The Orangeburg democrat. (Orangeburg, S.C.) 1879-1881, December 17, 1880, Image 1

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NOTICE OFFICE OF CO. COMMISSIONER'S, Orangeburg County, Orangeburg, S. C, Nov. 24. 1380 In accordance with Section 26, of an act I of the General Assembly of the State of | South Carolina, entitled ''An Act to reduce all acta and parts of acts in relation to County CommiHSioners and their powers and duties into one act and to amend the Bame," ratified April 13, 1875, all claims filed in this office during the fiscal year 1879 and 1880, aud the action of the Board thereon, are hereby published as follows: 1S79 and SO. Claimant. A'tCd. AHA'd. Daniel Livingston. $ 50 00 J J Mitchel. 10 00 T Kohn. 14 50 N N Hoyden (by Audi tor). HG G5 L S Connor (by Audi tor). 144 40 A J Kettrell. 0 06 It n Quattlebaum. 375 00 F J Buyck. 17 07 A J Corr. 6 00 ** '?. 3 10 FT Smoak. 2 10 H D Edwards. 9 00 J W ?owcn. 37 30 J D Cleckley. 13 00 Joseph O'Cain. 0 20 A J Evans. 20 49 M M Hntson, Ex'r. 00 00 A A Connor. 30 00 JW Sandel. 10 00 Henry Buiith. 26 00 FT Rickonbaker. 14 1q '* . 9 00 D A Straker. 75 00 A E Darbv. 18 00 Ariel Able. 10 00 " . 18 05 . V . 31 30 J D Wav. 1 75 J C Pike. 3 00 Strauss & Co. 3 40 Geo II Cornclson. 2 70 Abial Lathrop . 7 20 Walker, Evans & Cogs well. 44 50 Amount claimed. 1199 52 41 allowed. disallowed. 216 157 R P Way, Ass. 10 00 Walker, Evans & Cogs well. 12 00 Abrain J/artin. R 00 " . ? 00 Caroline McMiohael... ? 00 W Q Alborgotti. 22 00 Januarr Boltzegar. 9 75 6 . 16 40 Walker, Evans & Cogs well. 7 25 G II Cornelson, .Woe.. 325 00 Abrain Martin. 0 00 January Baltzpgar. 6 00 Julius Clover. 7 42 John II Livingston.- 11 05 D R Barton. 40 00 WO Alborgotti. 8 00 L H Wannamaker. 2 50 Walker, Evans & Cogs well. 12 50 John S R?wo. 3 00 Gco Boliver. 13 10 C B Glover. 8 00 Abrain Martin.- 6 00 TRMalone. 35 00 Philip Rich, Asa'cc. 10 00 " . 3 25 Julius Glover. 3 25 " . 8 87 January Baltzegar. 27 00 Geo Bo'liver. 82 50 J II Livingston. 10 ? 70 Geo Boliver, Ass'ee. 39 90 L II Wannaimlker. 0 00 W D Thompson, Ass'ee. 4 60 Walker, Evans A Cogs well. 25 00 L II Wannamaker. 2 00 John L Rush. 2 40 J W Martin. 1? 00 Caroline McMicuael... 12 00 J II Livingston. 66 20 " . 80 15 " .... ..... 88 15 . S 40 I) Louis.- 79 90 . 50 45 u. 00 ?10 January Baltzegnr. 8 10 Marion Jackson. 7 71 L II Wannamaker. 10 00 V N Hayden. 9 00 D L Connor. 0 05 W A Johnson. 30 00 J L Heidtman. 10 00 L II Wannamaker. 100 00 W F Pcoscr. 20 98 Abram Martin. 6 00 L H Wannamaker. 10 00 Julius Glover. 12 25 Caroline MeMichacl... 0 00 January Balt/.fgar. 3 00 D Louis and S Dibble... 29 70 If T Rickenbaker. 4 20 J II Livingston. 87 85 . 60 30 A S Hydriok. f, 30 M L Ilerlong. ' 41 85 . 250 02 Jno H Livingston. 145 }?5 L II Wannamaker. 4 00 Joseph Stevenson. 7S 00 Caroline MeMichacl... 0 00 L II Wannamaker. 10 00 J W Moseley, Ass'ee. 10 00 Jas Van Tassel, Ass'ee. J5 00 J K Blickman. 66 25 *' . 66 25 W L Ehncy. 3 25 " . 10 00 Jno II Livingston. 114 15 ?' . 7 25 " . 9 55 D E Smoak & Co. An?.. <i 00 Julius Glover. 15 70 JG Boliver, Ass. 12 00 Gco Boliver, 11 . 30 00 Thoo Kobnj " . 12 00 Robert Lopes, Ass. 54 00 January Bultzuger.8 70 Geo Boliver.98 60 P Robinson.,.12 00 J M Brunsen, ass. y 00 Dennis Alken. 7 50 II R Adden, ass.GO 00 Jno II Livingston.30 yo Jno II Livingston.115 75 Hobt Copes.57 93 .1 G Bollvor.1 00 N N Hayden.3 00 L S Connor.3 10 N. N. Hayden.17 50 J G Bollver, ass.4 50 J 1$ Etheridge.8 50 L S Rickenbacker.10 0'J C Ii Glover.3 00 C T Goodwin.12 40 Ariel Able.,10 00 J, L Rast....18 50 J C Pike, afcs..,.140 23 Walkcr.EvaiiH& Cogswcll.15 00 J C Pike, ass.23 80 E L Dantzler.10 00 J A Summers.,.7 6'J S E Berry.,54 85 T K Legare.14 7? .1 W Keller.2 00 Geo Brown.15 G0 Jno C Pike.20 05 J II Dukes.43 20 E S Griflln, ass.7 no Marion Jackson.13 00 1) R Barton.105 00 i D 11 Barton.0 75 E Cumudvgs.18 00 J L Heidt man.10 00 Philip Rleh,ass.40 00 A B Walker, ass.7 50 Walker,Evans&Cogswell.l8 38 J W'..4 00 Ariel Able.17 00 Jno II Liv -sum.9 55 Jno H Livingston.SO 10 Jno II Livingston.10 GO L Ii Wannamaker.;io oo G A Summers.4 o? Walker.Evaus&Cogswell.lG 00 Ariel Able..?.10 00 J W Bowcn.54 33 January Baltzeger.10 80 D It Barton.30 00 A J & M T Sun ak.34 70 A J ?fc M T Smoke.205 00 . it J O'Dowd.15 00 Jno S-ftowe.:. 