...v L'trjJiJi* !<>?? Hei? 1,Io. II. G. SllKlUDAN, 1 ,> . . . T 1 } Proprietors. Jam ks L. Sims, ) 1 8ub8ciiiitiok. One Vehr.tfcJ OO Si\' Months. * ?O ? ' ?o? advertising iiatks. First Insertion, per Fuuitre.1 OO Kayh Subsequent Insertion.?"?0 SHERIDAN & SIMS, Orangeburg, s. G. OltANGKUUKO; S. (.'.. 1)R0. 17. 1880. Out and In. The readers of the Democrat were informell two weeks ago that it was the purpo.se sf Ceo. Boliver lo bold the ofllce of clerk of the court, not withstanding the verdict of the peo ple, as declared in the late election, was overwhelmingly against his. In deed he had so long been accustomed to ride here that he began to think the ofllce, fixtures and profits were his by possession or some title which even the people could not annul. 'Hence to defend that right his hist drop of blood and cent of money ?stood pledged. From this bold posi tion assumed by Boliver and these de fiant threats the people expected war to the knife, and Mr. Robinson, the clerk elect, fortified himself behind the liest ofsuritiesand the Governor's ?Commission before making the de mand for the surrender of Bolivev's stronghold. Preparations being com pleted, the demand was made on Sat urday last for the unconditional sur render of ofllce and contents. This was refused, or a compliance, evaded by a request for time to consider as to his best action. Nothing more was heard of the matter until on Monday morning, about 11 o'clock, Mr. Robinson with his chief clerk Mr. L. H. Wannamaker, and a few friends, finding the door opened, walked into the clerk's ofllce,, told ?I. G. Boliver and Dr. Malone, who were writing at their desks,, that he had come to enter upon the duties of the oUicc and that he had no use for them or nccd>of their services. This was a bombshell in the camp, sud denly exploded and effective, and these gentlemen, taking in the situa tion, at once retreated, leaving Mr. Robinson master of the field. The work of making nn Inventory of every thing in the qfilce was immediately beg'un und finally completed. During Hie day a notice was served on Mr. Geo. Boliver personally that Mr. Robinson had assumed ? the-manage ment of the otllce and was ready to give a receipt for the property. This was answered b}* a long, point less aud aimless protest which served only to excite a pleasant smile upon Mr. Robinson's features, because he knew Boliver was out und he was in. Every thing necessary to conduct j the business of the ollice successfully was found except the soul which is j locked up in the safe, the key of which Boliver refuses to surrender. This,! however, does not materially matter as the general routine busiues can be performed without it. Mr. Robinson is now ready lo wait upon our citi zens who may have business in bis ollice. Lynching. Thice young colored demons, two hoys and a girl, aged respectively 15, 10 and 18, murdered Mrs. Ada Ken nedy of Claiendon County on the lib instant in a most brutal and horri ble manner. A sboit while after Mr. Kennedy left home to secure the pres ence of bis mother with his wile during a three days visit to Charles ton, these fiends appeared, demand ed money and, being refused, hiutally attacked Mrs. Kennedy wit.i hoes and finally killed her by cleaving her skull with a hoe. One ol the boys having been arrested, confesled the cr me and told who engaged with him in committing the deed. The ether boy and girl were forthwith arrested and by a vote of one hundred and fifty white men and fifty colotetl men aud women, the young murderers were lynched and hung to a tree until they were dead. We tue no advocates of extreme measures und ceituiuly not of any mode of piocedure which takes the life of a fellow being ; but liiere nie ei reu tu stances and occasions when the slow pioccsscs of I he law do not meet the emergency and, to save so ciety from panic, it becomes proper and necessary to deal summarily with ollendcrs against its peace and sully. This seems lo be a case, the circumstances' of which evidently justify the menus employed. The [same course would have been follow ed in any community of the North against the safo'y of which the same crime had been perpetrated. Wo de sire to sco our society free from even the apprehension, ol such outrages, but'this can never tie while contem ptible political leaders, such as we have, are suirered to poison the very elements of that society by exciting hatred and enmity between tho races. Kid our country of these political vi pers and wo will hear of no more such crimes as the Clarendon and Branclivilie outrages. The Legislature. This body continues at work and notwithstanding the purpose to ad journ before Christmas are cutting out new business every day according as