i .A. X'?i>?m* lbr tlio l3e<>i>lo.: U. G. SlIKItlDAX, i ,, . , I . ... > Proprietors. Jamks L, Sims, \ 1 BuuacuitmoM. One Year.if*?l OO ; ?Six Months. ?50 ; ; ADVKUTISIXU KAT ks. First Insertion, per square.1 <>o : Euch Subsequent Insertion.f>0 ? SllFUIDAN Ai SIMS, Oraugeburg, S. wars. The aid obtained from the 1'eabody Fund v\as appropriated to the expen ses of the formal Institute til Spar taiibmg. During the m\! school year two of these (ns.itutes aic pro posed to be held, one lot whiles ttlit 1 the otlu i lor the col nod :?.?!; 1 net m>.'? for a few thousand ii; i nh r lo vi ntilal.e I .--.i wrath lor ri little whMe, then si II the concetti and pocket Ihc money. A Duly Discharged. The Hoard app ?inled by Ilm lasl Legislature to determine wd ii iinoun! should he given to I he soldiers of So'ilh Carolina who.sejveil tin; Con fedia y in the late w ti have decided upon ihc fo|h uji u ? nits b r limbs i..>i ,!. liu* sei vice: l*\ir amputation above the knee, i* 11>0 ; bei.??? the kucc ?'"."<; aoiputa'ion td?o\e the elbow,, ?Mil):.: hi low I lie el boa, $10. (,-omp 11 >lh i (e in u muddle in which is involved sev eral nice questions. Mr. Tlmnnan's term will not expire before next March and at the last session of the j Stale Legislature Gen. Gar field was elected to lake bis place. There is yet no vacancy. Gen. Gat field lias just resigned his position as Senator,, nn olllco be never held. The consti tution require such vacancy to be fil led by appointment. Can that be filled which docs not exist. Young Amiu'ica h'.vin.? in addi tion to former acknowledgments the j committee are in receipt ol'JLhc foliow ? ing contributions : i New York?Marx & Vo., gold j necklace ; Wm. N. Cornwall, two re ', volvers; Schloss llros., fancy paro sol ; M. e< C. M iyer, duzcn-siik hand- ' kerchiefs; Edward Diltman, ?10; Rothschild & Mem, $'2 ; Itarl & Co.,, !$1<); Home Insurance Co., ?lt>. I j P.altimon?Leon Frank & Sons, I foui pair French slippers; Prior ?v Hilgenberg, leu dollars lot >>i toy.? ; ? II. & K. IJurtmau e* Co., line over coal; N. Sleruheiu, ?1 ; Townsond, [ Whiley & Co., ?"i ; Kahn ?: ScIiIo?s, Charles (cm?las. Allen, silver fire man's trumpet; Stepheu Thomas ?v Co., silver syrup pitcher and salver ; Mrs. M. Finley, ladies lall dies-, ', mull*; N. A. Hunt, pair be,Is ami three pair shoes; Edwin, Hales vV Co., large lot of fancy Dry Good ; ? IL S. Fosli i. double shawl ; K. '1. lirown v'?: Co . line hat; Walker, ICvans c Cogswell, live steel engrav ings; Lloyd Hiolhers, Augusta?ico. F. Jackson, : P. .i. Ilerckmau, plants. &c. Columbia?!!. Tozcr, ???'< : J. C. Dial, ?? ; Pluunix Hook ami 1 uidcr, silver butter dinb and knifu. Philadelphia?Kuhn, Lieberman ' Co.; $3. Uichmoud?1). O. Kavis^A Co., B?. I.ouisvilh?Chamber &ulrown, ~ '?>, A llunla ?-Elias 1 larmau j $'J. Sen c i Fails?Silsby Mjunriaeinr ing Company, two uioklo Llnlcd lan terns. &*ilt? oS Koail 2-2.-t < . Iij consent of all the pailiuj? inierc.