fije gMa %lctotk\ VOL. XIII. KINGSTREE, SOUTH CAROLINA, THURSDAY, AUGUST 5, 1897. NO. 24. "1 in mm AFFAIRS CAUGHT BY OUR LOCAL REPORTER AND NOTED. Written in Condensed Form and Printed in Like Manner for the Sake of our Weary Readers. Quite a crowd of people was in town last Monday. The only thing ot.e can hear discussed on the streets now is base ball. The boys sa> thev are going to carrv the coat (their mascot) *0 ' C \ / Indiantown Tuesday. Books of registration for the town election will be opened on August 16th, next Monday week. The board of registration had the books open at the court house for three days this week, but very few were registered. No official sales were made here last Monday, although the sheriff had several tracts of land advertised. The parties paid the costs and redeemed the property, A negro man was caught stealing a bundle from a buggy in the rear of the court house last Mon day, and was tried and put on the chain gang the same day. SJfef - w A notice is published in another column cahing a meeting of the members of Camp Pressley next Saturday lor the purpose of elec ting a sponsor and delegates to the State reunion at Greenville. ifi On all sides we hear those who went to Indiantown last Friday speaking ot the people of that section in the highest terms of praise. Truly a more clever set of people than they would be hard 4 to find. In another column will he seen an advertisement of Forman Pni ver itv, Greenville, S. O. This . is one of the foremost collies o* the Southland one e*nr!?t do no belter for a yourrg man or lady than to send him or her to thi> celebrated school. In a list of candidates for post masterships in this State said to be the ones that are to be appoint ed, the name of James Harper, colored, was ''slaled'' for the postoffice here. The term of our present postmaster does not ex pire till June 189S, however. While returning from Indian town last Friday, a member of the Kingstree base ball party nltirked an onen boll of cotton t from the field of Mr. W. W. Barr. Quite a number of open bolls were seen in the field, and also in others along the side of the road. The bridge across Lynches river at Johnson's ferry was accepted by the supervisors of Florence and Williamsburg counties last Saturday. The people of the two counties held a joint picnic in celebration of the occasion, and a great time was had. Rev. Mr. Mc White, of Florence, addressed the the crowd, which numbered about 1,000. The bridge will be a great convenience to the public of that section. A teachers' institute, for white teachers, will be held in the court house from August 23rd to 28th, inclusive. All white teachers t are earnestly requested to attend. The following will be in attendance: E. L. Huges, superintendent of the Greer.ville graded school; O. B. Martin, of Greenville; Miss Mamie J. Wickliffe, of the Winthrop Normal College, Rock Hill, and perhaps other distinguished educators. P.. .V' ' 'Mr*. is&x / ."V. To the People of Williamsburg. Having been encouraged by the patronage we have received from the people of the upper part of Williamsburg county we have been induced to insert an advertisement in your county paper with the view of securing a larger share of your patronage Our name will no doubt sound strange to many of your people?to them we will say that we are no faker or squatter with no record to stand on, but we are one of Clarendons native sons and for thirteen years we have been associated with the business interests of Manning and three years of this time has oeen spent Den inn our own counters?. This space at the head of the second column on the local nage we own for a certain time and you will find in this space every week "ery interesting and profitable reading matter to those who are in the market to buy first class goods at rockbottom cash prices. We carry at all seasons of the year a large line of Dry Goods and Notions, gents, youths and ehildrens readymade clothing, hats, and caps We also carry one of the largest lines of gents, ladies, misses and ehildrens shoes to be found in any house in the country. We make a specialty of ladies fine dress goods and millinery. Yours Truly, Manning. S. C. Meeting of the County Commissioners. A special meeting of