each member thinks best for the intcr i est of his county and State. Among tho matters perfected and passed is the bill introduced by our Senator Gen. J. F. Isslar to lix the bond of County Commissioners at 82,000 instead of SoOO as beretolorc. We suppose the Commissioners lately elected will be required to give this bond. A special bill for certain counties, among which i is Orangeburg, bus passed to its sec ond reading prohibiting the buying of seed cotton, except for manufactur ing, in settlement between landlord and tenant and under process of law. It is likely now that this bill will be come a law unless it be killed on passing its third reading which is not usual. A bill has been inlrodeced to ?inend an act io prohibit persons from living together in adnllury. i We hope its previsions are sufficient ly defined and severe to put a stop to the evil und that lite bill will pass. The bill lo utilize the labor ol prison ers in jail was rejected. Two peti tions : one from 5000 ladies of Char leston and one from 3000 ladies of Audcrson, asking for a low pri hibi ting the sale of liquor in the Slate, were unrolled in Use House and meas ured respectively 30 and JO yards in lenght. These petitions were referred to a special committee of which our representative, Dr. Summers, is a member. The bill prohibiting the carrying of concealed weapons has occasion one or two hot discussion but has not yet assumed a form to allow cn opinion of ils finial result. The appropriation and supply bills ; arc being perfected rapidly and their provision indica'e about the same tax levy as last year. Our Legislators. Among the important matters in troduced and likely to become enact ed laws by our legislature are the following, measure. A bill by Gen. Isslar creating a public guardian to iull such minors as inherit property j not under a will and constituting the j Master as such officer; also a bill to make the ollice of Master genet a) throughout the counties o!' the Slate ; I also a bill by Dr. Summers lo limit j the sale of intoxicating liquors inclu ding bitters or other drinks with alco i hoi as the base ; also a bill to provide [public scales at all points of trade j where heavy products are weighed. These ate all iralters of general ;and local interest and look directly to I the benefit of the State. Some of them we heartily endorse and hope ! they may be pushed successfully ! through. We are glad lo sec our mem bers moveing forward in such mat ters making a history for our countv ? and a reputation for themselves. Judge Kershaw. The General Assembly has again j j elected Gen.,!. B. Kershaw to the po sition of circuit .Judge by an almost unanimous vote. Judge Kershaw is one of the purest men In South Caro lina and the General Assembly hon ors itself and the Statj by his clec I i j lion lo this position. An occasional Wushington Corres-1 Jpondent of the Louisville Courier j Journal writes thus: "It Iis not pro ! j liable that Kellogg will I e turned out.: J It is certain that he never should have been turned in. He was no more en titled ton seat mi the Senate, us an ' original proposition, Mian Hob Inger-1 s.dl is entitled loa seat beside the angel Gabriel." Somk one says that "memory is the . most valuable attribute with which divinity bus endowed man." Memc-j ry may do very well in some things, but when it comes to running a news paper on time we vole for hope every-! lime. We hope those owing us fori their paper will sec the point. ipVjGGlllSS : BUGGIES ! JUST RECEIVED WHICH AUE OFF ICH EL) FOR SALE AS FOLLOWS: OPEN.-#55.00 TOP.05.00 Call at once. B. Frank Slater. Dec. 10 IMCnettoi^H Ss?l??. In compliance with tho orders of the Court of Common Pleas, I will sell 'he several tracts ol land mentioned in the following eases, at 0:angchurg Court House, on tho lirst Motiduy in January next. viz.: 1. Charles G, Dantzier. administrator of (lie estate of Florence Glover against Margaret Glover and others. All the right, title and interest of the late Flor ence Glover in tho following tracts of laud : 1. One tract containing two hundred and two (let es. more or less, in the Comi ty of .Orangeburg and State of South Carolina, hounded on the South by tract No .'I, and marked No. I in a plat made by L G. Innbinct, a surveyor, March !?0, 1874, situate in Amelia township on High Hill ('reel; and branches of R^ck head, waters of Cong? reo river, 2. One tract situated in the county I and state aforesaid, containing seventy six acres, more or less, and bounded 'Southeast by lands of- Haue, and ; Northwest by lands of D, McKcnsie. Terms?Cash; purchasers to pay for ; papers anil recording. I 2. John C. Pike. Trustee, against Jo jsiah ?. Smoak and others. Ad that ! tract or