50 J A Summers..0 00 W L Ebney.4 40 ? Jno L Hekltman.10 00 * Jno II Livingston.71 00 Jno H Livingston.55 SO M. G Sa Hey.5 00 M G Sallev.11 00 TM Peel...-_>5 00 D R Bai toil.13<) 4? LH Wannamaker.4 G5 Caroline McMiehael.0 00 Hart & Co.40 25 Januar) Balt/.eger.0 00 ,L II Wannamaker.20 00 Snioak and Uyrd.151 (J5 | Abrain Marjln.0 00 t Lf Jacobson.33 oo C W Sypbrett.10 oo I Henry Kohn.46 oo J G Bollver, ass.y oo Caroline McMiehael.12 (|() II P Salley..*..125 00 N N Hayden.?} yy Walker. EvAns&Cogswcll .41 75 Julius Glover. .24 20 3 K Mlaekman..'.0y 25 lleniy Kuhn. 15 0y U J ,zlur.o 00 J N McMiehael.14 70 bull iSEs rteoville.15 00 .1 G, BolivcT.J0 Can line McMiehael.12 00 Mortimer Glover.30 00 George II Cornelson.1 75 George 11 Cornelson.0 00 D L Connor.3 48 A S Hvdriek.20 00 J C Pike.1 G0 E U Uarton..24 00 Robert Copes.SO 00 A It Uyrd.,.8 00 E T 11 Sinoak.'..230 00 Ii T B Smouk.12G 17 John O Ifogle.20 00 j n Dukes.5 40 A S Uvdrick. 50 37 January Balt/.eger 10 80 January Balt/.eger 0 00 January Uallzeger 41 ^5 M S G risset 20 00 E Cooke 10 00 E Cooke. 10 00 A R Hyrd 30 05 a K Byrd 17 85 Orangeburg Democrat 01) 25 L II Wannamaker 04 00 Abrain Marlin. 0 00 Walker.Evans&Cogswell. 17 00 L II Wannamaker Deopold Louis Thomas II Peel Orangeburg Times D I! Barton John C Pike T.A Jones G V Patrick O L" Streek John A Hamilton A B Coburn A B Coburn A V 11 Dukes O II Ott J A Summers J U Livingston J II Livingston J J Mitchell J II Livingston D \l Barton J B Et bridge J. BEthritlgo Edward Carroll. William Davis. TC Alhorgotti.? Jno C Pike, Ass. I) Louis ami S Dibble.. Jno 11 Livingston. Jno C Pike, Ass. Cnrolln^ McMiehael..? 20 00 581 15 40 00 00 25 01 50 o:< 50 77 03 20 05 12 00 150 00 11 20 34 00 28 00 10 00 13 35 13S 75 80 00 11 40 01 00 32 00 8 20 8 50 10 00 4 00 5 40 13 50 89 01 33 00 11 25 27 00 12 00 Total claimed . 8178 50 " Allowed. Disapproved. 1G5 70 CJairuH79 and 80 8012 80 other 'yrs 'allowed. 932 85 Total claimed for 79 and 80 to date. 8178 50 Total claimed for other years. 1199 62 0378 02 Total allowed for years 79 and 80....... 801^ 80 Total allowed for other yenrs. 082 85 8995 05 Total disallowed by board 472 27 I certify .that the foregoing in a correct statement as taken from the docket of claims. L H Wankamakeb, Clerk of Co. Commishioners O. C. The Trouble in Store. Though no notices of contests have as yet been filed by Republican can didates for Congress from Southern States during the last campaign, it is understood that within the time specified by law notice of contest will be filed by the Republican onndidale in Delaware, on tho ground of illegal election laws. In West Virginia the seat of Mr. Wilson will be contested by the Republican candidate in the First District. Mr. Wilson's majori ty as claimed was about 120. In Virginia a readjuster candidate talks of contesting Cabell's seat in the Fifth District; In North Carolina's First District, Grand}', Republican, will contest Latham's scat. In South Carolina, under instructions, it is tin dcrstood, from the National Republi can Committee, the five Democratic Representatives will have contests. In Georgia's First District Collins, Republican, will contest Black's scat. Iu ? Florida Bisbee will again be a oontestimt for the seal from the Sec ond District. In Alabama Lowe, Greenback Democratic opponent in the Eighth District, and in the Fourth the Pepubiicnu will contest Shelley's seat. In Mississippi Chalmers, rep resenting the Sixth or Shoe String District, will, have hid right to the certificate contested by Lynch, color ed. In Louisiana the coutest will be for the seals of Messrs. Gibson, of the First, Blanchard, of the Fourth and King, of the Fifth districts. In Missouri the Third Districts will give a contestant named Lessinghani, who disputes the election of Mr. Frost, whose claimed majority was about one huudred and ninety. Ic wili thus be aeon that there is a probabili ty of sixteen Republican Congression al nominees in ^Southern States con testing the seats of that number of Democrats.?Neio York Herald. Murder and Retribution. A dispatch to The News und Couri er, dated the Bill instant sa^s : "Mr. Thomas Kennedy, a farmer residing in Clarendon County, (Salem,) left home on Sunday last to get his moth cr to come to his house