-led ibe following hu ils will i.c -oh I a I p.mile unction at Orauyeb C. I'-^ai <'"' ih-sl , Monday, the uth day of'4hr?i??ici-i-ISiO?. hidiig the land.- >f whic.h Mary Summe:* ?died -??'.?< d and possessed, Iklld tu..:. ? -. in no partition aud division; 1. Traol N??. I. coutabiing v-! iicres, more or less, siiuate in Ortiii^ctiur-. County, am! bounded North by laud? ? i Oliver Fairy; Kasl by l:tu\ Tracts N'?-. tJ and I. and kVesi bj lands of Ahr am I. I wards. tract No. :t. coiitnhnny 7.? ncri*** it.. n- or less, in Oraimehiu^ County, i" um1 led N'oi th by Tract No. - and lauds ol a!>r:tui Kdwaids, Fast by i'racl N->. I. South and West bj lauds of Abrain Kdwmil. . I. Prac! No. I. containing 2t'?J acres, untie i i' less, iu Orniigchurg t'oiielv. hounded North by I'raels Nos. i and Vv, Ka>l by Tri?el No. 3, South l?y lands of j'. A. Simmers and Jai oh Suumiei s, an ? '.c-! by hmds ol Oei rge tjarvin. j h. Trad No. *>, conlaiiiin^ Mid acres. j more or bus in Orangelm?"?; County, bounded North by land - v ..tods oi Ueo. Uarvin and I'ract V.. J and Wesl by lands L. K. I>. : I tow man aud Oenrge Uarviu. i 1 eriiis i ;i'h. Plats o( ?uid lautts will : he exhibited on day of vdr. ?IAS. F. IZI.A li, ! I >0C 1 ? OUIIM'I. iioicws-ifts r i tonsi-.'.-i : TO AlHllVLTo DAY A i MY STAIH.K t2 - \ in; a i > Sl'ITLD 111 AN ^ TAS IT.. Those in eilji a b< i.-e u ill do P . all a I Onec. B. Frank Slater. Dee :: 1 lo| i.i 1 P'< a" Sale* f i'lf i'lliyiblv located !l"iun.ibtv) i ?*?"..?-. ? \ I Mi. 1'he iu .. i 'otr?gis, eoiitahiin ( livi rooms all M-aty conv< livtice.s. oii I'roll^hton Slre.i-f. betw?.cii tin* Mi'i^oncy Hou-e and Mr. I?. Lo ii ' re?.i?,','?>N K> ? \ \ iVii i (><1 < *< \\ \ > p I >i accordance with s-colion .'!. <>i the 5 A? t i?| A -?einbly No. :!.V>. I7lli Slal uto, entitled! ??An act to provide lor the payment of the ihdcblctliicssof the school ?ii-ii icts of the county ol Oriitigeburg," I , hereby ccrlif) that l'havc eolleelcil for School District No. I ? N ance--.g-ltf.-lO School District No. U?I'oplar.7?J.ii7 * School District No. 3?1'iuu CSrovu.-75.IKl School District No. I??Amelia.20-1.15 School District No..", I'rovidence...51.77 School District No. ??Cooilbys.<;t.:t'.i: School District No. 7?Lyons.".l-|.'J.l)4 School Di>trict No. 8?t'ow t a-i lc..t?::.sti j School Distriei No. U Mid lie.I??.81 i Scbool Di.striel No. 10?C>i,an,.?e....t??ti.'.K) School Distriei No. II?Vtiw (Jaw..141.-Hi School District .*?.<>. 12?liiuiichv'leltii.?l i School Di?lriet No. I.'l?New llope..72.8<5 School Di.striel No. II?Klizabelli. 1j5.111 School District No. lo? Kdi.-to.55.52 ? j School Distriei No. hi?Union.(j.S.18 School Distriei No. 17?Zion.7?:. Iii | School Di.striel No. 18?Willow.SI).1)1 Sehool ! 'i-ii iel No. Ill Liberty. Sehool District No. -JO?Woodland l2!)!).Vj Sehool Distriei No.21 Hebron.7"> Sehool District No. 22?Kucky CSr,ve2!i. II Total aiuouul <-o!!, dial.82.h'S l 77 i.< >i; i'. I'! K 5, iusurer t?. *'. ; Oki-'ick ok School Com mis ioxkiO < H.'AXt.l :.l l.