the board of county commissioners was held Monday. Not much work was done, however. The board rescinded its action of the month beforo in regard to the election and salary of the superintendent of the chain gang, and the election of Mr. S. P. Bradshaw, and decided to leave the matter entirely with the supervisor The salary of the superintendent was made $35. The board decided to hold a special meeting on the 2nd day of September next for the purpose of hearing testimony for and against the opening of several proposed public roads, the petitions for which having been filed some time since; and to attend to any other matters that might properly come before it. Fresh turnip seed at Scotts Drug Store. A special committee of the grand jury, composed of Messrs. Edwin Harper, 0. W. McClam. J. 0. Bell and Brockirton, has been examining the books of the various county officers during the past week. The committee will make its report at the next term of court. "Super-effeminate" hardly substitutes super-et^usiastic in describing the exuberance over a game of ball, but "superlativly better" fixes the differencebetween grey stone ag&te ware ana the com raon tin now-a days. Just arrived at Lesesne & Epps' a Jarge lot of grey stone ware, and every household should be supplied. Ladies, we have a Iresh supply of Heinx's pickles, dressings, catchups, &e. Farmers, now is the time to be gin harvesting your forage. We have grass blades. Lesesne & Epps. A $100,000 silk factory will soon be established at Greensboro, N. C. Northern capitalists are being attracted South by the cheapness of labor, the absence of agitators, and cheap fuel. Mjpffi.1 BRIEF MENTION OF PEOPLE YOU KNOW AND DON'T KNOW. Those of Our Citizens Who are Visiting at Other Places.?Our Visitors. ?Other Mention. Mr. J. B. Gamble brought us in a boll of ope?j cotton last Saturday. Mr. Charles Porter, of Wilmington, is visiting relatives and friends in town. Mrc Ti H KelTahnn and Miss Luh Strong visited relatives in Clarendon county last week. W. H. Dickson and family, of Florence; are visiting the family of Mr. Isaac Epps, near town. Messrs. Joe Sprott- and Joe Davis, of Clarendon county, are visiting Messrs. Olin and Ileber Epps. Rev. S. T. Russell of Bloomingvaler preached iir the Baptist church here last Sunday morning and night. Miss Florence Benjamin left yesterday for Georgetown to visit her sister, Mrs. W. R. Buie, who has been very sick. \ Master Stakeley Moorer, of - .1 -- / n... i ir unarieston, a Droiner 01 xvev. w. D. Moorer, has been spending some time in Kingstree. Rev. S. E. Bishop and family, of Clarendon county, were in town last Monday, on their way info the upper portion of the State. r Misses MaMe Dickson, of Florence, and Amaitder Webb, of Georgetown, are spending some time with the Misses Epps, near Kings1 r-e. . Mr. J. J. B. Montgomery, of Greeleyville, killed a monster rattlesnake last Sunday, which measured feet in length and had fifteen ratMes. Mr. Edwin Harper has been appointed agent for the Page Woven Wire Fence Co., and if now prepared to furnish any kind of fencing at a very low cost. See his advertisement. Little Emmett Graham, while playing ball last Monday afternoon, suffered the misfortune ol breakin" his left arm about half way between the elbow and the wrist. This makes the third time that he has fractured the same limb, and every time in a different place. Rev. W. D. Moorer announced from the pulpit of the Baptist church last Sunday night that there would be preaching in that church every Sunday morning and night until further notice. About a month ago the church granted its pastor vacation for some time and the church goers will be glad to know that regular services have been resumed. Mr. W. E. Cook, ofScranton, has secured a position on the New Era, of Union, S. C. and will go there today. Mr. Cook has had considerable newspaper experience, and knows just what to publish, and we recommend him to the people of Union County. Mr. Cook was for some time editor of the Record and sinc3^Jiis retirement has been our Scranton correspondent. lie is a young man, full of energy, and is well qualified to handle the editorial business of the New Era. Success to Willie Cook! The County Record, $1 a year. i "runner-'v- f: '.?i A HORRIBLE ACCIDENT. Mrs. C. W. Swinson, Of Pelzer, Burned to Death. About two weeks ago Mrs. J. T. Sullivan went up to Pelzer to visit h^r sister, Mrs. C. W. Swinson. She returned to Kingstree from ihere last Friday, leaving her sister in the very best, of health. Last Monday she received a telegram stating that Mrs. Swinson was dead, having been burned to death by the explosion of a lamp. The circumstances were about as follows: Sunday night all of the family had retired save Mrs. Swinson, and upon her prepara tion for retirement she took a ? I i- . L Kerosene lamp irom me iauie m blow out the flame. Just as she was in the act of doing so the lamp exploded, catching her garments afire, and shewas horribly burned. The suffering woman lingered until about 7 o'elocfc Monday morning, when she expired. Mrs. Swinson was Miss Sula Sutherland, of North Carolina, before marriage. She leaves a husband and five children, besides several other near relatives. The sympathy of the entire town ot Kingstree goes out to 5Irs. Suilivan in the hour of her affliction. County Executive Committee Meeting. A meeting of the county Democratic Executive Committer was held in the court house last Mon day, chairman* W. H. Kennedy presiding. The following report has been furnished us: It was ordered that the presi dents of the various Democratic clubs appoint three managers for iheir respective clubs for the primary election of United States Senator and a member ol Congress from the Sixth Congressional District, to be held at the clubs on the 31st day of August, and to J notify the county chairman of the names of the managers ten days previous to the election. The following committee was appointed to make all necessary arrangements for a stand for the speakers on the 2Gth day of August, at Kingstree: W. W. Gray son, W. li. Funk, B. P. Chandler, .J. J. M. Graham, Jr., and SPhelps. The County Executive Com mil tee will meet at Kingstree Thursday, Sept. 2nd at 12 o'clock to declare the resnlfc of the primary election. The managers will improvise boxes and deliver the returns to W. W. Grayson,, clerk of the court on or before the hour and day above mentioned. J. J. ?addy, W. W. Kenxkdy, Secret ary. Chairman. For Wardens. Editor County Record: I notice that two gentlemen have been suggested foT intendant, but no one for wardeua. in this con nection please allow me to name Dr. W. L Wallace and Messrs. C W. McClam, W. W. Grayson and J. T, Nelson, four men in every way fitted to fill the positrons. Progress. The subject of continuous sessions of school during the twelve month of the year is broached by Prof. E. A. Kirkpatrick in the American Monthly Review of Reviews for August. In the same magazine an interesting account is given by Dr. W. H. Tolman of the work of the vacation schools conducted in New York City in the summer. jj '' '/ ~jf- "* '4> * - * {, ii lira i. EiUT OUR BOYS GOT EVEN BY WHIPPING OX SWAMP, i And They Say They Will Win To-day From Black River, and Then Defeat Lake City and Indiantown. KjizzIo, dr.7./.1 e! Zip, Imom ! All! kiiijptree Ik?vs?! Kah. rah, rah! Goat! That was the cry heard at Indiantown last Friday, from the throats of about fifty Kingstree base ball enthusiasts, all wearing . I he team colors, yelow and black. But Indiantown walioped us. It was a good game, but our boys got wild in the fourth inning and the Indiantown team outplayed them. In all it was a good game. Both sides played well and the ' game was close throughout, as will be seen by the score. A goojjly crowd of ladies and gentlemen aecompained the Kingstree team to Indiantown and were treated royally by the folks out there. A picnic had been arranged and a large crowd was present. Tire game was called at 4 o'clock by Mr. Louis Stackly, who umpired in a way that won encormums from every one. Close decisions were matte with satisfaction to both clubs. There was . lots of cheering and an immense, amount of-rooting." The friends of both teams tried to make more noise than their opponents, and it is hard to say which made the greater amount. The "rooting" was not confined alone to the boys and young men, but the ladies and girl9, and even the older peo pie, all ioined in. All the "root ing" was done iu a good-natured