and stay with his wife until he went to Charleston and returned. AVhen ho returned homo Sunday evening with his moth er he found his wife dead in the yard. Her skull was brokcil in one or two places. The blows had been indicted with some sharp-edged instrument. The house had been plundered and several trunks broken open. It is uot known that the murderers got any money. Several negroes have i been arrested and great excitement prey ails. Mr. Kennedy married lat>l winter, and Iiis wife would have been confined iu a few wecke. A press dispatch dated the 'Jib tells the rent of the story : "The three ne groes?one woman and two men? who murdered Mrs. Kennedy in Clar endon County last Sunday, were cap tured yesterday and hung on the nearest tree to the place of the mur der thut would hold them." The reason for the retirement of Generals McDowell and Ord was because General Sherman would not consent to the retirement of one with out the other. General Ord is poor and is a Democrat. Ho wrote a con gratulatory letter to General Han cock on his nomination. General McDowell is rich and is a Republican. He traveled a long distance to vote for Gurfield. Tal mage in one of his sermons urg es young men to play on ttic Utile or the concertina in their rooms, iu order j to save themselves from temptation. This may be all very well for the I young men, but it will tempt their next door neighbors to some act of sinful violence. Talmngo should remember that the performance of Mr. Dick Swiveler on the llutc did not add to the moral strength of his character. Carolina's Sweet Sixtoen. A curious petition was that addres sed in 17153 to Hie Governor of .South Carolina by sixteen maidens of Char leston. It ran thus : "The humble petition of all the maids whose names arc underwritten. Whereas, we, the humble petitioners, are at present in a very melancholy disposition of mind considcriug how all the bachelors are blindly captivated by widows, and our own. youthful charms are thereby neglected ; in consequence of this, our request is that Your Excellency will for the future order that no widow ptcsume to marry any young man till tuqjpaids are provided ^lot ; or else to pay each of them a fine for ualis faction for invading our liberties ami likewise a line to be levied on all such bae?elors as shall he married to wid ow v The great disadvantage it is lo jis maids is that the widows, by their forwurd carriage, do snap up the young men, and have the vanity to f hi nil their merits beyond ours, which ? in a great imposition on us, who ought to have the preference. This is hum bly recommended to Your Excellen cy's consideration, and hope you will permit' no further insults. Aud we poor maids in duty bound will aver pray." The forlorn sixteen would have Very much approved the edict of the Portuguese King, which for bade widows .more than fifty years j old from remarrying, on the ground that experience taught that widows of; thai age commonly wedded young men of no property who dissipated the fortunes such marriages brought them, to the prejudice of children and other relatives. Not for Joe. Joseph was a scoffer and a "bad lot" generali}'. Meeting an oflicerof the American society the other day, he chuekljngly asked: "You give out a good many Bibles In tbo course of a year?" The officer said: "Yes, very muny." "And what do you suppose becomes of them?" "They fall into hands that need them, I doubt not." "Well," said Joseph, producing a I book with the look of a man who would ta}1, "Now* I've got you," "where do yo suppose I got that?" The man of Bibles couldn't say, "Got it in a rum shop. You gave it to a sailor and he sold it for a glass of rum." "Well," said the other, "I am glad it has fallen into your hands,! Joseph. 