parcel of land, containing two ; hundred and twenty acres, more or less, j situate In the Fork of EdistO and County of Orangeburg, bounded on the North i by hmds now or formerly ol Paul A. Mc ] Michael, East and South by lands now lor formerly of the estate of Sylvester I beach, and West by lands now or form ! erly of.losiuli Itnllzcgar. I Terms?One third Cash, and the bal j ancc payable in twelve months, secured I hv a bond with interest from the day of sale, payable annually, anil a mortgage ; ol the premises. If the purchaser shall . lail lo comply the premises will he re sold, at his risk, on the same terms, on the same or on some other convenient jsaleday afterwards. Purchaser to pay ' for papers and reeoiding. i .">. J. E. Steadman, administrator, vc. I John S. Tyler anil others A tract of ' land situate in the County of Orange I burg ami in Hie Fork of Edisto. contilin I lug four hundred acres, more or less, ; and bounded on the North by lands now j or formerly id C. T. Howling, on the East by lands of A. A. (inc. on the South ! h\- lands ot K at el i lie Walker, and on the j West by lands ol A. E. Howling, j Terms?One third cash, and the bal j ance payable, in twelve months, secured by a bond, bearing interest from the flay J of.salc. payable annually, with a IUO& gage of the premises, in cn>o the ptir ; chaser shall lail to comply, the premises j will he resold at his risk, on tin; next ; saleday, on the same terms. Purchas j ers to pay for papers and recording, 4. John C. Pike against Jane It. Ste phens and Richard llnrtwell. That cer tain plantation or tract ??f 'and situate in the county of Orangeburg In the Fork of the EdistO, containing six hundred and seventeen acres, more or loss, and hounded now or formerly on the North by lands of Dr. It. II. Knotts. South by the South Edisto River, East by bind-* of the estate of John S.Jennings, and of Sarah and Mary Graves, and on the Wi-st by lands of Dr. H.H. Knotts aiid John F. Picken. 'I crins?Cash. If the purchaser shall fail to comply the premises will be re sold at his risk on I be succeeding sale day on tho same terms. Purchaser to pav lor impers and recording. THOS. W. GLOVER, Dec 10 Master. ?RANGEB?RG \mmm nil, C WIAYHEW & SON. Manufacturers of and dealem in ?11 kinds of AMERICAN AND ITALIAN MARBLE WORK, TOM RSTONES, M ON I'M EN TS. MARBLE AND SLATE MANTELS, &e. &c. A I.SO, Polished Granite "Worlc. At the lowest possible prices. Correspondence solicited with those in want, of anything in the above .inc. Oet 1 ?lyr FLOUR! FLOUR!! FLOUR!! 7 The City Mills of Nashville, Teuii.. is represented in this County by JAM ICS A. HAMILTON. fcuP"The best Flour by the ear load for (he least money of the following brands: Express, Helle, Royal Gem, Spray ami M iignolln. ANDREW G\ DIBBLK, Attornoy and Counsollor at Law, Corner St. Paul and Church Sts. ORANGEBURG, S. C. April 51?3mos. IVotloo. Office of County Treasurer, i Orakokuuiio County. > oranokiiuk?, S. C, Doc. 1,1880. > In nccortlnnco with section 3. of the Aet of Assembly, No. 255, 17th Stut utc, entitled "An net to provide for the payment of the Indebtcdncssof the school districts of the county of Orangeburg," I hereby ccrtif) that 1 have collected for .School District No. 1?Vances.$43.40 School District No. 2?Poplar.70.27 School District No. 3?Pine Grove...75.99 School District No. 1?Amelia.204.15 I School District No, 5?Providence...51.77 School District No. 0?GoodbyH'.04.30 School District No. 7?Lyons.143.04 School District, No. S?Cow Castle..G3.8U School District. No. 0?Middle.109.S1 School District No. 10?Orange....000.00 School District No. 11?Caw CaW7.14l.40 School District No. 12?Branch vMol02.51 i School District No. 13?New Hope..72.S(i! ! School District No. 14?Elizabeth. 115.19 School District No. 15?Edisto.55.52 j School District No. 10?Union.r.8 48 'School District No. 17?Zloil.70.12 I School District No. 18?Willow. 89.91 School District No. 1!)?Liberty. j School District No. 20?Unndhind.129 95 I School District No. 21 ? Hebron.53 75 I School District No. 22?Pocky Gr,ve29.41 Total amount collected.