMe a Senator should head the Committee, so that the Chairmanship ^nd the Speakership should be entirely separated. An unexpected dark hone developed in Senator Cookreil, of Missouri, who was defeated by Senator White by the narrow margin of eighteen to fifteen. " ** m AIWHAR HL. I xne meeting auu^icu * imiuuvu .? affirm Lag Its adherence to the Chicago Elatform. The election of Senator White i regarded as a \distinct triumph by the silver men. \ 5 PRESIDENTS BROTHER GIVES UP. Cohan Bebel Officer* and H?ur Trirates Lay Down Their Anna. . The Spanish authorities .report that the Cuban Insurgent general Juan Masso Parra, with the forces under pis command; Lieutenant-Colonels Augustine Feria and Jose Carmon Hernandez, 'Majors Felieiano Qnesada Satcrnino Leon and Victorano Gomez, with six other ofPcers and 110 privates, well armed and w^ell supplied with ammunition, bnve surrendered in Fomento to the Spanish General Aguirroand Senor Marcos Garcia, Governor ol Santa Clara province. \ The insurgents, it is sgid, delivered up their arms according to -tho ordinance, shouting. "Long live Spain!" "Long live the Queen Begont!" "Long Hvo Spanish Cuba!" "Long live autonomy!" General Juan Masso Parra is a brother of Senor " .-I- ?. rtf tha ruh*ll I DATIUIUUIU iUiUOV, 1 *W*V>VM. ? ?? Republic. MrKfnai It Confirmed. The United States Senate confirmed the nomination of Joseph McKemta, of Call, fornia, to bo an Associate Justice of the Supreme Court of the United Stptes. The opposition to bis confirmation ihad narrowed down practically to one iftan?Senator Allen, of Nebraska. There were a few , other Senators who did not consider the nomination a wise one, bnt they were not 1 active. \ "Green Gbodi" Operators Arreted. ' Anthony Comstocfc, with a Postoftlee In. ; spector and Deputy Marshal, sprang; a trap .on a gang of "green goods" operators at Porte best er, N. Y., and arrested George Morris, who is apparently the leader. John , Reedy, station agent of the New York and ' Putnam Railroad, and telegraph operator, i tax collector and postmaster at Pocatitico i Hills, N. Y., was arrested as an accomplice. j M a \ A Government Monopoly. . 1 1 i The Nlearaguan Government, in order-U Increase the ppblio revenues, has e^eh- j lished a monopoly of the salo of tatd.MpsJfl .... | r. ) \ M j <$ * ' "* : :. v--; f y t ^ f v T' y ^ i. A As jK /t-i .A 4 4 ? odf I 4 4 BES1 4 ^ " Best" is an ca expect something ej * flour; something e: M cures from best met rA pari I la that maxcs i Remember it's qua] > People's Drug Store 4 for twenty-five years | The B i foi < . t >1 ? I say: 'Ifyou will t ^ . antee that you will \ Ayer's than you wou When they take it, I . Ayer's Sarsapari ^ blood: sores,ulcai-s, 1 i It cures cheaply, it ci ^ " After twenty vean * | any similar preparalio 4 " In our estimatioi ^ heard it spoken of in < \ W. I I consider Aver i 4 ^ " During fifteen ya ^ tingle case wherein it 4 k " I believe Ayer's 4 ^^compound." i m m mr^r^r t W 1 /aTAtAtAtAVYA LIEN ON FAISE TEETH. | i A Dentist Thinks His Work as Goott That of a Carpenter. < "Say," he said, aa be broke ruthlessly into a lawyer's office, "I've got a' job 1 for you." "That's what I'm here for," said tho lawyer. "State your case and I'll make a fee pretty quick." "Weil, way," said the dentlst, for that's wbatjie was, "I made a set of false teeth torjL scalawag a few weeks ago, and made 'em on the in- J stallment plan. The feller paid me a dollar down, and he was to pay me a ' dollar a week Yor ten weeks, and I was to hare a lien on the teeth until they were paid fat*. Now he's quit paying and won't let me hare the molars. Says they hurt his jaW, but I take notice they never affected his cheek very much." "Did you give him a bill for 'em?" "No. Nearer gave him anything bat the teeth.". "Have no agreement In writing for a chattel mortgage specifying the kind of plates, jand the gums, and the number of teeth?" "No. If tell yon I didn't have anything, add I ain't got anything yet. What I want to know Is, haven't I got 1 a mechanic's lien on them teeth? j Didn't Jj work on 'em, and isn't my j work as good as a carpenter's or a j bricklayer's?" "Well[ I hardly think a mechanic's J lieu copers your case. I don't think ; you cam get them back." "What would they do to me if I held him up and took 'em out of his mouth and vJcut off with 'em?' "Maybe they could hold you for petit larceny. If you can catch him in his J room/ asleep, and attach them by get ting but a writ, mayb. you can get him to come to taw, but that would cost j you /more than the teeth are worth. I j guedg you're in for it this time." "Well, I won't get In that kind of a j holt again, I'll bet yon. I'll go to socse of tb^ fellers running for the Legislature, and I'll make them promise to i a law giving us dentists a lien on thfc teeth we make, good till th07**e pii i for." J"Vhat*8 right; that's a good Idea, wo dollars, please. * Call again." v I WV V V ^ ^|. ^ ^ % fr^lrv YER ^B^| rsM^ a|^. M|.V Hi |M WN jSFJ FyB ffi BB H mm Kj* wW is the ' SARSAPAR1 sy boast. But there's no best itra of