The county record. [volume] (Kingstree, S.C.) 1885-1975, January 27, 1898, Image 1

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WW" T\! '1 * XIV. KINGSTREE, SOUTH CAROLINA, THURSDAY, J^NEARY-U 1808- / yQ-4 ia of in iihJ AFFAIRS CAUGHT BY OUR LOCAL REPORTER AND NOTED. V , Written in Condensed Form and Printed in Like Manner for the Sake of our Weary Readers. A The physicians ere vacnnating scores of people now-n- ays. Mr. 0 J Lesesne recently made ? 54 a trip to Darlington and BenneltsI vil'e. B Mr. Sam. W. Wolfe left last night B for Tampa, Fla., where he will ri-side K in future. B Mis^Mnllie Wise has returned ^K home after a pleasant visit of two months to Charleston. H Rev. S P Fulton, will preach a' ^B Indiantown church next Sunday B morning the 30th insf. Mr. EL /Wnth has moved l?i> ^^^^Bfamilv to Er.Nptree, and is occuthe ^M^-mc recently vacaMr. Suiters Montgomery. ^^^^^^^ vanrreiist J A Williams has IK promised to |^^^K^^Bing at Kingstree, beginning ^Bt the first February. Let can from far and near ana hear the convene a H^fl^^H'lie Columbia papers speak in complimentary tones of MrI v(ie<ir<:c McCulcheo's argument in mm (he recent society debate al the South Carolina College. He repI I resented tlie Euphradi*n society H Miiitl w?s on the affirmative side of the quern*, "A public officer is justified in bestowing patronage as a reward of political service." Mr. A J Smith had quite an experience with a tramp last Saturday.' The fellow was very 1 insolent and rode and Mr. Smith ?* told him to leave the vard. ihis the tramp refused to do, and] * made for .Mr. Smith with h knile.' Mr. Smith's wins came to their father s rescue,and gave the tramp a pretty severe thrashihg with sticks, finally forcing hitn to leave the place. Mr. Sam P Fulton, the Pre.-by ? mis ionarv from Japan lectured to a large congregation in , the Presbyterian church Sunday morning and evening. In the ' afternoon he lectured at Union church. In the ev'cnidA Mr. Fu1 ton gave a very inftfreqling lecture on a missionary's first exp^ience in Japan, ihe customs ami Irubiis of the Japs. \ Garfield Walker ha? fallen under the iron hand of justice. Om^ ^ day last week this son of linmr pnrloined a sack of groceries from the cart of a Lake City negro, and i Magistrate .J B McCutehen advised him to assist, the ehainirang for about twenty days,. Hie iliastrtoua mourner had enough consideration for the owner of the v property to leave the ox and cart where he found them. ^ - - 4* 4. .1 f t^uiie a commotion was crcaietL. \!i Kings tree last Saturday by the r^K?rt that a genuine,well develo. ped v^se of smallpox was in town. The physicians were a4l at the drug stoee of Dr. D C Scott ex amining a yt'ung Mr Brown, from near Central church, and the r W M VHS gentleman had ^ smutipox The runfWr soon reached the Kecord reporter, who a? once made his way to Dfc Scott's to find o :t the truth in theN jnat_ ter. Dr Scott said that the <Us_ ease was only chicken pox, anal that all the physicians who. c\ | amiaed Mr. Bro?gi pronounced it PIEiRfcEDSY CUPID'S D^RT. j Two fcretty Mai rieges, One ot Sc:ar-; ton .*?nd one at Frien-tfie'd. On \Yt tine-day, the 19th of Jauaary, a pnodly" number of friends and relatives tnet at ihe home ot the bride's father to witness the marriage scene of 5It? Hester Brown, of Florence <*oun-l fv, 11? our \Vi]!i?ni>1>iirg: friend, M i I 'res*oij Brr w n. The many Jiitnds assembled were held in expectation 1 ill ihe hour hand of the clock had pointed lo eight, when the bridal party luanftd in solemn, double-file! possesion as follows: Mr. Arthur Brow n and Corinne Brown, Mr. NVado Baddy and Miss Ella Hinson, Mr. Louis Lee and Miss Ella Graham. Mr. Sammie Graham and Miss Lin hie Lee, Mr. Jesse Carter and Miss Fiorina Tart Mr. Eddie Brown and Miss Janie Brown encircling the preacher and Hymen's chosen couple.There t