1 don't know any one who needs il more." Joseph dosn'l know as he made much of a point after all.?Boston Transcript. Gen. Chester A. Author, the son of a Baptist clergyman, the pet of Ros coe Conk ling and the supposed suc cessor of lone fisherman Wheeler is a remarkable and a peculiar character. Moving iu the highest circles of New York society,'a conspicious member of some of the highest toned clubs in the city, esteemed and respected by the ancient Knickerbockers ami frisky moderns alike, he is yet on intimate terms of friendship with Jimmy O'Brien, Mike Cregan, Barney Biglin | Larry O'Brien and u'her worthies ol j that type, in whose company he has! passed many an hour din ing the cam paign just finished, and lo whose job bery, trickery ai d downright dis honesty he doubtless owes much of his success as a politician. Gen. Arthur is a jovial, smooth and oily fellow, whose vices and virtues have been fully appreciated 1)} but two men?Rutherford B. Hayes and John (jbcrinan. The farmer's wife was out in her front yard, watering her thirsty flow ers, when a young man, walking has tily along the streets, came up to the gate, and inquired if she had seen a man pass on a bicycle. She dropped her watering-pot, and said she had not adding : 'Bui I'll tell you what I did Bee. I don't know as voti'll be lieve it. I'm sure I wouldn't have belicAod it, if I hadn't seen it myself. It was one wheel of a wagon run ning away w th a man ; and I never was so frightened in my life." Vidotte Off Duty. Out Tost, Dec. 10, 1880. Editors Orangeburg Democrat: No doubt Picket thinks (if he cun think of anything except the shoulder straps he baa won) that his last shot lifted ray scaly, and that if ray bones are not now bleaching on the Out Post, that at lea t my Enfield is now in the bands of ano'.ber, and so far as I um concerned, it is silenced forever. Well, I rather hesitate to spoil this delightful, day-dream delusion and again awake him to the fact that this mortality has not yet become a "kneaded clod," nor has the En field lost a whit of her accuracy or power. The reason be h:is not heard from me before this ia, that I have been too busy taking care of the front to look behind. In the light of the general engagement, all minor matters paled, and now aflor the smoke has some what cleared away and I look about me I see Picket with that commission in hand and the shoulder straps on quietly silling in his wall tent study ing the army regulations. I natural ly suspect lhat be is looking up (.11 anticipation of my next shot) the host "charge*' and the necessary ''specifications" to get mo before a military court. No wonder then that I hesitate about "shooting without orders," for to tell Ihc secret Picket's commission gives him authority in my brigade;' mind you, not over it. So whatever he says I must do. I will havn to obey nntil a superior of ficer says otherwise, as I am still a simple vidette. So I will not disturb bis by answering the poiuts (I am glad they were not pints) he made in his last to me, but will leave him to the study of the army regula tions?he will find that he will need to do so. ri?j. But, Messrs. Editors, I will not close my letter here, as 1 wish to talk a little about some mementos' I have picked up in walking over the battle field. I cam* across a whole pile of missies the other day that were fired off, I think by our side. They were fired from very light ordi nance if I am to judge by the weight of the metal. Somebody hail lound them before I did, and labeled them "chunks of wisdom." This attrac tive index interested me and I at once picked up these "chunks" and examined them carefully one by one. I found tl ein very light chunks and never did find the wisdom. I sal down and thought the matter over| very seriously, and nil at once it Hashed into my mind that the man who walked over the field ahead of me and found those "chunks" was a wag, and piled them up and labelled them just to play a practical joke on the next one who might pass that way. 1 was the victim. The Register man stumbled over them loo, and as he docs not believe half as much in jokes as be does in statistics, he scat tered the "chunks" promiscuously. He forgot to sitae bow many there were in the pile, and how much money the time it took to fling these "chunks" together cost the State. I left these chunks n'ul went on. I found Messrs. Gar field, Con kling, Ulaine and Catnerotu playing seven up. I looked on and found that the slake3 were government positions. Each one would name Irs man for a certain place and the one who beat would have his man put on the slate for the position played for. I don't know much about the game, but I asked them if llicy would not let me come in and give South Carolina a chance. They looked at