best; something extra ctra in wear from best cloth; licincs. It's that something ex Oyer's the best. That somethi lity that cures, not quantity, j, Seymour, Conn., says: " I h and when a customer asks mc ; pet Prpn' >Wl 1 itpt r tie Bio ' * { akc my opinion, use Ayers San receive more benefit by usin<? < Id by using half a dozen bottles never hear any complaint*' ilia cures all diseases that have 1 boils, eruptions, pimples, eczcm; ires quickly, and it cures to stay. i ' 1 y' . . s' experience an a druggist, I consider Ayert Si n on the market, and 1 give it the preference o A. C. WOODWARD I" " ^ * A ' ' ' V" ' i, as regartb Sarsaparilh, Ayer's U the stand other than the very highest terms." L TLRRILL <Sc CO., Pharmacists, 9 State Str Sarsapariilx the best blood purifier on the mar Dr. ORISL & CO, V its of experience with Ayer*^ SarsnpariHa, I i failed to cure if used according to directions." t\ O. COLLINS, I Sarsaparilla contains more medicinal value 1 J A MLS DOAN ?,* Dispensing Cheat ? ' * ? '? " I . fcOY'S INGENIOUS WHEIE Lad of Fonrtee* Years Contracts a b, *'Chalalts?" Bicycle. "A curious blcjcle, en route from ' Hamilton to WarrnambooL was in\ ' tpected by a number of interested (perjons at the train last pight," says 'lie correspondent of a Victoria (Australia) paper. "It is of the old style, the' front wheel about three feet eight iaehet high, being made solid from boards of tn old washing machine, and the bind wheel Is from a small wheelborro y Both wheels are most Ingeniously tired with bark, with a strip of linoleum oyet all. Ine backbone and bind fork is a noire. gum bough in its/natural stage, bent ^ with gtt^t accuracy to the requisite i position, The/rront fork is another | \ gum bough Injts natural state, except j mat tee payts rorining tne tone are , bent together, so as to be parallel. This . works through an old wheel box from a ' light cart, which is fixed in the thick t?rt of the first branch, which forms tne backbone, and an Iron rod passed 1 through near the top serves as handles, nnd the pedals are ingenious adaptations of some old iron utensils. The lnakcr is a lad of 14." ?? 1 Tndncement \ 'My! but Sales & Specials do a big luslness." , "Why shouldn't they? Look at the . Inducements they offer?free novels to read while you are waiting for your/'' thange."?Indianapolis Journal. y/ It Is estimated that to about^*?^* i 000 persons in this country ?*ectrlclty ^ contributes a means of U^lhood. , . y^w/y %C* ' Tfch o ilM r ma i 4 ? \ ^ . 4 HA. 1 < ' * - ' ' 1 / ' i JJj without a test You 4 in brepd from best k something extra in >< :tra in'Ayer's Sarsa ng extra is quality. ? J Geo. Smith of the * J . M tave sold your goods < M * M ration I m saparilla; I will guar* >nc or two bottles of V of some other kind.' :hcir origin in impure i, tetter, scrofula, cte. KShat's why it's best. LI I impanlU superior to ver alt others." ^ t Worcester, Mass. M lard. YVe have wrier L J eet, MoctpeJrer, Vt Lj test Gardner, Mass. kj bar* yet to lorn of a > JnigSUt, Paris, Mo. * * : has anV other unfiar { J i?t, Kuigsville, OnL ' kl A Ay-A ^ ^ ^ A a J'{ One of the best possible facia to the latter-day progress of this country Is.*M the increase In the number of .homes. f In crowded centers of popnlatkm. such as Maw York and one or two other cities, the fat tad the hotel mast at- .p way* be necessary for space-la too valuable to be monopolized by the humble.. But em around the very 1arge dtlen ^A there are beta# built fliouaanda'mad 7 thousands of suburban cottages mad countr^katfences, mad mB through thd length mad breadth of the country, la 'v* the towns, villages mad dries, artistic homes a? increasing at am astonishing rate. If anyone will take the trouble to look tip the literature on the subject he will find that In this country there are more than a hundred paper* devoted to these home-builders, giving them each week plans and suggestions. The number of books upon low-priced architecture written in the past fifteen . ' years, eiceeds the total for a century previous. wider education is being / spread, and the gain in ev?7 way is nUAnnnilo ' ' ' ' /J A man who owns hta home to a better -A ritlxen, even It there to a mortgage on It There to a Ceding of personal partnership In the protection of property and the preservation of public order \j which makes him stand for what to best in law and government It to the / best possible thing for his wife and / children; best for him and best for the / country. . * x< \ A Costly Theatre. There are in Kansas twenty built towns" without a singh^Anhab:tant, and Saratoga, in thatptate. now absolutely uninhabited, K*3 among other buildings a $30,00f* theatre. Workcd^^h Way*. \nthor?This fi an uuappreefativo world Wbs/^ 1 bad written wis* F^.t^rlttc.lwoulto-.bcta^. ^ritb^T11?* may be true. and if Faff written the stuff you write be n^fildn't be famous, either./ -In 1900. He?Will yon fly. with me? She?Certainly, Bring your airship iround *t 3 o'clock and I'll be ready butv patting on my hat Then we can start at 4.?Somerrllle Journal .. ' * / :.jj