he bride ami groom stood under an evergreen arch, from which was suspended a good luck signal ? a horse shot*?and listened most attentively to ihe original and beaulilul ceremony of Rev. Mr. Oliver; then with a mutual promise they became man and wife. The congratulations of the many friends being fairly over, supper was announced. Repairing to the dining room, which was literally filled with floral docorR ions* grodies and bright-faced waiters, we all partook of the wedding feast, and felt like saying as the apostle, %lIt is good lor us to be here." Hymen, the God of ma riage was unselfish in his gift lor on the following evening, I hursCa;. the iiUth, auother queen of a Williamsburg home whs crowned by I he wedding ceremony ot Rev. T A Evans which Mr. B B MeWhite, Jr., to Miss Anna, the youngest daughter of Mr. William Myers. Thus it is, those natures hall like dew-drope on a petal sway to the same sweet air of love "slip at once all fragrant into one." "Jack" " A New Firm. Messrs. () E Griffin and E i. Smith have formed a partnership and will conduct the livery business formerly owned by Mr. Griffin and the mercantile establish nient formerly owned by Mr. Smith jointly under iht firm name of C riffin & Smith. Mr. Griffin recently moved here from Clinton, and is recognized as t thorough business man. Mr. ? ?- - .f : J^NllTU is a Ita.ive o: ? i ; boi^g a son ol 5!r. A J Smith, and h> bears a very enviable reputation asvH boviness man. The new firm has our best wishes. ^ttant.on. Cotton Growers. 9 i A special meting of the Cotton Growers' Associatiou of Williamsburg county will he held rn the court "house at Kingstree on Thursday, Feb. 3, 1898. As matters of importance will come before the Asso. ciation, a full-attendance is urged. J J M Graham, J r., President. J Davis Carter Secretary. f I am now prepared to furnish cottonseedn>eval in any quantity, by the ton or carload. Parlies will do well to make their con tracts early, GEO. 8 Bar*, Agent for mills. The Cuunty Record $1 a year, H81111 BIT] WEEKLY REFORT OF THE DOINGS OF THAT Pb OSPu. OUS TOWN. Our Correspondent Sends His Usual Interesting Letter to The County Record, , MIsp Mario Siop,of Red Hill, Va., is pom nfsLtant teacher in the Lake City High School. She is a graduate of Stanton, Va., and comes hirh 1 ly recommended in music and the other branches. ( Miss Ida Rodgers, who has been I visiting at Nlanning and Pine wood i for several weeks, returned t<? Lake ( City Friday night. Her many friends are glad to see her on our streets once more. Megsrs. George ITaselden and Durant Simmons made a flying {.' visit on wheels to their homes near Johnsonville, last Sunday. Dr. A H Williams, who is now attending the session of the I egislature, came home Saturday morning to spend a few days. Mr. P M Moody returned irosn Darlington Thursday, where he had been doing job-work for Mr. BO Bristow for abont ten days. A carload of'fine mules for Willimns & Green arri\ed herefrom Atlanta Friday night. Hon. J H B'aekwell left for Columbia Friday nignt, where he will spend sometime attending to the duties of his office. On Wednesday evening, Jan. 19 Mr. Henry Odom, of Darlington, S C, and Miss Sue S'uckey, of this town were happily tnarrieil, Rev. A McA Pittman officiating. g Some scare in reference to the | smallpox was shown here the first | part of the week. Quite a nujnher y has been vaccinated, and as a result of this there are some sore * arms among those who have thus f taken the precaution. c The wheelmen here have become s somewhat alarmed by the report 1 that the municipal authorities here c intend at their ij^xt meeting taking t steps to prevent them from riding ( on the side walks. The sentiment of those who ride bicycles is decid- 8 edly opposed to such action on the J part of the Intendent and Wardens ! The wheelmen constitute about \ ninety percent of