-U ' Ol ST\*. > OltAXOKUl no. :-. < .. Dee. 1,1 SO. J \ll persons having ? lim pa I due ar? hereby called upon lor sealed bids '.??I payment iVoin the . aid fiit:?l at a dis count lo be spcciliod on such bids, The i-aid lud; !?? be tiled with the School I Cmijiiii.s.-ioncr ol the satil County withiu thirty da.\ - from the lb si adveiiisent< at. All persons are uotilied that all hula i made ia compliance with the above :?!:. Sehool i in'r, l>. i:. ISA!! ION. bo Auditor. H< HIT. i UlT.S.t o.Treasurer, School i Hoard olOrangchurg; Co. In < ) V 1 I I 3X1 . \ il >i\l.-.s of Shetland Shawls and 1 V Sack?, also < loaloj and Dolmans, la.large aud lino ns-ori incut oi ? hiblreu"s i and Mi-si s Cloilk -. Also, oil'ering Hxtvaoidinary induce iiicnl - in all sl> Us ol Dl,KSS COO I -. ; SILKS. SA . INS. I I... tNS. AI.I'ai A8, CASJIMKl!K8. I liHOCAUKS i have added largely iti my sink and am now plieling llie lliie.-l as.tortineiil ami l.ai ?rtJjl Stock ever t-xbiyi; t-d in Or i anjrcfrtTrx. "**" ' ' - I lie altentloii of all l';iieul= is ealletl o mv tint ;-ele<-iio?i . i |>()*l "S AND ! VOt ?' il'S ( " I ? I lllNCr.t:.i n both l)n -> and ~. tfultS; Also. I'lcgaiit OVKIICOATS I.a- l lid cohl I 'rices lower than ever. A call i.s So licit ?5? I anil sarijifitclitM.i u'Uitrunleetl. Men's lino CI.OrillNti a: prie.i - that lor whom I am tin- le agent, AI1 .-i/.es und qualities of ( hihlren's. Misses, Hoys. . Latl'u s (;t i-,..,. siiocs ami Hoots. The ;!.: IIaunhi; DOMKST1C SKWIXC MACH INK, ; Also N.n Alia diluents. Hart.? for j all the diuVront macbint's ftir salt*. I l.i >>ii;. ii-ion would state sli.it lam ntnv oi!\ rlujj iiiihieetueut^ i.-t all id my diiVereut dt parimciii.s. I shall be pleas ? '.if.i have you call and oxaiiihie stt?cl? and prices, au.i are confident Iba; von .will be com ine? d .hut THEODORE KOHN Has the largt>j Stib-etiou. lowest prices, and i tea It st .-'\ !< ? a! 'die Creal Dry Goods Emporium. < 11 i h i > ?!? i ?Nii ComMli".sif?xKits. ) < >!. \m.i in in: County. > iM.'.xsoi.ni no, -. < .. Nev.2t, 1880. J In ac.-oidauct; with s< ;;tion J ol an a el ol I be Uencrnl Assl'inlily y nolitlctl to tile with the < lei k ol Ilm Hoard "l Ctumiy t 'oinnii .-iomu. for said CtiiiuSy on Or he lore Hid 27th I lay oil!; -i. i. . v.o. j heii bid ? lipon ih?- sahic. ft hitj-i !?? -eidt d ami eildoised. *? 1.5id> t-n tin1 past due claim-, <;.-.'* aid fhall .-Jieeil'v tile iliSCOUlit agrt'ctl io he (aki ii In me piasi 'i so bid i! i 11 I i;a' t!i !??!.'.: ?! . niliit i ('otuuiis.sioh ? ?i - v ii! ine? i at tbeiI <-lli'-e tui ?.<- 2<\li tiny ol I >e?-i; iiiii j', i 10r :ii<- piit-|io..e < 1 opcmlig and at.'; iug upon the iiid> filed. Thai I bet t i- :.. i!"' Iiea-l|i.\ to be ri | ? plietl 10 llie pa-I due iinl? li-tahiess H.< - jitu n| I \> .? Ibtlll.-.'li.il l air iiandlrd am lijfy.-siN r.'-iM' dtil|:ii> pec iieiuliier': rt |Mnl. No,. 1 SSt). I?y oi der a i Ii" I ?oa nl. :.. 11, v. ANN a Ma Kill.', Noy 2t3 C. U. '.. C.. 2" jn-r cent, lower than opening ol season. Novelties in Trimming ".'