me, thought I could not win a game, and let me come in. I lust very much oftencr Ihun I won, but still I bad some luck, lam glad to announce that for the I following positions I put up the fol lowing names and won: Minister to Hayti, D. A. Straker; Consul at Monrovia, Geo. Boliver; Indian Agent at the Sioux Reservation, Abial Lalhrop. I came in one point I of getting the stitlcrshtp at Silka for j John 11. Livingston, but Conkting I turned "Jack/ and got it for his man. [The three first named, however, can rest contented that I have secured thetn nico places, and I think too, that they will meet the suggestions of Mr. Hayes as to civil service reform for the several positions I succeeded in having them "slated" for. I don't charge them anything for my services in their behalf, except that 1 shall ex pect them to prove by their faithful services tiio judiciousness of my nom inations. If this information does not contain any "chunks" of wisdom, it at least contains some "plums of consolation," and is evidence that; I can afford to be generous as well as just. I will try and come down and take another look at Picket with bis shoul der straps and auny regulations as soon as he guts that wall lent well warmed up. In the meantime I will listen and try lo hear'with what kind of voice he issues his orders. VlDETTE, Oi'V DCTY. "Will you be kind enough, Mr. Gilhooly, to inform me when you are going to pay me for those ten-dollar * boots:" asked a Galveston shoe-ma ker. "It's too far off to guess?too curly in the campaign." "But I would like to know as I need mon ey." So do I, but since the late election I've quit the prognosticating business. Wrhcn it comes to a ques tion of such national importance aa payiug for those boots, I am thorough ly unreliable ; but I'll tell you what I'll do." "f am willing to take even a small amount on account." "So am I. Thatis just what I was going to propose. There is nothing that affords me half so much pleasure as to pay my debts. Now I propose to make a partial payment. You lend me ten dollars and I'll mako a fair divide and let you have Qve dollars on account." The shoemaker says there is altogether too much fraud in the returns,? Galocston News. Mn. and Mrs. Olfutt drotfo twenty miles to Paris, Ky., to see a perform ance by the Wallace comedy company Mrs. OfTutt, who was young and pret ty, was charmed by the acting of E. Guy Spangler, the handsome hero of the play. The Oflutts went to the same hotel where the comedian stay ed. Otfutt declares that, both from the stage and at the dinner table. Spangel Uirted with his wife. After the meal OfTutt decoyed Spnngler into a second-story room, locked the door and gave him the choice between jumpiug out of the window and being shot- Spangler jumped. Most people hear or use the words "Mrs. Grundy," as apulicd to gossip, und meaning the female part of socie ty, according to fashionable slang, without their origin. "What Mrs. Grundy says" moans what the gossips says. The original Mrs. Grundy was the wifo of President Van Burcn'a attorney-general, Hon. Felix Grundy of Tennessee, and she ruled aristocra tic society jn Washington with a rod ' of iron! Her edicts were law, her presence was Indispensable to the success of all fashionable gatherings, " and such an authority she bcentne on social topics that the expression "What Mrs. Grundy says" bec.iuao so oommon as to outlive her fame. A "Wallace House" South Caroli nian would have felt at home in tho Ohio Senate Chamber at Columbus on Wednesday. The body has nineteen lie-publicans and nineteen Democrats', and there was a dead lock ovor tho organization. The Slato Auditor assumed the right to call the Senate to order and voted with the Republi cans. There upon the Democrats elected another set ofotlh eis, ami the I two chairmen, two clerks and double 3Ct of sergeants at arms, kept matters lively for several hours, orators of the two sides speaking simultaneous ly. A compromise and division of spoils were finally effected. Pormanent relief for dyspepsia, sour stomach, billiousuess, and all diseases of a disordered liver can bo I had by using Portaliuo, or Tablor's Vegetable Liver Powder. Price aOc. White s Cream White Vermifuge is tl?cbc3t worm killer. For salo by Dr. .1. G. Wannamaker.