the men, and*; j they think that t!?ey have a right! to be considered is the matter. They don't object to. some restrictions being placed upon them: but ?, they do think it would be unjust for them to be debarred the use of the side walks. No- serious accident has ever happened since the 1 use of wheels Was introduced here, and such radical changes do not seem at all necessary. Now then this, the wheelmen help to pay the taxes which ane appropriated to the improvements etc., of the town, and they think they should reap some benefit ^oni the town in being accorded the privilege of using the side walks under proper restrictions. IVstoffioe matters tire still in a muddle. The inspector spent several days here looking after the office; but uo definite action, as yet has been taken. For altoufc a week no mail was put off here, and the inconvenience to the business men caused l?y the suspension was con-, Uolr>.> D XI io MUn *iimv jl i iu.j ia nun ^ keeping the office in raie school house by the colored cliurch. He sends dut mail once a (Say. The office is now closed at 6l>. m., and the mail which comes inl at night I is not distributed until the next i morning. Besides, he hardly ever ^ has any stamps on hand, tHose who , need stamps must needs kro else- " whereto get them. As a nesultof such earlessness, the peoplet many of them at Fast, send and get their mail from the Scran ton po.4(toffice. It is reported that after February t the 1st postoffice here will bd kept j by a white inan, that Baker will j still retain the position as poj-fmas- } ter, but will have nothing tto do : with the keeping of the otfic*, except to visit it quarterly to >nake/ out reports. Such a changui^vei think would be acceptable lul [Continued on eighth page.J^kl TH E TRESTLE WAS ON FIRE. Damage to the Railroad Bridge Over Black River. ' What might have been a terrible catastrophe was averted by the violence of the engineer on ihe northbound vestibule tra il last Monday night. The woodwork ot the trestle w:js on fire when the vestibule reached it,and a considerable portion of the bridge had been burned. .The pncineer seeinir the fire. stODDed his train und an examination of ihe trestle was made The crew r>f the train put out the fire, and ihe train crossed the riv<?r very lowly. When the depot was reached the train slapped and the iirent, Jlr. L C Dove, was sent for and informed of the tire. The ihe trestle force was sent for and ihewcikof repairing Ihe bridge tvas soon under way. The mater was, of course, reported to headquarters. The northbound vestibule's schedule time to pass lere is 12:40 a. m. and it was on line. Ihe southbound vestibule passes here about 5 o'clock a. m. and it was delayed very little bvi he fire, as the trestle free ha<I he bridge about repaired when hat train arrived J The lire is supposed by the' ailroad officials to have be/en aused by a passing train, though hnre has been some talk off an ncendiary origin. The scAith)onnd mail train that passes /here it o'clock p. m. was the/ last rain to cross the river pyior to he discovery of the fire, aij/d that vas about four hours before the -estibule reached the trestle. The ire may have been caused by mals of fire falling frjnn the ou'hbound mail, or it may have lAPii I ho ivnrt nf srtmo itiicr>rp:>n t ~ i >i) mischief bent. Several of!he i tubers were so badly Mimed that hey had to he removes and quite t number of the ties were burned. The prompt work ofI the trestle orce prevented any dfelay in the r.iffie, only one tra^ln oeiog deav ed.' j DEATH OF MR. DAVID ELLIOTT. He Passed Peacefully Away Last Saturday. Mr. David Ell/ott died at the esidence of his) brother-in-law, dr. Edwin Harpjer, early last Sat irday morning/ He had been lick for severnl months and the ;od was not unexpected. Mr. Elliott was born in Horry loucty about seventy years ago. 3e was a very