?"> percent, lowei. I New Zephyr Goods, cheaper than ev cr. New Opera Cloaks i:i Zephyr from 75 cel.i to 8p.U0. ; Nsw Cloaks and Dalrmtns. :^v?*>v. _ Uaj.b,, 1 vv,_Chiidtcn? Nobby styles. New Hosiery fur chi! ben, for mi ?aea, for lad.' ? . lot ten lie tu?, it. New Buttons, N'e.v Buttons?all kinds. New Truer Kid Gloves, 2 and 3 but* _ ion, every pair wan at ted. >>nr -'Hobe Corsets?-a mammoth stoi k?all ;.t i> es. New Cassimeres and Jeans. TALK TALK Hut Henry Kohn baa the Clothing Store of Oran-gebuVg. < )vcrcoai.B, Overcoats, Overcoats, Overcoats, ! 0vcicoats, Overcoats. business Suits, Business Suits, Business Suits. . Dross Suits, Dress Suits, Dress Suits, Dress Suits, Dress Suits, Dress Suits. Now is your time, as we arc selling our Bi^ Stock fast. Everything in thc.linoof j j Boys' and Gent'3 Wear. i !--?? Wo handle the Celebrated Baltimore HAND MADK SHOES. : Fine Shoes to be sold at a bargain. MONEY SAYKD IS MONEY MADE. Cotton and all Wool Flannels, Bugs,??Blankets, Kentucky Jeans, Cassi meres, Tickings, Prints. &C., &c. i \\'e tespecially invite you to call ? t '.-I see our ! Kb ganl Christ mas l loods, Fancy Boxes, Toys, Dolls, &c, and last, bu! not least, if you want to ' mak ? I he ladies happy <^ct a | j WHITE j 'Sewing Machines. ii !>:xn v i\O iL\ 'S IL. ZA AU OF FASHION. ' I OFFICE OF ? evy fr??d?l* was purciuuicd by mvMrl with cttl*< Iu ord' t to ( the he?t et.i?tiiy. I .."link I have >iicit; .'. d ami invite nil to e.m-y ;iod vxainiuc i.iy Slock ol'Oouds. IC.-pwci.dly iu\ u?j?oifti.iuni td'SHOM-J. Jl. C. 1 IKE. During the Weeks Dee. IS to 17. 1SS0. I .LOW EXCURSION RATES ON UK EAT A'lTRAC I'lONS AND LA HUE i 'KOWDS. ! The Industrial Exhibition or mi: At! II I (T LIT I! \!. SillTCTY BF SOUTH CA K? LLN A. SPLENDID EXHIBITS [of the Mechanical and Agricultural pro - gre-s of the past year?inter esting ?>id instructive. LARGE NEW HALL Krvc'tcd especially for the Exhibitions o / the Society. -o Tlio Sr?o. On. Jockey Cluli Will have RACES on the j WASHINGTON RACE COURSE, near the city on I he j 8:h. 'Jth. 10th and I ith of December. I They arc led to believe, from the iiiiin i her ol Entries in the Stakes aud from the [Stables expected, that there will be bet ter ihiehig than they have l?nd for the I last ten ) eats. fcyMectiujcs of the Stale Orange. P. of iL, aod Grand Lodge A. F. M. $f5F"AU places of Amusement open with choicest attractions. J?*"Attractive Exhibits of all kinds uolicifcd lor tlie Industrial Exhibliion. S3J"-"The large crowd oi Visitors to the Exhibition oilers a paying opportunity to Manufacturers, &c. tu display tint i'ro ducls. For space anil particulars apply to E. L. KOCHE, Nov 2G-*i Secretary. ORANGEBURG C "AYHEW oi SON. Manufacturers f and dealcia in all kinds of j AMERICAN AND ITALIAN MA RULE WORK, TOMBSTONES, MONUM EN TS. MAHULE AND SLATE MANTELS,?c Ac. A I.SO, Polished Q-i'tuiito Work At the lowest possible prices. Correspondence solicited with those in want of-any thing in the above line. (let 1 1\ r