$2,434 77 POUT. COPES, Treasure! O. C. ! Office or School Commissioned, ") Okakgeiiuro County. > ; orakoeduug, S. C, Dec. 1, 1880. > I All persons haying claims past due are hereby called upon for sealed bids for payment from the said fund atji dis count to be Specified on such bids." The j said bids to be tiled with the School j Commissioner ul the said County within ' thirty days from the lirst. advertisement. I All persons are notIlied that all bids ? made in compliance with the above aet ' will be opened at the oillce of the School I Commissioner in public on Saturday, ' January S, 1881. ! All persons interested must take no tice Hint this udvertismeut is dated De cember I, 1880. D. L. CONNOR. School Cui'r, D. lt. RARTON, Co. Auditor. RO?T. COPES, Co. Treasurer, School Claim Board ol Orungeburg Co. ^^ejt-^t_ Christmas is Coming! Now is the lime to btiVfefrom THEODORE EOHN'S DRY GOOD'S JE m p o r i u m. All styles of Shetland Shawls and Sacks, also Cloaks and Dolmans, a large and line assortment of Children's : and Misses Cloaks. I Also, offering Extraordinary induce ments in all styles of DP ESS COODS. ! .SILKS. SATINS, PEE ANS. ALPACAS, CASHMERES. I BROCADES," etc., &C, &C, &.C. j . I have added largely; to my stock and inj) now offering the finest assortment and Largest Stock ever exhibited in Or 1angeburg. I The attention of all Parents is called to tnv line selection of BOY'S AND YOUTH'S CLOTHING,comprising both Dress and School Suits. Also, Elegant | OVERCOATS for the present cold , weather. ! Prices lower than ever. A call in so licited and satisfaction guaranteed, j .Men's line CLOTHING at prices that I will please every body's views. P HI LADELPHI AFI NF. SHOES for whom I am the sole agent. All sixes and qualities of Children's. Misses. Roys, Ladies, and Gent's Fine Shoes and Poots. The light Running DOMESTIC SEWING MACHINE, Also Needles Attachments, Parts for nil the dinercnt machines for sale. In conclusion would state that I am now ollcrlug inducement* in all of my different departments. I shall be pleas ed to have you call and examine stock and prices, and are confident that you n ill be convinced t hat THEODORE K0HN lias I he largest Selection, lowest prices, and neatest styles at the Great Dry Goods Emporium. Motico. Office of county Commissioners. } Ohangeuuuo County. > OllAKOF.nURG, S. C, Nov. 24, 1880. ) In accordance with section 2 of an act ol the General Assembly of the State of South Carolina entitled "An act to pro vide for the past due indebtedness for I Orungeburg County.'' ratified December 23, 187!', all persons having past due claims against the county of Ornngcburg are hereby notified lo tile with the Clerk I ol the Board of County Commissioners for said County on or before the 27th I day of December, 1880. their bids upon the same. Such bids to be sealed and endorsed. "Bids on the past due claims, iCc," and shall specify the discount agreed lo he taken by the person so bid ding. That the Board ofCoitnty Commission ers will meet lit their oillce Oil the 28ill day of December. 1880. lor the purpose of opening and noting upon the bids tiled. That there is in the treasury to be ap plied lo the past due indebtedness the sum of two thousand four hundred and Ilfty-Six 77-10?) dollars as per treasurer's report. Xiit". 15. 1880. By order of the Hoard. L. II. WANNAMAKER, Nov 2G-5 C. B. C. C, O. O, S. C. Christmas is Coming! The Lates Novelties in Dress Goods, A full line of Colored Cashmeres, Black Cashmeres, Silks, Sat ins, Brocades, Nomic Cloths, Tnmis aud Crepe Clothes. TMP] LATEST OUT. Grand Display of New Goods at Henry Ivohn's. Bought after the decline in prices. New Dtess Goods 20 percent, lower than opening of season. Novelties in Trimming 25 per cent. lower. New Zephyr Goods, cheaper thnn ever. New Opera Cloaks in Zephyr from 75 cents to 83;00. Nsw Cloaks and Dalmans. New Hats for Children?Nobby styles. New Hosiery for children, for misses, for ladies, for gentlemen. New Buttons, New Buttons?all kinds. New Traer Kid Gloves, 2 and 3 but ton, every pair warranted. Our Globe Corsets?a mammoth stock?all prices. New Cassi meres and Jeans. TALK IS TALK But Henry Kobn has the Clothing Store of Orangeburg. Overcoats, Overcoats, Overcoats, Overcoats, Overcoats, Overcoats. Business Suits, I Business Suits, Business Suits. Drc39 Suits, Dress Suits, Dress Suits, Dress Suits, Dress Suits, Dress Suits. Now is your time, as wc are selling our Big Stock f*?t.r Everything in the line of Boys' and Gent's Wear. We handle the Celebrated Baltimore HAND MADE SHOES. Pine Shoes to bo sold at a bargain. MONEY SAVED IS MONEY MADE. Cotton and all Wool Flannels, Bugs, Blankets, Keutucky Jeans, Cassimeres, Tickings, Prints. &c, &c. Wo respectfully invite you to call and see our Elegant Christmas Goods, Fancy Boxes, Toys, Dolls, &C, and lnst, but not least, if you want to make the ladies happy get a WHITE Sewing Machines. HENRY KOHJY'S BAZAAR OF FASHION. CHRISTMAS I Christmas!! Christmas!! i FRENCH CONFECTIONERY, MANTELPIECE ORNAMENTS, CHINA TOILET GOODS, PRIZE BO^ES? i . J ' r. FANCY GOODS,. FIRE WORKS, Ac, red for sole on reasonable terms. ALSO, The new Cottage, containing live rooms nil necessary conveniences, on 1 Broughton street, between the Meroney House, and Mr. D. Louis' residence is offered for sale on accommodating terms. Apply to Oct&-2m W. A, MERONEY.