quiet, reserved gentleman. find every one who mew him honored and loved him. de was married many years ago o a Miss-Davidson, of Georgeown county, a sister of Mrs. idwin Hamper. She died about wenty y/ears ago. Mr. Elliott lad three children, daughters.two >' whom/are still living. The ineimenbtook place at the Presby / erian ctenietery Sunday morning. Married By Mr. II M Burrows, notary >ubli<6, at the home of the bride's inel4, near Fowler, on Jan, 19, IS9?, Mr. George McCalisfer to llis^ Ida M Burrows, all of Wiliaaisburg county. I The Bethlehem Union. f?he Bethlehem Baptist JJnion will nect with Hebron Baptist church 011 iriday 2^th Jau, 1898. Churches are eq nested to send a full delegation. It. D. Rollins, Clerk. ,\11 school trustees of tbe county ^re requested to meet iu tiie county mperintendent of education's office Saturday. La Hfiimfti CONSTArI-E ccx S^ArWHE man h| wen Over the fy>?Tfv'e B rna/ion Tuesday oft' a murdM I l-vnoheg "-'V ?J ence county,near Vox^^^^HH before. flt was very obtain/Cautheutic inlornKVt^BaTO it w^s at first reported that pJr.'J D (Sox had been killed, but U was leaned Wednesday that it'was Mr. Dick Cox. Nothing definite could/ be found out. We heard first jrhat the ki ling occurred in this county, but later it was said thay the shooting look place over the/river, so we at ouce telegraph |ed/the sheriff ol Florence county for particulars. Before receiving a/reply from Florence we saw a gentleman from the section where jrhe killing occurred, and were told /that it was Mr. Dick Cox, and not /Mr. J D Cox,as was at first reporU ed. It seems that Mr. Cox and sev era! other gentle?ne/i went to the home or a negro who whs charged with burglarizing a store, for the purpose of arresting him. The night was dark, and when the par Iv reached the house a match was struck. Just as the light blazed dp the negro ran out and shot Mr. Cox, the ball lakiog effect in the face, ranging upward, and entered the brain. Death was instantaneous. The.negro fled and has not yet been caught. /> 1~ :iu uAMAA vjreeieyviiic hcho. Since we last wrote a new year has (in:c in and quite a number of changes have been made. \ Mr. E C Spann, who is clerking for* the Mallard Lumber Co., has motal his iatnily to the Nettles place near town and Mr. Bagnell whd lived there last year has moved to ^jlcolu. SdveVal of our people have gone to Columbia to get work in the factories and on the street railways. Som f stay aud seem ro think there is a fair opening for them, while others returf. in disgust to begin another year of farm life. I suppose the difference in their ideas of prosperity must accouut for the different views. Mis s Eliza Love, of North Carolina who h as been on a visit to the family of her nnclf, Mr. E G Mallard, return ed fo her- home last Saturday mornii lg. w _ tt. -Messrs. xiuguu arc uo?> upciaung the m ichinerj formerly owned by Nixon & Browder. They run a grist mill and will operate agin j during the cotton season, Rev. Mr White tilled his regular appoint ment at New Market Merhodist church last Sunday afternoon. His ser mon was on the subject of "The m stives of a highei life." It was full of practical thoughts, with Christ f ?r its model. Servic are announced for -Richmond Presbyterian church. next Sunday i loming at II o'clf *, a. w/ We hear that the services of a re?-, ular pastor have been securred dor this chur ch aud circuit. / The pcstoffice was robbed^at this place on "vuesday^ night of last week. The indications point to a/ thief of no common attainments. /It is what the policti wopld call j a neat job. Luckily ; 'or jvostmaster Campbell there wer i but few /stamps iu the office aud onjy abodt 60c in money in the dra rter* Th6re is no clue to the thief, \ j UB," Pari J M m 1 ^ alibi LOrf PRICES, i mil ml 112I Mi llill f ? ".V ? * V.V "* - /; ii ? A ' ' \ > v f ' * - V\ - m .. -lj&