way, and everyone was in a jolly good humor. No one got angry ' ns is done at some places, but all rather enjoyed the fun. The lndiantown team is by , long odds the best that Kingstree has tackled this season. It put up a better game Friday than it did here. Daniel's pitching was more effective, and he was much better supported. Gilland pitch ed an unuaslly good game, but received poor snpport on the field. The Kingstree boys are feeling pretty sore over their defeat, which is the second of the season, ( and promises to win the game next Tuesday winch win decide the championship of the county. Here is the score of last Friday's {fame bv innings: liingstree 13 301102 1-12 l.ndiantown- 20262102 *-15 A largecrowd will go down with the hoys Tuesday and will uwhoop 'em up'' for them. On Tuesday our boys played . the Ox Swamp team on the home . grounds. It was a regular slugging match, both sides doing some heavy batting. The field work of the visitors was very good, but Kingstree won the game easily. Fleming and H. P. Brown pitched 1 for Ox Swamp and Gilland for Kingstree. Towards the last of the game Gilland got down to real work and struck out seven men. He gate only one roan his base on balls during the entire game, while Fleming gaye six, and only struck out two. This afternoon our boys will tackle the Hlack Kiver club and to morrow they will play the ur?b'' with the Lake City boys. As above stated the third game with Indianlown will come off on their grounds next Tuesday. Never before was there such intense interest manifested in the sport here as there is now. Everybody in town is a real base ball enthusiast. i . - AN INTERESTING PAPER.|l A Old Document That Shook# be Preserved. Mr. Charles Lesesne, of Greeley- i ville, liars the original nvusfef roft M of Company K, 2o'th Regiment* ^ S. C. V. T. The paper fiate fumed a\ brown from age, but the writing ^ is siill clear and legible. The old roll has on if the following name* J which composed the company our-'i Feb. 28,18C-I. W B Gordony C'tfptzuOy F f | Lesesne, 1st. Lieut., E RLe&esne* |! 2nd Lieut., C Lesesne, 3rd iient.* T B Davis, 1st Sergdirt, J J Coop er, 2nd Sergant, William Saltere* j Sirrl Sprffflnt. T M Ufraro 4th S?r- '3 gant, J N Mirns, 5th Sergftot, M Mitchum, 1st Corporal, WK|, Mitchum, 2nd Corporal, C j|^ Matthews, 3rd Corporal. raiVAtBft , ,:;qM John Ard. Hugh Ard,Betf Arcf# $ E Ard, X T Alt man, T E Barfield,. | .1 J Blakelv, T ? Blakfey, Browder, W T Browder, MeK^J] Browder, (J B> Browder, B Browder, W R BvrdicSf, 8t.y W J&y Byrdick, Jr., J H Branson, t Baggett, R J Cannon, W J Cob- 1 stead, J E Cubstead, John David, J John Davis, T H Davis, .Wqt?T Davis, T J Demvis, A J l)eooit| W Dennis, W D Ito**, W Tj| Evans, J J Flowers, J W Gamble* y ucui jjc uauiWlCf A 1U VJKiUUKT^ '' J W Gordon, B Hicks, Hicks, J H Bodge, J 0 Hodg*/;^ W W Born, T T Keefs, J H Lamb $| Sam Lamb, J' H lesesne; W.C Lcsesne, T S Lesesne, B L Lovely V G Martin, W H McCeanell, 8 h- ] McConnell, J B MiteJHrm, W *t Jg Mitchum, J S Mitcbuitf, J Player, S D Player, L M Flaper'; J R Pipkin, W T Rowel!, W Thonww, +SRi? Thomas, N B Yhcwwrs, J! # Tof >! ner, Ben Wilder, Jotmr Wilder, t| L Wilder, J V Wir*ft?w, J P - Walters, Sam WHifer. wui ui uje ?uiai iiuinuer kuot? * recorded (85) only 26 are no* | Attention Veier*n8, A meeffng of the wertibew of Camp Pressley, If. C. V. vfillhe held SatuTday, August 7th, > courthouse in Kingstree, for the j$| purpose of electing ft sponsor wwt v| delegates to represent our Gamp pearst|| that one may find in (be islapiflFalmost any desirable kind oi9':; climate, and several that ?te|f undesirable* Why send off for your job priat-| ing when ymi can get it done ju?t*l as cheap^ and get as good work right at 'home? Patronize home ^ industries and get the wotk <*vJ shorter notice. Give us a triaiJ| Registration Notico. Voters desiring to qualify them- *19 selves for voting at the approaching | election for Intendant and Wardene^, of the town of Kingstree are here- ; by notified that the RegiatratiMil| Books will be opened for r egiatjro-^ j ing voters at the court hoaaeiWIJ Kingstrec on the 16th, 17th, and -jl 18th days of August, 1897, fromfrjfl o'clock a. m. till 4 o'clock p. m. " fll E. R LrYONSy im Sup. Regi8tratioanV,